Adlington, William, 89, 94.
Aelfric, 4-5, 15, 55, 56, 58.
Alfred, 3-4, 15, 17.
Alexander, 10, 34.
Amyot, Jacques, xii, 106.
Andreas, 6, 7.
Andrew of Wyntoun, 35-6, 39, 116.
Arnold, Matthew, xi, 172, 177.
Arthur, 45.
Ascham, Roger, 109, 114.
Augustine, St., 50, 55.
Authorized Version of 1611, 51, 52, 54, 60, 61, 66, 68.
Bacon, Francis, 75.
Barbour, John, 36-7.
Barclay, Alexander, 100-1.
Bay Psalm Book, 77.
Bentley, Richard, 172.
Berners, Lord, 101, 105.
Bevis of Hamtoun, 23, 24.
Birth of Jesus, 43.
Bishops' Bible, 58, 59, 67.
Blood of Hayles, 40.
Bokenam, Osbern, 8, 16, 40, 43-4, 46.
Book of the Knight of La Tour Landry, 18.
B. R., 127-8.
Bradshaw, Henry, 8.
Brady, N., 166-7.
Brende, John, 88-9, 94, 129.
Brinsley, John, 140.
Brome, Henry, 136, 144.
Bryan, Sir Francis, 101, 105.
Bullokar, John, 95.
Bullokar, William, 109-10.
Caedmon, 6.
Canticum de Creatione, 15, 20.
Capgrave, John, 14, 19, 20-1, 22, 40, 45.
Carew, Richard, 128.
Cartwright, William, 155.
Castalio, 51, 61, 70.
Castle of Love, Grosseteste's, 9, 13.
Caxton, William, 9, 12, 31, 44, 96, 115.
Blanchardyn and Eglantine, 38.
Charles the Great, 38, 46.
Eneydos, 35, 38, 39.
Fayttes of Arms, 12.
Godfrey of Bullogne, 33.
Mirror of the World, 12.
Recuyell of the Histories of Troy, 38.
Cecil, Sir William, 119, 125.
Chaloner, Sir Thomas, 128.
Chapman, George, 90, 92, 93, 130-1, 145, 146, 147, 150, 161.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 9, 10, 30.
Franklin's Tale, 30.
Knight's Tale, 30.
Legend of Good Women, 8.
Life of St. Cecilia, 8.
Man of Law's Tale, 27, 28.
Romance of the Rose, 8.
Sir Thopas, 24.
Troilus and Criseyde, 6, 8, 30-1.
Cheke, Sir John, 59, 63, 108, 119, 125-6, 128.
Child of Bristow, 39-40.
ChrÉtien de Troyes, 30.
Cooke, Thomas, 138-9.
Coverdale, Miles, 50-1, 52, 59, 60, 64-5, 74.
Cowley, Abraham, 137, 147, 149-50, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 165.
Cowper, William, 173, 174 ff.
Creech, Thomas, 151-2, 155-6, 158-9, 160, 166, 169.
Cromwell, Thomas, 51.
Cursor Mundi, 10.
Cynewulf, 6.
Dacier, Mme., 168.
Danett, Thomas, 90.
Daniel, Samuel, 87.
Davies of Hereford, John, 142.
Denham, Sir John, 137, 139, 144, 147, 150-1, 154, 156, 157.
Dennis, John, 173.
Dolet, Étienne, 99.
Douglas, Gavin, 107-8.
Drant, Thomas, 111 ff.
Dryden, John, 136-7, 141, 143, 145, 148, 151, 153-4, 154-5, 157-8, 159,
160-1, 162, 163, 166, 169, 177-8.
Earl of Toulouse, 23, 27.
Eden, Richard, 85, 91, 96.
Elene, 6.
Ely, Bishop of, 65.
Elyot, Sir Thomas, 11, 95, 118, 119-20.
Emare, 21.
Fairfax, Edward, 144-5.
Falls of Princes, Boccaccio's, 7, 37.
Fanshaw, Sir Richard, 139, 147, 169.
Fawkes, Francis, 164, 166, 169.
Fleming, Abraham, 109, 114.
Florio, John, 84, 87, 97.
Floris and Blancheflor, 45.
Fortescue, Thomas, 87, 103.
Foxe, John, 54, 67, 68, 94-5.
Francis, Philip, 168.
Fraunce, Abraham, 77.
Fulke, William, 54, 60, 65, 70 ff.
Garth, Sir Samuel, 163.
Geneva Bible, 53, 60, 61.
Geneva New Testament, 59, 61.
Gesta Romanorum, 28.
Golagros and Gawain, 21.
Golden Legend, 41.
Golding, Arthur, 75-6, 82, 91, 97-8, 113, 117-8, 129-30.
Googe, Barnaby, 77.
Gould, Robert, 144.
Grainger, James, 163-4, 167.
Greenway, Richard, 156.
Udall, Nicholas, 81-2, 87-8, 94, 97, 118, 120-1.
Vicars, John, 139-40, 143-4, 146-7, 150.
W. L., Gent., 143, 146, 150.
Waller, Edmund, 144, 145.
Warde, William, 88.
Wars of Alexander, 23, 25.
Warton, Joseph, 167, 169-70.
Webbe, William, 93.
Whetstone, George, 102.
Willes, Richard, 96-7.
William of Palerne, 30.
Wilson, Thomas, 84, 92-3, 119, 125 ff.
Winchester, Bishop of, 67-8.
Wither, George, 75, 76, 77, 78.
Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 75.
Young, Bartholomew, 104.
Ypotis, 43.
Ywain and Gawin, 21, 23, 29, 30.
Page 14: Double quotes inside double quotes amended to single quotes.
Page 26: Beween amended to between.
Page 43: Saint's legends sic.
Page 56: Insistance amended to insistence.
Page 82: Double quotes at the end of the Golding quote removed.
Page 87: Double quotes at the end of the Daniel quote removed.
Page 97: Comma added after amusing.
Page 109: Esop sic.
Page 142: Facund sic.
Page 144: Closing quotes added to the Denham quote.
Page 184: Bartholemew corrected to Bartholomew.
Note 41: Comma at the end of the footnote removed. The comma might indicate that additional information is missing from the footnote.
Note 329: Acccording sic.
The variant spellings of Bulloign, Bulloigne and Bullogne have been retained.
References in the notes to Ovid's Metamormorphosis are as per the original.