—The pressure of a fluid is exerted equally in all directions; consequently the surrounding mass subjected to the force will yield, if it yield at all, in its weakest part, that is, the part which offers least resistance. The line along which the mass yields, or line of rupture, is called the “line of least resistance.” If the surrounding mass were perfectly homogeneous, it would always be a straight line, and it would be the shortest distance from the centre of the charge to the surface. Such, however, is never the case, and the line of rupture is, therefore, always a more or less irregular line, and often much longer than that from the centre direct to the surface. It will be obvious, on reflection, that the line of least resistance will be greatly dependent upon (1) the texture of the rock, which may vary from one point to another; (2) its structure, which renders it more easily cleavable in one direction than in another; (3) the position, direction, and number of the joints, which separate the rock into more or less detached portions; and (4) the number and relative position of the unsupported faces of the rock. All Force required to cause Disruption.—When the line of least resistance is known, it remains to determine the quantity of the explosive compound required to overcome the resistance along that line. This matter is one of great importance, for not only is all excess waste, but this waste will be expended in doing mischief. In mining operations, the dislodged rock is violently projected, and the air is vitiated in an unnecessary degree; and in quarrying, stones are shattered which it is desirable to extract in a sound state. The evil effects of overcharging, in occasioning the formation of noxious gases, was pointed out in the last chapter. Of course it is not possible so to proportion a charge to the resistance that the rock Charges of an explosive compound of uniform strength produce effects that vary as the weight of those charges, that is, a double charge will move a double mass. And, as homogeneous masses vary as the cube of any similar line within them, the general rule is established that charges of powder capable of producing the same effects are to each other as the cubes of the lines of least resistance. Generally, the quantity of black blasting powder requisite to overcome the resistance will vary from 1/20 to 1/30 of the cube of the line of least resistance, the latter being measured in feet and the former in pounds. Thus, if the rock to be blasted be moderately strong limestone, for example, and the shortest distance from the centre of the charge to the surface of the rock be 3 feet, we shall have 3 × 3 × 3 = 27, the cube of the line, and 27/25 lb. = 12/25 lb., or about 1 lb. 1 oz., as the weight of the powder required. If dynamite be used, and we assume it to be four times as strong as common black powder, of course, only one-fourth of this quantity will be required. Also if gun-cotton, or cotton-powder, be used, and we assume its strength to be three times that of black powder, one-third only It is neither practicable nor desirable that such calculations and measurements as these should be made for every blast; their practical value lies in this, namely, that if the principles involved in them be clearly understood, the blaster is enabled to proportion his charges by sight to the resistance to be overcome, with a sufficient degree of precision. A few experiments in various kinds of rock, followed by some practice, will enable a man to acquire this power. As it is a common and a convenient practice to make use of the bore-hole as a measure of the quantity of explosive to be employed, we have calculated the following table:—
Fig. 40. Fig. 41. fault lineFig. 42. fault lineFig. 43. fault lineConditions of Disruption.—Having explained the law according to which the elastic gases evolved by an explosion act upon the surrounding rock, and shown how the force required to cause disruption may be calculated, it now remains to consider the conditions under which disruption may take place. Suppose a block of unfissured rock detached on all sides, as shown in plan, in Fig. 40, and a bore-hole placed in the centre of this block. If a charge be fired in this position, the lines of rupture will radiate from the centre towards any two, or towards all four of the unsupported faces of the block, because the forces developed will act equally in all directions, and the lines of rupture will be those of least resistance. Evidently this is the most favourable condition possible for the charge, since the rock offers an unsupported face on every side; and it is evident that the line of rupture must reach an unsupported face to allow of dislodgement taking place. Suppose, again, as shown in Fig. 41, the block to be unsupported on three sides only, and the charge Fig. 44. fault lineFig. 45. fault lineFig. 46. fault lineIn the foregoing considerations, the holes have been assumed to be vertical, and for this reason the unsupported face which is perpendicular to the hole, that is, the face into which the hole is bored, has been neglected. For it is evident that, under the conditions assumed, the lines of rupture cannot reach this face, which, therefore, has practically no existence. Suppose, for example, a bore-hole placed at h, in Fig. 45, and the rock to be supported upon every side except that at right angles to the hole. Example of a Heading.—To show how these principles are applied in practice, we will take a typical case of a heading, 7 feet by 9 feet, as shown in Fig. 47. In this case, we have at starting only one exposed face, which is perpendicular to the direction of the driving. Hence it is evident that we shall have to proceed by angling the holes. We might begin in any part of the exposed face; but, as it will hereafter appear, the most favourable position is the centre. We therefore begin at this point by boring a series of holes, numbered 1 on the drawing. These holes are angled towards each other; that is, the two sets of three holes vertically above each other converge in the direction of their lower ends, as shown in the sectional plan, Fig. 48. In this instance, we have assumed six holes as necessary and sufficient. But it is obvious that the number of holes, as well as their distance apart horizontally, will be determined by their depth, the tenacity of the rock, and the strength of the explosive used. When these holes are fired, a wedge-shaped portion of the rock will be forced out, and this result will be more effectually and certainly obtained if the charges be[116] Fig. 47. headingFig. 48. headingFig. 