Title: The Train Wire A Discussion of the Science of Train Dispatching (Second Edition) Author: J. A. Anderson Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 E-text prepared by Robert Cicconetti, Tom Cosmas, |
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Second Edition—Revised and Enlarged.
The Railroad Gazette, 73 Broadway, New York.
Copyrighted, 1891,
J. A. Anderson, Lambertville, N. J.
CHAPTER I—Train Dispatching | 1 |
CHAPTER II—The Dispatcher | 17 |
CHAPTER III—The Operator | 23 |
CHAPTER IV—The Order | 25 |
CHAPTER V—The Manifold | 33 |
CHAPTER VI—The Record | 35 |
CHAPTER VII—The Train-Order Signal | 37 |
CHAPTER VIII—The Transmission | 45 |
CHAPTER IX—Rules | 59 |
CHAPTER X—Forms of Train Orders | 97 |
Form A | 101 |
Form B | 104 |
Form C | 106 |
Form D | 114 |
Form E | 115 |
Form F | 117 |
Form G | 119 |
Form H | 120 |
Form J | 127 |
Form K | 128 |
Form L | 130 |
CHAPTER XI—General Remarks | 135 |
CHAPTER XII—Conclusion | 143 |
INDEX | 147 |
In the first edition of this book, issued in 1883, Mr. Anderson, then Superintendent of the Belvidere Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, modestly disclaiming perfection for his work, ventured the prediction that the science of which he wrote would be greatly advanced as time went on. In one sense this prediction has not been fulfilled. The eight years which have passed have witnessed little or no change from the principles then laid down by the author of The Train Wire, but he has the satisfaction of now seeing their widespread adoption and a consequent great improvement in the practice of this important science; and while probably none at the present time know how to handle trains by telegraph better than the dispatchers of the Pennsylvania road did when the prediction referred to was made, the requisite knowledge and training are now possessed by many more men than were numbered among the experts of the earlier period.
The author's disavowal of exhaustive treatment is proper in view of the fact that a complete treatise on the subject would include much relating to the operation of the train rules and to points of discipline; but it must be agreed that the first edition of this book was the first thorough and precise essay on the subject which had appeared, and that it stated the principles of dispatching in substantially the form since adopted by the General Time Convention, a body composed of the General Managers and Superintendents of practically all the important roads of the country east of the Missouri River.
The inception of this book resulted from the author's work, several years earlier, in revising the rules of the company under whom he was employed; and in preparing his book he naturally took care not to trespass upon the prerogatives of that company; but it is no more than right to say that outside observers regard his work as one for which his own road and all others are as much indebted to him as he can be to any road.
During the preparation of the Rules on Train Dispatching, formulated by the eminent Managers and Superintendents composing the Time Convention Committee, Mr. Anderson acted with that Committee, and his suggestions in The Train Wire, with his other work in that line, were largely used as the basis for this portion of the Time Convention rules. The deviations in these rules from the lines laid down in the first issue of The Train Wire are chiefly in the nature of compromises as to methods of practice, made necessary to effect an agreement among railroad officers of different needs and opinions. The Standard Code avowedly falls short of perfection, but chiefly because of this necessity.
The duplicate form of order is presented by Mr. Anderson as a vital feature in the science of dispatching. When he first wrote, this form of order was in use on few roads. Many officers were ignorant of it, and most others knew of it only in a vague way or looked upon it with disfavor as impracticable for roads doing a heavy business. Now, the requirement that all trains concerned in the execution of a specific movement should receive the order in the same words, is widely recognized as an axiom, and rules based on this principle are fast coming into general use.
