The following, copied from the original Roll still existing in Edinburgh, was very kindly given to me by the Right Honourable the Earl of Dunmore:—
This companie consists of Ffyftie Dragoones The Officers being allowed (Signed) Thos. Wynram
Thys is ye Mouster Rolle off Ld. Charles Murrays companie off Dragoones Moustered first att Bruntsfield Links 28 July and after att Bathgait the 4 December 1683 by me thys companie consists off Ffyftie Draggooners (Signed) Alex. Bruce.
(Signed) J. Turner
(Signed) J. Inglish
(Signed) Jo. Strachan
(Signed) W. Clelland The Pay of one Regiment of Scottish Dragoones consisting of one Colonel in Chief, one Lieutenant Colonel, one Major and six companies, each companie consisting of Fifty Souldiers is as followeth, viz:
(1688) (James II.) Scots Greys Document. Account of the money given out by Andrew Ross of Muick, Quarter Master to the Scotts Regiment of Dragoones for the use of the said Regiment by the Earl of Dunmore's order after they came to England, being in October, 1688.
The above written accompt of seventy one pounds three shillings and sevenpence Sterling being justly given out by Andrew Ross Quarter Master, for the use of the said Regiment conforms to my order since they came to England. Therefore these give the said Quartermaster full power and warrant to detayne and keep in his owne hand the like sum of seventy one pounds three shillings and sevenpence for his own payment out of the money belonging to the Regiment since they came to this country. At London the 8th day of January, 1689. The Detention money from the Scotts Regiment of Dragoons from the month of October 1686 and all preceedings being fully discharged by Colls. Lievt. and Captain all detayned from them since being from the 1st. November 1686 to the 1st. November 1688, being two yeares is disposed of as follows—
Anitchkoff Palace, St. Petersburg, 2nd February, 1895. The Emperor of Russia accepting the Picture, presented by the Officers, of H.I.M. as Colonel-in-Chief marching past at the head of the Regiment. LIST OF OFFICERS PAST AND PRESENT. ALEXANDER ABERCROMBY. Cornet, 16 August, 1799. Promoted Lieutenant, in 52nd Foot, 19 March, 1800. SIR RALPH ABERCROMBY. Colonel, 2 November, 1796. Died on or before 16 May, 1801. The General who shares with Sir John Moore, the credit of renewing the ancient discipline and military reputation of the British soldier, was born at Menstry near Tullibody, in October, 1734. Educated at Rugby, and afterwards studied law at Edinburgh and Leipzig. In 1756 made a Cornet in 3rd Dragoon Guards. In 1758 he went with his regiment to Germany, where it formed part of the English force under Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, the victor of Minden. Lieutenant, 1760. Captain, 1762. In 1767 he married Miss Menzies, with whom he lived very happily. Major, 1770. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1773. Became M.P. for county of Clackmannan, but soon gave up Parliamentary life. War broke out with France, he was made a Major-General, and ordered to Flanders with a Brigade. First made his mark at Furnes, commanded the storming column at the siege of Valenciennes, and was publicly thanked by the Duke of York for his conduct at Roubaix. Returned to England in 1795, and made a Knight of the Bath. In November, 1795, sailed for the West Indies with 15,000 men, to reduce the French Sugar Islands. In 1799 he was despatched with 10,000 men, to attack Holland. On 20 October in an attack on Bergen, he had two horses shot under him.... 24 October, 1800, he was ordered to proceed with all his troops, to Egypt to expel or capture the French Army left there by Napoleon.... 27 December, he cast anchor in the bay of Marmorice. Here He died on board the flagship on 28 March. No biography would be complete which did not notice his extreme shortsightedness, almost blindness, nor yet without noticing the singular sweetness and purity of his domestic life, which made all who came across him, from the Duke of York, whom he eclipsed, to Lord Camden, with whom he quarrelled, acknowledge the charm of his society. MICHAEL GOOLD ADAMS. Cornet by purchase, 21 July, 1825. Lieutenant by purchase, 30 July, 1829. Captain by purchase, 28 December, 1838. Exchanged to half-pay, unattached, 31 December, 1844. ROBERT HENRY ADAMS. Born, 4 December, 1858. 2nd Lieutenant, 19 February, 1881. Lieutenant, 1 July, 1881. Captain, 9 October, 1889. Expedition to Dongola, 1896. Despatches "London Gazette," 3 November, 1896. Fourth Class Medjidie. Major, 29th April, 1900. Served in South African War, 1901-2, and took part in operations in the Transvaal, February, 1901, to May, 1902; the Zululand frontier of Natal, September and October, 1901; and in Cape Colony, May, 1902 (medal with five clasps). ALEXANDER AGNEW. Cornet, 31 May, 1715. ANDREW AGNEW. Captain-Lieutenant, 1 April, 1692, to 21 March, 1692-3. Captain, 22 March, 1692-3, to 9 March, 1697-8. Major, 1702. ANDREW AGNEW. Cornet, 20 September, 1703. Lieutenant, 11 May, 1705. Captain-Lieutenant, 8 February, 1712-13. Captain, 16 September, 1715. Sir Andrew Agnew, fifth Baronet of Lochnau, twelfth and last of the hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway, was born in 1687. He joined Marlborough's army as a volunteer immediately after the battle of Blenheim.... He fought bravely at Ramillies, Oudenarde, and Malplaquet. At the Peace of Utrecht he was reduced as Captain on half-pay of the Scots Greys. Soon after he eloped with a kinswoman, the daughter of Captain Thomas Agnew, of the same regiment. This lady, to whom he was married in London, bore him 18 children. She survived her husband, and died at the age of 87. At the time of the rebellion of 1715-16, the young laird of Lochnau was on full pay in Colonel Pocock's, which was disbanded in Ireland in 1718, when he was removed to the 21st Royal Scots Fusiliers, with which corps he served upwards of a quarter of a century, becoming Lieutenant-Colonel in 1740, and commanding it with distinction at the battle of Dettingen. He held Brigade commands under the Duke of Cumberland in Flanders, at Bruges, Ghent, and Ostend, and at the head of his Scots Fusiliers accompanied the army sent to Scotland in 1746, when he was detached to Blair Castle, and made a gallant stand there. In 1756 he became Major-General, and Lieutenant-General in 1759. Sir Walter Scott describes him as a soldier of the old school, stiff and formal in manner, brave to the last degree, and something of a humourist. JAMES AGNEW. Cornet, 31 May, 1715. THOMAS AGNEW. Cornet, 1702. Lieutenant, 11 May, 1705. Captain-Lieutenant, 31 May, 1715. PATRICK AINGER. Chirurgeon, 11 April, 1687. GEORGE AINSLIE. Made Cornet, 13 January, 1753. Made Sub-Lieutenant in the second troop of Horse Grenadier Guards, 8th August. GILBERT AIRD. Promoted from Sergeant in the Major's troop, to Quartermaster in Captain Clarke's troop, May, 1800. Cornet in Royal Wagon Train, 9 January, 1804. THOMAS AIRD. Cornet, 26 August, 1794. Lieutenant, 16 August, 1799. Captain in Royal Wagon Train, May, 1800. THE HONOURABLE WALTER PHILIP ALEXANDER. Son of the third Earl of Caledon. Born, 9 February, 1849. Cornet by purchase, 3 February, 1869. Lieutenant by purchase, 10 May, 1871. Adjutant, 18 December, 1875. Captain, 24 November, 1877. Major, 5th July, 1886. Lieutenant-Colonel, 5 July, 1896. Commanded the Greys in South Africa, 1899-1900; present in command of first cavalry brigade at crossing of Reit and Modder Rivers (mentioned in despatches). CHARLES JEFFERYS WATSON ALLEN. From half-pay in the 12th Lancers, Captain, 31 December, 1861. Retired 13 March, 1866. EDWARD AMPHLETT. Cornet by purchase, 28 June, 1844. Lieutenant by purchase, 25 June, 1847. Retired 21 June, 1850. GEORGE ANDERSON. Chaplain, 10 January, 1705-6. CHARLES ANNESLEY, M.D. Appointed Surgeon 27 February, 1817. Retired 28 June, 1836. PHILIP ANTROBUS. From Lieutenant 91st Foot, appointed Paymaster 1 January, 1849. Half-pay as Captain 21st Light Dragoons, 1 September, 1854. GEORGE ARBUTHNOT. From 53rd Foot, Lieutenant 6 October, 1875. (Apparently his first commission in the Army was 28 October, 1871.) GEORGE ARMSTRONG. Lieutenant in Sir Robert Hay's troop, 16 January, 1706-7. JAMES J. ARMSTRONG. Cornet, without purchase, 8 June, 1855. Exchanged to 89th Foot, 17 July, 1857. F. J. ASHBURNER. Paymaster, January, 1885. From 2nd Dragoon Guards. THOMAS CARY ASKEW. Lieutenant, 27 July, 1820, exchanged from half-pay, 18th Light Dragoons. Died 1826. THOMAS ASKEW. Cornet, 12 April, 1793. Appointed Lieutenant, 26 June, 1793. Appointed Captain in Lord Fielding's Light Cavalry, 25 February, 1794. ALEXANDER AUCHENLECK. Lieutenant, 31 May, 1715. JAMES AUCHENLECK. 11 May, 1705, Cornet in Patrick Robertson's troop. Brevet of Lieutenant, 21 February, 1707-8, in Colonel the Earl of Stair's troop. ANTHONY BACON. Lieutenant, 2 February, 1815. Half-pay in 16th Dragoons, 11 March, 1813. JOHN BAILY (or BAILLIE) of Porkemat. In 1681 made Ensign of Colonel Dalzell's own Company. Appointed Cornet of Lieutenant-General Dalzell's own troop, 30 March, 1685. ROBERT BAINBRIDGE. Cornet by purchase, 29 February, 1856. Seems to have joined the 17th Light Dragoons, 7 March, 1856. WILLIAM BAIRD. Cornet, 2 May, 1794. Lieutenant, 30 January, 1800. Captain September, 1805. Appointed in March, 1808, Captain in 66th Foot. DAVID BAITSON. On 30 March, 1685, appointed Aid Major to the Regiment. GEORGE BALFOUR. Appointed Cornet 1762. Lieutenant, 5 June, 1769. Captain, 3 November, 1774. Major, 28 July, 1790. Retired, 3 June, 1793. In the Muster Roll ending 24 June, 1767, entered as George Balfour Ramsay, and after that, entered George Ramsay. HENRY BALFOUR. Major, 1 April, 1692, to 7 September, 1692. ROBERT BALFOUR. Captain, 9 July, 1793. 3 April, 1801, Major without a Troop. 17 February, 1803 appointed Major with a Troop. Promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, 22 August, 1805. Commission as "Colonel in the army," 25 September, 1803. Left the Regiment, on being appointed 4 June, 1814, Major-General. JOHN BALLANTYNE. Chaplain, June, 1739. Succeeded by Walter Paterson, 8 July, 1752. HENRY BARING. Cornet by purchase, 10 June, 1853. Exchanged on 5 July, 1853, to 13th Light Dragoons. CHARLES LEVYNS BARNARD. Captain, 2 February, 1815. In the Record Office, 1814 Army List, there seems to be an abbreviated MS. reference to him in connection with 20 December, 1806. Killed, 1815. HENRY GEORGE BARNARD. Cornet, 21 May, 1806. Lieutenant, 10 December, 1807. Captain by purchase, 15 July, 1813. In 1814 on half pay. EDWARD BARNET. Cornet by purchase, 23 February, 1838. Lieutenant by purchase, 28 December, 1841. Retired 16 May, 1845. J. W. BARTON. Cornet in Captain Johnston's troop, exchanged 19 August, 1803, to the half pay of Fenwick's Regiment. OSBORNE BARWELL. Lieutenant 13 April, 1815. GEORGE FREDERICK ALEXANDER MUNGO BASHFORD. From Royal Military College. Cornet by purchase, 30 March, 1866. Lieutenant by purchase, 30 June, 1869. Exchanged into Ceylon Rifles, 5 April, 1871. DAVID BEATSON. 1 August, 1683, appointed Aide-Major. 23 August, 1688, appointed Cornet of James Murray's troop. JAMES BECK. Cornet in Captain Hamilton's troop, 5 April, 1798. Entered as second Lieutenant in Muster ending 24 March, 1799. 30 January, 1800, resigned. DAVID BELL. Appointed Quartermaster 1 May, 1762. JOHN BENNET. Cornet, 11 May, 1705. L. H. BENNETT. Paymaster and honorary Captain, July, 1889. South African War, 1879. Zulu campaign. Battle of Ulundi. Medal with clasp. WILLIAM BENNET. Captain 1 April, 1692, to 11 September, 1695. JOHN P. BENTEIN. Captain by purchase, 26 May, 1814. LORD WILLIAM BENTINCK. Captain-Lieutenant, 1 August, 1792. Appointed Captain in 11th Dragoons 20 February, 1793. GEORGE BETHELL. Cornet, 15 November, 1740. DAVID BETSON. Lieutenant, 12 November, 1794. Retired (about 3 May), 1796. Promoted Captain in 9th Regiment of Foot, 27 December, 1797 (!). ROWLAND VEITCH BETTY. Cornet, under the augmentation, without purchase, 12 February, 1858. 23 March, 1858, went to the 2nd Dragoon Guards. JAMES BIGGERT. Quartermaster, 25 April, 1798, in Major Andrew Gillon's troop. WILLIAM CONNEL BLACK. Cornet by purchase, 18 March, 1859. Lieutenant by purchase, 14 June, 1864. Captain by purchase, 19 January, 1870. Retired, 28 May, 1870. EDWARD BLACKETT. Cornet, 29 May, 1754. 26 December, 1755, made Lieutenant. 1 May, 1762, made Captain of the Light troop, in succession to Francis Lindsay, resigned. ALEXANDER BLACKIE. Quartermaster, 1 March, 1797. Promoted Cornet in Royal Wagon Train, 13 February, 1806. SIR ADAM BLAIR, YOUNGER OF CARBERRY. 7 November, 1685, appointed Captain of that troop which was commanded by the deceased Captain William Cleland. HAMILTON BLAIR. Made a Cornet, 25 April, 1741, made Lieutenant, 6 August, 1742, Captain-Lieutenant, 2 April, 1746, Captain, 3 February, 1746-7, Major, 9 March, 1757. Sir Bryce Blair, of Blair, afterwards knighted by Charles I., married in 1618 Marian, daughter of Walter Dundas, of Dundas. His son, John, died without issue, and was succeeded by his uncle, John Blair, who married Lady Jean Cunningham, daughter of William, eighth Earl of Glencairn, and dying in 1662, was succeeded by his son, William Blair, of Blair. This gentleman was named by the restoration government of Scotland a member of the Commission in Ayrshire for holding courts on the Covenanters, but he early joined the revolution party.... Having raised a troop of horse in support of King William, he marched with it into Perthshire. News of this reaching Viscount Dundee, then in arms in Atholl for King James, he determined to surprise them, and marching by night towards Perth, he entered the city unawares early the next morning, seized the laird of Blair and the laird of Pollock who was with him, and two other officers, in their beds. He carried them off prisoners to the highlands, where the laird of Blair died shortly afterwards. He had married Lady Margaret Hamilton, daughter of William, 2nd Duke of Hamilton. Their son, William Blair of Blair, was a commissioner of supply for the county of Ayr in the convention parliament which met in 1689. He married Magdalene, daughter of James Campbell. Their son John predeceased him unmarried, and was succeeded by his sister Magdalene, who married William Scott, and had a son William, her heir. The heiress of Blair is supposed to have died before 1715, and Mr. Scott, her widower, who had assumed the name and arms of Blair, married secondly Catherine Tait, of Edinburgh. Their eldest son, Hamilton, became Major in the Greys. PATRICK BLAIR. 30 July, 1686, made Captain of the troop lately commanded by John Wedderburne. THOMAS BLAIR. Cornet in the Army, 25 June, 1747, and in the Greys, 21 June, 1749, succeeded by Second Cornet James Johnston, from half-pay in Crawford's, 27 November, 1752. WILLIAM J. BLAKE. Cornet from the 89th Foot, 17 July, 1857. WILLIAM BLANE. Cornet, 14 October, 1819. Lieutenant by purchase, 24 October, 1821. BLEAN. Chaplain, 1702. J. HAYDOCK BOARDMAN. Lieutenant in Captain Patrick Smith's troop, in Muster ending 24 December, 1779; Captain-Lieutenant, 7 February, 1787; Captain, 18 July, 1787; Major, 3 June, 1793. In the Roll ending 24 December, 1794, David Horne is noted under the formula:—"Absent by the King's leave"; and Boardman is evidently in command as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Regiment, now abroad. Coming to the "Pay List from 25 December, 1797, to 24 February, 1798," he is entered as "Lieutenant-Colonel without a troop." Resigned, 17 February, 1803. GEORGE BOGLE. Cornet by purchase, 8 October, 1830. Retired, 21 November, 1834. EDWIN BOLTON. Sub-Lieutenant (from 1st Dragoon Guards), 15 August, 1877. Lieutenant, 11 November, 1877. WILLIAM CUNNINGHAME BONTINE. From Ensign in the 15th Foot. Cornet by purchase, 6 November, 1846. Retired, 22 November, 1850. ARCHIBALD BOTHWELL. Cornet, 2 November, 1785; Lieutenant, 28 July, 1790; Captain, 22 February, 1793; Major, 17 July, 1795. Both J. H. Boardman and A. Gillon still also appearing as Majors on the roll. In the "Pay List from 25 December, 1797, to 24 February, 1798," Bothwell is entered as "Major without a troop." 3 April, 1801, succeeded to a troop. Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, 17 February, 1803. ROBERT BOWER. Appointed Cornet, 18 July, 1787. Retired, 14 December, 1790. NINIAN BOYD. Lieutenant, 1 October, 1694, to 27 April, 1697; Captain-Lieutenant, 28 April, 1697, to ye 9th March, 1697-8; Captain, 1702; Major and Captain, 24 August, 1706. WILLIAM BOYD. Captain, 24 December, 1852, exchanging from the 87th Foot. Major in the Army, 31 August, 1854. Died before 13 September, 1855. ALWYN W. J. BRAMLY. Second Lieutenant, 6 March, 1895. MATTHEW BRICKDALE. Cornet, 22 May, 1782, in Captain Patrick Smith's troop. Promoted Lieutenant in 70th Foot, 22 July, 1785. JOHN BROWN. Cornet, 1 January, 1693-4, to last day of February, 1694. CHARLES BROWNE. Cornet, 24 July, 1749. Resigned, 13 January, 1753. ANDREW SMYTHE MONTAGUE BROWNE. Cornet, from 56th Foot, 25 November, 1853. Lieutenant by purchase, 16 March, 1855. Wounded slightly, see Gazette, 12 November, 1854. Captain by purchase, 24 December, 1858. Major by purchase, 30 June, 1869, Lieutenant-Colonel of 3rd Dragoon Guards, 1 October, 1877. Crimean campaign, 1855-6. Battle of Tchernaya and siege and fall of Sevastopol. Medal, with clasp; Turkish medal. HUGH EDMOND BROWNING. Cornet without purchase, 26 February, 1856. Lieutenant without purchase, by augmentation, 27 November, 1857. Captain by purchase, 19 July, 1864. Retired 22 June, 1870. CAPTAIN ALEXANDER BRUCE. On 11 May, 1683, appointed Lieutenant of Lieutenant-Colonel Lord Charles Murray's company. On 30 March, 1685, King James issues a similar commission. On 6 November, 1685, appointed Captain-Lieutenant of Lord Charles Murray, his own troop. MICHAEL BRUCE. Cornet, 10 May, 1751. On the 20th May, 1752, "exchanged with Second Lieutenant Alexander Coningham from half-pay in Batereau's." JOHN RAMSAY BRUSH, M.D. Surgeon, from 93rd Foot, 21 July, 1854. Exchanged to Second Class, Staff, 18 January, 1856. DAVID CARRICK ROBERT CARRICK BUCHANAN. Cornet by purchase, 16 May, 1845. Retired, 16 March, 1849. GEORGE BUCHANAN. Cornet by purchase, 16 March, 1849. Lieutenant by purchase, 27 August, 1852. Captain without purchase, 8 December, 1854. Retired, 28 April, 1863. CHARLES B. BULKELEY-JOHNSON. Born 19 November, 1867. Second Lieutenant, 5 February, 1887. Lieutenant, 16 March, 1889. Captain, 13 June, 1894. Served in the Soudan Campaign, 1899, and commanded the Egyptian cavalry during the operations which resulted in the final defeat and death of the Khalifa (4th class Medjidie British medal and Khedive's medal with two clasps). RICHARD BULLEN. Cornet, 14 March, 1800. Lieutenant, 4 April, 1801. Captain, 19 May, 1808. Died before 1814. RICHARD BURFORD. Appointed Paymaster, 31 January, 1809. Resigned, 13 October, 1814. SIR MONTAGU ROGER BURGOYNE, 8th Baronet. Cornet, 1 May, 1789. Captain-Lieutenant, 1 May, 1793. Promoted to Major 27th Light Dragoons, 24 June, 1794. According to the D. N. B. he, in 1795, became Lieutenant-Colonel of the short-lived 32nd Light Dragoons. He was afterwards for some years one of the Inspecting Field Officers of Yeomanry and Volunteer Corps. He died at his mother's residence in Oxford Street, London, on 11 August, 1817. JAMES TRAVERS BURKE. Cornet, 22 August, 1816. Exchanged to half-pay 11th Light Dragoons, 23 March, 1820. WILLIAM BURY. Cornet, 4 October, 1745. Lieutenant, 29 November, 1750. Captain-Lieutenant, 9 March, 1757. Resigned, 24 April, 1762. CHARLES BUSSELL. Paymaster, from half-pay, 1 September, 1854. SIR CHARLES CAIRNY. 31 December, 1686, to be Lieutenant-Colonel "of the Regiment of Dragoones of which Charles Earl of Dunmore is Colonel." ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. Cornet, 13 February, 1805. Lieutenant, September, 1806. Captain, December, 1808. Resigned, June, 1811. COLIN JOHN CAMPBELL. Cornet by purchase, 22 August, 1868. Lieutenant by purchase, 3 August, 1870. Retired, 24 January, 1874. DOUGLAS CAMPBELL. Cornet, 21 March, 1722. HUGH MONTGOMERY CAMPBELL. Cornet by purchase, 1 February, 1839. Lieutenant by purchase, 22 July, 1842. Exchanged to 89th Foot, 31 December, 1844. SIR JAMES CAMPBELL OF LAWERS. Third son of the second Earl of Loudoun, his mother being Lady Margaret Montgomery, daughter of the Earl of Eglintoun. In the 1745 Army List, Sir James Campbell is given as:— Colonel, 1 November, 1711. Lieutenant-Colonel, 24 August, 1706. Major, 25 April, 1705. Captain, 25 February, 1701-2. The D. N. B. records as follows:— "He entered the army as Lieutenant-Colonel of the 2nd Dragoons or Scots Greys, in 1708, ... and he greatly distinguished himself at the hard-fought battle of Malplaquet, on 11 September, 1709. In this battle the Scots Greys were stationed in front of the right of the allied line, under the command of Prince EugÈne, and when the obstinate resistance of the French made the issue of the battle doubtful, Campbell, though he had been ordered not to move, suddenly charged with his dragoons right through JAMES MURE CAMPBELL. Cornet, 15 November, 1740. Lieutenant, 27 May, 1742. Captain, 29 May, 1745. Made Major to the 11th Dragoons, 24 July, 1754. JOHN CAMPBELL, The Honourable. Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, 19 April, 1712. Colonel in the Army, 27 June, 1737. Colonel of the 2nd or Royal North British Dragoons, 29 April, 1752. Also in Muster Roll ending 24 June, 1760. Died, 9 November, 1770. JOHN CAMPBELL. Ensign of the 25th Foot, made Cornet, 12 January, 1757. Promoted to Captain 24 April, 1762. JOHN CAMPBELL. Cornet, 26 December, 1755. "Made Captain in the '2nd Highland Battalion,' and succeeded by Ensign John Campbell, of the 25th Foot, 12 January, 1757." (See above.) JOHN CAMPBELL. Cornet by purchase, 6 November, 1835. Lieutenant by purchase, 28 December, 1838. Captain by purchase, 22 July, 1842. Deceased, 1846. ROBERT LAWRENCE CAMPBELL. Cornet in Captain David Home's troop, in Muster ending 24 June, 1772. "Promoted Captain in the 71st Regiment of Foot," Muster ending 24 December, 1775. JOHN CARNEGIE. Cornet by purchase, 17 April, 1823. Lieutenant by purchase, 10 June, 1826. Promoted Captain, unattached, 8 June, 1830. JAMES CARRUTHERS. Cornet by purchase, 22 August, 1811. Lieutenant by purchase, 9 February, 1815. Died of his wounds. WILLIAM FRANCIS CARRUTHERS. Cornet by purchase, 22 July, 1842. Lieutenant by purchase, 3 December, 1844. Retired, 25 June, 1847. HENRY CARTER. Cornet, 19 February, 1795. Lieutenant, 8 July, 1795. Captain, 16 March, 1797. CHARLES CATHCART. 29 January, 1703-4, Brevet Captain in the Infantry, and in July, 1705, Captain. In May, 1707, made Major of Brigade, and in May, 1708-9, Major of Dragoons. Major, 24 March, 1708-9. 1 November, 1711, made Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. 16 September, 1715, Lieutenant-Colonel. FREDERICK MACADAM CATHCART, The Hon., of Craigengillan. Cornet, 24 September, 1804. Aide-de-Camp to General Lord Cathcart. 17 September, 1807, Captain in the Army, and 11 February, 1808, Captain in this Regiment. No other Cathcart in the Greys in the 1812 printed Army List. Major in the Army, 28 July, 1814. Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, 24 February, 1820, exchanged to half-pay 92nd Foot, 18 May, 1820. Born at Twickenham Common, 28 October, 1789. Served as one of the Aides-de-Camp to his father, in 1805, 1806, and 1807. In the latter year he was sent home with the news of JAMES CAVALLIE. Cornet, 1 April, 1692, to last day of February, 1693. Lieutenant in one of the two additional troops, 7 January, 1693, to 12 March, 1697-8. JAMES CHADWICK. Cornet, 20 September, 1810. Lieutenant by purchase, 15 July, 1813. In 1817, on half-pay. THOMAS CHEATHAM (or CHETHAM). Lieutenant, 26 September, 1795. Retired, 7 July, 1797. EDWARD CHENEY. Captain-Lieutenant, 3 May, 1800. Captain, 25 May, 1803. In the Muster Roll ending 24 June, 1810, he appears as Aide-de-Camp to General Earl Harrington. Major, 20 July, 1815. Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, 18 June, 1815. In 1816 List, C.B. In 1818, exchanged to half-pay in Wattville's Regiment. ROBERT CHENEY. Cornet, 3 September, 1794. Lieutenant, 22 October, 1794. Colonel Clarke. ARCHIBALD CHRISTIE. Cornet, 8 May, 1806. Resigned in 1809. JAMES CHRISTIE. Appointed Cornet, 5 June, 1769. 16 March, 1770, promoted Adjutant in place of John Forbes, resigned. Resigned Adjutancy, 9 August, 1774. Promoted Lieutenant, 22 February, 1775. Promoted Captain-Lieutenant in the First Dragoons, 15 May, 1779. GEORGE CALVERT CLARKE, Lieut.-Gen. (Hon. Gen.) Born 23rd July, 1814. From 89th Foot. Captain, 28 March, 1845 (exchanging with H. M. Campbell). Major in the Army, 11 November, 1851. Wounded severely, see Gazette, 12 November, 1854. Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, 12 December, 1854. Major without purchase, 26 February, 1858. Colonel in the Army, 23 April, 1860. Lieutenant-Colonel without purchase, 31 March, 1866. Retired on half-pay, 3 February, 1869. Appointed Colonel of the Greys, 23 September, 1891. ISAAC BLAKE CLARK. Cornet, 8 July, 1795. Lieutenant, 3 May, 1796. Captain, 7 September, 1797. Major, 16 June, 1807. 4 June given the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army. Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the Greys, 20 July, 1815, in succession to L. J. Hamilton, killed at Waterloo. In 1816 list, C.B. Retired, 11 October, 1821. JOHN FRED. SALES CLARKE. Cornet, 3 December, 1818, exchanged from half-pay 4th Dragoon Guards. Cornet by purchase, 11 October, 1821. Lieutenant by purchase, 4 October, 1822. Promoted to an unattached company, 21 July, 1825. Exchanged, 26 July, 1827, to a Captaincy in the Greys. Major by purchase, 30 December, 1837. Lieutenant-Colonel by purchase, 2 April, 1841. Exchanged to half-pay, unattached, 6 November, 1846. GEORGE CLEGHORNE. Lieutenant from 17th Dragoons, by exchange, 17 November, 1857. Captain by purchase, 14 June, 1864. Retired, 30 March, 1866. SAMUEL FREDERICK STEWART CLELAND. Cornet by purchase, 19 July, 1864. Retired, 8 September, 1865. WILLIAM CLELAND. Captain-Lieutenant, 1681. 30 March, 1685, appointed Captain. DEVEREUX P. COCKBURN. Cornet by purchase, 25 June, 1847. Retired, 18 September, 1849. JAMES COCKBURN. Captain, 30 December, 1795. Aide-de-camp to Sir W. Howe. Promoted Major in 81st Foot, 6 September, 1797. THOMAS COCKRAN. Cornet, 31 May, 1715. MARTIN THOMAS COCKSEDGE. Appointed Captain of the Troop lately commanded by J. P. Hamilton, 8 April, 1802. In Muster ending 24 June, 1802, Captain in Military Train. JAMES COLHOUN. Surgeon, 1 June, 1750. Made a Cornet, 26 October, 1756. Lieutenant, 24 April, 1762. Transferred in Muster ending 24 June, 1767, from Major Douglas's Troop to Captain Home's Troop. 16 March, 1770, transferred to Captain Law's troop. Captain-Lieutenant, 14 November, 1770. Resigned, 5 May, 1775. WILLIAM FELLOWES COLLINS. Born 17 September, 1865. Second Lieutenant, 6 February, 1889. Lieutenant, 15 October, 1890. Captain, 5 July, 1896. CHARLES R. COLT. Captain in the Army, 3 February, 1854. Paymaster, 1 September, 1854 to 10 August, 1855. JAMES COMMON. Quartermaster in Lieutenant-Colonel Douglas's Troop, in Muster ending 24 June, 1772. Died, 30 April, 1774. H.R.H. PRINCE ARTHUR OF CONNAUGHT, K.G., etc. Personal A.D.C. to His Majesty. Went on Special Mission to Tokio in 1906 to invest the Mikado of Japan with the Order of the Garter. Captain, 1907. THOMAS CONOLLY. Born, 1 September, 1870. Second Lieutenant, 28 June, 1893. Lieutenant, 5 December, 1894. Rejoined from Egyptian army, February, 1900; killed in action at Commando Nek, South Africa, 11th July, 1900 (see p. 98). ALEXANDER CONYNGHAM. Lieutenant, 26 February, 1755. Also, 24 June, 1760. Resigned, 11 January, 1770. JOSEPH COPE. Appointed Surgeon, 9 April, 1794. Retired, 11 November, 1794. JOHN CORRIE. In Muster ending 24 June, 1798. Cornet, 30 May, 1800. Retired, 2 April, 1801. JOHN COWAN. Quartermaster, 11 January, 1804. ROBERT COWAN. Quartermaster, 30 April, 1794. Promoted Paymaster, 25 December, 1797. Resigned, 31 January, 1809. JOHN CRABBIE. Born, 9 September, 1861. Lieutenant, 10 May, 1882. Adjutant, 18 January, 1888. Captain, 9 October, 1889. Adjutant to Volunteers, 16 December, 1895. Major, 1900. South Africa, 1899-1902. Took part in the operations in Transvaal and Natal, 1901, including successful attack near Roodebloem on 15 December, 1901 (see p. 128). LAWRENCE CRAIGIE. Cornet, 17 December, 1800. Lieutenant, 21 June, 1802. CHARLES CRAVEN. Cornet by purchase, 22 January, 1836. Lieutenant by purchase, 6 November, 1840. Captain by purchase, 29 December, 1843. Retired, 18 April, 1845. JOHN, EARL OF CRAWFORD. Captain, 25 December, 1726. "The gallant Earl of Crawford"—"the most generous, the most gallant, the bravest, and the finest nobleman of his time." Born 4 October, 1702, educated at University of Glasgow and Military Academy at Vandeuil, in Paris. Captain in the Scots Guards, 1734. Representative Peer, 1732, till his death in 1749. In 1733 he was appointed Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales. In 1735 he joined the Imperial Army, and was at the Battle of Claussen, 17 October, 1735. In April, 1738, he served with the Russian Army against the Turks, declining however a regiment of Horse and the rank of Lieutenant-General in that service. He greatly distinguished himself in various engagements, as also at the Battle of Krotzha, near Belgrade, 22 July, 1739, when his horse was killed under him, and he himself fearfully and desperately wounded. He returned home, and that year was made Adjutant-General and Colonel of the 42nd Foot. (The Black Watch was then first made a Regiment, and called "Lord Crawford-Lindsay's Highlanders.") Colonel of the 2nd Troop of Grenadier Guards, 1740. Colonel in 1743 of the Scottish Horse Guards, disbanded 1746. Colonel of the Scots Greys and Lieutenant-General, 1747. He was in command at Dettingen, 16 June, 1743; at Fontenoy, where he conducted the retreat in excellent order, 30 April, 1745; in Scotland, to repress the rising in 1745; and at the Battle of Roucoux, in the Netherlands, in October, 1746. He married 3 March, 1747, Jean, eldest daughter of James Murray, 2nd Duke of Atholl. He died in London, in great suffering (his wound of 1739 breaking out for the 29th time), 25 December, 1749. "John Earl of Craufurd." ROBERT GREGAN CRAWFORD. Cornet by purchase, 22 January, 1824. Lieutenant, 29 June, 1826. Promoted to captain of an unattached troop, 5 April, 1831. WILLIAM CRAWFORD. Cornet, 10 October, 1694, to 9 March, 1697-8. Captain-Lieutenant, 16 January, 1706, in Colonel the Earl of Stair's troop. 24 February, 1707-8, Captain of an additional troop. WILLIAM CRAWFORD. Deputy-Adjutant, 9 July, 1793, and Cornet, 17 August, 1815. Lieutenant, 25 June, 1819. Resigns Adjutancy, 25 November, 1828. Appointed Paymaster, 24 March, 1829. Retired on half-pay, 1 January, 1849. DAVID CRICHTON. Lieutenant, 1 April, 1692, to last day of February, 1693. Captain-Lieutenant, 1 January, 1693, to ye 7 September, 1694. Captain of the two additional troops, from 1 October, 1694, to 15 March, 1697-8. JOHN CRICHTON. 21 May, 1678, appointed Ensigne in Captain Francis Stuart's Independent Company. In 1681, Lieutenant in Stuart's Company. 30 March, 1685, appointed Lieutenant of Captain Cleland's troop. STEPHEN CROFT. Cornet, 19 February, 1760. In 1762 promoted to the 106th Regiment of Foot. CHARLES CROSSBIE. Captain-Lieutenant, 7 March, 1722-3. Captain, 25 December, 1726. DAVID CUNNINGHAM. Cornet, 10 September, 1778. Lieutenant, 3 March, 1779, in the Colonel's troop. JOHN CUNNINGHAM. Cornet, 9 September, 1805. Lieutenant, 4 June, 1807. Resigned 1811. SIR WALTER MONTGOMERY-CUNNINGHAM. Cornet in Captain Telfer's troop, 22 March, 1776. Resigned, 5th October, 1778. 4th Baronet, of Corshill, in the parish of Stewarton, County Ayr, was the son of Captain Alexander Montgomery-Cunningham. He succeeded to the Baronetcy 4 July, 1770. He was an unsuccessful claimant to the Earldom of Glencairn. He died unmarried, in March, 1814. JAMES DALRYMPLE. Cornet, 6 March, 1707-8. Captain-Lieutenant, 22 July, 1715. Lieutenant, 5 July, 1723. Retired and succeeded by Cornet John Forbess, 23 April, 1742. JAMES DALRYMPLE. Cornet, 21 June, 1749. Lieutenant, 11 January, 1755. EDWARD DAVEY. Lieutenant, 5 April, 1796. Retired, 2 August, 1796. GEORGE DAWLER. Cornet, 24 April, 1762. Transferred from the Lieutenant-Colonel's troop to Captain Law's troop, 24 April, 1763. Promoted Lieutenant, 14 November, 1770. Transferred to Captain Smith's troop, 25 April, 1779. In Muster Roll ending 24 December, 1779:—Promoted Captain-Lieutenant in 11th Regiment of Dragoons. ROBERT DAWN, M.D. Surgeon, 4 August, 1814. Exchanged, 16 January, 1816, to 89th Foot. WILLIAM DAWSON. Paymaster, 13 October, 1814. Died, 25 September, 1828. JOSEPH BARRINGTON DEACON. Cornet by purchase, 26 May, 1865. Retired, 30 May, 1866. MATTHEW FITZMAURICE DEANE, The Honourable. Cornet from the 10th Light Dragoons, 6 May, 1853. Transferred to 4th Dragoon Guards, 10 June, 1853. WILLIAM DELAVALLY. Lieutenant, 31 May, 1715. SIR JAMES STEWART DENHAM, Bart. Born in Scotland in August, 1744, and very soon his father had to leave Scotland on account of being implicated in the 1745 rebellion. The son, therefore, received his education in Germany. He became Cornet in the 1st or Royal Dragoons, 17 March, 1761, and served the campaigns of 1761 and 1762 with it in Germany. Passing over the rank of Lieutenant, he was made Captain in the 105th Royal Highlanders, 13 January, 1763. In DAVID RONALD DICKSON. Cornet, 20 August, 1803. Lieutenant, 19 December, 1805. JOHN DICKSON. Quartermaster Muster Roll, 24 June, 1760. Cornet, 22 May, 1761. Resigned, 4 June, 1769. ---- DISNEY. (Christian name not given). Made Cornet, 9 December, 1755. CHARLES WILSHERE ONSLOW DOHERTY. Lieutenant, from 97th Foot, 10 January, 1872. Lieutenant in the Army, 28 June, 1871. Captain, 1 October, 1878. Died, 27 June, 1879. EDWARD GEORGE MOORE DONNITHORNE. Cornet, by purchase, 8 September, 1865. Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, 18 December, 1861. New Zealand War, 1864. Action of the Gate Pah. Medal. Lieutenant in the Greys, by purchase, 3 February, 1869. Captain, 24th February, 1872. Major, 1 July, 1881. JAMES DOUGLAS. Quarter-master in Captain Charles Preston's troop, 1706. JOHN DOUGLAS. Cornet, 13 October, 1741. Lieutenant, 3 February, 1746-7. Adjutant, 1 June, 1750. Captain-Lieutenant, 13 September, 1754. Captain, 11 January, 1755. Major in Muster Roll ending 24 June, 1760. Lieutenant-Colonel and Captain, 14 November, 1770. Promoted Colonel of the 21st Dragoons, 25 April, 1779. SIR WILLIAM DOUGLAS. Adjutant and Captain, 1 April, 1692, to 31 March, 1694. WILLIAM DOUGLAS. Cornet, 21 April, 1692, to 27 April, 1697. Lieutenant, 28 April, 1697, to 15 March, 1698. WILLIAM DOUGLAS. Cornet, in Muster Roll of 24 June, 1760, in Major John Douglas's troop. Promoted Lieutenant, 3 March, 1764. ROBERT DOUNES. Lieutenant, from 19th Light Dragoons, by purchase, 23 October, 1817. FRANCIS DREWE. Cornet, by purchase, 10 November, 1837. Died, 23 July, 1838. HENRY DRUMMOND. In 1681 appointed Ensigne of Strachan's Company. 30 March, 1685, appointed Cornet of Captain John Strachan's Company. 23 August, 1688, appointed Lieutenant of P. Blair's troop. PERCY CHARLES DU CANE. Cornet, from the 4th Dragoon Guards, 16 July, 1858. Lieutenant, by purchase, 30 January, 1863. Captain, by purchase, 30 March, 1866. Retired 16 October, 1866. ARTHUR CAMPBELL DUCKWORTH. Born, 27 September, 1870. 2nd Lieutenant, 31 January, 1894. Lieutenant, 5 December, 1894. GEORGE DUNBAR. Cornet, 11 May, 1705. Captain-Lieutenant, 24 February, 1707-8; in Colonel the Earl of Stair's troop. In 1715 Captain. JAMES BRANDER DUNBAR. Cornet without purchase, 12 January, 1855. Lieutenant by purchase, 25 May, 1855. Captain without purchase, 31 March, 1866. Retired, 19 January, 1870. JOHN DUNBAR. 24 February, 1707-8, Cornet in Patrick Robertson's troop. SIR DAVID DUNDAS. 3rd son of Robert Dundas, a merchant of Edinburgh, was born in 1735, and educated at the Royal Academy at Woolwich. From 1752 to 1755 he assisted General David Watson, his maternal uncle, in the great survey of Scotland. Colonel, 16 May, 1801. General, 29 April, 1802. Resigned, 27 January, 1813, on being appointed Colonel of the 1st Dragoon Guards. In 1754 he was appointed a Lieutenant-Fireworker in the Royal Artillery, and in 1755 a Practitioner-Engineer. In 1756 Sir Henry Bunbury recorded:—"Dundas was a tall, spare man, HENRY DUNDAS. In 1681 Lieutenant in Inglis's Company. JAMES DUNDAS. In 1681 Ensign of Turner's Company. On 11 May, 1683, appointed Lieutenant of Captain J. Strachan's Company. 7 November, 1685, commission to be Lieutenant of William Levingstoun's troop. JAMES DUNDAS. 30 March, 1685, appointed Cornet of Wedderburne's troop. HUGH DE C. EASTWOOD. Lieutenant, 10 August, 1885. CHARLES GASPAR EDLMANN. Cornet, 14 December, 1815. In 1822 appointed Riding Master. Retired on half-pay, 19th Light Dragoons. HERBERT EDWARDS. Lieutenant, 12 November, 1852, from the 14th Light Dragoons, by exchange. Captain without purchase, 15 December, 1854. Retired, 13 June, 1856. THE EARL OF EGLINTON. Colonel of the Scots Greys, 2 December, 1785. Died, 1 November, 1796. Archibald Montgomerie, Earl of Eglinton, born 18 May, 1726. JAMES DRUMMOND ELPHINSTONE. Major, exchanged from half pay in Watteville's corps, 7 September, 1818. CHRISTOPHER ERIE. Second Lieutenant, 12 December, 1894. JAMES ERSKINE. As Ensign, 24 July, 1722. Cornet, 2 November, 1722. Made Lieutenant, 23 April, 1742. Made Captain-Lieutenant, 27 May, 1742. WILLIAM ERSKINE. Captain, 12 June, 1717. Major, 21 March, 1722-3. He is made Lieutenant-Colonel of "late Kerr's" Regiment, and is succeeded by Captain Sir Thomas Hay, on 6 February, 1740-1. G. H. FALCONAR. Cornet, 2 November, 1809. Lieutenant by purchase, 21 November, 1811, in place of Cunningham. Captain by purchase, 5 October, 1815. In 1816 on half pay. Led a squadron of the Greys at Waterloo. He was great-uncle to Col. Coventry Williams, lately commanding the regiment (see p. 258). FRANCIS GLENNIE FARQUHAR. Cornet by purchase, 14 June, 1864. Lieutenant by purchase, 25 September, 1867. Captain by purchase, 2 August, 1871. Major, 1 July, 1881. Lieutenant-Colonel, 5 July, 1886. PETER FARQUHARSON. Cornet in roll ending 24 June, 1761. RICHARD TWISTLETON FAWCETT. Lieutenant, 27 April, 1815. Captain, 25 October, 1825. Retired, 23 February, 1838. CECIL WILLIAM MONTAGUE FEILDEN. Born, 13 January, 1863. Lieutenant, 2 August, 1882. Captain, 14 February, 1891. A.D.C. (extra) to Lt.-Gen., and Gen. Gov. Ireland, 2 February, 1891, to 17 August, 1892. Ditto, 3 October, 1892, to 8 July, 1895. Ditto, 30 July, 1895, to 31 October, 1895. Private Secretary to Commander-in-chief, 1 November, 1895, to 15 January, 1897. Major, 1901. Served in South Africa, 1899; wounded 18th February, and died of wounds 20th February, 1902 (see p. 132). WILLIAM LEYLAND FEILDEN. Cornet by purchase, 5 July, 1853. THOMAS CHARLES FENTON. Captain, 6 April, 1815. (2 January, 1812, on half-pay in 4th Dragoons.) Retired, 24 June, 1819. ROBERT ORDE FENWICK. Appointed Cornet, 5 August, 1803. Lieutenant, 27 February, 1806. Resigned, 24 June, 1807. JOHN FERGUSSON. From Quartermaster-Sergeant, to Quartermaster, 12 April, 1864. Died, 27 September, 1871. PATRICK FERGUSON. Cornet in the Lieutenant-Colonel's troop, in the Muster signed at Kelso, 13 August, 1763. In Muster Roll ending 26 December, 1768, promoted to be a Lieutenant in the 70th Regiment. Born in 1744, his father being James Ferguson of Pitfours, Aberdeenshire. He was taught fortification, gunnery, &c., in a military academy in London, and in 1759, before he was 15, was appointed a Cornet in the Greys. On 2nd December, 1776, he obtained a patent for improvements in Fire-arms. The patent covers several forms of breech action, the use of sliding back sights, and also a peculiar mode of rifling. After some successful public experiments at Woolwich, and before the King at Windsor, the inventor returned to his regiment, then quartered at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and was allowed to form a corps of riflemen with volunteers from regiments in America. The men were armed with breech-loading rifled carbines. This corps of riflemen, extended in front and supported by a corps of rangers, did good service in covering General Knyphausen's advance at the Battle of Brandywine, 11 September, 1777, when Ferguson received a severe wound. 26 October, 1779, he was made Major in the old 71st Highlanders, then in America. In Carolina under Lord Cornwallis, he was again wounded severely. At the fight of King's Mountain, on 9 October, 1780, he was surprised and killed. The D. N. B. concludes: "Ferguson is allowed by all to have been a generous, chivalrous soldier, but the partisan warfare in which he was engaged gave rise to rancorous feelings on both sides. It is alleged that indignities were offered to his mangled corpse and great barbarities practised on the wretched militiamen under him who were taken prisoners. Unable to show other marks of respect to his memory, Ferguson's brother officers published a notice of him in the form of a monumental epitaph in the New York Gazette, 14 February, 1781." PETER FERGUISON. Cornet in November, 1760. TOWNLEY PATTEN HUME MACARTNEY FILGATE. Captain, 28 April, 1863, by exchange from 8th Hussars. Retired, 14 February, 1865. CONRAD WILLIAM CURLING FINZELL. Cornet by purchase, 14 February, 1864. Retired, 22 August, 1868. WILLIAM FRANCIS FIRMSTONE. Cornet, 28 October, 1871. Sub-Lieutenant, 1 November, 1871. Lieutenant, 17 March, 1874. Resigned, 18 March, 1874. RALPH BROMFIELD WILLINGTON FISHER. From unattached list. Sub-Lieutenant, 27 June, 1874. To 10th Hussars, 27 August. Fisher, R. B. W. (Lieut.-Col., 10th Hussars.) Afghan War, 1878-9-80. Attack and capture of the Peiwar, Kotal, actions of Matun and Futtehabad. Operations in the Shutargardan. Affairs around Kabul and Sherpur; and march from Kabul to relief of Kandahar, and battle of 1 September. Despatches, London Gazette, 4 May, and 3 December, 1880. Medal with 3 clasps: bronze star. Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition, 1881. Transport Officer. Mentioned in Despatches. PETER FRASER FLEMING. Born, 9 June, 1855. Quartermaster (honorary Lieutenant), 21 February, 1894. "In the ranks 19 years, 135 days." FITZROY CHARLES FLETCHER. Second Lieutenant, 27 August, 1879, from Highland R. Mil. Lieutenant, 8 November, 1880. RANDAL FOOT. Cornet, 21 June, 1836, from half pay 6th Dragoon Guards. ALEXANDER FORBES. 1706 Quartermaster to Patrick Robertson's troop. Cornet, 26 May, 1710. Lieutenant, 24 March, 1715-16. Captain, 9 August, 1721. Made Major, 27 May, 1742. JOHN FORBES. Cornet, 5 July, 1735. Made Lieutenant, 23 April, 1742. Captain, 24 September, 1744. Major, 3 February, 1746-7. Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, 24 December, 1745, and Lieutenant-Colonel of the Greys, 29 November, 1750. Made Colonel of the 17th Foot, 25 February, 1757. In the same year he was sent to America as Adjutant-General, and on 28 December appointed a Brigadier there. He was entrusted with the capture of Fort Du Quesne. George Washington commanded the Virginians of his force. Forbes died at Philadelphia, 11 March, 1759. JOHN FORBES. Made Cornet, 25th December, 1755. Lieutenant in Muster ending 24 June, 1763. Transferred in Muster ending 24 June, 1767, from Captain Home's troop to Major Douglas's troop. Resigned, 16 March, 1770. FRANCIS CHARLES FORDE. Cornet by purchase, 10 June, 1826. Lieutenant by purchase, 8 June, 1830. Captain by purchase, 10 July, 1835. Retired, 28 December, 1841. GEORGE, LORD FORRESTER, of Corstorphine. Born 23 February, 1688. Cornet, 1 January, 1706-7. He served in Marlborough's campaigns, but did not stay long in the Greys. He became Lieutenant-Colonel of the 26th Regiment, the Cameronians, and in command of them was wounded at the battle of Preston, 13 November, 1715. In 1716 he was promoted Colonel of the 30th Foot, and died on the 17th February, 1726. "In the attack on the rebels at Preston, 13 November, 1715, as Lieutenant-Colonel commanding the 26th, or Cameronians, he showed extraordinary intrepidity. Ordering his men to halt, he deliberately rode into the street with his drawn sword in his hand, and amidst a shower of bullets coolly examined one of the four barriers which had been raised by the insurgents. He then sallied into the street at the head of his men, and whilst with one party he attacked the barrier, another under his directions seized two houses which overlooked the whole town." ROBERT STEIN FERLONG. Cornet from 13th Light Dragoons, 30 July, 1829. "To have the rank of Lieutenant, 22 May, 1835." Made Adjutant, 6 November, 1835. Resigned Adjutancy, 10 August, 1838. Captain by purchase, 26 February, 1841. Retired, 29 December, 1843. JOSEPH FORTESCUE. Cornet, 28 November, 1780. Lieutenant in Muster ending 24 December, 1789. CHARLES PERCIVAL FOSTER. Born 10 November, 1872. Second-Lieutenant, 29 May, 1895. Lieutenant, 16 September, 1896. THOMAS FOWKE. Cornet, 9 March, 1757. ANDREW FRAME. Quartermaster, 1706, in Major Boyd's troop. JOHN FREEMAN. 16 May, 1782, appointed Cornet in the Colonel's troop. Lieutenant, 7 February, 1787. JOHN ARTHUR FREEMAN. Cornet by purchase, 7 August, 1846. Lieutenant by purchase, 21 June, 1850. Captain by purchase, 11 November, 1853. Died, 27 September, 1854. JOHN FREESTONE. Quartermaster, 1706. JAMES CARNEGIE FULERTOUN. Captain, 2 May, 1793. In Muster ending 24 March, 1799, en second. JOHN FURNIER. Cornet, 12 September, 1695, to 9 March, 1697-8. (WILLIAM) GALLOWAY. Cornet, 15 June, 1716. The 3rd son of James, 5th Earl of Galloway and Catherine, daughter of the 9th Earl of Eglinton, is given by Burke, as "William, served as a Cavalry Officer. M.P., Wigtown Burghs." JAMES GAPE. Cornet, 29 April, 1813. Lieutenant, 3 May, 1815. Captain by purchase, 19 January, 1817. Exchanged to half pay, unattached, 6 December, 1833. JAMES GARDINER. 24 February, 1707-8, Lieutenant in Captain William Crawford's Additional Troop. The above entry in the original manuscript "Army List" at the Record Office was evidently unknown to the editors of the "Dictionary of National Biography," who have been careful to explain that the famous Colonel Gardiner killed at Prestonpans had not served in the Greys. In the same manuscript the Earl of Stair is recorded as Colonel, The chief points in Gardiner's life must be taken from the Rev. Dr. Doddridge's "Some remarkable passages in the Life of the Hon. Colonel James Gardiner, who was slain at the battle of Prestonpans, September 21, 1745." He was the son of Captain Patrick Gardiner, of Torwood Head, Linlithgowshire, and was born 10 January, 1687. At the early age of 14 he bore an ensign's commission in a Scotch Regiment in the Dutch service until 1702, when he received an Ensign's commission from Queen Anne. At the age of 19, in the battle of Ramillies, he received a wound in his mouth by a musket ball. "He was of a party in the forlorn hope, and was commanded on what seemed almost a desperate service, to dispossess the French of the churchyard at Ramillies, where a considerable number of them were posted to remarkable advantage. He planted his colours on an advanced ground, and while he was calling to his men, he received a shot into his mouth." Mr. Dalton has rightly recorded Gardiner as a Lieutenant in the Greys, and adds a note—"Master of the Horse to the Earl of Stair when that nobleman was sent Ambassador to France in 1715. Appointed Major of the Earl of Stair's Regiment of Dragoons (now the Inniskilling Dragoons), 14 January, 1717. Lieutenant-Colonel of the same Regiment, 4 January, 1730. Colonel of the Regiment now the 13th Hussars, 18 April, 1743." On the 22nd July, 1715, at the battle of Preston, he headed a storming party of 12, and advancing to the barricades of the insurgents, set them on fire, in spite of a furious storm of musketry, by which 8 of his men were killed. I abridge from the "Dictionary of National Biography," and other sources, the following note of Colonel Gardiner's last fight:—On 19 April, 1743, Gardiner became Colonel of the 13th Hussars, then quartered in East Lothian, in which district Gardiner had lately purchased a residence. On the outbreak, in 1745, Gardiner's and Hamilton's Dragoons were retained in the low country, while Cope set out to oppose the JOHN GARDNER. Cornet, 12 May, 1797. Retired, 3 October, 1798. DAVID GARIOCH. On 30 March, 1685, appointed Cornet of Major Wedderburne's troop. GEORGE GARIOCH. Lieutenant in one of the Additional Troops, 1 January, 1693-4 to 1 March, 1697-8. JOHN FRANCIS UPTON GASKELL. From 6th Dragoon Guards. Captain, 29 December, 1877. JOHN GORDON GEDDES. Lieutenant-Colonel from half-pay, 27 August, 1852, retiring the same day. ---- GEDDES. Cornet, 24 March, 1715-16. DAVID GIBSON. From Sergeant to Cornet, without purchase (on augmentation), 5 November, 1854. In 1856 promoted to a Lieutenancy in the Military Train. JOHN GIBSON. Quartermaster, 25 May, 1760. THOMAS GILBERT. Cornet, 29 November, 1750. Resigns, 29 May, 1754. JAMES GILBRAITH. Appointed Quartermaster, 28 July, 1761. Sold out, 25 March, 1762. In the Muster Roll, at Hammersmith, 22 January, 1763, is recorded:—Quartermaster James Gilbraith promoted in 104th Regiment, March 26. ---- GILL. Surgeon, 10 December, 1794. Retired, 30 June, 1795. JOHN GILLIES. Cornet from Sergeant-Major (and Riding Master), 25 October, 1825. Lieutenant by purchase, 8 October, 1830. Retired on half-pay, unattached, 10 May, 1839. ANDREW GILLON. Cornet in Lieutenant-Colonel Douglas's troop, 17 September, 1778. Transferred to the Colonel's troop, 7 July, 1779. Promoted Lieutenant, 20 March, 1780. Captain-Lieutenant, 18 July, 1787. Captain, 28 July, 1790. In the muster ending 24 December, 1794, Gillon, as well as Ker, are entered as Majors. 