49. headingHaving thus unkeyed the rock by the removal of this portion from the centre, it will evidently be unnecessary, except for convenience or increased effect, to angle any more of the shot-holes. The second series therefore, numbered 2 in the drawing, may be bored perpendicularly to the face of the heading. When this series is fired, the lines of rupture will all run to the unsupported face in the centre—and from hole to hole, if the shots be fired simultaneously—and the annular portion of rock included between the dotted lines 1 and 2 will be removed. If the shots be fired successively, the first will act under the condition of one unsupported face, as illustrated in Fig. 43; but as another unsupported face will be formed by the removal of the rock in front of this charge, the succeeding shots will be subject to the more favourable condition represented in Fig. 42. The firing of this second series of shots still leaves the surrounding rock unsupported towards the centre, and consequently the same conditions will exist for the third series, numbered 3 on the drawing, the firing of which series will complete the excavation. Fig. 49 shows the appearance of Fig. 48 after the firing of the central holes. It may be remarked here that, owing to the want of homogeneity in the rock, and to the existence of joints and fissures, the outer line of rupture will not, in practice, run so regularly as indicated, in this assumed case, by the dotted lines. This circumstance will influence the position of the holes, or the quantity of explosive, in the next series, and furnish an opportunity for the exercise of judgment on the part of the blaster. There exist also other circumstances which will influence the position and the number of the holes in a very important degree, and which therefore must be taken fully into account at every advance. One of these is the irregularity of the face of the excavation. Instead of forming an unbroken plane at right angles to the direction of the heading, or of the shaft, this face is broken up by projecting bosses and more or less deep depressions. Obviously these protuberances and cavities will influence, in no inconsiderable degree, the lines of least resistance; the latter being lengthened or shortened, or changed in direction, by the presence of the former, which give existence to unsupported faces to which the lines may radiate. These conditions must, in every case, be taken into account when determining the best position for the bore-hole. Of yet greater importance, is the existence of joint planes and bedding planes. A bed of rock may be, and frequently is, cut up by these planes into detached blocks of Economical Considerations.—Besides the important economical considerations involved in the foregoing, there are others which claim attention. Foremost among these is the question whether, for a given effect, it be better to augment or to diminish the individual importance of the shots; that is, whether it be better to diminish the number of the holes and to increase their diameter, or to diminish their diameter and increase their number; or, again, to diminish their diameter and to increase their depth, or to increase their diameter and to diminish their number and their depth. It may be readily shown mathematically, and the results are confirmed by experience, that there is an important gain in reducing the diameter of the shot-holes to the lowest limit allowed by the strength and the gravimetric density of the explosive, and increasing their depth. The gain is mainly in the direction of a saving of labour, and it is especially remarkable in the case of machine boring. Here again we perceive the advantage of strength in the explosive agent employed. The simultaneous firing of the shots offers several important advantages. It has already been shown how one charge aids another, under such a condition, and in what way the line of rupture is affected by it. When the shots are fired successively, each one has to Tamping.—To “tamp” a shot-hole is to fill it up above the charge of explosive with some material, which, when so applied, is called the “tamping.” The object of tamping is to oppose a resistance to the escape of the gases in the direction of the bore-hole. Hence a primary condition is that the materials used shall be of a strongly resisting character. A second determining condition is that these materials shall be of easy application. This condition precludes the use of all such devices as plugs, wedges, and forms of a similar character, which have been from time to time proposed. The only material that, in practice, has been found to satisfactorily fulfil the requirements, is rock in a broken, pulverulent, or plastic state. As, however, all rock is not equally suitable, either from the point of view of its resisting character, or from that of convenience of handling, it becomes necessary to consider which satisfies the two conditions in the most complete manner. Though it is not easy to assign a perfectly satisfactory Clay, dried either in the sun, or, preferably, by a fire, appears to fulfil the requirements of a tamping material in the fullest degree. This substance is composed of exceedingly minute grains of silicious matters, bound together by an aluminous and calcareous or ferruginous cement. Thus constituted, there are no voids between the particles, as in porous substances, and, consequently, there is no passage for the gases, the substance being impervious alike to water and gas. Hence, when this material is In rock blasting, it is usual to prepare the clay beforehand, and this practice is conducive both to effective results and to rapidity of tamping. The latter consideration is an important one, inasmuch as the operation, as commonly performed, requires a good deal of time. To prepare the pellets of clay, a lump is taken and rolled between the palms of the hands until it has assumed the form of a sausage, from three to four inches in length, and of the diameter of the bore-hole. These pellets are then baked until they are thoroughly dry, when they are ready for use. In making them up to the requisite diameter, a little excess should be allowed for shrinkage, since it is essential that they fit tightly into the hole. When the charge has been put in, and covered with a wad of hay, or a handful of sand or rubbish, one of these pellets is inserted and pushed home with a wooden rammer. Considerable pressure should be applied to make the clay fill the hole completely, but blows should be avoided. A second pellet is then pushed down in the same way, and the operations are repeated until the whole of the hole is tamped. To consolidate the whole, light blows may be applied to the outer pellet. It will be found advantageous Broken brick constitutes a fairly good tamping material, especially when tempered with a little moisture; but as it is not readily procurable, its application is necessarily limited. The dust and chippings of the excavated rock are largely employed as tamping in quarries. This material, however, has but little to recommend it for the purpose beyond its readiness to hand. It now remains to consider what means are available for remedying the defect inherent in sand as a tamping material. This constitutes a very important practical question, because if the defect can be removed, sand will constitute by far the most suitable material whenever the bore-hole has a downward direction. It can be everywhere obtained at a low cost; it may be poured into the hole as readily as water; and its application gives rise to no danger. Obviously the difficulty will be overcome if we can find suitable means for preventing the gases from penetrating the sand. The end proposed may be successfully attained By the employment of a detonator, the defect due to the porous character of sand is not removed, but its influence is greatly diminished. When detonation is produced in an explosive compound, the full force of the elastic gases is developed instantaneously; and it has already been shown that, under such conditions, the resistance occasioned by the presence of any substance in the bore-hole, even the air alone, in the case of nitro-glycerine, is sufficient to throw the chief portion of the force upon the sides of the hole. Loose sand, therefore, may be successfully employed as tamping under these conditions, since its inertia will oppose a sufficient resistance to the |