The first part of the book treats of general principles, while the latter part takes up the rules which embody those principles and give them effect, the Standard Code being taken as the basis of the discussion. It might at first seem unnecessary, in view of the wide acceptance of the Standard Code, to enter into a discussion of its rules, and some of this discussion may appear to be needless repetition of matter presented in earlier pages; but as there are still those who have not taken the most advanced position, and probably many who, having adopted good practice, are not thoroughly familiar with the reasons for it, the author has done well to retain this feature of his earlier work, in connection with the statement of principles. These comments serve to point out to those not thoroughly acquainted with the subject the relations of the rules to the reasons for them, and this must be useful to beginners in the science and to men on new roads. For officers of experience, whose positions remove them from personal contact with the telegraph work and yet require that they have particular knowledge of it, a book of this kind should be both elementary and full; and all readers will find in examining the rules for practice that there is an advantage in having attention directed to the conformity of the rules with the principles before enunciated.
One of the most interesting and original paragraphs in the first edition of The Train Wire was that describing the scheme for numbering switches and using those numbers in train orders, to facilitate the movement of trains at meeting-points. This plan has since been put in use to some extent and has given great satisfaction; and in connection with "lap-sidings" it has been found of marked benefit in handling a heavy traffic on a single-track road.[A]
[A] A description of the use of lap-sidings and numbered switches on the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad was published in the Railroad Gazette of December 26, 1890.
The author of The Train Wire is no longer connected with the Operating Department,[B] and has undertaken this revision reluctantly, but his interest in his former work is still lively, and this is an enlargement as well as a revision; so that both reader and author are to be congratulated. The superintendents and dispatchers, the operators young and old, among the million railroaders of the United States, have a better handbook than ever before, while the author can justly take pride in the fact that the individual views expressed by him in 1883 are now generally accepted truth. The introduction of the Standard Code on 70,000 miles of American railroads is one of the important steps of recent years in railroad operation, resulting in greater security to life and property; and The Train Wire should be credited with a liberal share of the honor of the reform.
[B] He is Superintendent of the Voluntary Relief Department of the Pennsylvania and allied roads, with office at Trenton, N. J.
B. B. A., Jr.
The views on train dispatching here offered have been arrived at during an experience of some twenty years, including a recent connection with the preparation of a set of rules for the company on whose road the writer is employed. While his agency in the formation of the rules referred to accounts for the existence of a general similarity and no radical difference between them and the present treatment of the subject, the latter is not to be taken as an authorized commentary upon those rules, but as an expression of individual views for which, with any additional matter or variations in arrangement, the writer is alone responsible.
With his first experiments in train dispatching the writer became convinced that the method of issuing train orders in the same words to all concerned in each transaction afforded greater security than that supplied by any other form of order. Another early conviction was that each step in the process of preparing and issuing train orders should be carefully and minutely arranged for by specific rules.
In here undertaking to impress these views, it is also sought to set forth the general principles upon which rules should be based, and to recommend methods of procedure for all ordinary practice. The methods proposed have been tested by the writer, and the most of them by others. If they are not found to apply to all existing circumstances, they may at least serve as guides in devising other plans.
It is not assumed that this consideration of the subject of train dispatching is exhaustive. The theme is a fruitful one and of growing interest and importance. Much remains to be said of what has already been accomplished, and the future will doubtless show advances in this science far beyond the best practice of the present.
The telegraph, as a means of directing the movements of trains, is a necessary railroad fixture. But for its agency the moving of the heavy traffic of some of our railroads would be impossible without large additions to the tracks and consequent increase in the cost of construction and transportation.
The train wire is thus a promoter of both economy and facility of operation. Under the supervision which it permits, the products of industry are rapidly and cheaply exchanged between distant points, while the traveler, unimpeded by the slower-moving trains, goes swiftly on his way. Steam is the noisy giant that shoulders the load and gets the praise; but the silent man, in some quiet place away from the rattle of the wheels, with his finger on the key, controls the ponderous and complicated movements, which proceed so harmoniously that one may almost imagine them to be the result of natural law.
Although the value, however, of the telegraph as a railroad appliance is daily becoming more fully realized, its capabilities for usefulness have not been developed to an extent commensurate with its importance. A well-informed writer has justly said: "Telegraphy as a handmaid of the railroad has not assumed any enduring form peculiarly adapted to this business."
