
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W.

Adams, John, 15, 85.
John Quincy, 85, 86.
Hannah, 18.
Akin, James, 117.
Albany Society Library, 84.
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 101, 343.
Allan, John, 7.
Allardice, S., 117.
Allegorical book-plates, 57.
Allen, Charles Dexter, his collection, 383.
Mrs. Frances Louise, 375.
Frances Louise and Charles Dexter, 365.
John, 46.
American Academy Arts and Sciences, 126, 163.
American Antiquarian Society, 78.
American collections, 377.
American collectors, 377, 385.
American members Ex Libris Society of London, 384.
Anderson, Alexander, 79-117, 120.
Andrew, John, 388.
Andrews, Henry, 57, 59.
Annin and Smith, 122.
Anthony, Henry B., 341.
Apprentices’ Library, 121.
Apthorp, 79.
Armorial book-plates, 35.
Arnold Arboretum, 72, 73.
Asay, E. G., 363.
Assheton, William, 9.
Atkinson, Theodore, 106.
Atlee, 8.
Avery Architectural Library, 72.
Avery, Samuel Putnam, 370.
Avril, Paul, 371.
Baer, Frank House, 341.
Baillie, W. E., 350.
Baldwin, Simeon, 18.
Bancker, Abraham, 143.
Bancroft, George, 31;
his motto, 32.
Barker, Mrs. E. H. L., 373;
her collection, 382.
Barrett, Lawrence, 102.
Bates, Albert C., 349, 350.
Bates, Arlo, 101.
Baxter, James Phinney, 347, 348.
Bayliss, Mary, 376.
Belcher, Jonathan, 9.
William, 171.
Benjamin, Marcus, 368, 369.
Betton, Thomas Forrest, 18.
Bibliography, American, 389.
English, 396.
French, 418.
Bierstadt, E. H., his collection, 382, 90.
Blackley, Absalom, 172, 173.
Blackwell, Henry, 33, 360;
his collection, 383.
Blanc, William, 9.
Bloomfield, 154.
metals used, 2.
used first in Southern colonies, 3.
literary, 6.
addresses on, 7, 8.
profession on, 9, 10.
essentials, 16.
dated, 18.
phrases on, 18.
armorial, 35.
purpose of, 35.
first, 35.
styles named, 37.
Early English, described, 37.
Jacobean, described, 41.
Chippendale, described, 47.
Ribbon and Wreath, described, 54.
Pictorial, 57.
Allegorical, 57.
Portrait, 78.
of special interest, 79.
reasons for grades of value, 79, 82, 85.
destruction of early, 80, 81.
signed, 82.
dated, 82.
of presidents of U.S., 85.
of royal officers, 86.
of loyalists, 88.
of titled Americans, 88.
of early authors, 89.
of early physicians, 89.
of early statesmen, 89.
of early clergymen, 89.
of early printers, 89.
of Revolutionary soldiers, 90.
of signers of the Declaration, 90.
heraldry on early, 113.
Booth, Edwin, 102.
Boston Public Library, 77.
Bowen, Abel, 67, 122.
Boyd, John, 123.
Brainerd, Miss Helen E., 382.
Brewster, Miss Jessie, 373.
British soldiers take books from Columbia College, 86.
Brooks, Henry M., 351.
Brothers in Unity, 67, 77.
Brown, 7.
Browne, Peter A., 118.
Bryant, Hubbard Winslow, 353.
Buck, John H., 341.
Burnet, John, 84.
Burrows, Charles W., 341.
Cabell, 9.
Callender, Joseph, 56, 123.
Campbell, John, 19.
Canadian plates.:

Kingston: St. John College, 459
Livius, 505
Stewart, 826
Uniacke, 873
Waterhouse, 914

Carmichael, Hon. William, 39, 181.
Castle, Harry Allen, 342.
Chambers, John, 136.
Chandler, Gardiner, 146.
John, Jr., 53, 108.
Chase, Samuel, 79.
Childs, Cephas G., 127.
George W., his motto, 32;
his plate, 98.
Chippendale plates described, 47.
Chippendale plates by Hurd, 105.
by Dawkins, 131.
Clap, John, 18.
Clark, Clarence H., 371.
Clergymen’s plates, 89.
Cleveland, Stephen, 79, 80.
Clinton, De Witt, illus., 55.
Coffin, Mrs. Julia Dexter, 374.
Cole, J. N. Candee, his motto, 24.
Colesworthy, D. C., his severe motto, 21.
Collectors of book-plates, defence of, 11.
College book-plates, 57, 67.
Columbia College Library, 81.
Congressional Library, 67.
Connecticut Historical Society, 75.
Connecticut plates:

