Illustration by George Kerr. N O matter what the game you play, Play it well; No matter what the price you pay, Never tell. This life is but a game, of cards Of mostly losses, few rewards, The signs of Destiny’s regards, Or Friendship fell. The Ace of Spades, King Edward’s card, Or William’s crest, Each representing different games, Each played with zest; One stands for mystic power unknown; Two play an act upon a throne, Both wanting this fair earth to own And all the rest! “..... Each representing different games.” What counts the cards when all is done If king, or clown— If CÆsar, Hohenzollern’s Written down! What—in those palaces on high, In astral cities in the sky Where we shall all meet by and by— If hod, or crown? For when we reach Infinity The dwellers there Won’t know the vassals from the kings, Nor will they care; King, crown and sceptered royalty, The Here, the There—I, You and Me Out there, out there! |