This is still true in a measure, although not to so great an extent as when uttered. The circumstances must be very exceptional in which the aid of the telegraph will not be of important advantage. Machinery breaks, steam fails, connections are late, storms and floods disturb the roadway; a thousand things cause delays. The difficulties may not be great or numerous where trains are few, but they increase rapidly with the growth of traffic, and vexatious delays can only be avoided by adequate means of promptly controlling the movements of the trains. Hence the importance of securing not only the best telegraphic appliances, but the best method as well of rendering them useful in the service in question.
In arranging a system of train dispatching, its relations to safety and economy require that careful consideration be given to the principles on which it should be based. Some of the methods in use indicate this careful study and a growing sense of its importance is shown in the recent general acceptance of rules on the subject, prepared with the most scrupulous care.
These rules, as will be seen, are in conformity with what was urged in the former edition of this work, and the present intention is to direct attention anew to some of the underlying principles, as well as to the practical bearing of the rules referred to.
The means of instant communication afforded by the introduction of the telegraph seemed to place at command a method of directing distant train movements with ready facility; but it soon appeared that the use of the new implement involved risks which must be carefully guarded against; hence the various "systems" which have arisen having this in view.
The distinctive feature of the "American" system of train dispatching is the issuing of orders from a central office, directing train movements, supplementary to those provided for by the time-table and "train" rules. This method is in general use, and is recognized as better adapted to our circumstances than that of moving trains by the "staff" or other means from station to station, as in European practice. In considering the application of this mode of issuing telegraphic orders for single-track, some of the methods will be seen to apply as well to roads having more than one track.
A printed time-table, showing the regular times and meeting-places of trains, may be prepared at leisure and studied by all trainmen, and is full notice as to all regular trains on the road. With rules added directing how the trains are to proceed with relation to each other, understood by all alike and faithfully observed, collisions cannot occur. If, however, it becomes necessary to issue special orders for trains that are not on the time-table, or for the forwarding of any, otherwise than by the operation of the ordinary rules, new precautions become necessary.
The conductor or engineman receiving such an order must know that it is given by competent authority.
It must be understood that others concerned have corresponding orders.
These orders should be so clearly expressed that they cannot be misunderstood, and they should be forwarded and delivered under such safeguards as to insure their certain and correct reception by the proper persons.
As these orders are to be acted upon at once, without opportunity for careful study, their form, and even the paper on which they are written, should be such that they may be easily and quickly read and comprehended.
It is now generally agreed that orders of this kind should be issued by a designated dispatcher, acting by the authority and in the name of the superintendent. For two persons to engage in this work at the same time for the same piece of road involves serious risk, and to insure safety as well as confidence on the part of the trainmen this should never occur. It may be taken as an initial principle that the success of a system depends largely upon the assurance upon the part of the trainmen that every source of danger has been carefully considered and guarded against, and that the rules adopted are strictly adhered to. If it were known, for instance, that orders were issued by the superintendent and one of his assistants alternately, as might be convenient at the moment, it would excite distrust. The author must confess to such feeling when, some years since while on a delayed passenger train at a way station, he saw the superintendent take a bit of paper from his pocket and write against the side of a building an order for the train to proceed to a certain point, regardless of another designated train. It came out all right, but the incident did not inspire confidence in the telegraphic system of that road. Within the knowledge of the author a disastrous collision resulted from an oversight in regard to the delivery of an order where a skilful official undertook to assist a dispatcher in an emergency. Between the two an important point was omitted; each thought the other had attended to it. Extreme care is necessary to carry out exactly the methods fixed upon for the proper preparation and issuing of these messages, and confusion is likely to result from interference with those charged with this duty.