Alsop, 15
Belcher, 73
Bull, 118
Chester, 156
Conn. Theol. Inst., 178, 179
East Windsor Lit. Assn., 246
Farmington Library, 266, 267, 268
Goodwin, 314
Guilford Library, 335
Guilford Union Library, 336
Hanchett, 346
Hartford Library Co., 350
Ingersoll, 404
Jarvis, 423
Johnson, 434-5
King, 457
Knight, 466
Lord, 516
Musgrave, 603
Pease, 651-2
Pierpont, 682
Reed, 723
Robbins, Philemon, 731
Robbins, Thomas, 732
Sargeant, 758
Smith, Samuel, 799
Stowe, 833
Waldo, 901
Wethersfield Library, 923
Wetmore, 924
Williams, 938-9
Wolcott, 953
Woodbridge, 955
Yale College: Brothers in Unity, 964-5-6
Yale College: Linonian Society, 967-8-9
Yale College: Moral Library, 970
Yale College: Philotechnian Library, 971

Cooper, Myles, 49.
Corning, John Herbert, 354.
Count Rumford, 158.
Courtenay, William Ashmead, 122, 356.
Cowan, Thomas C., his motto, 126.
Craven, 86.
Curtis, T. W., 18.
Curry, George (D. D.), his motto, 33.
Cushman, Charlotte, 373.
Dated plates, 82.
Dawkins, Henry, 6, 53, 127.
Dearborn, Nathaniel, 132.
Deats, H. E., 150, 365;
his collection, 381.
De Blois, Lewis, 79, 109.
Defence of book-plate collecting, 11.
De Forest, George B., 371.
Delaware plates:

Bayard, 64
Fisher, 273

Denham, Edward, 356.
Dering, Thomas, 79, 84, 106.
Dickinson, David, 18.
Dinwiddie, Robert, 53.
Dix, Edward Spencer, his motto, 33.
Dix, Rev. Morgan, 346.
Dodge, Pickering, his collection, 383.
Doolittle, Amos, 132.
Drayton, 9.
Dubbs, Joseph Henry, 342, 345.
Du Bois, Henri Pene, his theory about book-plates, 358.
Dudley, Joseph, 38.
Duer, William, 195, 322.
Duhme, Mrs. Ophelia Fowler, 375, 382.
Dumaresque, 53.
Dummer, Jer., 39.
Durand, John, 47.
Early authors’ plates, 89.
Earliest dated plates (American), 82.
Earliest plate by an American engraver, which is both dated and signed, 84.
Early English style described, 37.
Edwards, George Wharton, 351.
Eggleston, Edward, 102.
Elam, Samuel, 8, 13.
Elliston, Comptroller, 8, 86.
Ellwanger, George H., 340, 363.
Engravers, celebrated, 14.
Eno, Dr. H. C., 372;
his collection, 382.
Ernst, Harold Clarence, his motto, 32.
Eustace, Colonel, 8, 199.
Evarts, Jeremiah, 386.
Ewing, 200, 201.
Ex Libris Societies.
France, 388.
Germany, 387.
London, 387.
Fairman, Gideon, 134.
Farmington, Library of, 7, 62, 63, 65.
Field, Eugene, 35, 101.
First book-plate in America, I.
Fitz, Miss Louise, 382.
Flint, Mrs. Alonzo, 373.
Fogg, Dr. J. S. H., 342.
Forbes, Eli, 135.
Francis, Samuel W., his motto, 26.
Franklin, John, 79, 156.
Fraunces, Andrew G., 205.
French, Edwin Davis, 376.
Furnass, John Mason, 134.
Gallaudet, Edward, 136.
Elisha, 136.
Mrs. E. M., 382.
Garden, Francis, 159.
Gardiner, John, 9.
Garrett, Edmund H., 138, 376.
Georgia plates:

Belcher, 74
Wright, 959

Gibbs, John Walters, 9.
Gilpin, Henry D., 127.
Godwin, Abraham, 137.
Goelet, John, 208, 209.
Goodwin, George, 6, 132.
Graeme, Elizabeth, 97.
Greenleaf, Daniel, 25.
Greene, Benjamin, 84.
Grolier Club, 73, frontis.
Haber, Louis J., 343, 349.
Hale, Robert, of Beverly, 8, 107.
Hapgood, Melvin H., 344.
Hark, J. Max, 342.
Harison, Richard, 150, 214, 215.
Harris, S., 137.
Harrison, Charles P., 138.
Hart, Gerald E., 350.
Hartman, J. Hiestand, 368.
Harvard College, 67, 112.
Hasty Pudding Society, 67, 68.
Hayden, Martin, 362.
Hays, Barrack, 218, 219.
Heraldry on early plates, 113.
on American plates, 346.
Hewins, Eben Newell, his collection, 380.
Hicks, Whitehead, 130.
Hill, Samuel, 78, 138.
Hitchcock, E. A., 368.
Holland, J. G., 99.
Hollingsworth, A. L., 29, 355.
Holloway, Edward Stratton, 362.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 32, 98.
Holt, Thomas, 18.
Holyoke, Edward Augustus, 79, 105.
Hone, Philip, 16.
Hooper, 59.
Hopson, W. F., 104, 370, 376.
Houx, J. W., his motto, 24.
Howland, 361.
Hoyt, F. W., 366.
Huntington, Rev. Wm. R., 356.
Hurd, Jacob, 158.
Hurd, Nathaniel, 6, 38, 44, 46, 52, 67, 79, 104.
Hutton, Laurence, 101, 102.
Ingersoll, Jared, 8.
Jacobean plates described, 41.
Jacobean plates by Hurd, 109.
Jackson, Jonathan, 111.
Jackson, W., 55.
Jarvis, Samuel Farmar, 226, 227.
Jauncey, William, 226, 229.
Jayne, D. W., his motto, 21.
Jeffries, Dr. John, 89.
Jilson, Charles F., 357.
Jocelyn, S. S., 138.
Johnson, Rossiter, 103.
Johnson, Thomas, 6, 138.
Johnston, Thomas (engraver), 139
Johnston, Thomas (plate), 56, 230, 231.
Jones, Emanuel, 18.
Jones, Gabriel, 36.
Kearney, Francis, 139.
Keith, Sir William, 86.
Kempe, John Tabor, 86.
Kentucky plates:

Raphael, 718-9

King, Clifford Julius, 352.
Kinloch, Francis, 79.
Kip, 59.
Kissam, Benjamin, 129, 51.
Kunze, Johan Christopher, 18.
Labels, 16, 18, 19.
Ladies’ plates:
Adams, Hannah, 18.
Allen, Frances L., 375.
Barker, Mrs. E. H. L., 373.
Bayliss, Mary, 376.
Brainerd, Helen E., 382.
Brewster, Jessie, 373.
Coffin, Julia S., 374.
Cushman, Charlotte, 373.
Duhme, Ophelia F., 375.
Flint, Mrs. Alonzo, 373.
Graeme, Elizabeth, 97.
Iselin, Helen, 225.
Miller, Margaret M., 375.
Shelton, Ada Stewart, 375.
Lady collectors, 382.
Lambert, John, his motto, 24.
Lawrence, Richard Hoe, 362, 368.
Lefferts, Marshall C., 352, 353.
Leighton, George E., 353.
Lemperly, Paul, 357, 359, 421.
Lenthall, John, 79, 153.
Lenox, 8.
Lewis, 7.
Lewis, W., 18.
Libbie, Fred J., 368;
his collection, 381.
Library book-plates, 57.
Library of Congress, 67.
Lichtenstein, Richard C., his plate, 346;
illus. 160;
his coll., 381;
his opinion of the George Washington plate, 91.
Linonian Library, 67, 69, 70.
Livingston, Edward, 237, 238.
Livius, 88.
Lodge, Abraham, 240.
Longfellow, Henry W., his motto, 30.
Lord, William, 5.
Loyalists who had book-plates, 88.
Lowell, John, 115.
Ludwell, 8.
Macbeth, George Alexander, 79, 352.
Maine Historical Society, 75.
Maine plates:

Gardiner, 297
Morrison, 597
Vaughan, Benjamin, 889
Vaughan, Samuel, Jr., 892
Vaughan, William, 893

Malvians, 312, 339.
Manigault, Peter, 52.
Mann, John Preston, 59, 245.
Mann, Timothy, 27.
Martin, Luther, 155.
Marvin, Samuel Wesley, 366.
Maryland plates:

Baltimore Liby. Co., 50
Bonaparte, 89
Bozman, 101
Calvert, 133
Carmichael, 135
Carroll, 138
Chalmers, 144
Chase, 150
Duvall, 243
Forman, 280
Georgetown College, 299, 300
Guinaud, 337
Johnston, 436
Kerr, 452
Key, 453
McTavish, 544
Maxcy, 569
Read, 722
Roberts, 733
Sprigg, 816
Stewart, 824
Tayloe, 845

Massachusetts Historical Society, 78.
Massachusetts plates:

Adams, J., 3
Adams. J. Q., 4, 5, 6, 7
Agar, 8
Allen, 13
American Academy, 17
Andover Theol. Inst., 19
Andrew, 20
Andrews, 22, 23, 24
Apthorp, 26, 27, 28, 29
Atkinson, 38, 39
Auchmuty, 42
Baldwin, 46, 47
Barrell, 58
Barroll, 59
Beck, 68
Belcher, 71, 72
Blake, 82
Boston Architectural Library, 983
Boston Shakespeare Circulating Library, 93
Boston Social Law Libr’y, 94
Bowdoin, 97
Bowdoin College, 98
Boylston Med. Libr’y, 99, 100
Brazer, 103
Brown, 112
Cabot, 126
Callender, 132
Cary, Alpheus, 140
Cary, Thomas, 142
Chandler, Gardiner, 147
Chandler, John, Junr., 148
Chandler, Rufus, 149
Chauncey, 151, 152, 153
Child, Isaac, 158, 159
Child, Thomas, 160
Cleveland, 170
Coffin, 173
Coffin, Hector, 174
Coffin, John, 175
Cooley, 182
Courtenay, 184
Cranch, 187
Curwen, 192
Cushing, 193
Dana, E. T., 200
Dana, Francis, 201
Dana, R. H., 202
Danforth, 203
Dartmouth College, 204
Dartmouth College, Social Friends, 205
De Blois, L., 212
Dedham: Scripture Society, 214
Dering, N.H., 218
Dering, T., 219, 220
Dexter, 222
Dill, 223
Dolbeare, 225
Duane, 232
Dudley, 233
Dumaresque, 236
Dummer, 237
Emerson, 256
Erving, 258, 259
Evarts, 261
Everett, 263
Forbes, 279
Foster, 281
Foster, I., 282
Fownes, 284
Foxcroft, 285
Francis, 286
Franklin, 287
French, 291
Gardiner, 296
Gray, 322
Green, F., 323
Green, Garrett, 324
Green, T., Jr., 325
Greene, B., 326, 327
Greene, D., 329
Greene, T., Jr., 330
Greenleaf, 331
Greenough, 332
Hale, 339
Hallowell, 343
Harris, 347
Harvard Coll. Libr’y, 351-5
Harvard College Hasty Pudding Society, 356
Harvard College Porcellean Libr’y, 357, 358, 359
Haverhill Library, 987
Heath, 371
Henderson, 373
Hill, 380
Hoar, 381
Holyoke, E. A., 385
Holyoke, 386
Humphrey, 396
Hurd, 401
Jackson, Jas., 418
Jackson, Jon., 419
Jeffries, 426-7
Jenkins, 429
Johnson, Thomas, 432
Jones, 441
Lisle, H. M., 490
Livermore, 491
Lodge, 510
Loring, 517
Lowell, John, 520
Lowell, John, Jr., 521-2
Lowell, John Amory, 523
Mann, 550
Marston, 556
Mason, 560
Mass. General Court, 561
Mass. Historical Society, 562
Mass. Medical Society, 563
Mass. Normal School, 564
Minot, 579-80
Murray, 600
Newburyport AthenÆum, 606
Newell, 607
Newton, 609
Oliver, Andrew, 625
Oliver, Francis J., 991
Osborne, 628
Otis, Harrison Gray, 629
Otis, James, 630
Parker, B., 639
Parker, James, 641
Parker, Samuel, 642
Parkman, 643
Parsons, 644
Peirson, 649
Pepperell, 664
Perkins, 665
Phillips, 673
Phillips Academy, Andover, 674
Phillips Academy, Exeter, 675
Pickering, 679
Pierpont, 681
Poor, 687
Prescott, William, 696
Prescott, William H., 697
Price, 700
Prince, 704
Putnam, 711
Quincy, 712
Rivoire, 730
Royall, 743
Russell, 747
Sargent, Daniel, Junr., 759
Sargent, Epes, 760
Sargent, Winthrop, 761
Scotton, John, 768
Sears, 769
Secombe, 771
Selfridge, 773
Sheppard, 777
Simpson, 783
Smith, Hezekiah, 790
Smith, William, 803
Spooner, 813
Stearns, 820
Sumner, Thomas W., 839
Sumner, W. H., 840
Swan, 842
Swett, 843
Thomas, 853
Thorndike, 858
Tracy, 863
Tufts, 868
Tuttle, 869
Tyler, Andrew, 870
Tyler, Joseph, 871
Tyng, 872
Vassall, 888
Vaughan, 891
Vose, Benjamin, 899
Vose, Solomon, 900
Warren, John C., 908
Warren, J. Mason, 909
Webster, 918
Wetmore, 926
Wheelwright, 929
Williams, 934
Williams, 942
Williams, John, 937
Williams, John, 940
Williams, John C., 941
Willis, 944
Wilson, David, 945
Wilson, James, 946
Winthrop, William, 949
Winthrop, John, 950
Worcester Circulating Library, 956
Young, 974