3 April, 1801, Major Andrew Gillon retired. JAMES GIRVAN. Quartermaster, 1795. Retired, 28 February, 1797. ADAM GLENDINING. Quartermaster, 1 October, 1799. Promoted Cornet in Royal Wagon Train, 9 January, 1806. SAMUEL GODDARD. Appointed Quartermaster in the Colonel's troop, 27 February, 1775. Transferred to the 20th Light Dragoons, 1 May, 1779. JOHN GODLY. Appointed Quartermaster, 24 July, 1786. In Roll, December, 1797, to February, 1798, described as en second. THOMAS GONNE. Cornet by purchase, 25 November, 1855. Lieutenant by purchase, 11 September, 1857. Exchanged to 17th Dragoons, 17 November, 1857. CHARLES GORDON. Chaplain, 23 March, 1797. GEORGE GORDON. Cornet by purchase, 8 June, 1830. Lieutenant by purchase, 10 July, 1835. HENRY GORDON. Cornet in Sir Robert Hay's troop, 24 October, 1706. LORD ROBERT GORDON. Made a Cornet, 18 September, 1741. THOMAS GORDON. Born at Cairness, 8 December, 1788, son of Charles Gordon, of Buthlau. Was at Eton, 1800 to 1804. Matriculated at Brasenose College, Oxford, 20 January, 1806. Cornet in the Greys 10 December, 1807. Lieutenant in March, 1809, and before the close of the year exchanged into the 43rd Regiment. In 1810 he quitted the British service and started on foreign travel. In 1813 he served as Captain on the Staff of the Russian army. In 1816 he was at Constantinople and married Barbara Kana, afterwards Baroness de Pedaiges, a lady of Armenian Greek extraction. In 1821 the war of Greek independence began, and he served as chef d'État major under Ipsilanti. He took an active part at the siege of Tripoliza, and after the town was taken he remonstrated against the treacherous massacre by the Greeks of several thousand Turks. His representations being disregarded, he quitted the service. At last, after many urgent requests that he would join the Greek service again, he, in May, 1826, returned to promote unity and military discipline. In January, 1827, he accepted the command of the expedition to the PirÆus with the local rank of Brigadier. His aim was to relieve Athens, then blockaded by Kutahi. Gordon successfully landed his troops at Port Phalerus "under the nose of Reshid Pasha." On 11 February the Turks made a determined attack, but were driven back with great slaughter. Finding that Athens was still able to hold out, he wished to resign, but was induced to continue upon condition of receiving supplies and being "entirely master of his own operations." He continued until the arrival of General Church to take over supreme command as generalissimo. On April 16 Gordon was appointed Director-General of the Ordnance Department. On May 6 the disastrous battle before Athens put an end to all organised military operations by the Greeks in the Morea. The battle of Navarino soon ended the struggle. In 1832 was published in London his "History of the Greek Revolution," a work of great value. On the formation of the Greek Kingdom he was appointed Colonel À la suite and Colonel on the Staff of the Greek army. On 7 July, 1835, he was appointed Major-General. He died at Cairness, 20 April, 1841. JOHN BLOOMFIELD GOUGH, C.B. (Lieutenant-General). Colonel, 31 January, 1864. Lieutenant-General in the Army, 9 November, 1862. K.C.B., 1866. "Gough, Sir J. B. (General, retired list)." China War, 1840-2. Capture of Canton, Amoy, Ningpo, Chapoo and Nankin. Despatches, London Gazette, 8 October, 1841, 11 February, 3 September, 18 October, and 11 November, 1842. Medal. Brevets of Major and Lieutenant-Colonel. C. B. Gwalior campaign, 1843-4. Battle of Maharajpore. Despatches, London Gazette, 8 March, 1844. Bronze star. Sutlej campaign, 1845-6. Battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, Sobraon (severely wounded). Despatches, London Gazette, 23 February and 1 April, 1846. Medal, with two clasps. Punjaub campaign, 1848-9. Battle of Chillianwallah and Goojerat. Despatches, London Gazette, 3 March and 19 April, 1849. Medal, with two clasps. A.D.C. to the Queen. FREDERICK GOULBURN. Captain by purchase, 6 April, 1815. 12 July, 1810, on half-pay in 13th Dragoons, apparently. FREDERICK ULRIC GRAHAM. Cornet by purchase, 29 March, 1844. Soon transferred to 1st Life Guards. JAMES REGINALD TOVIN GRAHAM. Cornet by purchase, 20 January, 1814. Lieutenant by purchase, 8 June, 1815. Captain by purchase, 16 March, 1820. On half-pay, 1821. Retired, 5 April, 1844. ---- GRANT. Cornet, 1702. ALEXANDER GRANT. Captain, 1 April, 1692, to 31 March, 1694. WALTER COLQUHOUN GRANT. Cornet by purchase, 26 February, 1841. Lieutenant by purchase, 7 April, 1843. Captain by purchase, 18 April, 1845. Exchanged to 47th Foot, 9 June, 1838. SIR WILLIAM KEIR GRANT, K.C.B., G.C.H., Lieut.-Gen. Colonel from the 8th Dragoons, 24 August, 1839. Lieutenant-General in the Army, 27 May, 1825. Died, 7 May, 1852. THOMAS PRICE GRATRIX. Cornet, exchanged from 1st Life Guards, 20 April, 1848. Lieutenant by purchase, 9 May, 1851. Exchanged to 14th Light Dragoons, 12 November, 1852. JOHN UPPLEBY GRAYBURN. Cornet without purchase, from Northampton Militia, 7 March, 1856. PATRICK GREY. Cornet, 1 April, 1692, to 31 December, 1693. Lieutenant, 1 January, 1693-4, to 12 May, 1697-8. WILLIAM GRAY, The Honourable. Cornet, 16 March, 1770. In 1775 transferred from Captain Telfer's troop to the Colonel's troop. Promoted Lieutenant 22 May, 1776, in Captain Ramsay's troop. Appointed Captain-Lieutenant in 15th Light Dragoons, 17 May, 1779. (William John, 14th Lord Gray. Died unmarried, 12 December, 1807, in his 54th year.) JOHN GREY. From the 10th Light Dragoons. Major, 1 October, 1821, by purchase. Lieutenant-Colonel by purchase, 25 October, 1825. Exchanged to half-pay, unattached, 23 March, 1832. JOHN GRIEVE, V.C. Cornet from Sergeant-Major, without purchase, 4 December, 1857. Augmentation. Adjutant, 18 February, 1859. Lieutenant, 30 January, 1863. Retired, 26 May, 1865. HENRY DARBY GRIFFITH. Captain, exchanging from the 33rd Foot, 14 June, 1839. Major by purchase, 6 November, 1846. Lieutenant-Colonel by purchase, 27 August, 1852. Wounded slightly, Gazette, 12 November, 1854. Colonel in the Army, 28 November, 1854, and also Aide-de-Camp to the Queen. Appointed Colonel of the Greys, 31 March, 1866. Also appointed Major-General in the Army. JOHN GRIFFITHS. Quartermaster in Captain Law's troop, in Muster ending 24 June, 1760. Transferred to Captain Napier's troop in Muster ending 24 June, 1768. EMANUEL GRISTOCK. Surgeon, 2 April, 1788. Retired, 8 July, 1788. JOHN HALL. Cornet, 9 January, 1806. Lieutenant, 25 June, 1807. Captain, 1812, by purchase, in place of Lawrence Johnson, retired. In 1814 retired. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Made a Cornet, 23 April, 1742. ARCHIBALD HAMILTON. Lieutenant, 16 March, 1815. On half-pay in 4th Dragoons, 11 June, 1812. DIGBY HAMILTON. Adjutant in Muster ending 24 December, 1785. Cornet's commission, 21 June, 1786. Lieutenant, 3 June, 1791. Captain-Lieutenant, 24 June, 1795. Retired, 18 February, 1796. JAMES CAMPBELL HAMILTON. From 5th Dragoon Guards. Second Lieutenant, 13 November, 1878. Lieutenant, 19 May, 1880. JAMES INGLIS HAMILTON. Cornet, 15 May, 1793. Lieutenant, 4 October, 1793. June, 1800, Captain. Appointed, 17 February, 1803, Major, without a troop. From August, 1805, apparently Major with a troop. 16 June, 1807, appointed Lieutenant-Colonel. 4 June, 1814, received the rank of Colonel in the Army. Killed, 15 June, 1815. JOHN HAMILTON. Quartermaster, 1762. In Muster Roll ending 24 December, 1775:—"Promoted Cornet in 17th Regiment of Dragoons." In Muster Roll ending 24 December, 1782:—"Captain-Lieutenant John Hamilton." JOHN POTTER HAMILTON. Quartermaster. "From half-pay. Appointed 23 May, 1786, and retired, 20 June." Then, in the Muster Roll ending 24 June, 1794, John Hamilton appears as appointed a Cornet, 26 March, 1794. Lieutenant, 13 August, 1794. Captain-Lieutenant, 16 August, 1799. Appointed Captain, 3 May, 1800. Appointed Major in Hompesch's Dragoons, 27 February, 1802. WILLIAM HAMILTON. Promoted, 12 February, 1806, from Sergeant-Major to Quartermaster. Lt.-Colonel Sir Thomas Hankin, present with the Greys at Waterloo. Reproduced and enlarged from a cabinet photograph given to Dr. Campbell, Edinburgh, by Colonel Hankin, West India Regiment, grandson of Sir Thomas. The original portrait in oils is in the hands of a lady in the female line of the Hankin Family, address unknown. SIR GEORGE FRANCIS HAMPSON, Bart. Cornet by purchase, 5 August, 1842. Lieutenant by purchase, 18 April, 1845. Captain by purchase, 24 September, 1847. Retired, 12 July, 1857. 9th Baronet, being the son of Sir George Francis, 8th Baronet and his wife, Mary Forman, daughter of Admiral William Brown. HENRY EDWARDES HANDLEY. Cornet by purchase, 30 September, 1853. Lieutenant (on augmentation), without purchase, 29 December, 1854. Retired, 30 July, 1858. SIR THOMAS PATE HANKIN. Cornet, 22 July, 1795. Lieutenant, 3 August, 1796. En second in Muster ending 24 October, 1798. Major, 4 April, 1808. Rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, 4 June, 1814. Lieutenant-Colonel by purchase, in succession to I. G. Clarke retired, 11 October, 1821. Knighted, 31 August, 1822. Retired, 25 October, 1825. THOMAS C. HARDY. Cornet, 6 July, 1792. "Appointed Captain to an Independent Company." CLAUDIUS S. HARRIS. Second-Lieutenant, 8 December, 1880. Lieutenant, 1 July, 1881. Captain, 18 July, 1888. JOHN COLLINSON HARRISON. Born 9 August, 1869. Second-Lieutenant, 5 June, 1889. Lieutenant, 23 May, 1891. South Africa, 1899-1901; died 3rd September, at Pretoria, of wound received in the action near Belfast on 26th August, 1901 (see pp. 100-1). CHALONER HAWKE, The Honourable. Cornet, 14 August, 1775, in Captain George Ramsay's Troop. Died, 17 September, 1777. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL DOUGLAS HAWKESLEY. Lieutenant, 26 July, 1853, by exchange from 2nd Life Guards. Retired, 13 September, 1853. FRANCIS HAWKSWORTH. Lieutenant, 5 February, 1794. FRANCIS HENRY TOOVEY HAWLEY. Born 10 August, 1860. Second-Lieutenant, 11 August, 1880. Lieutenant, 29 June, 1881. Captain, 1 October, 1887. Adjutant, 18 January, 1892. Major, 3 April, 1897. South Africa, 1899-1900; died at Bloemfontein, 27th April, 1900. SIR ALEXANDER HAY. Cornet, 25 December, 1778. Promoted, "Lieutenant to Colonel Stewart's Regiment of Foot, 27 November, 1780." ANDREW HAY. Cornet, 15 February, 1695-6, to 12 March, 1697-8. GEORGE HAY. Cornet, 24 December, 1726. LOUIS HAY. 19 June, 1688, commission to be Cornet in the Earl of Dunmore's Troop. LORD JOHN HAY. Son of the second Marquis of Tweeddale. Captain, 1 April, 1692, to 7 September, 1692. Major, 8 September, 1692, to 31 March, 1694. Lieutenant-Colonel and Captain, 1 April, 1694 to 12 March, 1697-8. "1702—The Lord Viscount Tiviot's Regiment of Dragoons—Colonel Lord John Hay." "Camp at Helchin, 26 August, 1706. "To Mr. Secretary Harley. "I have not received the favour of any letter from you since my last. Yesterday we had the satisfaction to see the garrison of Menin march "Yesterday Lord John Hay, Colonel of the royal regiment of Scots Dragoons, died of a lingering fever, after about twenty days' illness, being generally regretted through the whole army. I fear we shall have ill news from our fleet after this violent storm of wind. "I am, Sir, yours, &c., PETER HAY. Muster ending 24 June, 1798, Cornet en second. Appointed Lieutenant (in Captain Balfour's troop), 4 May, 1800. Appointed Captain in 26th Dragoons, 21 August, 1801. SIR ROBERT HAY. 1 January, 1693-4, made Captain of Foot and joined this Regiment of Dragoons as Captain, 24 June, 1706. Made Brevet-Major, 1 November, 1711. Major, 16 September, 1715. Lieutenant-Colonel, 12 June, 1717. Retires, and is succeeded by Major Sir Thomas Hay, 27 May, 1742. SIR THOMAS HAY, Baronet. Cornet, 1 June, 1717. Captain, 11 June, 1720. Made Major, 6 February, 1740-1, and on 27 May, 1742, Lieutenant-Colonel. Sir John Hay, the first Baronet, married Catherine, daughter of Sir George Suttie, Baronet. He died in 1706. Second Baronet of Nova Scotia. Died without issue, 26 November, 1769. F. H. HAYNES. Honorary Captain. Paymaster, 1881. JOSEPH HELY. From 7th Dragoon Guards. Cornet, 27 June, 1826. JOHN LEWIS VAUGHAN HENRY. Sub-Lieutenant, 23 April, 1873. Lieutenant, 23 April, 1874. Captain, 29 June, 1881. ALEXANDER HEPBURN. Cornet, 18 September, 1741. WILLIAM HEPBURN. "Major William Hepburn, from half-pay in Ancaster's, made Captain (in succession to I. M. Campbell), 24 July, 1754." RICHARD AUSTIN HERBERT. Cornet without purchase, 21 May, 1858 (augmentation). Retired, 3 June, 1859. ERNEST FREDERICK HERITAGE. Second Lieutenant, 1 February, 1888. ANTHONY HERON. Cornet, 29 May, 1745. Lieutenant, 30 September, 1746. Captain, 29 November, 1750. Died, and was succeeded by John Douglas, 11 January, 1755. BASIL HERON. Cornet, 11 January, 1755. Lieutenant, in Roll ending 24 June, 1760. Captain-Lieutenant, 24 April, 1762. Lieutenant, 24 April, 1762. In Muster Roll ending 24 June, 1763, Captain (Lieutenant) of Colonel the Duke of Argyll's Troop. Promoted Captain, 14 November, 1770. In Muster Roll, ending 24 June, 1779, he is promoted Major. Retired, 27 July, 1790. Lieutenant-Colonel Hippisley. Commanding the Greys from September, 1900, to June, 1902. Served with the Nile Expedition, 1884-5, in command of a detachment of the Scots Greys attached to the Heavy Camel Regiment, and took part in the operations of the desert column, including the action at Abu Klea, and the reconnaissance to Matemmeh—Medal with two clasps and Khedive's Star. South Africa, 1899-1902, including operations near Modder River. Appointed to command of the regiment March 23rd, 1901, and took part in all the subsequent operations. AUGUSTUS WILLIAM HEYMAN. Cornet by purchase, 5 October, 1815. Lieutenant by purchase, 14 October, 1819. Captain by purchase, 25 November, 1824. Retired, 8 October, 1830. FREDERICK DRUMMOND HIBBERT. Cornet by purchase, 29 December, 1843. Lieutenant by purchase, 7 August, 1846. Retired, 11 April, 1851. LORD ARTHUR W. M. HILL. Captain 10 September, 1816. Major in the Army, 27 July, 1815. Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, 21 January, 1819. Major by purchase, 25 October, 1825. Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, 23 March, 1832. Appointed Colonel in the Army, 10 January, 1837. Also he became Lord Sandys, and 29 December, 1837, exchanged to half-pay, unattached. CHARLES HILL. Cornet by purchase, 11 September, 1857. Lieutenant by purchase, 2 September, 1862. Retired, 17 November, 1863. LORD WILLIAM FREDERICK ARTHUR MONTAGUE HILL. Lieutenant from the 43rd Foot, 10 May, 1839. Captain, 7 April, 1843. Died, 18 March, 1844. WILLIAM HENRY HIPPISLEY. Born, 1 December, 1855. From 7th Hussars. Sub-Lieutenant, 29 January, 1876. (Commission in the Army, 22 May, 1875.) Lieutenant (and Adjutant), 29 January, 1876. Captain, 1 June, 1884. Major, 28 June, 1893. On 5 July, 1896, appointed "second in command." South African War, 1879. Zulu campaign. Medal, with clasp. GEORGE HOBART. Cornet from half-pay, 11th Light Dragoons, 23rd March, 1820. Lieutenant by purchase, 21 July, 1825. Promoted to Captain, half-pay, unattached, 17 December, 1829. Major, by purchase, 2 April, 1841. Retired, 7 April, 1843. ---- HODGSON. Cornet, 11 July, 1811. Lieutenant, 10 December, 1814. DENNIS HOLLINGWORTH. Cornet by purchase, 16 January, 1822. DAVID HOME. Cornet, 17 December, 1754. Made Lieutenant 19 March, 1757. Captain in Muster ending 24 June, 1760. In the Musters from 24 December, 1772, he is Captain and Major:—Major Napier (now Lord Napier) still continuing Major. David Home's Commission as Major is stated to be dated 3 November, 1774. On Muster ending 24 June, 1779, David Home appears as Lieutenant-Colonel, and Basil Heron as Major. In Roll ending 24 December, 1794, Home appears as "Absent by the King's leave," and I. H. Boardman is evidently as Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding the Regiment, now abroad. In December, 1802, Lieutenant-Colonel David Home appointed Colonel of the "2nd Garrison Battalion." JOHN PURVES HOME. Cornet, 25 May, 1809. Lieutenant, 8 August, 1811, without purchase, in place of Legge. In 1814 retired. JOHN ORD HONYMAN. Cornet, 12 December, 1811. In 1813 appointed to 1st Foot Guards. ---- HOSIER. Cornet by purchase, 25 May, 1815. Retired, 1816. JAMES H. HOULDSWORTH. Second Lieutenant, 9 January, 1889. Lieutenant, 15 October, 1890. JOHN WALLACE HOZIER. Born in 1834, a younger brother of W. W. Hozier. Cornet by purchase, 17 December, 1858. Lieutenant by purchase, 17 November, 1863. Adjutant and Lieutenant, 29 May, 1866. Captain by purchase, 30 June, 1869. Major, 31 January 1878, Lieutenant-Colonel, 21 June, 1880. WILLIAM WALLACE HOZIER. Cornet by purchase, 5 April, 1844. Lieutenant by purchase, 6 November, 1846. Retired, 9 May, 1851. The eldest son of James Hozier, Deputy-Lieutenant for the County of Lanark and Catherine Margaret, daughter of Sir William Feilden, Baronet: he was born in 1825 and married Frances Ann, daughter of James O'Hara, Esq., of Raheen, County Galway. WILLIAM HARTOP HULL. Cornet by purchase, 4 April, 1822. Lieutenant, 25 October, 1825. Captain by purchase, 8 October, 1830. Retired, 10 July, 1835. JOHN WILLIAM HUMPHREY. Cornet by purchase, 30 May, 1866. Retired, 11 January, 1867. THOMAS HUNT. Cornet without purchase, 26 October, 1858. (Augmentation.) Lieutenant by purchase, 28 April, 1863. Captain by purchase, 3 February, 1869. Retired, 2 August, 1871. ROBERT HUNTER. Captain, 1 April, 1694, to 12 March, 1697. ROBERT SCOTT HUNTER. Cornet by purchase, 17 June, 1851. Lieutenant without purchase, 17 February, 1854. Captain without purchase, 13 September, 1855. Exchanged to 6th Dragoon Guards, 17 June, 1859. JOHN INGLIS. 