In issuing a time-table in advance of the date upon which it takes effect, means can readily be used for making sure that it is received by those who are to be governed by it. The means are more complicated and subject to greater risks whereby we can be assured that a telegraphic train order reaches correctly and surely the hands of those for whom it is designed. After preparation by the Dispatcher it is transmitted in telegraphic language by mechanical agency to a distant point, there to be retranslated into plain English and written out without mistake, for record and delivery; and all this in the shortest possible time.
The details of this process should be so arranged as to guard as far as possible against every risk arising under the several steps, and nothing should be left to mere personal care that can be provided for by fixed methods of proceeding. To one who is an expert and can see in his own case no occasion for extraordinary safeguards such precautions may not seem important; but a consideration of the risks involved, of the many steps to be taken, and of the number of agents engaged in the process, many of whom are often not greatly experienced, must lead to the conclusion that a methodical following out of a carefully prepared mode of proceeding is a most valuable means of providing against many of the chances of failure.
Two general methods or "systems" of constructing train orders are in use. They have been distinguished as the "single order" and "duplicate order" system. The latter is accurately described by its title. The other title is not a strictly accurate designation, but sufficiently so for our purpose.
Although the "duplicate" method is now widely recognized as the best, the other is still in use. For purposes of comparison of these methods we will take a telegraphic order providing for the meeting of two trains at a designated point beyond which the one has, by train rules, the superior right of track as respects the other. The order is to limit the superior right, and permit the inferior train to run to a point to which it could not otherwise go without trespassing on the right of the other. If by any error or misunderstanding the superior train fails to stop at the proposed meeting-point, while the other proceeds upon the assumption that it will thus stop, the result may be a disastrous collision.
Under the "single order" system, when two opposing trains are to meet by special order, arrangements are usually first made to stop the superior train by a "holding order." An order is then given forbidding it to go beyond the designated point, and then another order is given to the inferior train authorizing it to go to that point. The holding order is addressed to an agent or operator whose station the superior train will pass, and reads substantially as follows:
Hold train No. 5 for orders.
The person receiving this is required to display a signal to stop the expected train if it is not already at the station, and not to allow it to proceed until the meeting-order is duly forwarded and delivered. This order to the superior train is usually addressed to the conductor and engineman in the following form, or its equivalent:
You will not pass Alton until train No. 4 arrives.
The corresponding order to the conductor and engineman of the inferior train, sent to some station to be passed by it, will read:
You will run to Alton regardless of train No. 5.
or perhaps—
You will meet and pass train No. 5 at Alton.
The holding order is dispensed with by some, and with some it is the practice to issue orders to inferior trains while a superior is held by a holding order until its movements can be determined on, when it receives an order covering all that have been given to trains against it.
Under the "duplicate" system the holding order may be used, but such has not been the general practice, and it would not under this system be used in the manner above described. This system, as its name implies, requires that the order given to each train shall be a duplicate of that given to every other train concerned in the movement provided for in the order. For the simple movement above described an order is addressed to the conductor and engineman of each of the two trains, in the same words, as follows:
Trains No. 4 and No. 5 will meet at Alton.
This, being in the same words to each, may be transmitted over the wire to both at the same time. This is usually done, and offers one of the chief advantages of this form of order. The trains are stopped by signals, which are required either to be displayed when an order is sent, or to stand normally in position to stop trains, which are only permitted to pass on the signal being changed or on getting proper orders.
Objection has been made to the "duplicate" form that it does not distinctly order a train to proceed farther than its schedule rights permit, nor in definite terms direct the other not to go beyond the new meeting-point. The objection has no weight, as an order to meet can only be construed as authorizing each train to go to the station named, and not beyond it until both are there; and it is easy and proper to provide a rule which shall definitely settle the point for those who are unaccustomed to this form, if it should be deemed necessary.