Matthews, Brander, 99.
Mauran, James Eddy, 16, 98;
his collection, 378.
Maverick, Peter, 142.
Peter Rushton, 6, 56, 140.
McGinley, Mary, 19.
McIlvaine, Bloomfield, 57, 157.
McKee, Thomas J., 357.
McMurtrie, 59.
Member of the Ex Libris Society, 384.
Middleton, Peter, 10.
Miller, Margaret M., 375.
Minot, 40.
Moat, Horatio Shepherd, 56.
Moral Library, 6, 7.
Morgan, Appleton, 341.
Morgan, Henry A., 356.
Mottoes, use of, 16, 17.
different kinds, 21.
languages used on, 21.
against book-borrowing, 21-27.
from the Bible, 21, 22.
school-boy, 23.
care of books, 25-27.
poetical, 24-26, 28.
generous, 27.
in praise of books and reading, 28.
quotations used, 28.
Mounting plates, ways of, 382.
Murray, David, 353.
John, Rev., 252, 253.
Name-labels, 16, 18, 19.
New England book-plates, 4, 87.
New Hampshire plates:

Ladd, 470
Livius, 504
Sullivan, 838
Wentworth, 922
Young, 975

New Jersey plates:

Antill, 25
Bloomfield, 87
Brearly, 104
Edgar, 986
Kemble, 450
Ogden, 621
Read, 721
Stockton, 830
Trenchard, 864
Wallace, 904

New London Public Library, 73.
New York plates:

Anonymous (French style), 1
Agnew, James, 9
Albany Society Library, 11
Allan, John, 12
Anderson, 18
Ball, 48
Bancker, 51
Bay, 63
Bedlow, 69
Betts, 77
Blackley, 81
Booth, 91
Brasher, 102
Bridgen, 105
Brooks, 108
Brown, 110
Bruen, 115
Burnet, 120, 121
Cadena, 127, 128, 129
Chambers, 146
Champion, 984
Clarke, Alfred, 164
Clarke, Geo., 165
Clarkson, David, 167
Clarkson, M., 168
Clinton, 171
Cock, 172
Colden, 176
Columbia College Libr’y, 177
Connolly, 180
Constable, 181
Cooper, 183
Cushman, 194
Cutting, 198
Cuyler, 199
De Peyster, 216
De Witt, 221
Duer, W. A., 234
Duer, W., 235
Duncan, J. H., 238
Duncan, R. H., 239
Dunning, C. E., 240
Dunning, C. S., 241
Durand, 242
Edwards, 248
Ellery, 252
Elliott, 253
Elliston, 254, 255
Erasmus Hall Library, 256
Eustace, 260
Everdell, 262
Fish, 272
Foot, 276
Fraunces, 289
Gallaudet, 293
Gardiner (Gardiner’s Island), 294
Gardiner, John (Gardiner’s Island), 295
Gibs, 306
Giles, 308
Goelet, 313
Gourgas, 316
Gracie, 317
Hamersley, 344
Hanson, 348
Harrison, 349
Hawks, 360
Herbert, 374
Hicks, Elias, 376, 377
Hicks, Whitehead, 378
Hoffman, 382
Horsmanden, 394
Hunter, 400
Inglis, 406
Iselin, 416
Jauncey, 424
Jay, 425
Johnson (Sir Wm. ?), 430
Johnson, J. I., 431
Johnston, John, 437
Johnston, Thomas, 439
Jones, S., 442
Jones, W. G., 443
Judah, 444-5
Keese, J., 446-7
Kempe, 451
King, 456
Kip, I. L., 461
Kip, L., 462-3
Kissam, 465
Lenox, 483
Lewis, Morgan, 486
Livingston, Brockholst, 492
Livingston, Edward, 493
Livingston, John R., 494
Livingston, Maturin, 495
Livingston, Mortimer, 496
Livingston, Peter R., 497
Livingston, Robert L., 498
Livingston, Robert R., 499-500
Livingston, Walter, 501
Livingston, Wm., 502
Livingston, Wm. Smith, 503
Lloyd, 507-8
de Lotbiniere, 518
Low, 519
Ludlow, Gary, 524
Ludlow, Charles, A.M., 525
Ludlow, Gabriel Verplank, 526
Ludlow, Gab. Wm., 527
Ludlow, George, 528
Ludlow, John Cooke, 529
McCoun, 534
McLean, 541
Malvians, 989
Masterton, 565
Maxwell, 570
Meredith, 573
Middleton, 575
Moat, 584
Moore, Lambert, 585
Moore, Nath’l F., 586
Moore, Samuel W., 587
Morris, Gouverneur, 591
Morris, James, 593
Murray, 601
New York City:
Apprentices’ Library, 610
College of Pharmacy, 611
College of Phys. and Sur., 612
Society Library, 613-4-5
Typographical Soc., 616
Ogden, 620
Orphan Asylum, 626
Panton, Francis, 636
Panton, Francis, Jr., 637
Pasley, 646
Paulding, J. K., 647
Paulding, W., 648
Philipse, 671
Pierce, 680
Pintard, 685-6
Popham, 688
Pride, 701
Provoost, John, 707
Provoost, Samuel, 708-9
Pruyn, 710
Ray, 720
Rickets, 728
Robinson, 737
Roome, Jacob, 739
Roome, John L. C., 740
Rosseau, 741
Russell, 746
Rutgers, 748
Rutherford, 749
St. George’s Church, 752-3
Schuyler, Philip, 762
Schuyler, Samuel, 763
Sedgwick, 772
Seton, 775
Silvester, 782
Sitgreaves, 785
Smith, G. A., 791
Smith, James Scott, 792
Smith, John Adams, 794
Smith, Thomas, Junr., 801
Smith, Thomas J., 802
Smith, William, 804
Smith, William, A.M., 805
Smith, William P., 808
Spry, 817
Stanford, 818
Stephens, 821
Stewart, 825
Stone, 831
Stringer, 834
Sturges, 836
Stuyvesant, 837
Sword, 844
Ten Broeck, 851
Thompson, 855
Tillotson, 861
Tomlinson, 862
Tripp, 865
Van Berckel, 878
Van Buren, 879
Van Cortlandt, 880
Van Ness, 881
Van Rensselaer, Jer., 882
Van Rensselaer, K. K., 883
Van Rensselaer, P., 884
Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 885
Van Wyck, 886
Varick, 887
Wall, 903
Watkins, 916
Watts, 917
Wetmore, 925
Whitebread, 931
Wilkes, 933
Williams, 935
Wisner, 952
Wynkoop, Augustus, 960
Wynkoop, C. C., 961
Wynkoop, Peter, 962
Yates, Christopher C., 972
Yates, Peter W., 973

