—When the positions and the directions of the shot-holes have been determined, the operations of blasting are begun by striking a few blows with the hammer upon the spot from which the hole is to start, for the purpose of preparing the surface to receive the drill. In some cases, this preliminary operation will not be needed; but generally some preparation is desirable, especially if the surface be smooth, and the hole be to be bored at an angle with it. For the purpose of illustration, we will take the case of a hole bored vertically downwards, and will suppose the boring to be carried on by double-hand. Boring the Shot-holes.—The surface of the rock having been prepared to receive the drill, one man sits down, and placing the shortest drill between his knees, holds it vertically, with both hands. The other man, who stands opposite, if possible, then strikes the drill upon the head with the sledge, lightly at first, but more heavily when the tool has fairly entered the rock. The man who holds the drill raises it a little after each blow, and turns it The dÉbris which accumulates at the bottom of the hole must be removed from time to time to keep the rock exposed to the edge of the drill. The removal of this sludge is effected by means of the tool called a “scraper.” If the sludge is in too liquid a state to allow of its ready removal by this means, a few handfuls of dust are thrown in to render the mass more viscous. The importance of keeping the bore-hole clear of sludge, and of shortening the time expended in using the scraper, has led, in some localities, to the adoption of means for rendering the sludge sufficiently viscous to adhere to the drill. When in this state, the sludge accumulates around the tool rather than beneath it, the fresh portion formed pushing the mass upward till it forms a thick coating upon the drill throughout a length of several inches. When the tool is withdrawn from the hole, this mass of dÉbris is withdrawn with it; in this way, the employment of a scraper is rendered unnecessary. This mode of clearing the bore-hole is commonly adopted by the Hartz miners, who use slaked lime for the purpose. This lime they reduce to the consistency of thick paste by the addition of When the hole has been bored to the required depth, it is prepared for the reception of the charge. The sludge is all carefully scraped out to clear the hole, and to render it as dry as possible. This is necessary in all cases; but the subsequent operations will be determined by the nature of the explosive, and the manner in which it is to be used. If black powder be employed in a loose state, the hole must be dried. This is done by passing a piece of rag, tow, or a wisp of hay, through the eye of the scraper and forcing it slowly up and down the hole, to absorb the moisture. If water is likely to flow into the hole from the top, a little dam of clay is made round the hole to keep it back. When water finds its way into the hole through crevices, claying by means of Charging the Shot-holes.—When the hole is ready to receive the explosive, the operations of charging are commenced. If the powder be used loose, the required quantity is poured down the hole, care being taken to prevent the grains from touching and sticking to the sides of the hole. This precaution is important, since not only is the force of the grains so lodged lost, but they might be the cause of a premature explosion. As it is difficult to prevent contact with the sides when the hole is vertical, and impossible when it is inclined, recourse is had to a tin or a If the charge is to be fired by means of a squib, a pointed metal rod, preferably of bronze, of small diameter, called a “pricker,” is placed against the side of the bore-hole, with its lower pointed end in the charge. The tamping is then put in, in small portions at a time, and firmly pressed down with the tamping iron, the latter being so held that the pricker lies in the groove. The nature of tamping has been already fully described. When the tamping is completed, the pricker is withdrawn, leaving a small circular passage through the tamping down to the charge. Care must be taken in withdrawing the pricker not to loosen the tamping, so as to close up this passage. A squib is then placed in the hole thus left, and the charge is ready for firing. If the charge is to be fired by means of safety fuse, a piece sufficiently long to project a few inches from the hole is cut off and placed in the hole in the same position as the pricker. When the powder is in cartridges, the end of the fuse is inserted into the If the charge is to be fired by electricity, the fuse is inserted into the charge, and the wires are treated in the same way as the safety fuse. When the tamping is completed, the wires are connected for firing in the manner described in a former chapter. In all cases, before tamping a gunpowder charge placed loose in the hole, a wad of tow, hay, turf, or paper is placed over the powder previously to putting in the tamping. If the powder is in cartridges, a pellet of plastic clay is gently forced down upon the charge. Heavy blows of the tamping iron are to be avoided until five or six inches of tamping have been