The fatal defect in the "single order" system is that the orders to the two trains, written separately and differently expressed, are subject to the grave danger of inadvertently giving in one a meeting-place different from that given in the other. This liability is greater if an interval of time occurs between the preparation of the two. The risk is very much increased by the usage under this system of including several meeting-points in one order, and becomes still more serious if meeting-points are to be made for several trains moving in each direction. The schedule for these must be rapidly made up and written out in parts, giving to each train its part, differing in form from all the others. There is nothing but the care and skill of the Dispatcher to prevent the opposing orders from differing in some particular. When we consider the care necessary in preparing a time-table, to properly show the running time and meeting-places of the several trains, we must see that the risk, in the process described, of getting something wrong, must far outweigh any supposed convenience in a train having an order showing a continuous schedule of its meeting-points for several opposing trains. Those unacquainted with this work would be astonished at the extent to which the skill of some dispatchers in this direction has been developed. To the uninitiated the mental operations would be simply bewildering, which are required of a brain from which issue for hours, without apparent effort, the instructions under which the trains on a busy road are moved expeditiously and harmoniously. It is not to be denied that many men have moved traffic of huge dimensions safely and with entire satisfaction by the "single order," but this does not at all prove that the system possesses inherent principles of safety. Great personal ability and skill have, with it, achieved marked success where in less able hands its defects would have become apparent; but that some have developed this remarkable ability is no reason why we should depend upon this in a matter of such vital importance. The prevalence of methods which require exceptional skill has doubtless interfered with the more extended usefulness of the railroad telegraph which would probably have resulted under a system more readily operated by men of less experience and ability.
Men who have successfully worked under the "single order" method have stated that the mental strain is very great, augmented by anxiety born of the fact that a single error may be fatal to property or life. Now, a mode of constructing orders which may be operated with safety by men of moderate skill, which relieves them of the mental strain, and which in itself provides against the most serious chance of error must at once commend itself. The "duplicate" would appear to meet these requirements; and that such is the case is the abundant testimony of those who have used it.
In preparing this order the Dispatcher cannot possibly give different meeting-points, as there is but one message for both trains, and when transmitted to both simultaneously each must get the same as the other. The mental anxiety arising from the other method is absent in this. An experienced Dispatcher under the "single" system has stated that in visiting an office where the "duplicate" was used he was surprised that those engaged there appeared to have so little on their minds. He found, on himself adopting the "duplicate," that it was readily explained. Each transaction is at once complete. On the preparation and transmission of the order in precisely the same language to both trains, and with no necessary connection with any other transaction, the mind is at once prepared to dismiss that and go on to the next. In the transmission of two separate orders for the one meeting, there is ever the feeling that an error may be or may have been committed. But where the one sentence is prepared for both trains and, as is usually done, transmitted to both at one sending, the Dispatcher may rest secure that no collision can occur from any oversight of his in preparing the orders, and superintending officers may, if necessary, commit this work to comparatively unskilled hands, with the assurance that so long as the prescribed methods are adhered to the proceeding will be at least safe, however great may be the delays arising from unskilful movements.
The power of combination and of quickly calculating the probable movements of trains and determining what shall be done is an entirely distinct matter. This power is largely the result of experience. It is essential to the full development of any system, but is exercised with much greater facility under the relief which the "duplicate" affords, it has been alleged that this method requires more telegraphing than the other, and that trains cannot be moved by it so promptly. It has, however, been for many years in use on roads where only the most expeditious methods would serve; and superintendents moving a heavy traffic, who have changed from the "single" to the "duplicate" state that the amount of telegraphing is reduced one-third. Those who have grown up with a system may have reasonable hesitation as to making a change. It is not easy to give up methods of practice in which one has been trained for those which are new; and it may seem difficult, perhaps unsafe, to undertake to re-educate operators and trainmen in so critical a matter. Nevertheless, those who have tried it have found these supposed difficulties to quickly vanish, and have discovered the result to be in every way satisfactory, and that this form of order is much to be preferred. Some officers who were with difficulty induced to change are now among the most enthusiastic supporters of the "duplicate" method.
