When treating of the general constituents of plants, it has been already stated that the older chemists and vegetable physiologists, misled by the small quantity of ash found in them, entertained the opinion that mineral matters were purely fortuitous components of vegetables, and were present merely because they had been dissolved and absorbed along with the humus, which was then supposed to enter the roots in solution, and to form the chief food of the plant. This supposition, which could only be sustained at a time when analysis was imperfect, has been long since disproved and abandoned, and it has been distinctly shown by repeated experiment that not only are these inorganic substances necessary to the plant, but that every one of them, however small its quantity, must be present if it is to grow luxuriantly and arrive at a healthy maturity. The experiments of Prince Salm Horstmar, before alluded to, have established beyond a doubt, that while a seed may germinate, and even grow, to a certain extent, in absence of one or more of the constituents of its ash, it remains sickly and stunted, and is incapable of producing either flower or seed. Of late years the analysis of the ash of different plants has formed the subject of a large number of laborious investigations, by which our knowledge of this subject has Table showing the quantity of inorganic matters in 100 parts of different plants dried at 212°.
On examining this table it may be observed that, notwithstanding the very great variety in the proportion of ash in different plants, some general relations may be traced. A certain similarity may be observed between those belonging to the same natural family, the seeds of all the cereal grains, for instance, containing in round numbers two per cent of inorganic matters. Leguminous seeds (peas and beans) contain about three per cent, while in rape-seed, linseed, and the other oily seeds, it reaches four per cent. In the stems and straws less uniformity exists, but with the exception of a few extreme cases, the quantity of ash in general approaches pretty closely to five per cent. Still more diversified results are obtained from the entire plants; but this diversity is probably much more apparent than real, and must be, in part at least, dependent on the proportion existing between the stem and leaves, for the leaves are peculiarly rich in ash, and a leafy plant must necessarily yield a higher total percentage of ash, although, if stems and leaves were separately examined, they might not show so conspicuous a difference. The leaves surpass all other parts of plants, in the proportion of inorganic constituents they contain, the table showing that in some instances, as in the maple and Jerusalem artichoke, they exceed one-fourth of the whole weight of the dry matter. In other leaves, and more especially in those of the coniferÆ, the proportion is much smaller. Taking the average of all the analyses hitherto made, it appears that leaves contain about thirteen per cent of ash, but the variations on either side are so large that little value is to be attached to it except as an indication of the general abundance of mineral matters. In roots and tubers the variations are less, and all, except the potato and the turnip, contain about seven per cent of ash. The smallest proportion of mineral matter is found in wood. In one case only does the proportion reach five per cent, while the average scarcely exceeds one, and in the fir the quantity amounts to no more than one six-hundredth of the dry matter. In the bark the quantity is much larger, and may be stated at seven per cent. The general proportion of ash found in different parts of plants is given in round numbers in the subjoined table:— The differences in the quantity of ash contained in different parts of plants are obviously intended to serve a useful purpose, and it is interesting to observe that the wood which is destined to remain for a long period, sometimes The different proportions of mineral matters contained in the individual organs of plants is most strikingly illustrated when parallel experiments are made on the same species; but the number of instances in which a sufficiently extensive series of analyses has been made to show this, is comparatively limited, and is confined to the oat, the orange-tree, and the horse chesnut—each of which has formed the subject of a very elaborate investigation. The following table gives the results obtained on the oat:—
The specimens of oats on which these analyses were made were from different districts of country, grown on soils of different quality, and were, further, of different varieties; and yet they show, on the whole, a remarkable similarity in the proportion of ash in each part, and indicate that there is a normal quantity belonging to it. Such a series of analyses also affords the most convincing proof that the inorganic matters cannot be fortuitous, and merely absorbed from the soil along with their organic food, as the old chemists supposed, because, in that case, they ought to be uniformly distributed throughout the entire plant, and not accumulated in particular proportions in each individual organ. Not only does the proportion of ash vary in the different parts of a plant, but even in the same part it is greatly influenced by its period of growth. The laws which regulate these variations are very imperfectly known, but in general it is observed that during the period of active growth the quantity of ash is largest. Thus, it has been found that in early spring the wood of the young shoots of the horse-chesnut contains 9·9 per cent of ash. In autumn this has diminished to 3·4, and the last year's twigs contain only 1·1 per cent, while in the old wood the quantity does not exceed 0·5. Saussure has also observed that the quantity of ash diminishes in certain plants when the seed has ripened. Thus, he found that the percentages of ash, before flowering, and after seeding, were as follows:—
On the other hand, the quantity of ash in the leaves
In general, the proportion of ash appears to increase as the plant reaches maturity, and this is particularly seen in the oat, of which very complete analyses have been made at different periods of its growth:— Proportion of Ash in different parts of the Oat at different periods of its growth.