put in. When gun-cotton is the explosive agent employed, the wet material which constitutes the charge is put into the shot-hole in cartridges, one after another, until a sufficient quantity has been introduced. Each cartridge must be rammed down tightly with a wooden rammer to rupture the case and to make the cotton fill the hole completely. A length of safety fuse is then cut off, and one end of it is inserted into a detonator cap. This cap is fixed to the Cotton-powder or tonite requires a somewhat different mode of handling. It is made up in a highly compressed state into cartridges, having a small central hole for the reception of the detonator cap. This cap, with the safety fuse attached in the way described, or the cap of the electric fuse, is inserted into the hole, and fixed there by tying up the neck of the cartridge with a piece of copper wire placed round the neck for that purpose. The cartridge is then pushed gently down the shot-hole, or, if a heavier charge is required, a cartridge without a detonator is first pushed down, and the “primed” cartridge put in upon it. No ramming may be resorted to, as the substance is in the dry state. When dynamite is the explosive agent used, a sufficient number of cartridges is inserted into the shot-hole to make up the charge required. Each cartridge should be rammed home with a moderate Gun-cotton and tonite require a light tamping. This should consist of plastic clay; or sand may be used in downward holes. The tamping should be merely pushed in, blows being dangerous. A better effect is obtained from dynamite when tamped in this way than when no tamping is used. In downward Firing the Charges.—When all the holes bored have been charged, or as many of them as it is desirable to fire at one time, preparation is made for firing them. The charge-men retire, taking with them the tools they have used, and leaving only him of their number who is to fire the shots, in the case of squibs or safety fuse being employed. When this man has clearly ascertained that all are under shelter, he assures himself that his own way of retreat is open. If, for example, he is at the bottom of a shaft, he calls to those above, in order to learn whether they be ready to raise him, and waits till he receives a reply. When this reply has been given, he lights the matches of the squibs or the ends of the safety fuse, and shouts to be hauled up; or if in any other situation than a shaft, he retires to a place of safety. Here he awaits the explosion, and carefully counts the reports as they occur. After all the shots have exploded, a short time is allowed for the fumes and the smoke to clear away, and then the workmen return to remove the dislodged rock. If one of the shots has failed to explode, fifteen or twenty minutes must be allowed to elapse before returning to the place. Nine out of ten of the accidents that occur are due to Fig. 50. electric fusesWhen the firing is to take place by means of electricity, the man to whom the duty is entrusted connects the wires of the fuses in the manner described in a former chapter, and as shown in Fig. 50. He then connects the two outer wires to the cables, and retires from the place. Premature explosion is, in this case, impossible. When he has ascertained that all are under shelter, he goes to the
Places of refuge, called man-holes, are often provided in headings for the blaster to retire into; The workmen, on returning to the working face, remove the dislodged rock, and break down every block that has been sufficiently loosened. For this purpose, they use wedges and sledges, picks, and crowbars. And not until every such block has been removed, do they resume the boring for the second blast. Sometimes, to facilitate the removal of the rock dislodged by the shots, iron plates are laid in front of the face in a heading. The rock falling upon these plates is removed as quickly as possible, to allow the boring for the succeeding blast to commence. It is important, in the organization of work of this character, that one gang of men be not kept waiting for the completion of the labour of another. Machine Boring.—In machine drilling, the operations necessarily differ somewhat in their details from those of hand boring, and, in some cases, other methods of procedure will be adopted more suitable to the requirements of machine labour. It may even be, and in most cases indeed is, inexpedient to follow closely the principles which lead to economy of the explosive substance employed, since the more restricted conditions under which machine power may be applied may point to more important gains in other directions. Thus it may be found more conducive to rapidity of execution to determine the position and the direction of the shot-holes rather to satisfy the requirements of the machine than those of the lines of least resistance; or, at least, these requirements must be allowed to have a modifying influence in determining those positions and directions. For it is obvious that holes cannot be angled with the same ease when a machine drill is used, as they can when the boring is executed by hand. Boring the Shot-holes.