New York State Agricultural Society, 70.
New York Society Library, 60, 61, 62, 74.
New York plates, 87.
Newell, Timothy, 3.
Nomenclature, 37.
North Carolina plates:

Edwards, 249
Hooper, 388
Innes, 414
Iredell, 415
Spaight, 812
University of North Carolina, 619

Norton, Charles Eliot, 346.
Oliver, Andrew, 50.
Orphan Asylum, 70.
Otis, Harrison Gray, 11.
Page, Francis, 9, 41, 82.
Paine, Nathaniel, 352;
his collection, 383.
Panton, Francis, 258, 259.
Parker, James, 57, 58.
Parker, Samuel, 57, 260.
Parmelee, George L., 355.
Pelton, Oliver, 145.
Penn, Edmund, 7.
Penn, William, his motto, 30, 82, 86, 263.
Pennington, Edward, 34, 59.
Pennsylvania Historical Society, 75.
Pennsylvania plates:

Abercrombie, James, 2
Aitkin, Robert, 10
Allison, Joseph J. 14
Assheton, 35, 37
Atlee, 40
Bancker, 52, 53, 54, 55
Bartram, 61
Bayard, 65
Beatty, 67
Bond, 90
Boudinot, 96
Brown, 109
Browne, 113
Chambers, 145
Chauncey, 154
Chawney, 155
Child, 157
Day, 209
Denny, 215
Ewing, 264
Gallitin, 292
Gilpin, 310-311
Graeme, 318
Graham, 319
Griggs, 334
Gurney, 338
Hall, 340
Hamilton, 345
Herman, 375
Hopkinson, F., 390
Hopkinson, J., 391
Inglis, 408
Ingraham, 409
Ingraham, E. D., 410-13
Keith, 449
Kingston, 458
Kunze, 988
Lardner, 472
Lenox, 482
Lewis, J. S., 484
Lewis, M., 485
Logan, Charles, 512
Logan, James, 513
Logan, William, 514
Loganian Library, 515
McFarlan, 536
McMurtrie, 542-3
Matthews, 567
Miller, 577
Mitchell, 582
Morgan, 589
Morris, J., 592
Norris, Geo. W., 617
Morris, Isaac, 618
Osborne, 627
Penn, Thomas, 655
Penn, William, 656
Penn (anonymous), 657
Pennington, 658
Pennington, Edward, 659-60
Pennington, T. H., 661
Pennsylvania Historical Society, 662-3
Apprentices Library Co., 667-8
Carpenters Company, 669
Library Company, 670
Poulson, 689
Powel, Samuel, 690
Powell, Hare Samuel, 691
Powell, John H., 692
Priestley, 702
Proctor, 706
Riddle’s Circulating Library, 729
Rush, 745
St. Clair, 751
Shippen, Edward, 779
Shippen, Robert, 780
Smith, 795
Stille, 827
Taylor, 848
Thomas, 852
Vaux, 894
Warren, 911
Weiberg, 994
Wiseman, 951
Wood, 954