21 May, 1678, Commission to be Captain of one of the three Independent Companies of Dragoons raised. 25 November, 1681, Commission as Captain on the companies being regimented. ---- INGLIS. Appointed Ensign of Captain John Inglis's Company, 3 December, 1684. JAMES INNES. In 1681 made Ensign of Murray's Company. On 30 March, 1685, appointed Cornet of Lord Charles Murray's troop. ROBERT INNES. Cornet by purchase, 6 April, 1815. Lieutenant by purchase, 10 October, 1816. Captain by purchase, 24 October, 1821. WILLIAM, LORD INVERURY. Cornet, 7 February, 1787. Retired, 2 June, 1791. William (Keith-Falconer), Earl of Kintore, &c. Born, 11 December, 1766, at Inglisma'die, County Kincardine, styled Lord Inverurie till he succeeded to the peerage, 30 August, 1804. He married, 18 June, 1793, at Aberdeen, Maria, daughter of Sir Alexander Bannerman. He died, 6 October, 1812, at Keith Hall, aged 45. His widow died 30 June, 1826. JAMES IRVING. In 1681 Surgeon, and reappointed Surgeon, 30 March, 1685. BASIL JACKSON. Quartermaster, 1795. Promoted Cornet, Royal Waggon Train, 10 January, 1804. PETER NEVILL JACKSON. Surgeon, from 31st Foot, 22 December, 1869. Died, 14 May, 1872. GEORGE THOMSON JACOB. Cornet, 11 May, 1839, from half-pay, 3rd Dragoon Guards. CHARLES JAMES. Cornet, "by purchase, 21 May, 1812, for the benefit of Captain Hutton, late of the 4th Dragoon Guards." Lieutenant by purchase, 5 April, 1815. Captain by purchase, 3 December, 1818. Retired, 4 April, 1822. GEORGE JAMES. Cornet, 10 June, 1795. Lieutenant, 3 May, 1800. Captain, 16 June, 1807. Major by purchase, 3 December, 1818. Retired, 16 March, 1820. WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER JAMES. Sub-Lieutenant, 28 February, 1874. Lieutenant, 28 February, 1874. Captain, 22 December, 1880. South African War, 1879. Zulu Campaign. Battle of Ulundi (slightly wounded). Despatches, London Gazette, 21 August, 1879. Medal with clasp. Egyptian Expedition, 1882. Aide-de-Camp to General Officer commanding the First Division. Actions of El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, Kassassin of 9 September, battle of Tel-el-Kebir. Despatches, London Gazette, 2 November, 1882. Medal with clasp; bronze star. Brevet of Major. 4th class Medjidie. Soudan Expedition, 1885. Suakim. In command of Camel Corps. Despatches, London Gazette, 25 August, 1885. Clasp. JOHN JEBB. From the 29th Foot. Appointed Lieutenant, 7 March, 1805. Resigned, 8 January, 1806. THOMAS JESSOP. Cornet by purchase, 16 October, 1860. Lieutenant by purchase, 19 July, 1864. Captain by purchase, 28 May, 1870. Retired, 23 October, 1875. WALTER JOHNSON. Cornet by purchase, 16 October, 1866. Lieutenant by purchase, 19 January, 1870. Retired, 10 January, 1872. GEORGE JOHNSTON. Quartermaster in Roll ending 24 June, 1760. Sold out, 2 April, 1784. JAMES JOHNSTON. "2nd Cornet James Johnston, from half-pay in Crawford's, 27 November, 1752." James Johnston is made Lieutenant 18 November, 1755. In Muster Roll ending 24 June, 1763, noted as received from the Light Troop into Captain William Napier's Troop. Resigned, 6 March, 1766. JAMES JOHNSTON. Surgeon, 3 November, 1769. Resigned, 2 May, 1780. LIEUTENANT-GENERAL JAMES JOHNSTON. Colonel, 1785. Died, 26 November, 1795. LAURENCE JOHNSTON. (The "t" omitted in printed Army List, 1812). Cornet, 27 January, 1797. Lieutenant, June, 1802. Captain, 17 February, 1803. Retired in 1812. MONTAGUE GEORGE JOHNSTON. Cornet by purchase, 22 June, 1870. Lieutenant by purchase, 2 August, 1871. Captain, 31 January, 1878. Major, 5 July, 1888. Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition, 1884-5, on the Headquarters Staff, and raised upwards of 100 men for the 2nd Mounted Rifles (Carrington's Horse). RICHARD JOHNSTON. Cornet, 14 November, 1770. WILLIAM JOHNSTON. Appointed Quartermaster, 29 September, 1786. Appointed Lieutenant in the Royal Corps of Waggoners, 26 February, 1794. H. G. JOHNSTONE. Captain, 12 August. Retired, 24 November, 1795. OWEN GOODMAN JONES. Surgeon in Muster ending 24 June, 1763. Resigned, 19 February, 1765. RICHARD J. JONES. Surgeon, 1 July, 1795. Resigned, 4 August, 1814. ROBERT JONES. Cornet, 6 April, 1791. Lieutenant, 21 February, 1793. Retired, 11 November, 1794. GIDEON KEITH. Lieutenant, 1702. Captain by Brevet, 1 January, 1706-7. A. K. CLARK KENNEDY, C.B. Lieutenant-General. From 6th Dragoon Guards. Colonel, 17 July, 1860. Died, 30 January, 1864. JAMES KENNEDY. Cornet, 31 May, 1715. LOCKHART MURE HARTLEY KENNEDY. From Ceylon Rifles Regiment, Lieutenant, 5 April, 1871. Lieutenant in the Army, 27 April, 1870. Captain, 24 February, 1877. Half-pay, 15 September, 1877. GABRIEL KENYON. Cornet, 31 August, 1815. Exchanged (19 March), 1818, to 58th Foot. JAMES KER. Cornet, 22 July, 1795. Lieutenant, 9 February, 1797. Captain, 23 June, 1803. Retires, 15 July, 1813. JOHN KERR. Quartermaster, 25 March, 1776. Retired, 12 June, 1786. JOHN KERR. Cornet, 1 April, 1692, to 11 September, 1695. Captain (?) 12 September, 1695, to ye 27th April, 1697. ---- KERR. Cornet, 15 June, 1716. Succeeded by Thomas Hay. JOHN S. KERR. Lieutenant, 24 March, 1790. Captain, 21 February, 1793. In Muster Roll ending 24 December, 1794, Gillon, as well as Kerr, is entered as a Major. Died, 25 June, 1795. FRANCIS CHARLTON KINCHANT. Cornet by purchase, 18 January, 1815. Killed at Waterloo. ANDREW KING. 4 April, 1704, Cornet. Lieutenant in Patrick Robertson's troop, 10 July, 1706. Captain-Lieutenant, 24 March, 1715. JOHN HENRY KING. Paymaster, 27 March, 1857, exchanging from the 2nd Dragoon Guards. Paymaster in the Army, 10 April, 1855, and Lieutenant in the Army, 31 December, 1853. Honorary Captain, 10 April, 1860. Honorary Major, 10 April, 1865. Retired, 17 April, 1866, to half-pay. "—— KINNAIRD. Lawful son to George, Lord Kinnard of Inchture, appointed to be Ensign of Sir James Turner's Company." Sir George Kinnaird of Inchture, a steady loyalist during the Civil Wars, was knighted by Charles II., 1661. He represented the county of Perth in the Scots' Parliament, and was sworn a Privy Councillor on 28 December, 1682; he was raised to the peerage, as Lord Kinnaird of Inchture. He died, 29 September, 1689. He was descended from Radulphus, on whom King William the Lion bestowed, in 1170, the barony of Kinnaird. Richard de Kinnaird, the great grandson of Radulphus, was one of the Scots barons who swore fealty to Edward I., in 1296, as did also his son, Radulphus. (See Rymer's Foedera, 1304.) Reginald, 2nd son of the latter's grandson, married Margery, heiress of Sir John Kirkaldy, of Inchture. George, Lord Kinnaird, was ninth in direct descent from this union. JOHN KIRKWOOD. Quartermaster, 3 January, 1796. Promoted Cornet Royal Waggon Train, 11 January, 1804. GEORGE KNOX. Quartermaster in George Sheen's troop. Cornet, 31 May, 1715. LAUDER. In 1681 made Lieutenant in Major Sir James Turner's Company. GEORGE LAUDER. 1706, Quartermaster in Lieutenant-Colonel James Campbell's troop. Cornet, 31 May, 1715. LEWIS LAUDER. In 1681 Ensigne of Inglis's Company. Appointed Lieutenant of Captain John Inglis's Company, 5 December, 1684. On 30 March, 1685, appointed Lieutenant of Major John Wedderburne's troop. 11 December, 1688, commission to be Lieutenant of Captain Blair's troop. MUNGO LAW. Cornet, 22 February, 1744-5. Lieutenant, 23 July, 1748, in the Army. Lieutenant, 13 September, 1754, in this Regiment. Captain in Muster Roll ending 24 June, 1760. GEORGE LAWLER. Cornet in Captain Mungo Law's troop in Muster, at Chichester, ending 24 June, 1766. WILLIAM LAWRENCE. Quartermaster, 1706, in Colonel the Earl of Stair's troop. 24 February, 1707-8, made Cornet in Captain William Crawford's Additional Troop. Lieutenant, 11 June, 1720. Captain-Lieutenant, 24 September, 1733. Died, 1740. ALGERNON LAWSON. Born, 16 December, 1869. Lieutenant, 11 January, 1893. Lieutenant in the Army, 28 December, 1892. (The foregoing entry in the April, 1893, printed Army List seems a mistake, as in the July List he is entered with these dates, but as only a 2nd Lieutenant.) Lieutenant, 13 June, 1894. Served in the South African War in 1899-1900 on the Staff, and was present at the relief of Kimberley; and took part in the operations in the Orange Free State from February to May, 1900, including engagement at Paardeberg, and actions at Poplar Grove, Driefontein, Karree Siding, and Zand River; the operations in the Transvaal in May and June, 1900, including actions near Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Diamond Hill; and in the operations in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, including action at Belfast (mentioned in despatches); in the Transvaal west of Pretoria, July to 29 November, 1900; in the Transvaal 30 November, WILLIAM NICHOLAS LEADER. From the 13th Foot. Sub-Lieutenant, 26 July, 1876. Lieutenant, 26 July, 1876. Resigned, 19 May, 1880. LEVER LEGGE. Cornet, 12 September, 1816. LEVER LEGGE. Cornet, 6 June, 1805. Lieutenant, September, 1806. Captain, 13 June, 1811. Retired, 1815. JOHN LEIGH. Cornet, 7 February, 1787. Lieutenant, 6 July, 1792. Retired, 19 February, 1793. THOMAS LEIGH. Brevet, as Captain, 11 May, 1708. Captain, 25 December, 1726. ALEXANDER LEISHMAN. Quartermaster, 1 May, 1779. Retired, 23 September, 1786. JAMES LEITH, V.C. By exchange from 6th Dragoons, Captain, 18 January, 1859. Major in the Army, 28 July, 1858. Retired on half-pay, 31 December, 1861. JOHN LENNOX. Promoted from Sergeant-Major to Quartermaster, 3 June, 1813. Died, 26 November, 1826. THOMAS LESLIE. Lieutenant, 26 December, 1726. LEIVINGSTOUN. In 1681, Lieutenant in Strahan's Company. JAMES LEVINGSTON. Cornet, 1702. Lieutenant 11 May, 1705, in George Sheen's troop. In 1715, Captain. WILLIAM LEVINGSTOUN OF KILSYTH. 7 November, 1685, appointed "Captain of that troop which was lately commanded by Lord Charles Murray when he was Lieutenant-Colonel, and now he is Colonel." 23 August, 1688, commission to Livingstoun to be Aid-Major. HARRY P. LEVITA. Lieutenant, 23 August, 1884. Levita, H. P. (Captain, Reserve of Officers). Soudan Expedition, 1885, and Suakim. Medal with clasp; bronze star. JENKYN LEYSON. Lieutenant, 23 July, 1737. Retires and is succeeded by Cornet Hamilton Blair, 6 August, 1742. JENKIN LEYTON (OR LEYSON). Lieutenant, 22 May, 1723. WILLIAM ROBERTSON LIDDERDALE. Appointed Cornet 22 February, 1775, and transferred from the Colonel's troop to the Lieutenant-Colonel's troop. Resigned 16 September, 1778. JOHN LIDDLE. Quartermaster, from Quartermaster-Sergeant, 27 September, 1871. THE HONOURABLE ROBERT HAMILTON LINDSAY. Third son of the Earl of Crawford, was born 30 March, 1874, and married, 23 April, 1903, May Janet, eldest daughter of the late Sir William J. Clark, first Baronet. 2nd Lieutenant, 10 October, 1894. Lieutenant, 25 September, 1895. Captain, 20 March, 1901. Served in South African War in 1899 to 1900, and was present at relief of Kimberley; took part in operations in Orange Free State from February to May, 1900, GEORGE HAYWOOD LINDSEY. (Later written Hayward.) Cornet, by purchase, 3 December, 1818. In 1823 promoted in 57th Foot. JAMES LINDSEY, "EARL OF BALCARAS." On 5 June, 1711, was a Lieutenant in the Navy. 26 December, 1726, appointed a Lieutenant in this Regiment. 25 April, 1741, made Captain. Born 14 November, 1691. Joined his father at the rising of 1715, and was captain of a troop which acted with great gallantry at the battle of Sheriffmuir. He was, however, pardoned and made Lt. 2 R.N.B. Ds., under his uncle, Sir Jas. Campbell. Was in command at Dettingen in 1743; but retired after Fontenoy, 1745, in which his uncle was slain. Devoted rest of life to literature and improving his estate. At 60, 24 Oct., 1749, married Anne, dr. of Sir Robt. Dalrymple, of Castleton. He died at Balcarres 20 Feb., 1768. HERBERT C. T. LITTLEDALE. Captain, 20 November, 1889. Brevet-Major, 21 May, 1884. "Littledale, H. C. T. (Major, 4th Dragoon Guards). Egyptian Expedition, 1884. Soudan; Battle of Teb (severely wounded). Despatches "London Gazette," 6 May, 1884. Medal with clasp; bronze star; brevet of Major." JOHN LIVINGSTON. Promoted from Sergeant in the Colonel's troop to Quartermaster, 3 May, 1800. JOHN LIVINGSTOUN. 30 March, 1685, appointed Lieutenant of Captain John Strachan's troop. SIR THOMAS LIVINGSTON. Born in Holland, 1652, was elder of the two sons of Sir Thomas Livingstone, who was created a baronet by Charles I., and was colonel of a regiment of foot in the Dutch service. His mother was the daughter of Colonel Edmond, of Stirling. He succeeded his father as second baronet of Newbiggin, and acquired military reputation as an officer in the Scots Brigade in the pay of Holland. He came to England with William of Orange in 1688 as colonel of a regiment of foot, and on 31 Dec., 1688, was appointed colonel of the royal regiment of Scots Dragoons, now the Royal Scots Greys. Livingston served in Scotland under General Hugh Mackay, and when in command at Inverness, by forced marches with a body of horse and dragoons, surprised and completely routed the Jacobite forces under General Thomas Buchan at Cromdale, on 1 May, 1690. The engagement put an end to the resistance of the clans. Livingston succeeded General Mackay as commander-in-chief in Scotland, and was sworn of the Privy Council. On 1 Jan., 1696, he became Major-General on the English establishment, and on 4 Dec., 1696, was created Viscount of Teviot in the peerage of Scotland, by patent to him and his heirs male. Livingstone married Macktellina Walrave de Nimmeguen, from whom he appears to have separated. She "pursued" him in the Scottish courts in November, 1703, for the sum of 500l., to pay her debts contracted since he left her, and alimony at the rate of 400l. a year. The lords of session "recommended, under the circumstances of the case, to cause pay her bygon debts, and to settle somewhat upon the lady yearly with the time coming, and to treat with the Viscount to that effect" (see Launder, Sir John, Lord Fountainhall, Decisions, ii., 200). As a result probably of this litigation, Teviot sold the colonelcy of the Scots Greys on 7 April, 1704, to Lord John Hay. In the Great Seal Registers are charters of resignation by him of the lands of Lethington, on 23 June, 1702, and of the lands of Waughton on 26 July, 1704. Teviot became a lieutenant-general on 1 Jan., 1704. He died in London, aged 60, on 14 Jan., 1711, when having no heirs male, JENKIN HOMFRAY LLEWELLYN. Surgeon, 18 January, 1856, exchanging from 2nd class staff. Exchanged to 8th Hussars, 31 August, 1858. MARK LLOYD. Cornet by purchase, 20 July, 1815. Lieutenant by purchase, 24 June, 1819. Captain unattached, 1839. AUGUSTUS PUREFOY LOCKWOOD. Exchanged from 8th Light Dragoons. Surgeon, 31 August, 1858. Surgeon-Major, 17 September, 1861. On half-pay, 4 April, 1865. GENERAL THE MARQUIS OF LOTHIAN. From Col. the 11th Light Dragoons, Colonel, 27 January, 1813. William John (Kerr), Marquess of Lothian, Earl of Ancram, &c., born 13 March, 1737; entered the army, 1754, becoming finally, 1796, full General. Made a Knight of the Thistle, 11 October, 1776. Representative Peer for Scotland, 1778, 1780, and 1784-1790. He married in Ireland, 9 June, 1763, Elizabeth, daughter of Chichester Fortescue, of Dromisken, County Louth, and of Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Wellesley, first Baron Mornington. He died, 4 January, 1815. JAMES LOUTHIAN. Cornet, 11 May, 1705. Lieutenant, 31 May, 1715. (Another entry gives as Lieutenant, 13 February, 1712.) LEWIS LOWTHER. Lieutenant, 1 April, 1692, to last day of February, 1694. Captain-Lieutenant, 1 April, 1694, to 31 March, 1696. ABRAHAM LUDLOW. Cornet, 11 May, 1797. Lieutenant en second in Muster ending 24 October, 1798. FREDERICK WILLIAM LUKIN. From Lieutenant, 17th Foot. Paymaster, 10 August, 1855. Exchanged to 2nd Dragoon Guards in 1856. FRANCIS LYNDSAY. Cornet, 23 May, 1746. Lieutenant, 23 July, 1748. Captain-Lieutenant, 11 January, 1755. Captain, 25 December, 1755. The Muster Roll, signed at Dunse, November 25, 1760, refers to Captain Francis Lindsay's "Light Troop." This numbered then 79 privates and 102 horses. Captain Francis Lindsay resigned 30 April, 1762. HENRY DALTON WITTIT LYON. Cornet by purchase, 18 April, 1845. Lieutenant by purchase, 24 September, 1847. Exchanged to 2nd Life Guards, 26 July, 1853. JAMES LYON. Cornet, 24 December, 1726. JAMES CHARLES MABERLY. Cornet by purchase, 25 September, 1867. Lieutenant by purchase, 22 June, 1870. Captain, 24 June, 1876. Major, 5 July, 1882. Lieutenant-Colonel, 5 July, 1888. Lieut.