—It has already been remarked that the exigencies of machine labour render it impracticable to follow closely the principles which lead to economy of labour and material in blasting. In hand boring, economy is gained by reducing to a minimum the number of holes and the quantity of explosive substance required. But in machine boring, economy is to be sought mainly Attempts have been made to assimilate the methods of machine boring to those adopted for hand labour, but the results have not been satisfactory. On the contrary, the conditions determining the position and the direction of the holes relatively to the production of the greatest useful effect have been wholly ignored in favour of those which determine the most rapid boring. This system has been attended with more satisfactory results. Another system, partaking of both the preceding, is widely adopted, and hitherto the best results have been obtained from this, which may be regarded as a compromise between conflicting conditions. Thus we have three systems of executing machine boring: one in which a single machine is used upon a support capable of holding it in any position, so as to be able to bore at any angle, and in which the holes are placed according to the lines of least resistance, as in hand boring. A second, in which several machines are fixed upon a heavy support, allowing but little lateral or angular motion, and in which the holes are placed at regular intervals apart, and bored parallel, or nearly parallel, with the axis of the excavation, irrespective of the varying nature of the rock, and the lines of least resistance. And a third, in which it is sought, by the employment of one, two, or at the most three machines, upon a In the first of these systems, the necessity for extreme lightness in the machine is unfavourable to its efficient action, and the great length of time consumed in changing the position of the machine, so as to comply with the conditions of resistance in the rock, render it impossible to attain a much higher rate of progress than is reached by a well-regulated system of hand boring. With such a result, there is nothing to compensate the first cost of the machinery, or in any way to justify its adoption. In the second system, the time consumed in removing and fixing the machines is reduced to a minimum, and the chief portion of the time during which the machines are at the working face is, consequently, occupied in actual boring, a circumstance that is highly favourable to machine labour. Hence the rate of progress attained by this system is greatly in excess of that accomplished by hand labour; and this superiority has led to the adoption of the system in several important cases, and has also led many to regard it as the most favourable to the exigencies of machine drilling. But as the holes are bored to suit the requirements of the Assuming that we have a machine and a support of such dimensions, weight, and construction as to be capable of being readily placed in position, it is evident that we shall still require a much larger number of holes than would be needed if the boring were performed by hand, because they are not placed wholly in accordance with the lines of least resistance. In some parts of the heading, indeed, these lines will have to be wholly neglected, in order to avoid the loss of time involved in shifting the supports; for the principle upon which an intermediate system is based is to fulfil the requirements of the lines of least resistance, when that can be conveniently done, and to neglect them, when such fulfilment would involve a considerable expenditure of labour and time. In this way, the time both for fixing and removing Supposing such a system in use, it now remains to consider the operations of boring, and the subsequent operations of charging, firing, and removing the rock dislodged by the blast. Of the method of executing the boring, little remains to be said. It may, however, be well to direct attention to the necessity of keeping the holes clear of the dÉbris. To ensure this, the bits should be chosen of a form suitable to the nature and the structure of the rock, and the hole kept well supplied with water. When the hole becomes deep, it should be cleared out with a scraper during the time of changing the bit, and in very The manner of distributing the holes over the face of the heading may be varied according to the judgment of the engineer in charge; that is, the general features of the distribution to be adopted may be chosen to suit the requirements of the machines and their supports. Also, it should be noted that one method of distributing the shot-holes will require a less number of them than another. Some examples will be found on Plate IX., where there are represented the GÖschenen end of the St. Gothard tunnel; the Airolo end of the same tunnel; the face of a stone drift driven at Marihaye; that of The same mode of unkeying the face is adopted with machine as with hand boring. Generally, two parallel rows of holes, from two to five in a row, are bored in the middle of the face or fore-breast, the rows being from 18 inches to 30 inches, according to the strength of the rock, apart on the surface, and angled so as to be from 9 inches to 15 inches apart at