The increase is here principally confined to the leaves and chaff, while the stalks, which owe their strength to a considerable extent to the inorganic matters they contain, are equally supplied at all periods of their growth. In the grain only is there a diminution, but this is apparent and not real, and is due to the fact that the determination of the quantity of ash, as made on the grain with its husk, and the former, which contains only a small quantity of The nature of the soil has also a very important influence on the proportion of mineral matters, and of this an interesting illustration is given in the following table, which shows the quantities found in the grain and straw of the same variety of the pea grown on fourteen different soils:—
Although those differences are very large, especially in the straw, and must be attributed to the soil, it has hitherto been found impossible to ascertain the nature of the relation subsisting between it and the crops it yields; indeed, it must obviously be dependent on very complicated questions, which cannot at present be solved, for it may be observed that the increase in the grain does not occur simultaneously with that in the straw, and in several cases a large proportion of ash in the former is associated with an unusually small amount in the latter. A priori, it might be expected that those soils which are especially rich in the more important constituents of the ash should yield a produce containing more than the average quantity, but this is very far from being an
In the majority of instances we fail to establish any connection between the nature of the soil and the plants it yields, chiefly because we are still very deficient in analyses of those grown on uncultivated soils; and on cultivated land it is impossible to draw conclusions, because the nature of the manure exerts an influence quite as great, if not greater, than that of the soil itself. The relative proportion in which the different mineral matters enter into the composition of the ash varies within very wide limits, as will be apparent from the following table, containing a selection of the best analyses of our common cultivated and a few uncultivated plants. Table of the Composition of the Ash of different Plants in 100 Parts.Note.—Alumina and oxide of manganese occur so rarely, that separate columns have not been introduced for them, but their quantity is stated in notes at the end of the table.
A simple inspection of this table leads to various interesting conclusions. It is particularly to be observed that some of the constituents of the ash are not invariably present, and two at least—namely, alumina and manganese—are found so rarely as to justify the inference that they are not indispensable. Of the other substances, iodine is restricted exclusively to sea-plants, but to them it appears to be essential. Oxide of iron, which occurs only in small quantities, has sometimes been considered fortuitous, but it is almost invariably present, and the experiments of Prince Salm Horstmar leave no doubt that it is essential to the plant. Its function is unknown, but it is an important constituent of the blood of herbivorous animals, and may be present in the plant, less for its own benefit than for that of the animal of which it is destined to become the food. Soda appears to be a comparatively unimportant constituent of the ash, of which it generally forms but a small proportion, although the instances of its entire absence are rare. In the cruciferous plants (turnip, rape, etc.) it is found abundantly, and to them it appears indispensable, but in most other plants it admits of replacement by potash. It seems probable that where the soil is rich in the latter substance, plants will select that alkali in preference to soda; but as they must have a certain quantity of alkali, the latter may supply the place of the former where it is deficient. Cultivation, probably by enriching the soil in that element, increases the proportion of potash found in the ash of plants, as is remarkably seen in the asparagus, which gave the following quantities of alkalies and chlorine:
The soda having almost entirely disappeared in the cultivated plant, while a corresponding increase had taken place in the quantity of potash. Potash is one of the most important elements of the ash of all plants, rarely forming less than 20, and sometimes more than 50 per cent of its weight. The latter proportion occurs chiefly in the roots and tubers, but it is also abundant in all seeds and in the grasses. The straw, and particularly the chaff of the cereals, and the leaves of most plants, contain it in smaller quantity, although exceptions to this are not unfrequent, one of the most curious being the case of poppy-seed, which contains only about 12 per cent, while the leaves yield upwards of 37 per cent. The proportion of lime varies within very wide limits, being sometimes as low as 1, and in other plants reaching 40 per cent of their ash. The former proportion occurs in the grains of the cerealia, and the latter in the leaves of some plants, and more especially in the Jerusalem artichoke. The turnip and some of the leguminous plants also contain it abundantly. Magnesia is generally found in small quantity. It is largest in the grains, amounting in them to about 12 or 13 per cent of the ash, but in other plants it varies from 2 to 4 per cent. Although small in quantity, it is an important substance, and apparently cannot be dispensed with; at least there is no instance known of its entire absence. Chlorine is by no means an invariable constituent of the ash, although it is generally present, and sometimes in considerable quantity. It is most abundant when the proportion of soda is large, and exists in the