In arranging for the issuing of train orders, experience has shown that forms may be simplified and improved methods adopted by which the work is facilitated and the orders rendered clearer to those receiving them; and disaster has taught the necessity for precautions not before thought of. These points will be considered in detail with reference to the "duplicate" system of orders, although much that follows will apply to the other.
The Train Dispatcher holds a most important position as respects safety of life and property. He may perhaps do more than any other official to secure it by care or endanger it by lack of vigilance. His relations to economy, too, are important. As the time of engines, cars, and employÉs, and of the persons and things carried, is of value, delay avoided is money saved.
It cannot be too strongly insisted upon that the man who issues train orders should make it his especial business, and should have no interference from others. None but a very limited business will warrant the performance of this duty by the superintendent in person, or by any one engaged in other work. If it is such as to call for any approach to continuous attention, persons must be specially assigned to it. The hours of duty and the question of other occupation must depend upon the frequency and constancy of the demands of the work specially in hand. Upon a busy road where the trains are run much on orders, safety as well as efficiency will be best promoted by excluding other occupation and anything which may distract the attention of the "Train Runner," and under these circumstances a period of duty of eight hours is as long as can prudently be assigned. This conveniently divides the twenty-four hours between three men, and does not overtax them. With lighter duties a longer time may be admissible. With very heavy work, six hours may be long enough.
The importance of confining the work of dispatching, for the time being, to the individual charged with this duty, has already been referred to, and cannot be too strongly urged. The office where this work is done should be separate from others, and should not be subjected to the visits and conversation of outsiders or of employÉs whose business does not call them there. The Dispatcher should be a proficient operator. He may not himself transmit his orders, but he should be able to read all that passes on the wire, in order to have an intelligent understanding of what is going on. He should be thoroughly acquainted with the location and length of the various sidings, the grades and curves, the capacity of the engines, and other matters which may affect the movements of the trains he has in hand, and some experience as conductor will be of value. He should be a man of more than average ability, of good judgment, clear head, and strictly temperate habits. In many cases the chief Dispatcher is the right-hand man of the superintendent in all matters associated with the management of the trains; and a suitable recognition of the importance of the position will have a valuable effect in elevating the character of this service and in promoting its efficiency.
Where the work of the Dispatcher is considerable, he will require the aid of one or more operators in the work connected with the transmission of orders. In view of the importance of his duties and of the fact that he may in turn become Dispatcher, the operator should be selected with care. He too should have a clear head and correct habits, be a good pen-man, an expert telegrapher and a sound-reader. It will be his duty to transmit the orders, or write them down as transmitted by the Dispatcher, and to follow them through the subsequent steps until the process, up to delivery, is complete. He should not be charged with message or clerical work where it may interfere with his principal duty.
The station operator who receives the orders must also have part in the subsequent steps, and on him is placed the duty of delivery. Besides the personal and professional qualifications required for the other, he should, with him, be thoroughly conversant with the rules and methods prescribed for this service, as well as with the time-tables and general train rules and the character and designations of the trains. A station operator may do much to keep business moving by advising the Dispatcher of arrivals, delays, and other things occurring near him, which have a bearing on train movements, but which the letter of his instructions may not require him to report. One who does this intelligently prepares and recommends himself for advancement.
It is quite important that operators be impressed with the gravity of the work in hand. Their apprenticeship and training should be such as to assure this as far as possible, and before appointment they should be thoroughly examined as to their qualifications in all respects, and afterward constantly supervised by competent officials. Young persons readily learn to telegraph, and the lowest compensation paid is something considerable to the youth just leaving home, while the salaries usually paid to railroad operators are not such as to offer fair inducement to men of years and experience to accept or retain these positions. Hence many of our operators are comparatively young. It is no disparagement to them to say that they have not ordinarily the steadiness of character and sense of responsibility which we expect in maturer years. Without these it is difficult for them to have a proper conception of the magnitude of the interests dependent on their attention to their duties, and of the importance of exactly carrying out details which to them may seem almost trivial. We have here a cogent reason for so systematizing this business as to render the working of it as nearly automatic or mechanical as possible, and thus eliminate as far as practicable the risk arising from the deficiencies of the human agency. In all systems worked by man this risk will be found. Better pay will procure better men, greater care and greater conscientiousness. Men laboring for a bare pittance and with little hope of advancement in the future do not usually cultivate these qualities to the highest point. Thus we are brought to one of the many points where the balance must be constantly sought between economy of expenditure and security of management. Each railroad officer must work it out for himself.