-Colonel J. C. Maberly. THOMAS HAMILTON McBEAN. Promoted from Troop Sergeant-Major to Quartermaster, 16 August, 1850. Died, 13 March, 1864. PATRICK McCALLAM. Adjutant, 10 August, 1774. JOHN MACHELE. Cornet, 5 March, 1796. Retired, 9 July, 1796. JAMES MACLEOD. Cornet by purchase, 20 September, 1833. Lieutenant by purchase, 29 July, 1836. DONALD JOHN M. MACLEOD. Cornet by purchase, 10 July, 1835. Lieutenant, 29 July, 1836. Lieutenant by purchase, 23 February, 1838. Captain by purchase, 28 December, 1841. Major by purchase, 27 August, 1852. Died, 16 October, 1854. JOHN WILLIAM McCLINTOCK-BUNBURY. Sub-Lieutenant, 30 December, 1871. Lieutenant, 28 February, 1874. THOMAS KANE McCLINTOCK-BUNBURY. Cornet, from 6th Dragoon Guards, 9 October, 1869. Lieutenant by purchase, 31 May, 1871. Retired, 4 February, 1874. Now Lord Rathdonnell, having succeeded his uncle as second Baron in 1879; Honorary Colonel, 6th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles. HON. WILLIAM MCCLINTOCK-BUNBURY. Son of the above. Second Lieutenant, 4th January, 1899; died of wounds received in action at Dronfield, South Africa, 17th February, 1900 (see p. 89). JOHN McDORVAL. Cornet in Muster, 24 June, 1760. GEORGE MACDOUGALL. Cornet, 25 December, 1726. Made Lieutenant, 18 September, 1741. JAMES McDOUGELL. Lieutenant, 1 April, 1692, to 11 September, 1695. HENRY McMILLAN. Promoted on 1 October, 1802, from Sergeant-Major to Adjutant. Lieutenant (and still Adjutant), 10 April, 1805. Captain, 18 July, 1815, in place of Reignolds, 1816, Ex. WILLIAM McNAUGHTON. Promoted from Sergeant to Quartermaster, May, 1805. DUNCAN McNEILL. Cornet by purchase, 20 September, 1853. Lieutenant without purchase, 15 December, 1854. Captain by purchase, 17 July, 1857. FRANCIS BEAUFORT MACONOCHIE. Cornet (on augmentation), without purchase, 28 November, 1854. LACHLAN MACQUARIE. Cornet from 42nd Regiment, by purchase, 26 April, 1831. Lieutenant by purchase, 6 November, 1835. Captain by purchase, 23 February, 1838. Retired, 26 February, 1841. JOHN McVICAR. Promoted, 3 May, 1800, from Sergeant in the Lieutenant-Colonel's troop, to Quartermaster. THOMAS McWALTER. Quartermaster, 28 December, 1797. DAVID A. A. MACKAY. Cornet, 23 May, 1792. Lieutenant, 23 February, 1793. Promoted 24 June, 1794, to 26th Light Dragoons. (Captain 26th Light Dragoons, 25 September, 1795.) JOHN MACKENZIE. Quartermaster in Captain Napier's troop in 1763. Died, 28 September, 1767. LEWIS MACKENZIE. Captain, 18 May, 1820, from half-pay 92nd Infantry. Retired, 21 October, 1821. ROBERT McKENZIE. Quartermaster in Muster Roll ending 24 June, 1760. WILLIAM McKERRALL. Surgeon, 26 October, 1756. VISCOUNT F. C. MAITLAND. 2nd Lieutenant, 16 November, 1887. Frederick Colin Maitland, styled Viscount Maitland. Born 12 April, 1868. Lieutenant in the Scots Guards, 1889. He married, 16 April, 1890, Gwendoline Lucy, youngest daughter of the Right Honourable Sir Edward Vaughan-Williams, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas. THOMAS MALLARD. Lieutenant, 22 March, 1692-3 to 15 March, 1697-8. Captain-Lieutenant, 1702. Lieutenant, 25 August, 1704. Brevet, to act as Captain in the Army, 25 August, 1704; and to take rank as Captain in the Regiment, 10 January, 1706-7. ROBERT MARKHAM. Cornet by purchase, 24 June, 1819. In 1823 promoted in 9th Dragoons. EUSTACE ADDISON MAUDE. Born, 5 January, 1863. 2nd Lieutenant, 24 August, 1887. Lieutenant, 16 March, 1889. Captain, 16 December, 1895. Served in South Africa, 1899-1902; Brevet Major, 1901. CHARLES JAMES MAXWELL. Born, 26 October, 1863. Lieutenant, 16 April, 1884. Captain, 19 August, 1891. WILLIAM EUGÈNE MELLES. Second Lieutenant, 4th December, 1901. Served in South African War, and in the Mediterranean. Medal. Resigned 2nd February, 1907. WILLIAM MERRIE. Quartermaster in Captain Clarke's troop, 9 January, 1804; on 25 August, 1810, "placed on the retired allowance." WILLIAM CRAWFURD MIDDLETON. Born 4 March, 1858. "From Gentleman Cadet Royal Military College." Second Lieutenant, 13 May, 1878. Lieutenant, 6 May, 1880. Adjutant, 18 June, 1881. Captain, 21 June, 1885. Major, 9 January, 1895. "Soudan Expedition, 1884-5. Nile medal with clasp: bronze star." Served in the South African War, 1899-1901; mentioned in despatches, and promoted Brevet Lieut.-Colonel (see p. 126); was present at the relief of Kimberley, and took part in the operations in the Orange Free State, February to May, 1900, including the engagements at Paardeburg and actions at Poplar Grove, Driefontein, Karree Siding, and Zand River; the operations in the Transvaal in May and June, 1900, including engagements near Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Diamond Hill; the operations in the Transvaal east of Pretoria, including action at Belfast. MARK WILLIAM VANE MILBANK. Cornet by purchase, 30 December, 1837. Lieutenant by purchase, 2 April, 1841. Retired, 5 August, 1842. HUGO W. R. MILLAIS. Second Lieutenant, 29 April, 1891. ALFRED DOUGLAS MILLER. Born, 1 March, 1864. Lieutenant, 7 February, 1885. Captain, 28 June, 1893. Adjutant, 18 January, 1896. Major, 20 February, 1902; served in the South African War in 1899-1902 on the Staff, and as Adjutant of 2nd Dragoons to 9 May, 1900. He was present at the relief of Kimberley, and took part in the operations in the Orange Free State from February to May, 1900, including engagements at Paardeberg, and actions at Poplar Grove, Driefontein, and Karree Siding; in the Transvaal 30 November, 1900, to May, 1901; and in Cape Colony May, 1901, to 31 May, 1902 (mentioned in despatches); D.S.O. Medal with four clasps; King's medal with two clasps; qualified for Staff employment. D.A.A.G., N.E. District, 6th February, 1903; Lieut.-Colonel commanding the Scots Greys, 1907; Brevet Colonel, 21st January, 1908. ROBERT MILLER. Cornet from 13th Light Dragoons, 12 March, 1829. Lieutenant by purchase, 21 February, 1834. Captain by purchase, 30 December, 1837. Retired, 28 December, 1838. WILLIAM MILLER. Cornet and Adjutant, 7 July, 1846, from Regimental Sergeant-Major. Lieutenant, 20 June, 1850. Captain without purchase, 30 September, 1854. In 1856 on half-pay. ANDREW M. MILLS. Captain, 1 September, 1795. Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Bruce. Retired, 9 May, 1796. JOHN MILLS. Lieutenant, 5 May, 1808. Captain 19 July, 1815. Major in the Army, 15 August, 1822. Major by purchase, 25 November, 1824. Promoted to an unattached Lieutenant-Colonelcy, 10 June, 1826. NICHOLAS MILLS. From Sergeant-Major promoted to Cornet, without purchase, 10 March, 1854. Lieutenant without purchase, 13 September, 1855. Riding Master, 11 September, 1857. Retired on half-pay, 6 November, 1867. SIR JOHN MITCHELL. Made Cornet, 18 November, 1755. Lieutenant in Muster Roll ending 24 June, 1761. Resigned, 27 October, 1769. PATRICK MOIR-BYRES. Born, 10 October, 1869. Second Lieutenant, 23 October, 1889. Lieutenant, 19 August, 1891. Staff service: employed with Lagos Constabulary, 25 April, 1894. MAJOR-GENERAL ARCHIBALD MONEY, C.B. AND K.C. Appointed Colonel, 24 May, 1852. Lieutenant-General, 2 June, 1854. (Waterloo Medal.) Died 25 August, 1858. DANIEL MOODIE. From Regimental Sergeant-Major to Cornet, without purchase, 30 September, 1854, being an augmentation. Lieutenant and Adjutant, 7 February, 1856. Resigned Adjutancy, 1858. Exchanged to 60th Foot, 31 March, 1863. Instructor of Music, 10 April, 1862, and the first to hold this appointment in the Regiment. HENRY MOORE. Cornet 27 November, 1752, from the Seventh Dragoons. Lieutenant, 25 December, 1755. Also 24 June, 1760. WILLIAM MORRICE. Promoted from Sergeant-Major to Quartermaster, in muster ending 24 February, 1804. GEORGE HENRY, EARL OF MOUNTCHARLES. Cornet by purchase, 31 December, 1844. Exchanged to 1st Life Guards, 28 April, 1848. George Henry (Conyngham), Marquess Conyngham, &c., born 3 February, 1825. Entered the 1st Life Guards, 1848. Lieutenant-Colonel of the 1st Life Guards, 1861 to 1868. Lieutenant-General in the Army, 1881. Equerry to the Queen, 1870 to 1873, when he was made an extra Equerry. Vice-Admiral of the coast of Ulster. He married 17 June, 1854, Jane St. Maur Blanche, only daughter and heiress of Charles (Stanhope), 4th Earl of Harrington. He died 2 June, 1882. HENRY MOWITT. Captain, 10 May, 1796. Retired 15 March, 1797. JOHN MULLINS. From Staff. Surgeon, 4 April, 1865. Retired on half-pay, 22 December, 1869. JOHN GROSET MURCHEID. Cornet, 15 December, 1774. Transferred from Captain Ramsay's to Captain Telfer's troop, June, 1775. Resigned 21 March, 1776. Lord Charles Murray 1st Earl of Dunmore Born at Knowesley 1661 2nd Son of John 1st Marquis of Atholl and Lady Amelia Stanley, Dau. of VII Earl of Derby And Charlotte de la Tremouille Colonel Scots Greys 1679. Master of the Horse to Queen Mary 1685. Imprisoned 1692 for attempting Restoration of Stuarts. GEORGE MURE. Cornet, 18 September, 1721. Lieutenant, 10 May, 1732. Made Captain-Lieutenant, 15 November, 1740. Made Captain, 27 May, 1742. CHARLES MURRAY. 26 November, 1681, commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel. 30 March, 1685, James II.'s commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel. 6 November, 1685, appointed Colonel and Captain of a troop. MURRAY, LORD CHARLES, FIRST EARL OF DUNMORE. Second son of John, second Earl and First Marquis of Atholl, by Lady Amelia Sophia Stanley, daughter of the seventh Earl of Derby, was born in 1660. On the enrolment in 1681 of General Thomas Dalyell's regiment of horse, now the Scots Greys, Lord Charles Murray was appointed its first lieutenant-colonel. He was also master of horse to Princess Anne. After the death of Dalyell he, on 6 Nov., 1685, obtained the colonelcy of the regiment, and was also about the same time appointed master of the horse to Mary of Modena, queen consort of James II. During 1684 he was engaged in the campaign in Flanders, and was present at the siege of Luxemburg. On 6 Aug., 1686, he was created by James II. Earl of Dunmore, Viscount Fincastle, and Lord Murray of Clair, Moulie, and Tillemot; at the Revolution he was deprived of all his offices. After the accession of Queen Anne, Dunmore was sworn a privy councillor 4 Feb., 1703, and in the parliament of 21 May his patent was read and ordered to be recorded, whereupon he took his seat. In 1704 Dunmore was appointed one of a committee of parliament for examining the public accounts, and in September, 1705, his services were rewarded by a gratuity. He gave constant support to the Union with England. In 1707 he was appointed governor of Blackness Castle. He died in 1710. By his wife Catherine, daughter of Richard Watts, of Hereford, Dunmore had six sons and three daughters:—James, viscount of Fincastle, who THE HONOURABLE CHARLES MURRAY. Cornet, 3 October, 1798. Lieutenant, 3 April, 1801. THE HONOURABLE GEORGE AUGUSTUS FREDERICK JOHN MURRAY. Cornet by purchase, 21 November, 1834. Lieutenant by purchase, 30 December, 1837. Retired 6 November, 1840. JAMES MURRAY. In 1681 Lieutenant under Major Sir James Turner. Appointed 30 March, 1685. Lieutenant of Major John Wedderburne's troop. 23 August, 1688, commission to be Captain of the troop lately Captain Strachan's. JAMES MURRAY. 7 November, 1685, appointed Cornet of John Wedderburne's troop. 23 August, 1688, commission to be Lieutenant of Lieutenant-Colonel George Rattray's own troop. JOHN MURRAY. Cornet 1688. H.I.M. the Emperor of Russia, COLONEL-IN-CHIEF OF THE SCOTS GREYS. WILLIAM MURRAY. Lieutenant, April 1, 1692, to 21 March, 1693. Captain-Lieutenant 22 March, 1692, to ye last, December, 1693. Captain, 1 January, 1693-4, to 12 March, 1697-8. WILLIAM NAPIER. Cornet, 2 February, 1746-7. Lieutenant, 21 June, 1749; Captain-Lieutenant, 25 December, 1755. Captain, 9 March, 1757. "23 February, 1760, Captain the Honourable William Napier, with the regiment in Germany." Promoted Major and Captain, 14 November, 1770. From the muster ending 24 December, 1772, David Home appears as a Major, and Napier (then Lord Napier) also is entered. Resigned, 3 November, 1774. MICHAEL NELSON. Quartermaster from Ensign, 45th Foot, 25 December, 1835. Retired on half-pay, 16 August, 1850. JAMES NESBIT. Chirurgeon, 1702, to 31 May, 1715. HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY NICHOLAS II. Emperor of Russia, K.G. Colonel-in-Chief, 8 December, 1894. CLEMENT OCTAVIUS NICHOLSON. Second Lieutenant, 26th March, 1902. DAVID NICHOLSON. Cornet, 1 May, 1794. Lieutenant, 27 May, 1795. Appointed Captain, 28th (or 20th) Light Dragoons, 5 March, 1796. SIR JOHN NISBET. Appointed Cornet in Major Douglas's troop, 3 March, 1764. Promoted Lieutenant in Captain Law's troop, 12 January, 1770. Resigned, 22 February, 1775. JOHN NISBET. Cornet. Lieutenant, 3 November, 1774, in Captain Ramsay's troop. 22 May, 1776, transferred to Captain Heron's troop. Captain-Lieutenant, 3 March, 1780. CHARLES NORMAN. Cornet by purchase, 12 February, 1824. Lieutenant by purchase, 12 December, 1826. Exchanged to half-pay, West Indian Regiment, 10 July, 1828. THE HONOURABLE FRANCIS NORTH. Fourth Earl of Guilford, born 25 December, 1761. Succeeded to the Earldom, 20 April, 1802. Died at Pisa on 11 January, 1817. He was a patron of the stage, and author of a dramatic piece, "The Kentish Baron," produced with success at the Haymarket in June, 1791. Cornet in Captain Ramsay's troop, 24 December, 1777. Promoted Lieutenant in 2nd Dragoon Guards, May, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel in 1794. ANDREW NUGENT. Cornet by purchase, 17 December, 1852. Lieutenant without purchase, 8 December, 1854. Captain by purchase, 8 February, 1856. Major without purchase, 31 March, 1866. Lieutenant-Colonel by purchase, 3 February, 1869. Colonel in the Army, 3 February, 1867. To half-pay, 21 June, 1880. ANDREW NUGENT. (Hon. Lieutenant-General, retired list.) Crimean campaign, 1854-5. Battles of Balaklava, Inkerman, and Tchernaya, siege and fall of Sevastopol. Medal with 3 clasps; Turkish medal. EDWARD O'BRIEN. Cornet, 2 May, 1816. HORACE STAFFORD O'BRIEN. Cornet by purchase, 30 January, 1863. Lieutenant by purchase, 13 March, 1866. Retired, 9 October, 1869. SIR JOHN OGILVY. Cornet, 17 March, 1743-4. Lieutenant, 10 March, 1751. Resigns 26 February, 1755. "Sir John Ogilvy, of Inverquharity, a zealous Royalist, created a Baronet of Nova Scotia, 29 September, 1626; married Anne, daughter of Sir Alexander Irvine, of Drum. His great-great-grandson was Sir John Ogilvy, 5th Baronet, who married in 1754, Charlotte, eldest daughter of Dr. Walter Tullieph of Tullieph Hall, Forfarshire. Sir John died on 15 March, 1802." General Nugent. WALTER OGILVIE. Cornet, 15 December, 1774. Lieutenant, 26 December, 1779. Resigned (muster ending 24 June, 1780). WILLIAM OGILVIE. Cornet, 12 September, 1695, to 12 March, 1697-8. WILLIAM HENRY ORAM. Cornet by purchase, 19 January, 1817. Lieutenant by purchase, 4 April, 1822. Captain by purchase, 10 June, 1826. Exchanged to half-pay, unattached, 17 December, 1829. HUGH OWEN. Chaplain. Chaplain in muster ending 24 December, 1785. Retired, 24 December, 1796. WILLIAM, EARL OF PANMURE. Colonel, 10 November, 1770. William Maule, of Kellie. Born in 1700. In June, 1734, succeeded his father, an ardent Jacobite. He became M.P. for Forfar, and remained so for 47 years. On 6 April, 1743, he was created an Irish Peer, as Viscount Maule of Whitechurch, and Earl of Panmure of Forth. He died unmarried, at Edinburgh, 4 January, 1782. RICHARD PARK. Quartermaster, 11 May, 1774, in Lieutenant-Colonel Douglas's troop. Resigned, 8 March, 1775. THOMAS PHILIP PARR. Cornet by purchase, 30 March, 1855. Lieutenant by purchase, 19 June, 1852. Captain by purchase, 28 April, 1863. Retired, 19 July, 1864. RICHARD PARRY. Cornet by purchase, 21 September, 1852. Retired, 6 May, 1853. WALTER PATERSON. Chaplain, 8 July, 1752. GEORGE PAULET. Lieutenant, by exchange, from 8th Dragoons, 22 April, 1859. 