5" class="pginternal">35 floor of, 116 Ladies' baths, 14, 44, 111 Laundry, 16 Lavatorium, the, 4, 43 and shampooing room, 41 the hydropathic, 138 of private bath, 128 washing basins in, 43 water fittings of, 89 Lavatrina, the, 119, 127 M. Mont Dore, baths at the Hotel, 135 cure, the, 136 Moorish bath, heating of the, 59 Mustaby, the Turkish, 57 O. Obstacles to the progress of the bath, 1 Oriental colour decoration, 110 P. Pay office, the, 14 Perspiration, object of, 11 Plumbing, 88, 100 Plunge bath, the, 46 between hot rooms and frigidarium, 12 chamber, lighting of, 104 construction of, 48 decoration of, 113 depth of, 48 for private baths, 129 in hydropathic establishments, 138 water fittings of, 99 Popular ignorance and the bath, 1 Processes of the bath, 11 Public Baths and Wash-houses Act, inadequacy of, 7 Public baths in England, unworthy of the nation, 29 general disposition of plan of, 17 R. Rest after bath, necessity for, 13 Roman baths, method of heating the old, 59 nature of heat in old, 79 S. Sanitary accommodation, necessity for care in providing, 15 Shampooer, space required by each, 43 Shampooing and the private bath, 128 benches, 34, 42 positions of bather during, 43 value of, 12 and washing room combined, arrangement of, 43 room, 42 ventilation of, 42 lighting of, [1] The Germans, with more perception and accuracy than ourselves, term the therapeutic agent that we called the Turkish bath, the "Roman-Irish bath"—the RÖmisch-irische BÄder. Both the ancient Roman bath and the old Irish "sweating-house," gave out radiant heat from the walls to the bather, and did not depend on the supplying of hot air. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. |