the bottom. These shots unkey the fore-breast; and it is greatly conducive to a successful accomplishment of the operation, to fire these shots simultaneously. Sometimes, when dynamite is used, another method is adopted. A hole is bored horizontally in the centre; at about three inches distant, are bored three other holes at an equal distance apart. These latter are heavily charged with dynamite, the centre hole being left empty. When these charges are fired, the rock between them is crushed, and a large hole made. The lines of fracture of the subsequent shots run into this hole. In this case, it is even more desirable than in the preceding to fire the central shots simultaneously. In shaft sinking, if the strata are horizontal or nearly so, it is usual to unkey from the centre, as in the heading. But if they be highly inclined, it will be better to unkey from one side of the excavation. Charging and Firing.—The operations of charging the holes and firing the shots demand particular attention when machine labour is employed. It has been pointed out in the foregoing paragraphs that holes bored by machine drills cannot be placed or directed strictly in accordance with the requirements of the lines of least resistance; but that, on the contrary, these requirements can only be approximately As economy of time is, in machine boring, the chief end to be attained, the tamping should be done with dried clay pellets previously prepared. This material gives the greatest resistance, and thereby ensures the maximum of useful effect; and if prepared Firing the charges also affords an occasion for the exercise of knowledge and judgment. A skilful determination of the order in which the charges are to be fired will in a great measure compensate the ill effects of badly-placed holes. The firing of a shot leaves the surrounding rock more or less unsupported on certain sides; and it is evident that to profit fully by the existence of these unsupported faces, the succession of explosions must be regulated so that each shall have the advantage of those formed by the preceding shots. This condition can be wholly fulfilled only by simultaneous firing; but when the firing is to take place successively, the condition may be approximated to by regulating the succession It is obvious that the acceleration of the labour of excavation, which has been effected in so remarkable a degree by the introduction of machine drills and strong explosives, may be still further promoted by the adoption of electricity as the firing agent. The advantages of firing a number of shots simultaneously, some of which have already been pointed out, are great and manifest. In the case of a driving, for example, when all the holes have been bored and charged, and the machines withdrawn, it is clearly desirable to blast down the face as quickly and as Removing the dislodged Rock.—As the removal of the rock brought down by the blast consumes a large proportion of the time saved by machine boring, it becomes necessary to provide means for reducing this loss to a minimum. The most important of these means is a suitable provision for the rapid removal of the machine to a place of safety, and a conveniently designed and well-laid tramway, upon which the rock may be quickly run out without confusion Division of Labour.—A proper division of labour is greatly conducive to rapid and economical progress. The operations may be divided into three series, namely: boring the shot-holes, charging and firing, Examples of Drivings.The St. Gothard Tunnel.—The St. Gothard tunnel is driven in five sections. First, the “heading” is driven at the roof level 6 feet 6 inches wide, and 7 feet high. The position of the holes is shown in the drawings on Plate IX. The number of holes at the GÖschenen end is 28, and the depth about 40 inches. The shots are fired by means of safety fuse, the ends of the fuse being brought together at the centre. This arrangement causes the shots to explode in the proper order of succession. At a certain distance back from the face, is the “right enlargement;” this is a widening of the heading to the limits of the tunnel in that direction. Farther back is the “left enlargement,” by which the heading is widened to the full width of the tunnel. Still farther back is the first “bench cut,” in which one half of the floor is blasted out to the full depth of the tunnel, and behind this again is the second bench cut, in which the remaining half is removed. The The Hoosac Tunnel.