30 January, 1863, went to the 2nd Life Guards. On 6 July, 1867, exchanged back to the Greys. EDWARD PAYNE. Cornet, 17 March, 1807. Lieutenant, 13 October, 1808. Captain by purchase, 5 April, 1815. Retired, 1815. JOHN PEASTON. Promoted from Sergeant to Quartermaster, May, 1805. Placed on the retired allowance, 25 August, 1810. GAVIN PEDEN. Quartermaster, 10 January, 1804. SIR HENRY CARSTAIRS PELLY, Baronet. Cornet, from Royal Military College, by purchase, 2 September, 1862. Lieutenant, by purchase, 26 May, 1865. Exchanged to 2nd Life Guards, 6 July, 1867. Third Baronet, son of Sir John Henry, second Baronet, high sheriff of Cambridge and Hunts, and his first wife—Johanna Jane, daughter and co-heir of John Carstairs, Esqre. Sir Henry was born 23 April, 1844. He was M.P. for Hunts, 1874 to ABRAHAM PEMBERTON. Quartermaster, 3 May, 1793. Retired, 2 June, 1796. G. W. PERROT. Cornet, 22 December, 1803. Lieutenant, 12 September, 1805. Promoted Captain in 60th Regiment, June, 1807. WILLIAM PERRY. From Troop Sergeant-Major to Quartermaster, 7 December, 1826. Retired on half-pay, 25 December, 1835. JOHN GODFREY PETERS. From the King's German Legion. Appointed Lieutenant, April, 1805. ALEXANDER PETTIGREW. Quartermaster, 21 June, 1786. WILLIAM PETTIGREW, Senr. Quartermaster in Major Napier's troop, in Muster ending 24 June, 1772. Retired, 20 November, 1792. WILLIAM PETTIGREW, Junr. Quartermaster, 29 November, 1792. Deputy Adjutant in Muster Roll, ending 24 December, 1795. FRANCIS MAITLAND PHILIPS. Sub-Lieutenant, 24 February, 1872. Lieutenant, 10 March, . Captain, 28 June, 1879. FREDERICK PHILLIPS. Cornet by purchase, 11 May, 1839; also appointed Riding Master. Lieutenant by purchase, 29 December, 1843. Captain without purchase, 17 February, 1854. Retired, 25 May, 1855. FRANCIS LAMB PHILP. Cornet by purchase, 17 July 1857. Lieutenant by purchase, 24 December, 1858. Instructor of Musick, 22 July, 1863. Captain by purchase, 14 February, 1865. In the 1866-67 Army List a line has been ruled through both the office and the holder of it. F. L. P. continued to hold his Captaincy. Retired, 24 June, 1876. GEORGE EDWARD GRAHAM FOSTER PIGOTT. Lieutenant, 31 March, 1863, by exchange from 60th Foot. Captain by purchase, 16 October, 1866. Retired, 31 May, 1871. HENRY THOMAS COWARD SMYTH PIGOTT. Cornet by purchase, 28 December, 1841. Lieutenant by purchase, 5 April, 1844. Captain by purchase, 6 November, 1846. Retired, 24 September, 1847. CHARLES PILGRIM. Cornet, by purchase, 2 April, 1841. Retired, 29 March, 1844. CHARLTON POLLOCK. Cornet, 5 October, 1795. Lieutenant, 28 December, 1797. En second in Muster ending 24 March, 1799. Captain in 1805, and perhaps earlier. Resigned in December, 1808. JAMES POOLE. Lieutenant, 16 March, 1797. Appointed Captain, 25 May, 1803. Lieutenant-Colonel, 4 December, 1815. Retired, 1816. DAVID SCOTT PORTEOUS. Sub-Lieutenant, 28 February, 1874. SIR DAVID COLYEAR, Baronet. Created 13 April, 1703, Earl of Portmore. He served in the army of the Prince of Orange; commanded a Scotch regiment in the service of Holland; served under William III. in Ireland. Colonel and Captain of the Greys, 31 May, 1715. In 1717, succeeded by James Campbell. He was in 1710 appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in Scotland. In 1713, Governor of Gibraltar. K.T., 17 January, 1713. He married in 1696, Catherine, suo jure, Countess of Dorchester. LENOX PRENDERGAST. Cornet by purchase, 11 March, 1853. Lieutenant (not in anyone's place, but as an augmentation), 8 December, 1854. Wounded severely (see "Gazette," 12 November, 1854). Captain, 13 June, 1856. Placed on half-pay, 9 October, 1857. On the same date appointed Captain under the augmentation arrangement. Major by purchase, 3 February, 1869. Retired on half-pay, 30 June, 1869. WILLIAM TAYLOR PRENTIS. Cornet by purchase, 16 August, 1850. Lieutenant by purchase, 11 November, 1853. Captain by purchase, 25 May, 1855. Retired, 24 December, 1858. CHARLES PRESTON. Captain, 24 August, 1706. GEORGE PRESTON. (In some cases entered as John.) The son of William Preston of Gorton. A Major in the army, who died in 1733. Cornet, 16 July, 1739. Made Lieutenant, 23 April, 1742. Captain, 11 April, 1745. Major, 29 November, 1750. Lieutenant-Colonel, 9 March, 1757. Also in 24 June, 1760, Muster Roll. Promoted and transferred, 14 November, 1770. Lieutenant-General on 18 April, 1782, GEORGE PRESTON. Captain, 8 September, 1692, to 31 March, 1694. Major and Captain, 1 April, 1694, to 15 March, 1697-8. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1702. GEORGE PRESTON. Cornet, 5 May, 1800. Lieutenant, 2 September, 1801. Appointed Captain in the 40th Foot, 12 January, 1805. ROBERT PRESTON. Captain-Lieutenant in Muster ending 24 December, 1785. Retired, 6 February, 1787. ROBERT PRESTON. Lieutenant, 1 April, 1692, to last February, 1693 (of one of the two additional troops). Captain, 1 January, 1693-4, to 30 September, 1694. PRESTON. Lieutenant, 1702. WILLIAM PRESTON. Ensign in the 25th Foot, made a Cornet, 26 February, 1755. Resigns, 26 July, 1756. GEORGE BARRINGTON PRICE. Captain, 9 October, 1857, appointed from half-pay unattached, to an augmentation Captaincy. Retired, 14 June, 1864. ALEXANDER PRINGLE. Cornet, 28 April, 1697, to 15 March, 1697-8. HENRY P. PULLEINE. Cornet, 3 June, 1791. Lieutenant, 22 February, 1793. Captain, 14 April, 1794. In Muster Roll ending 24 December, 1795, Brigade-Major to Major-General Dundas. Major in 21st Light Dragoons, 16 August, 1799. JOHN PURVIS. Quartermaster, 1796. Appointed Lieutenant in Royal Wagon Corps, 30 September, 1799. BALCARRES WARDLAW RAMSAY. Cornet by purchase, 15 December, 1840. Lieutenant by purchase, 5 August, 1842. Transferred to 14th Light Dragoons, 22 March, 1844. GEORGE RAMSAY—see George Balfour. JAMES RAMSAY. Chaplain, 4 May, 1714. GEORGE RATCLIFFE. Cornet, 21 April, 1803. Resigned, 6 June, 1805. GEORGE RATTRAY. 22 March, 1687, commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel. GEORGE RATTRAY. 23 August, 1688, commission to be Cornet of P. Blair's troop. ROBERT RAUFIELD. Cornet, 1 January, 1693-4, to 14 February, 1695-6. HENRY RAWLINS. Surgeon, 3 May, 1780. Resigned, 25 January, 1785. GEORGE REID. From Sergeant-Major, to have the rank of Cornet, 10 August, 1838; also made Adjutant. Promoted to Lieutenant, 21 July, 1842. Captain, 29 March, 1840. HENRY REID. Surgeon, 16 January, 1816, exchanged from 89th Foot. Retired, apparently on half-pay, in 1817. THOMAS REIGNOLDS. Cornet, 23 November, 1797. Lieutenant, . Appointed Captain, 11 April, 1805. September, 1805, a Major of Brigade, on the Staff of Great Britain. Major in the Army, 4 June, 1814. Killed, 18 June, 1815. ALEXANDER L. RENTON. 2nd Lieutenant, 22 August, 1888. Lieutenant, 4 December, 1889. MARK RENTON. Cornet, 13 May, 1735. Made Captain in "Clayton's," 25 April, 1741. ARTHUR WILLIAM MORDAUNT RICHARDS. 2nd Lieutenant, from 7th Dragoon Guards, 23 June, 1880. Lieutenant, 22 December, 1880. Captain, 5 July, 1886. Acting Paymaster, January, 1889. JAMES RICHMOND. Quartermaster, 13 June, 1786. Cornet, 30 April, 1794. Lieutenant, 8 October, 1794. Adjutant, 19 February, 1796. Captain, 16 August, 1799. Resigned, 7 March, 1800. On the printed form Muster of the Greys, ending 24 April, 1804, Captain James Richmond is noted as "a Major of Brigade on the Staff of Great Britain." 5 September, 1805, promoted Major. Placed on the Retired List, 25 May, 1811. ST. VINCENT WILLIAM RICKETTS. Cornet by purchase, 13 July, 1826. Lieutenant by purchase, 5 April, 1831. Adjutant, 18 May, 1832. Captain by purchase, 6 November, 1835. Major by purchase, 7 April, 1843. Lieutenant-Colonel by purchase, 6 November, 1846. Exchanged half-pay, unattached, 27 August, 1852. GEORGE JAMES RIDDLE. Cornet, 6 October, 1778. In Muster Roll ending 24 June, 1782, noted as promoted Lieutenant in 2nd troop of Grenadiers. JOHN ROACHEARD. (Later written Rochied.) Cornet, in Muster Roll ending 26 December, 1768. In Muster Roll ending 24 December, 1769, spelt John Rocheid. Lieutenant, 3 November, 1774. Captain-Lieutenant, 5 May, 1775. Promoted Captain, 25 December, 1779. Resigned, 3 March, 1780. ANDREW ROBERTSON. From 7th Dragoon Guards. Lieutenant without purchase, 22 March, 1844. Captain by purchase, 7 August, 1846. Exchanged, 24 December, 1852, to the 87th Foot. CHARLES GRAY ROBERTSON. From the 87th Foot. Sub-Lieutenant, 31 October, 1877. PATRICK ROBERTSON. Cornet, 1691. Adjutant, 27 May, 1692. Lieutenant, 7 June 1693-4, to 9 March, 1697-8. Captain-Lieutenant, May, 1705. Captain, 10 January, 1706-7. ROBINSON. Lieutenant, 1702. Major, 12 June, 1717. WILLIAM ROBINSON. Quartermaster, 8 March, 1775, in Lieutenant-Colonel Douglas's troop. Died, 23 February, 1778. GEORGE CAMPBELL ROSS. Cornet by purchase, 19 June, 1857. Lieutenant by purchase, 30 July, 1858. Exchanged to 8th Dragoons, 22 April, 1859. HUGH ROSS. Cornet, 24 December, 1726. Died, and succeeded by George Preston, 16 July, 1739. JAMES ROSS. Cornet, March, 1718. Captain, 21 March, 1722. JAMES CLARKE ROSS. 1 March, 1864. Paymaster, 14 August, 1877. In the Army Honorary Captain, 1 March, 1869. ANDREW ROSSE OF NEWARK. Appointed Quartermaster, 11 May, 1683, and also similar commission from King James on 30 March, 1685. JOHN HENRY RAYMOND ROWE. Cornet by purchase, 11 January, 1867. Lieutenant by purchase, 28 May, 1870. WILLIAM ROWLEY. Cornet, 17 November, 1808. Appointed Lieutenant in the 4th Dragoons, 4 October, 1809. JOHN RUSSELL. (On later lists John Ross.) Quartermaster, 3 May, 1793. Colonel Sanderson. JAMES ST. CLEAR. Quartermaster in Captain Patrick Smith's troop, in Muster ending 24 June, 1784. HENRY SALWEY. Lieutenant-Colonel, 6 November, 1846, from half-pay, unattached. Retired apparently same year. PATRICK SANDERSON. Cornet by purchase, 17 November, 1863. Lieutenant by purchase, 16 April, 1866. Captain by purchase, 31 May, 1871. Major, 1 July, 1881. Lieutenant-Colonel, 5 July, 1882. WILLIAM ROBERT WILLS SANDFORD. Cornet by purchase, 8 July, 1862. Lieutenant by purchase, 14 February, 1865. Captain by purchase, 22 June, 1870. Retired, 10 May, 1871. ALEXANDER SANDILANDS, The Honourable. Was second son of the 8th Lord Torphichen. Cornet, 26 October, 1779, in David Home's troop. Appointed Lieutenant to Ramsay's troop, 7 April, 1784. Retired, 6 February, 1787. Died, unmarried, 20 November, 1806. ARTHUR W. M., LORD SANDYS. From the 7th Dragoon Guards. Colonel, 26 August, 1858. Died, 16 July, 1860. Arthur Moyses William (Hill), Baron Sandys of Ombersley, born, 10 January, 1793. Entered the Army, 1810, serving in the Peninsular War, as also in France and in Flanders, and becoming finally, 1854, Lieutenant-General. He was M.P. for County Down, 1817 to 1836. He died at Ombersley Court, 16 July, 1860. GEORGE SANFORD. 25 April, 1779, as Captain from the 7th Dragoons. Appointed Major in the 20th Dragoons, 19 January, 1792. WALTER SAWYER. (In later lists spelt Swayer.) Quartermaster, 2 May, 1793. Retired, 24 June, 1796. JAMES SCHOULS. Quartermaster, 4 August, 1778. Died, 31 August, 1783. HENRY JENNER SCOBELL. Born, 2 January, 1859. 2nd Lieutenant from 20th Hussars. Lieutenant, 10 November, 1880. Captain, 27 January, 1886. Major, 5 July, 1896. Adjutant to Yeomanry Cavalry, 9 October, 1888-8 October, 1894. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, 29 November, 1900. Lieut.-Colonel, 27 July, 1901. Colonel, 5 September, 1901. Served in the South African War, 1899-1902, in command of the first Regiment of Brabant's Horse. Mentioned in despatches. Queen's medal with 6 clasps, and King's medal with 2 clasps. Brigadier-General commanding first Cavalry Brigade, first Army Corps, Aldershot, 1 April to 30 September, 1903. Major-General, 1 October, 1903. C.B., 24 June, 1904. Inspector of Cavalry, 7 May, 1907. HENRY SALES SCOBELL. Cornet by purchase, 7 April, 1843. Lieutenant by purchase, 16 May, 1845. Captain by purchase, 27 August, 1852. Retired, 11 November, 1853. CHARLES SCOTT. Cornet in Muster, ending 24 June, 1760. Resigned, 1762. CAROLUS FREDERICK SCOTT. Cornet, 24 December, 1726. Made Captain in "Guize's," and succeeded by Alexander Hepburn, 18 September, 1741. FREDERICK W. A. SCOTT. 2nd Lieutenant, 2 July, 1892. Lieutenant, 24 January, 1894. GEORGE THOMAS SCOTT. Cornet by purchase, 30 March, 1866. Lieutenant by purchase, 9 October, 1869. Captain, 30 June, 1875. Retired, 24 February, 1877. JAMES SCOTT. Adjutant, 11 May, 1705. Lieutenant, 24 February, 1707-8. Colonel H. J. Scobell. ROBERT SCOTT. Adjutant, 1702. do., 31 May, 1715. Captain-Lieutenant, 7 June, 1720. SAMUEL SEGGIE. Cornet, from Sergeant-Major, without purchase, 19 February, 1855. Lieutenant, by augmentation, without purchase, 17 November, 1857. Exchanged to the 1st Foot, 29 March, 1861. HENRY SELWYN. 16 September, 1705, Ensign in the Guards. 10 October, 1710, Captain of Foot. 31 May, 1715, Captain in the Greys. ALEXANDER SETON, VISCOUNT KINGSTOUN. Born about 1621, 3rd son of George, 3rd Earl of Winton. On the visit of Charles the First to Seton Palace in 1633, he as a boy of twelve, welcomed Charles in a formal Latin oration. In 1636 he went to study at La FlÈche, in France, and afterwards made a tour in France, Italy, and Spain. In 1640 he came back to Scotland, but to avoid taking the covenant, he went to Holland in 1643. Venturing to return, and still declining to subscribe, he was excommunicated in Tranent Church, 8 October, 1644. He went to France and was for some while in attendance on the young Prince Charles. After the Coronation of Charles II. at Scone, he was created Viscount Kingston and Lord Craigiehall. He died, 21 October, 1691. ARCHIBALD GEORGE SEYMOUR. Born, 21 September, 1875. 2nd Lieutenant, 25 March, 1896. WILLIAM R. SHAPTER. Surgeon, 9 July, 1788. Appointed Apothecary to the General Hospital, 8 April, 1794. JOHN WINGFIELD SHAWE. Cornet by purchase, 10 October, 1816. Lieutenant by purchase, 16 March, 1820. Exchanged, 27 July, 1820, to half-pay, 18th Light Dragoons. EDWARD R. C. SHELDON. Cornet, 14 February, 1805. SAMUEL SHULDHAM. Cornet by purchase, 19 January, 1815. Killed at Waterloo. JAMES SHUTTLEWORTH. Cornet, 1800, in the Lieutenant-Colonel's troop. CHARLES DE LAET WALDO SIBTHORPE. Born, 14 February, 1783. Cornet, 24 September, 1803. Lieutenant, 9 January, 1806. Afterwards he went to the 4th Dragoon Guards, and served through the Peninsular War. In 1822, on the death of his eldest brother, he succeeded to the family estates, and in 1826 was elected M.P. for Lincoln, a borough which four members of his family had represented before him. He became Colonel of the South Lincoln Militia, and a Deputy-Lieutenant. He died at his London house in Eaton Square, 14 December, 1855. FRANCIS BLAKE SIMPSON. Born, 10 April, 1859. Lieutenant, 10 October, 1883. Captain, 19 August, 1891. Dep. Asst. Com. Gen. Ord. Store Dept., 5 March, 1888, to 31 March, 1896. Ord. Off. 4th Cl., 1 April, 1896. ARCHIBALD J. M. ST. CLAIR, The Honourable. Master of Sinclair. 2nd Lieutenant, 9 December, 1896. WILLIAM SINCLAIR. (Spelt St. Clair in the next Roll.) Cornet in Captain Basil Heron's troop, in Muster ending 24 June, 1772. Resigned, 15 December, 1774. CHARLES SKEEN. Lieutenant, 10 January, 1706-7. do., 31.5.15. do., 1730. DAVID SKENE. Cornet, 30 January, 1800. GEORGE SKEEN. Lieutenant, 1702. Captain, 16 January, 1706-7. CHARLES SERGISON SMITH. Cornet by purchase, 11 October, 1821. PATRICK SMITH. (Or Peter Smith.) Appointed Cornet, 1 May, 1762, in the Colonel's troop. 24 May, 1763, transferred to Captain Napier's troop. In the Muster ending 24 June, 1765, this is written as Patrick Smith, and then altered to Peter. 