ash principally in combination with that base as common salt. The relation between these two elements may be traced more or less distinctly throughout the whole table of analyses, and conspicuously in that of mangold-wurzel, where the common salt amounts to almost exactly one-half of the whole mineral matter. The analyses of the cultivated and uncultivated asparagus also show that a diminution in the soda is accompanied by a reduction in the proportion of chlorine. Sulphuric Acid is an essential constituent of the ash. But it is to be observed that it is in some instances entirely, and in all partially, a product of the combustion to which the plant has been submitted in order to obtain the ash. It is partly derived from the sulphur contained in the albuminous compounds, which is oxidised and converted into sulphuric acid during the process of burning the organic matter, and remains in the ash. The quantity of sulphuric acid found in the ash is, however, no criterion of that existing in the plant, for a considerable quantity of it escapes during burning. The extent to which this occurs in particular instances is well illustrated by reference to the case of white mustard, which yields an ash containing only 2·19 of sulphuric acid, equivalent to 0·9 of sulphur; and if calculated on the seed itself, this will amount to no more than 0·039 per cent, while experiments made in another manner prove it to contain about thirty times as much, or more than 1 per cent. For the purpose of determining the total quantity of sulphur which the Phosphoric acid, which may be looked upon as the most important mineral constituent of plants, is found to be present in very variable proportions. The straws, stems, and leaves contain it in comparatively small quantity, but in the seeds of all plants it is very abundant. In these of the cereals it constitutes nearly half of their whole mineral components, and it rarely falls below 30 per cent. Carbonic acid occurs in very variable quantities in the ash. It is of comparatively little importance in itself, and is really produced by the oxidation of part of the carbonaceous matters of the plant; but it has a special interest, in so far as it shows that part of the bases contained in the plant must in its natural state have been in Silica is an invariable constituent of the ash, but in most plants occurs but in small quantity. The cereals and grasses form an exception to this rule, for in them it is an abundant and important element. It is not, however, uniformly distributed through them, but is accumulated to a large extent in the stem, to the strength and rigidity of which it greatly contributes. The hard shining layer which coats the exterior of straw, and which is still more remarkably seen on the surface of the bamboo, consists chiefly of silica; and in the latter plant this element is sometimes so largely accumulated, that concretions resembling opal, and composed entirely of it, are found loose within its joints. The necessity for a large supply of silica in the stems of other plants does not exist, and in them it rarely exceeds 5 or 6 per cent, but in some leaves it is more abundant. A knowledge of the composition of the ash of plants is of considerable importance in a practical point of view, and enables us in many instances to explain why some plants will not grow upon particular soils on which others flourish. Thus, for instance, a plant which contains a large quantity of lime, such as the bean or turnip, will not grow in a soil in which that element is deficient, although wheat or barley, which require but little lime, may yield excellent crops. Again, if the soil be deficient in phosphoric acid, those plants only will grow luxuriantly which require but a small quantity of that element, and hence it follows that on such a soil plants cultivated for the sake of their stems, roots, or leaves, in which the quantity of phosphoric acid is small, may yield a good It may be observed, on examining the table of the percentage and position of the ash, that some plants are especially rich in alkalies, while in others lime or silica preponderate, and it would therefore be the object of the farmer to employ, in succession, crops containing these elements in different proportions. In carrying out this view, attempts have been made to classify different plants under the heads of silica plants, lime plants, and potash plants; and the following table, extracted from Liebig's Agricultural Chemistry, in which the constituents of the ash are grouped under the three heads of salts of potash and soda, lime and magnesia, and silica, gives such a classification as far as it is at present possible:
The special application of these facts must be reserved till we come to treat of the rotation of crops. It is manifest that, as the crops removed from the soil all contain a greater or less amount of inorganic matters, they must be continually undergoing diminution, and at length be completely exhausted unless their quantity is maintained from some external source. In many cases the supply of these substances is so large that ages may elapse before this becomes apparent, but where the quantity is small, a system of reckless cropping may reduce a soil to a state of absolute sterility. A remarkable illustration of this fact is found in the virgin soils of America, from which the early settlers reaped almost unheard-of crops, but, by injudicious cultivation, they were soon exhausted and abandoned, new tracts being brought in and cultivated only to be in their turn abandoned. The knowledge of the composition of the ash of plants assists us in ascertaining how this exhaustion may be avoided, and indicates the mode in which such soils may be preserved in a fertile state. FOOTNOTES: |