Operators should aim at a high standard of qualification and attention to duty. If the result is not greater remuneration in this service, their efforts may be rewarded by promotion in other directions. Reliable men are always wanted, and the consciousness of doing one's best is a source of satisfaction of more value than money. A careful study of their special work will develop a sense of its importance, leading to better attention to duties and preparation for advancement. Operators will therefore do well to make themselves masters of their business, rather than rest satisfied with a merely mechanical attention to prescribed methods, without an intelligent apprehension of their significance.
Telegraph offices should be carefully guarded against the intrusion of outsiders or employÉs off duty. Conversation or other interruptions may distract the attention at a critical moment and cause an operator to write an order incorrectly or allow a train to pass which he should stop.
There are some general considerations which it is important to bear in mind in the preparation and issuing of train orders. Some of these have been already pointed out. The circumstances under which they are to be acted upon render it of the utmost importance that there shall be nothing in their form or matter to obstruct in any way a clear and prompt comprehension of their intent. No instructions should be included that are not strictly running orders. Directions to take on or put off cars, or to change engines, or general instructions as to the management and stops of a train with reference to its traffic, are not properly included in such orders. Again, the language in which the orders are expressed should be simple and unmistakable. Simplicity implies brevity. Superfluous words or ambiguous terms or expressions should be carefully excluded. To avoid the use of anything of this character the precise form of expression should be determined on beforehand for all cases that can be anticipated, and strictly adhered to. This also renders the work of the Dispatchers uniform, and enables them to perform it with facility, especially if not greatly experienced; and the trainmen become accustomed to the forms, and comprehend them at sight.
There are differences of opinion among practical men as to the propriety of including more than one transaction in the same order. Some reasons have been before urged against this practice. As men generally favor the practice to which they are accustomed, it is not easy to settle this question. A number of meeting-points may be given in succession in one order more readily in the "single order" system than in the other; and this is claimed as an advantage, and as better than giving the same on as many different pieces of paper. With an order, hastily and perhaps poorly and closely written on flimsy paper, to be read by a conductor in a storm or by the dim light of a hand-lamp, there is a good deal of risk that in a long order for several meeting-points something may escape notice; a line may be skipped and a meeting-point missed. In the "duplicate" order the same danger would exist, and, in addition to the matter affecting the train receiving an order, it would get matter not at all affecting it. Thus, if A is ordered to meet B, and B to meet C, and both orders are included in one for the benefit of B, the duplicate to A would include matter for C in which A has no concern, and that to C would have matter for A which he does not require. Circumstances might make it of some use for A to know where C is to meet B; but burdening the order with this extraneous matter will be found usually to be a positive disadvantage and to cause much more work in transmission than giving each operation singly. The latter has been found to work entirely well in practice, and is theoretically the safer method. The conductor or engineman holding several of these orders arranges them in their proper succession, and each one as it is fulfilled is laid aside. It may be desired to change a meeting-place ordered, and, if this is included in an order containing several others, the change is not so readily made. The reasons would appear to be important for insisting that each order should be ordinarily confined to a single transaction, with slight exceptions, some of which are elsewhere adverted to.
The following is a sample of "duplicate" order actually and frequently given in practice on one of the principal divisions of the Pennsylvania Railroad. It is given to illustrate perhaps the least objectionable method of combining several movements in one order. It is compact, and is alleged to serve a good purpose. The principal objections to it are those above given.