Argyropulo, A. I. | 1933a. | Die Gattungen und Arten der Hamster (Cricetinae Murray, 1866) der PalÄarktik. Zeitschr. f. SÄugetierkunde, 8:129-149, 27 figs. in text. | 1933b. | Über zwei neue palÄarktische WÜhlmÄuse. Zeitschr. f. SÄugetierkunde, 8:180-183, 3 figs. in text. | Callery, R. | 1951. | Development of the os genitale in the golden hamster, Mesocricetus (Cricetus) auratus. Jour. Mamm., 32:204-207, 1 fig. in text. | Chamberlain, J. L. | 1954. | The Block Island meadow mouse, Microtus provectus. Jour. Mamm., 35:587-589, 2 tables in text. | Dearden, L. C. | 1958. | The baculum in Lagurus and related microtines. Jour. Mamm., 39:541-553, 1 fig. in text. | Didier, R. | 1943. | L'os pÉnien des Campagnols de France du Genre Arvicola. Mammalia, 7:74-79, 10 figs. in text. | 1954. | Etude systÉmatique de l'os pÉnien des MammifÈres (suite), Rongeurs: MuridÉs. Mammalia, 18:237-256, 14 figs. in text. | Ellerman, J. R. | 1941. | The families and genera of living rodents. Vol. II. Family Muridae. The British Museum (Natural History), London, pp. xii + 690, 50 figs. | Friley, Charles E. | 1947. | Preparation and preservation of the baculum of mammals. Jour. Mamm., 28:395-397, 1 fig. in text. | Hall, E. R., and E. L. Cockrum. | 1953. | A synopsis of the North American microtine rodents. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:373-498, 149 figs. in text. | Hamilton, W. J., Jr. | 1946. | A study of the baculum in some North American Microtinae. Jour. Mamm., 27:378-387, 3 figs. in text. | Hibbard, C. W., and G. C. Rinker. | 1942. | A new bog-lemming (Synaptomys) from Meade County, Kansas. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 28:25-35, 3 figs. in text. | 1943. | A new meadow mouse (Microtus ochrogaster taylori) from Meade County, Kansas. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 29:255-268, 5 figs. in text. | Hinton, M. A. C. | 1926. | Monograph of the voles and lemmings (Microtinae), living and extinct, Vol. I. British Museum (Natural History), London, pp. xvi + 488, plus 15 plates, 110 figs. in text. | Matthey, R. | 1953. | Les Chromosomes des Muridae. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 60:225-283, avec les planches 1 À 4 groupant 84 photomicrographies, 98 figures et 5 schemas dans le texte. | 1955. | Nouveaux documents sur les chromosomes des Muridae. ProblÈmes de cytologie comparÉe et de taxonomie chez les Microtinae. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 62:163-206, avec 114 figures. | Miller, G. S. | 1896. | Genera and subgenera of voles and lemmings. North American Fauna No. 12, pp. 1-85, 40 figs. and 3 plates in text. | Ognev, S. I. | 1948. | The mammals of Russia (USSR) and adjacent countries (The mammals of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia), Vol. 6. Publ. Acad. Sci. USSR, pp. 1-587, 260 figs., 12 maps, and 11 color plates in text (in Russian). | 1950. | The mammals of Russia (USSR) and adjacent countries (The mammals of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia), Vol. 7. Publ. Acad. Sci. USSR, pp. 1-736, 347 figs., 15 maps, and 10 color plates in text (in Russian). | Ruth, E. B. | 1934. | The os priapi: A study in bone development. Anat. Rec., 60:231-249, 16 figs. in 3 plates. | Smith, D. A., and J. B. Foster. | 1957. | Notes on the small mammals of Churchill, Manitoba. Jour. Mamm., 38:98-115, 3 figs. and 3 tables in text. | Wheeler, B. | 1956. | Comparison of the Block Island "species" of Microtus with M. pennsylvanicus. Evolution, 10:176-186, 4 figs. and 2 tables in text. | White, J. A. | 1951. | A practical method for mounting the bacula of small mammals. Jour. Mamm., 32:125. | Zimmerman, K. | 1955. | Die Gattung Arvicola Lac. im System der Microtinae. SÄugetierkundliche Mitteilungen, 3:110-112, 2 figs. in text. | Transmitted August 14, 1959. | 28-774 [Front Cover Inside]