Philadelphia plates, 88.
Philipse, Frederick, 42.
Phoenix Society, 76.
Physicians’ plates, 89.
Pictorial book-plates, 57.
Pike, Nicolas, 17.
Pinfold, Charles, 9.
Pintard, John, 79, 120.
Plates by Dawkins, 131.
Plates of special interest, 79.
Poole, Lucius, 362.
Porcellian Club, 67.
Portrait plates, 78.
Potter, William W., 17.
Power, James, 269, 270.
Prescott, William, 32.
Presidents of U. S. who have book-plates, 85.
Prichard’s Circulating Library, 71.
Prince, Thomas, 84.
Printed labels, 16, 18, 19.
Professions named on book-plates, 9.
Quincy, Josiah, 87.
Randolph, Peyton, 9.
Ravenel, Daniel, 341.
Rawdon, R., 146.
Rawle Law Offices, 344.
Recent plates, 340.
Reed, Elijah F., 7.
Revere, Paul, 6, 146;
his plate, 148.
Revolutionary soldiers’ plates, 90.
Reynolds, Hannah, 17.
Rhode Island plates:

Barton, 60
Brown, 111
De Blois, N. J., 213
Elam, 250
Fowler, 283
Gilpin, 312
Marchant, 553
Redwood Library, 608
Spooner, 814
Warren, 910

Ribbon and Wreath plates described, 54.
Ribbon and Wreath plates by Hurd, 111.
Robbins, Thomas, 6.
Roberts, George C. M. (M.D.), 6.
Rollinson, 56, 149.
Rowe, Henry S., 376.
Rowfant Club, Cleveland, 75.
Royal officers who had book-plates, 86.
Russell, John E., 357.
Russell, Thomas, 59, 125.
Sage, Dean, 360, 361.
Sandham, Henry, 77.
Sargeant, Jacob, 46.
Schlaick, Fred C., 362.
School-boy doggerel, 23.
Scott, Winfield, 103.
Sears, George Edward, 358.
Selfridge, Thomas O., 22.
Seton, Monsignor, 344.
Seymour, George Dudley, 369, 370.
Shelton, Miss Ada Stewart, 375.
Sherborn, C. W., 370.
Signed plates, 82.
Signers of the Declaration who used book-plates, 90.
Sill, Geo. Imbrie, 353.
Smith, G. A., 159.
Smith, Samuel, 282, 283.
Smith, William P., 44, 45.
Smithers, J., 151.
Social Friends Society, 67.
Social Law Library, 66.
Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 65, 66.
South Carolina plates:

Beresford, 76
Drayton, 228
Drayton, J., 229
Drayton, W., 230
Drayton, W. H., 231
Gibbes, E. A., 302
Gibbes, J. S., 303
Gibbs, J. W., 304, 305
Hall, 341
Hayne, 364
Hayward, 367
Hayward, T., 370
Horry, 393
Inglis, 406
Johnson, W. L., 433
Johnston, 438
L——, 469
Laurens, 473
Mackey, 546
Manigault, 548
March, 552
Middleton, 574
Petigru, 666
Phoenix Society, 676
Pownall, 695
Preston, 698
Prioleau, 705
Protestant Episcopal Society, 811
Rutledge, 750
Shubrick, 781
Smith, William, 806
Smith, William L., 807
Strobel, 835
Taylor, 847
Waties, 915
Whitridge, 932
Young, 976

Southern book-plates, 3, 81, 88.
Sparrow, T. (engraver), 20, 151.
Specially interesting plates, 79.
Spooner, Joshua, 44, 110, 111.
Sprigg, Richard, 20.
Statesmen’s plates, 89.
Stauffer, J. McN., 373.
Stedman, Alexander, 17.
Edmund Clarence, 100.
Stevenson, E. IrenÆus, 351.
Stewart, Anthony, 48.
Stone, Arthur Robinson, 362, 364.
Styles of book-plates, 37.
Sullivan, John, 56.
Sutro Library, San Francisco, 73.
Swett, J. B., 59, 289.
Tayloe, 7, 291.
Tazewell, 8.
Terry, William D., 152.
Thackara, James, 152.
Thaxter, Thomas, 17.
Thomas, Isaiah, 83.
Thomas, I. G., 18.
Ticknor, George, his motto, 24.
Tiffany, John K., 363.
Titled Americans who have book-plates, 88.
Trenchard, Lieut. E., 10, 12.
Trenchard, James, 152.
Trumble, Alfred, 357.
Tuberville, 2, 8.
Turner, James, 6, 79, 155.
Tyler, Andrew, 46, 111.
Tyler, John, 85.
Uncertain plates, 11.
Union Circulating Library, Philadelphia, 71.
United States:

Army, 874
Congress, 875
Navy, 876-7

University Club, Washington, 75.
Vallance, John, 157.
Van Allen, Adam, 367.
Vanamee, William, 349.
Varick, Richard, 295.
Vassal, John, 79, 114.
Vaughan, Samuel, 53.
Vermont plates:

Stevens, 822-3

Virginia book-plates, 8.
Council plate, 297.
Virginia plates:

Ambler, 16
Andrews, 21
Archer, 21, 32
Armistead, 33
Banister, 57
Bathurst, 62
Bayley, 66
Beverley, 78-80
Bolling, 88
Boucher, 95
Brimage, 106
Bruff, 116
Burke, 119
Byrd, 123
Cabell, Dr. George, 124
Cabell, Samuel J., 125
Carroll, 136, 137
Cary, 141
Cay, 143
Chin, 985
Craven, 188
Custis, George W., 195
Custis, John P., 196
Davenport, 206
Dinwiddie, 224
Dove, I., 226
Dove, S. E., 227
Fairfax, 265
Fauquier, 269
Fitzhugh, 274
Fitzhugh, William Junr., 275
Gilmer, 309
Hay, 361
Holladay, 383
Hubard, 395
Inglis, 407
Jones, 440
King, 454
Kinloch, 460
Lee, 476
Lee, E., 477
Lee, P. L., 479
Leiper, 480
Lightfoot, Philip, 487
Lightfoot, William, 488
Ludwell, 530
McKenzie, Kenneth, 539
McKenzie, William, 540
Mackay 545
Manning, 551
Marshall, 555
Mercer, Hugh, 571
Mercer, John, 572
Milner, 578
Murray, James, 598
Murray, John, 599
Murray, Earl Dunmore, 602
Nelson, 604
Page, 633
Parke, 638
Phillips, 672
Power, 694
Randolph, John, 713
Randolph, John of Roanoke, 714
Randolph, John, Jr., 715
Randolph, Peyton, 716
Randolph, Ryland, 717
Routh, 742
Scott, Gustavus, 765
Scott, Winfield, 767
Semple, 774
Skelton, 786
Skipwith, 787
Smith, John A., 793
Smith, Robert, 797
Smith, Thomas, 800
Spotswood, 815
Stith, 828
Stott, 832
Tayloe, 846
Tazewell, 850
Thompson, 854
Thornton, 859
Thruston, 860
Tuberville, 866
Tucker, 867
Virginia Council Chamber, 897-8
Waller, 905
Washington, Bushrod, 912
Washington, George, 913
Welford, 921
Wormeley, 957-8
Wythe, 963

VolapÜk motto, 34.
Wadsworth, Jeremiah, iv.
Wallace, Allen, 364.
Waller, 8.
Warren, John C., 299, 300.
W., 300, 301.
Washington, Bushrod, 95, 96, 300.
Washington, George, his plate, 90;
his motto, 30, 79;
fraudulent, 91;
genuine, 94.
Washington, D.C., plates:

Lenthall, 481
Ruff, 744

Watkinson Library, Hartford, 75.
Way, W. Irving, 368.
Webster, Daniel, 97.
Welsh mottoes, 33.
Weld, John (of Pomfret, Conn.), 18.
Wentworth, 53, 107.
West India plates:

Ashwell, 34
Assheton, 36
Beete, 70
Blanc, 83
Blenman, 86
Byam, 122
Campbell, 134
Edwards, 247
Heming, 372
Hunter, 399
Jamaica, Bishop of, 421
Knox, 468
Martin, 557
Pinfold, 683, 684
Robertson, 736
Royall, 743
Salter, 754
Vaughan, 890
Williams, William, 936
Wilson, John, 947
Wilson, John, 948

Wethersfield Library plate, 133.
Wetmore, Prosper, 56.
Wetmore, William, 147.
Wheeler, Joseph H., 361.
White, Richard Grant, 101.
Williams, Chauncey Lawrence, 364.
Williams, John, 54.
Williams, Rev. John, 82.
Williams, John C., 111.
Wilson, Francis, 376.
Winslow, John F., 346.
Woolworth, Aaron, 17.
Worcester Circulating Library, 23.
Wormeley, 8.
Wynkoop, Richard, 56.


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