16 March, 1770, promoted (as Patrick) Lieutenant. Transferred to Captain Heron's troop, 8 June, 1775. Transferred to Major Home's troop, December, 1775. Promoted Captain-Lieutenant, 25 December, 1779. Promoted Captain, 3 March, 1780. Retired, 17 July, 1787. PETER SMITH. Quartermaster. In Roll of 24 June, 1760. GEORGE RALPH SMYTH. Cornet, 28 February, 1777. Resigned, 6 October, 1778. ROBERT DUNKIN SMYTH. Surgeon, from 87th Foot, 1 October, 1847. Retired, 21 July, 1854. JOHN SOLSON. (Or Sohon). Quartermaster, 26 May, 1760. JAMES RICHARD SOMERVILLE. Cornet from 4th Light Dragoons, 25 February, 1825. Promoted Lieutenant and Adjutant, 25 November, 1828. Resigned Adjutancy, 18 May, 1832. Captain, 6 December, 1833, unattached. Retired, 6 November, 1835. CECIL SPEID SOOTE. Lieutenant, 29 December, 1886. WILLIAM SPICER. Cornet in Muster Roll ending 24 December, 1785. Died, 22 December, 1788. ALEXANDER SPITTAL. Cornet, 11 January, 1715-16. Lieutenant, 27 March, 1721. WILLIAM D. SPOONER. Captain, 20 April, 1815. On half-pay in 5th Dragoons, 5 December, 1811. Major by purchase, 16 March, 1820. Retired, 25 November, 1824. THE EARL OF STAIR. Colonel, 24 August, 1706. John (Dalrymple), Earl of Stair, &c., born at Edinburgh, 20 July, 1673. When but nine years old, he accidentally killed his eldest brother, for which act, he was pardoned under the Great Seal. He was educated at the University of Leyden, served as a volunteer at the battle of Steinkirk, 2 August, 1692. In 1702, he served under the Duke of Marlborough, to whom he was aide-de-camp; and as Lieutenant-Colonel was first in the breach at the taking of Peer: he served with the storming party at Venlo. He was Colonel of the Cameronians (26th Foot) as well as of the Scots Greys, in 1706, and was in command at Ramillies. In 1708 he greatly distinguished himself at the battle of Oudenarde, and in 1709 was at the siege of Lille and the battle of Malplaquet. In 1709-10, he was envoy to Augustus, King of Poland. In 1710, he was at the siege of Douay, and of Bouchain in 1711, becoming General in 1712. He was a representative Peer for Scotland, 1707-1710, 1715-1734, and 1744-1747. K.T., 25 March, 1710. At the accession of George I., he was made P.C., a Lord of the Bedchamber, Colonel of the Inniskilling Dragoons, and in February, 1719, Ambassador to Paris. He was Vice-Admiral of Scotland, 1729-1733. He died at Queensberry House, Edinburgh, 9 May, 1747. The Rt Honble John Earl of Stair G Kneller Eques Pinxit R Cooper Edr Fecit CHARLES ARTHUR STANILAND. Captain, 12 January, 1887. JOHN STANSFIELD. Lieutenant, exchanged from the 1st Foot, 29 March, 1861. Captain by purchase, 13 March, 1866. Retired, 24 February, 1872. LAWRENCE STAPLES. Lieutenant in Basil Heron's troop, in Muster ending 24 June, 1779. Captain-Lieutenant, 6 July, 1792. Retired, 31 July, 1792. JOHN STEELE. In Muster ending 24 June, 1798, Quartermaster en second. WALTER SCOTT STEELE. Quartermaster, 27 September, 1882. C. B. STEVENSON. Lieutenant, 18 July, 1816. On half-pay, 25 October, 1821. ---- STEWART. Captain, 1702. JAMES STEWART. Cornet, 10 July, 1706, in George Skeen's troop. SIR JAMES STEWART, Bart. Colonel, 12 January, 1815. General, 25 September, 1803. Died, 5 August, 1839. JOHN LORN STEWART. Cornet, from 7th Dragoon Guards, on augmentation, 20 February, 1855. Lieutenant by purchase, 8 February, 1856. Captain by purchase, 2 September, 1862. Exchanged to 18th Hussars, 2 March, 1864. JOHN STEUART, called JOHN ROY, 1700-1752. The "Dictionary of National Biography" is the authority for the following:— "Belonged to the Steuarts of Kincardine. Was born at Knock in 1700. Served for some time as a Lieutenant and Quartermaster in the Scots Greys; but being refused a commission in the Black Watch, he resigned. Then he was employed as a Jacobite agent, and being arrested, he broke out of Inverness Gaol, by the connivance of Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat. He fought in the French Army at Fontenoy, 30 April, 1745. Then he joined Prince Charles at Blair Atholl, and was put in command of the Edinburgh regiment, and fought at Prestonpans and Culloden. Afterwards a price was placed on his head, but in spite of many hairbreadth escapes, he was never betrayed. Gaelic songs and laments composed by him, are to this day well known in the Highlands." WILLIAM DRUMMOND STEWART. Cornet by purchase, 12 December, 1826. Lieutenant by purchase, 20 September, 1833. Captain by purchase, 29 July, 1836. Exchanged to 35th Foot, 24 August, 1839. JOHN STOBO. Quartermaster, 1799. Adjutant, 7 March, 1800. Cornet, 3 May, 1800. Lieutenant, 25 June, 1803. In the Muster Roll ending 24 October, 1803, Lieutenant John Stobo is recruiting at Kilmarnock. JOHN HERBERT RANDALL STODDART. Cornet, without purchase, 16 November, 1855. In 1856 joined the 12th Light Dragoons. ANDREW ACRES STONEY. Surgeon, from the 94th Foot, 26 June, 1872. In the 1873-4 List, printed as Surgeon-Major. JOHN STRACHAN. 21 May, 1678, commission to be Captain of one of three independent companies raised. 25 November, 1681, commission as Captain, on the companies being regimented. Captain, August 22nd, 1683. 30 March, 1685, James the Second's commission to be Captain of a troop. J. LOBB STRINGER. Cornet, 25 December, 1800. Lieutenant, 17 February, 1803. Promoted Captain in the 72nd Foot, in 1806. FRANCIS STUART OF COLDINGHAM. On 23 September, 1678, Viscount Kingstoun was commissioned to be Captain of "a new company of Dragoons appointed by Us to be forthwith levyed." On the 27th, Francis Stuart of Coldingham was appointed his Lieutenant. On July 24th, 1679, he was made Captain, on the resignation of Viscount Kingstoun. FRANCIS STUPART. Cornet, 1808. Promoted Lieutenant, 14 December, 1809. Captain, 20 July, 1815. In 1816 on half-pay. WILLIAM STURGES. Lieutenant, 15 September, 1815. Captain, by purchase, 4 April, 1822. Retired, 29 July, 1836. GEORGE AUGUSTUS FILMER SULIVAN. Cornet by purchase, 29 July, 1836. Lieutenant by purchase, 26 February, 1841. Captain by purchase, 5 April, 1844. Major without purchase, 17 February, 1854. Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, 12 December, 1854. 26 February, 1858, to the 5th Dragoons. FRANCIS SUTHERLAND. Cornet by purchase, 26 September, 1847. Lieutenant by purchase, 11 April, 1851. Captain, without purchase, 24 November, 1854. Retired, 8 February, 1856. CUTHBERT SWADLE. Cornet, 23 January, 1777. Sold out, 4 December, 1778. FOSTER SWETENHAM. Born, 21 June, 1876. 2nd Lieutenant, 9 December, 1896. JOHN DENNIS SWINBURNE. Paymaster, 17 April, 1866. Exchanged to 92nd Foot, 14 August, 1867. JOHN EDWARD SWINDLEY. From the 12th Light Dragoons, appointed Captain, without purchase, 5 March, 1858. Exchanged to 6th Dragoons, 18 January, 1859. Swindley, I. E. (Honorary Major-General, retired pay). Kaffir CHARLES GEORGE HARRINGTON TAYLOR. From the 8th Hussars. 2nd Lieutenant, 19 December, 1877. Resigned, 17 May, 1879. JAMES TELFER. Promoted Lieutenant, 7 March, 1766. Captain in Muster ending 24 June, 1772. Promoted Major in 20th Dragoons, 26 April, 1779. ROBERT TENNENT. Sergeant in Major Home's troop, promoted Quartermaster in Muster ending 24 December, 1776. Retired, 22 May, 1786. F. TRACEY THOMAS. Cornet, 4 May, 1800. Lieutenant, 6 February, 1805. "A Major of Brigade on the Staff of Great Britain." CARRIER THOMPSON. Cornet, 20 December, 1780. Lieutenant, 7 February, 1787. Captain-Lieutenant, 28 July, 1790. Captain, 6 July, 1792. Retired, 13 April, 1794. JAMES THOMPSON. Promoted from Sergeant to Quartermaster, 13 February, 1806. "Placed on the retired allowance," 25 August, 1810. CHARLES FREDERIC ST. CLAIR ANSTRUTHER THOMSON. From unattached List. Sub-Lieutenant, 13 June, 1874. Went to 17th Lancers. WILLIAM SEAMAN THOMSON. Cornet, from the 79th Foot, 12 June, 1860. Retired, 8 July, 1862. HENRY THORNTON. Cornet, 8 October, 1794. Lieutenant, 23 June, 1795. Promoted Captain 40th Regiment, 23 November, 1796. JOHN TOLSON. Appointed Quartermaster on command, 26 March, 1762, and transferred, 12 October, 1761. 30 April, 1763, transferred from the Light troop to the Colonel's troop. Resigned, 27 February, 1775. JOHN ARTHUR WELLESLEY O'NEILL TORRENS. Lieutenant (from Lieutenancy in Londonderry Militia apparently), 20 November, 1875. Captain, 15 August, 1883. Major 5 July, 1892. THOMAS WILLIAM TRAFFORD. Cornet by purchase, 21 February, 1834. Lieutenant by purchase, 10 November, 1837. Captain by purchase, 2 April, 1841. Retired, 22 July, 1842. BERNARD TROLLOPE. Cornet, 19 March, 1818, exchanged from 58th Foot. ARCHIBALD TROTTER. Cornet, 15 June, 1815. Lieutenant by purchase, 19 June, 1817. In 1821 promoted to Captain in 19th Light Dragoons. JOHN TROTTER. Appointed Cornet, 12 January, 1770. Lieutenant, 5 May, 1775, and transferred to Ramage's troop. Transferred to Heron's troop, December, 1775. Resigned, 22 May, 1776. THOMAS TROTTER. Lieutenant, 13 April, 1815. Thomas Trotter, killed at Waterloo, a descendant of the Trotters of Mortonhall, Midlothian, was the second son of Lieutenant-General Trotter, who in 1793 married Margaret Catherine, daughter of Richard Fisher, Esq., of Lovetts, Midlothian. The family had been devoted adherents of Charles the First, and John, a great uncle of Alexander Trotter, was in 1645 fined £500 by the "Scots Estates" for assisting the great Marquis of Montrose. RICHARD TURNBULL. Cornet, 22 March, 1692-3, to 11 September, 1695. Lieutenant, 12 September, 1695, to 12 March, 1697-8. SIR JAMES TURNER. 25 November, 1681, commission to be Major. Born in 1615. M.A. of Glasgow University, 1631. In 1632 enlisted in the service of Gustavus Adolphus under Sir James Lumsden, and saw much active service, until on the breaking out of the Civil War, he became Major in the Earl of Kirkcudbright's regiment of Covenanters; but he never took the Covenant. In 1647 he was made Adjutant-General of the Scots Army. In 1651, as Colonel and Adjutant-General of Foot, he accompanied Charles the Second to the Battle of Worcester. He was taken prisoner and sent up to London; but escaped on the way at Oxford. He then walked to London, where he lay hid for a time, and afterwards joined Charles at Paris. At the Restoration he was knighted. He received a commission as Major, 12 February, 1663, and in July was employed as one of the Visitors of Glasgow University. On 28 July, 1666, he was made Lieutenant-Colonel. He was in charge of the forces in the south-west of Scotland, whose object was to crush the opposition of the Covenanters to Charles the Second. On 15 November, 1666, at Dumfries, he was surprised by the Covenanters and taken prisoner. At the CECIL ALGERNON BROOKE TURNOR. Second Lieutenant, from Royal North Lincoln Militia, 5 September, 1877. Lieutenant, 17 May, 1879. Died of pneumonia, 5 May, 1880. LOUIS JOHN FRANCIS TWYSDEN. Cornet by purchase, 16 May, 1851. Retired, 17 December, 1852. CHARLES HILL UNIACKE. Captain, 17 June, 1859, by exchange from 6th Dragoon Guards. Major in the Army, 5 July, 1872. Major, 24 May, 1877. Died, 30 January, 1878. CHARLES GORDON URQUHART. From the 18th Light Dragoons, appointed Cornet without purchase, 11 March, 1810. Lieutenant, 11 August, 1814. Retired, 1814. EDWARD USSHER. Born 26 November, 1869. 2nd Lieutenant, 29 March, 1890. Lieutenant, 21 September, 1892. Captain, 1900. Served in South Africa, 1899-1902; wounded 11th February, 1902 (see p. 132); D.S.O., 1901. HENRY VERELEST. Lieutenant, 15 April, 1794. ROBERT VERNON. Quartermaster, 3 April, 1784. Cornet, 28 December, 1796. Lieutenant, 7 September, 1797. In Roll, December, 1797, to February, 1798, described as en second. Captain, 23 November, 1804. Major in the Army, 4 June, 1814. Retired, 1817. Colonel Wallace. ANDREW WACHOP. Lieutenant, 24 February, 1707-8. HENRY JOHN WALE. From 15th Light Dragoons, made Lieutenant (on augmentation), without purchase, 15 December, 1854. Retired, 19 June, 1857. THOMAS WALKER. Cornet by purchase, 29 June, 1815. Lieutenant by purchase, 3 December, 1818. Retired, 14 October, 1819. WILLIAM WALKER. Cornet, 26 December, 1800. Lieutenant, 10 April, 1805. Ex. 1815. JOHN WALKINGSHAW. Cornet, 23 April, 1742. FRANCIS JAMES AGNEW WALLACE. Cornet by purchase, 28 April, 1863. Lieutenant by purchase, 30 March, 1866. Captain by purchase, 10 May, 1871. Major, 21 June, 1880. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1 July, 1881. EMANUEL WALTON. Lieutenant, 14 May, 1779. Resigned, 6 April, 1784. JOHN RICHARD WARD. Lieutenant-Colonel, 29 December, 1837, exchanged from half-pay, unattached. Retired, 30 December, 1837, apparently. THOMAS WARD. Cornet, 1 April, 1692, to 21 March, 1692-3. CHARLES FITZGERALD WATKINS. Sub-Lieutenant from 6th Dragoon Guards, 16 May, 1872. Lieutenant, 6 March, 1874. WILLIAM DONALD PAUL WATSON. Born, 19 April, 1872. 2nd Lieutenant, 12 December, 1894. Lieutenant, 16 December, 1895. JAMES WATSON. Surgeon, in Muster ending 24 December, 1785. Retired, 1 April, 1787. WILLIAM WAUCHOPE. Made a Cornet, 6 August, 1742. Lieutenant, 2 April, 1746. Captain-Lieutenant, 10 May, 1751. Resigns, 13 September, 1754. ROBERT WAUGH. Cornet in the Colonel's troop, 5 May, 1780. Promoted Lieutenant in the 20th Dragoons, 1781. JOHN WEDDERBURNE OF GOSFORD. On 30 March, 1685, appointed Major. On 6 November, 1685, appointed Lieutenant-Colonel and also Captain of a troop. WILLIAM WEIR. In the Muster Roll ending 24 December, 1809, appears Regimental Quartermaster William Weir. ALFRED CHOLMELEY EARLE WELBY. By exchange from the 90th Foot. Captain, 26 August, 1876. Major, 21 October, 1885. Lieutenant-Colonel, 5 July, 1892. JAMES WEMYSS. Cornet, 30 August, 1810. Lieutenant by purchase, 19 November, 1812. In 1814, on half-pay. Captain by purchase, 10 October, 1816. Major by purchase, 10 June, 1826. Exchanged to half-pay, unattached, 8 March, 1827. Lieutenant-Colonel Welby. EDWARD WESTBY. Cornet by purchase, 12 May, 1814. JOCELYN TATE WESTBY. Cornet by purchase, 22 November, 1850. Retired, 11 March, 1853. ROBERT WHITE. Cornet, 15 December, 1790. Lieutenant, 20 February, 1793. Appointed Captain, 27th Light Dragoons, 24 March, 1795. JOHN WHITEFOORD. In 1681, Ensign of Stuart's Company. 30 March, 1685, appointed Cornet in Captain Cleland's troop. THOMAS WICKHAM. From half-pay, late 33rd Foot. Major, 30 June, 1869. HENRY WIGLEY. Cornet in Captain George Sanford's troop, 3 December, 1782. Lieutenant, 18 July, 1787. "Appointed to an Independent Company," 6 May, 1791. GEORGE F. G. WILDES. 2nd Lieutenant, 2 September, 1891. WILLIAM WILKINSON. Cornet, 27 March, 1721. Lieutenant, 24 December, 1733. Retired, 23 April, 1742. CHARLES WILLIAMS. From Ensign in the 5th Foot. Cornet, without purchase, 25 March, 1858. Became Lieutenant in the Military Train. COVENTRY WILLIAMS. Second Lieutenant, 14 January, 1880, in the 3rd (the Prince of Wales') Dragoon Guards. Promoted Lieutenant, 1 July, 1881. Promoted Captain, 24 November, 1886, and exchanged to the 13th Hussars. 12 November, 1890, appointed Aide-de-Camp to Sir B. C. Russell. 8 June, 1896, appointed Adjutant. 25 April, 1897, appointed Major. In 1901 second in command. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 26 June, 1902. Lieutenant-Colonel commanding Royal Scots Greys, 19 August, 1903. Lieutenant-Colonel Williams served in the South African War in 1899-1902, and was present at the relief of Ladysmith, including actions at Colenso, the operations of 17 to 24 January, 1900, and action at Spion Kop; operations of 5 to 7 February, 1900, and action at Pieter's Hill; operations in the Transvaal, 30 November, 1900, to September, 1901, and October, 1901, to February, 1902; afterwards served on staff; in Orange River Colony, February to 31 May, 1902; on the Zululand Frontier of Natal in September and October, 1901; and in Cape Colony (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel, medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps); promoted to rank of Substantive Colonel, 27 November, 1907. SAMUEL TOOSEY WILLIAMS. Captain, 24 September, 1847, exchanging from the 47th Foot. Died 1854. ---- WILSON. Cornet, 1702. A. W. WILSON. Cornet, 1 June, 1796. Lieutenant, 8 July, 1797. GEORGE WINGFIELD WILSON. Cornet in Captain Heron's troop, 4 December, 1778. Resigned, 19 December, 1780. Lieutenant-Colonel Coventry Williams, Commanding the Greys, August, 1903-7. JOHN WILSON. From Troop Sergeant-Major to Cornet, without purchase, 29 May, 1866. Lieutenant and Adjutant, 19 January, 1870. Captain, 23 October, 1875. Exchanged to 90th Foot, 26 August, 1876. GEORGE WIMRAHAM. In 1681, Lieutenant of Murray's Company. Made Captain of troop formerly commanded by John Inglis, 30 March, 1685. Appointed Major, 30 July, 1686. Made Lieutenant-Colonel with Lord Charles Murray as Colonel. THOMAS WINRAM. 21 May, 1678, appointed Lieutenant in Francis Stuart's Independent Company. 11 May, 1683, appointed Captain-Lieutenant of Sir Thomas Dalzell's own company. 30 March, 1685, a similar commission from James the Second. JOHN WINTERSCALE. Surgeon from 71st Foot, 28 June, 1836. Retired, 1 October, 1847. RICHARD WOLFE. From 3rd Dragoon Guards. Second Lieutenant, 16 February, 1878. Lieutenant, 28 June, 1879. ANDREW WOOD. Surgeon, 19 February, 1765. Resigned, 3 November, 1769. JOHN WOOD. Quartermaster, 28 September, 1766, in Captain Napier's troop. In 1768, transferred to Captain Law's troop. WILLIAM ALLEN WOODDROP. Cornet by purchase, 18 September, 1849. Lieutenant by purchase, 13 September, 1853. ALEXANDER WADHAM WYNDHAM. Cornet by purchase, 16 March, 1820. Lieutenant by purchase, 25 November, 1824. Captain by purchase, 12 December, 1826. Exchanged to half-pay, unattached, 26 July, 1827. CHARLES WYNDHAM. Cornet by purchase, 13 May, 1813. Lieutenant, 4 May, 1815. Captain by purchase, 24 June, 1819. Promoted to an unattached majority. On 8 March, 1827, appointed Major in the Greys; James Wemys, becoming in exchange, an unattached half-pay Major. Lieutenant-Colonel by purchase, 30 December, 1837. Retired, 2 April, 1841. GEORGE WYNNE. Lieutenant, 10 July, 1828, from half-pay, West Indian Regiment. Retired, 21 February, 1834. THOMAS YOUNG. Captain-Lieutenant, 1 April, 1696, to 27 April, 1697. Captain, 28 April, 1697, to 15 March, 1697-8. ADDENDA |