—At the west end of the Hoosac tunnel, the system adopted was the following. First, a centre cut was made by drilling two rows of five or six holes each, about 9 feet apart on the face, and converging to about 3 feet at their lower ends. The depth of these holes was from 9 to 12 feet, according to the hardness of the rock. These holes are numbered from 1 to 11 on Plate X. They were charged with nitro-glycerine, and fired by electricity, Mowbray’s frictional machine being used. As soon as the rock had been removed, the next series of fourteen holes, numbered from 12 to 25, were drilled. These holes were then charged and fired simultaneously like those of the first series. When the rock dislodged had been removed, the third series of holes, numbered from 26 to 41, were bored. This series, like the other two, were charged, and fired by electricity. The effect of these three blasts, which were fired within twenty-four hours, was to advance the heading, 9 feet in height by the full width of 24 feet, to the extent of 7 feet 6 inches. The drawings on Plate XI. are: an elevation of the fore-breast, which shows the positions of the shot-holes; a sectional plan, which shows the directions of the first series of holes; a similar plan, showing the directions of the second series of holes, and the The operations of taking out the “bench” were carried on at a distance of about 170 yards back from the fore-breast. This was effected by first drilling six holes 7 feet deep; two of these were each about 4 feet from the face of the bench and close to the side of the tunnel, whilst two others were each 4 feet behind these first holes, and the remaining two holes were 8 feet from the face, 8 feet from the sides of the tunnel, and 8 feet from each other. These were fired simultaneously, the result being to lower the bench about 7 feet throughout the full width of the tunnel. At a safe distance beyond this first bench cut, the same operations were carried on by another gang of men, whereby the bench was lowered to the floor of the tunnel, the full area of 24 feet in width by 22 in height being thus completed. The rock was a moderately tough granite. The Musconetcong Tunnel.—The heading of the tunnel, shown on Plate XII., like that of the Hoosac, was driven to the full width of the tunnel. It is clear from theoretical considerations, and experience has confirmed the conclusions, that the method of taking, with machine drills, the whole width of the excavation at once conduces to rapidity of advance, and to economy of explosive. In the example under consideration, three tram lines were The system followed was that of centre cuts, and subsequent squaring up. It consists in first blasting out an entering wedge or “key,” about 10 feet deep in this case, in the centre, and afterwards squaring up the sides by several blasts. In the Musconetcong heading, twelve holes were first drilled, as shown in the drawing, and marked C, A being the floor of the heading. These holes were drilled with from 11/2-inch to 23/4-inch “bits,” in two rows of six, 9 feet apart on the face, and angled to meet at the bottom. They were charged with 25 lb. of No. 1 and 50 lb. of No. 2 dynamite, and fired simultaneously by electricity. As soon as the cut was out, a second round of holes was started for the first squaring up, as shown in the drawings, where they are numbered 1, 1, 1, 1, &c. In these and in the subsequent rounds, numbered 2, 2, 2, 2, &c., and 3, 3, 3, 3, &c., the resistance to be overcome is, of course, not so great as in the cut. In the first and the second squaring-up rounds, from 50 lb. to 60 lb. of dynamite was used, and, in the third round, this quantity was increased to 80 lb. or 90 lb., the resistance becoming greater as the roof arch falls at the sides. In this third round, there were generally one or two additional roof holes; these are not shown in the drawing, as their position varied, according to the lay of the rock. The top holes in the first round are also intended to bring down any roof not shaken by the cut, and these are therefore angled sharply towards the centre, and bored from 12 feet to 14 feet deep. In the plan, Plate XII., the number 3 indicates the cut holes, and 4, 5, and 6, the squaring-up rounds. The holes of the first squaring round were always drilled about a foot deeper than the cut holes; when blasted, these generally brought out an additional foot of shaken rock at the apex of the cut. The following table shows approximately the number and the depth of the holes required, and the quantity of dynamite used for a linear advance of 10 feet.
The cut holes being 10 feet 6 inches deep, the blast usually brought out about 9 feet full, which, as explained above, was increased to 10 feet in the subsequent rounds. The cross section being about 175 square feet, in an advance of 10 linear feet, there are about 65 cubic yards of rock to be broken; this gives on an average 0·4 lb. of No. 1 and 4 lb. of No. 2 dynamite, and a little over 6 feet of drilling per cubic yard. The “bench” was kept from 150 yards to 200 yards back from the face of the heading, to avoid interruptions from the heading blasts, and to allow plenty of room for handling the wagons, and for running back the machines to a safe distance, previously to firing. The system adopted in removing the bench is shown on Plate XII. First, six top holes, from 12 feet to 13 feet deep, were drilled and blasted; their relative positions are shown in the drawings, A being
The sectional area of the bench being about 306 square feet, an advance of 9 linear feet gives about 102 cubic yards of rock to be removed. The quantity of dynamite used was therefore 1·05 lb., and the depth of boring 1·1 foot, per cubic yard of rock broken. Three machines were used at this bench, two on the top and one below. The holes were commenced with 23/4-inch bits, and terminated by 11/2-inch bits. The rock was a tough syenite. |