A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W. Adams, John, 15, 85. John Quincy, 85, 86. Hannah, 18. Akin, James, 117. Albany Society Library, 84. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 101, 343. Allan, John, 7. Allardice, S., 117. Allegorical book-plates, 57. Allen, Charles Dexter, his collection, 383. Mrs. Frances Louise, 375. Frances Louise and Charles Dexter, 365. John, 46. American Academy Arts and Sciences, 126, 163. American Antiquarian Society, 78. American collections, 377. American collectors, 377, 385. American members Ex Libris Society of London, 384. Anderson, Alexander, 79-117, 120. Andrew, John, 388. Andrews, Henry, 57, 59. Annin and Smith, 122. Anthony, Henry B., 341. Apprentices’ Library, 121. Apthorp, 79. Armorial book-plates, 35. Arnold Arboretum, 72, 73. Asay, E. G., 363. Assheton, William, 9. Atkinson, Theodore, 106. Atlee, 8. Avery Architectural Library, 72. Avery, Samuel Putnam, 370. Avril, Paul, 371. Baer, Frank House, 341. Baillie, W. E., 350. Baldwin, Simeon, 18. Bancker, Abraham, 143. Bancroft, George, 31; his motto, 32. Barker, Mrs. E. H. L., 373; her collection, 382. Barrett, Lawrence, 102. Bates, Albert C., 349, 350. Bates, Arlo, 101. Baxter, James Phinney, 347, 348. Bayliss, Mary, 376. Belcher, Jonathan, 9. William, 171. Benjamin, Marcus, 368, 369. Betton, Thomas Forrest, 18. Bibliography, American, 389. English, 396. French, 418. Bierstadt, E. H., his collection, 382, 90. Blackley, Absalom, 172, 173. Blackwell, Henry, 33, 360; his collection, 383. Blanc, William, 9. Bloomfield, 154. Book-plates: metals used, 2. used first in Southern colonies, 3. literary, 6. addresses on, 7, 8. profession on, 9, 10. essentials, 16. dated, 18. phrases on, 18. armorial, 35. purpose of, 35. first, 35. styles named, 37. Early English, described, 37. Jacobean, described, 41. Chippendale, described, 47. Ribbon and Wreath, described, 54. Pictorial, 57. Allegorical, 57. Portrait, 78. of special interest, 79. reasons for grades of value, 79, 82, 85. destruction of early, 80, 81. signed, 82. dated, 82. of presidents of U.S., 85. of royal officers, 86. of loyalists, 88. of titled Americans, 88. of early authors, 89. of early physicians, 89. of early statesmen, 89. of early clergymen, 89. of early printers, 89. of Revolutionary soldiers, 90. of signers of the Declaration, 90. heraldry on early, 113. Booth, Edwin, 102. Boston Public Library, 77. Bowen, Abel, 67, 122. Boyd, John, 123. Brainerd, Miss Helen E., 382. Brewster, Miss Jessie, 373. British soldiers take books from Columbia College, 86. Brooks, Henry M., 351. Brothers in Unity, 67, 77. Brown, 7. Browne, Peter A., 118. Bryant, Hubbard Winslow, 353. Buck, John H., 341. Burnet, John, 84. Burrows, Charles W., 341. Cabell, 9. Callender, Joseph, 56, 123. Campbell, John, 19. Canadian plates.: | LIST NUMBER. | Kingston: St. John College, | 459 | Livius, | 505 | Stewart, | 826 | Uniacke, | 873 | Waterhouse, | 914 | Carmichael, Hon. William, 39, 181. Castle, Harry Allen, 342. Chambers, John, 136. Chandler, Gardiner, 146. John, Jr., 53, 108. Chase, Samuel, 79. Childs, Cephas G., 127. George W., his motto, 32; his plate, 98. Chippendale plates described, 47. Chippendale plates by Hurd, 105. by Dawkins, 131. Clap, John, 18. Clark, Clarence H., 371. Clergymen’s plates, 89. Cleveland, Stephen, 79, 80. Clinton, De Witt, illus., 55. Coffin, Mrs. Julia Dexter, 374. Cole, J. N. Candee, his motto, 24. Colesworthy, D. C., his severe motto, 21. Collectors of book-plates, defence of, 11. College book-plates, 57, 67. Columbia College Library, 81. Congressional Library, 67. Connecticut Historical Society, 75. Connecticut plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Alsop, | 15 | Belcher, | 73 | Bull, | 118 | Chester, | 156 | Conn. Theol. Inst., | 178, | 179 | East Windsor Lit. Assn., | 246 | Farmington Library, | 266, | 267, | 268 | Goodwin, | 314 | Guilford Library, | 335 | Guilford Union Library, | 336 | Hanchett, | 346 | Hartford Library Co., | 350 | Ingersoll, | 404 | Jarvis, | 423 | Johnson, | 434-5 | King, | 457 | Knight, | 466 | Lord, | 516 | Musgrave, | 603 | Pease, | 651-2 | Pierpont, | 682 | Reed, | 723 | Robbins, Philemon, | 731 | Robbins, Thomas, | 732 | Sargeant, | 758 | Smith, Samuel, | 799 | Stowe, | 833 | Waldo, | 901 | Wethersfield Library, | 923 | Wetmore, | 924 | Williams, | 938-9 | Wolcott, | 953 | Woodbridge, | 955 | Yale College: Brothers in Unity, | 964-5-6 | Yale College: Linonian Society, | 967-8-9 | Yale College: Moral Library, | 970 | Yale College: Philotechnian Library, | 971 | Cooper, Myles, 49. Corning, John Herbert, 354. Count Rumford, 158. Courtenay, William Ashmead, 122, 356. Cowan, Thomas C., his motto, 126. Craven, 86. Curtis, T. W., 18. Curry, George (D. D.), his motto, 33. Cushman, Charlotte, 373. Dated plates, 82. Dawkins, Henry, 6, 53, 127. Dearborn, Nathaniel, 132. Deats, H. E., 150, 365; his collection, 381. De Blois, Lewis, 79, 109. Defence of book-plate collecting, 11. De Forest, George B., 371. Delaware plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Bayard, | 64 | Fisher, | 273 | Denham, Edward, 356. Dering, Thomas, 79, 84, 106. Dickinson, David, 18. Dinwiddie, Robert, 53. Dix, Edward Spencer, his motto, 33. Dix, Rev. Morgan, 346. Dodge, Pickering, his collection, 383. Doolittle, Amos, 132. Drayton, 9. Dubbs, Joseph Henry, 342, 345. Du Bois, Henri Pene, his theory about book-plates, 358. Dudley, Joseph, 38. Duer, William, 195, 322. Duhme, Mrs. Ophelia Fowler, 375, 382. Dumaresque, 53. Dummer, Jer., 39. Durand, John, 47. Early authors’ plates, 89. Earliest dated plates (American), 82. Earliest plate by an American engraver, which is both dated and signed, 84. Early English style described, 37. Edwards, George Wharton, 351. Eggleston, Edward, 102. Elam, Samuel, 8, 13. Elliston, Comptroller, 8, 86. Ellwanger, George H., 340, 363. Engravers, celebrated, 14. Eno, Dr. H. C., 372; his collection, 382. Ernst, Harold Clarence, his motto, 32. Eustace, Colonel, 8, 199. Evarts, Jeremiah, 386. Ewing, 200, 201. Ex Libris Societies. France, 388. Germany, 387. London, 387. Fairman, Gideon, 134. Farmington, Library of, 7, 62, 63, 65. Field, Eugene, 35, 101. First book-plate in America, I. Fitz, Miss Louise, 382. Flint, Mrs. Alonzo, 373. Fogg, Dr. J. S. H., 342. Forbes, Eli, 135. Francis, Samuel W., his motto, 26. Franklin, John, 79, 156. Fraunces, Andrew G., 205. French, Edwin Davis, 376. Furnass, John Mason, 134. Gallaudet, Edward, 136. Elisha, 136. Mrs. E. M., 382. Garden, Francis, 159. Gardiner, John, 9. Garrett, Edmund H., 138, 376. Georgia plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Belcher, | 74 | Wright, | 959 | Gibbs, John Walters, 9. Gilpin, Henry D., 127. Godwin, Abraham, 137. Goelet, John, 208, 209. Goodwin, George, 6, 132. Graeme, Elizabeth, 97. Greenleaf, Daniel, 25. Greene, Benjamin, 84. Grolier Club, 73, frontis. Haber, Louis J., 343, 349. Hale, Robert, of Beverly, 8, 107. Hapgood, Melvin H., 344. Hark, J. Max, 342. Harison, Richard, 150, 214, 215. Harris, S., 137. Harrison, Charles P., 138. Hart, Gerald E., 350. Hartman, J. Hiestand, 368. Harvard College, 67, 112. Hasty Pudding Society, 67, 68. Hayden, Martin, 362. Hays, Barrack, 218, 219. Heraldry on early plates, 113. on American plates, 346. Hewins, Eben Newell, his collection, 380. Hicks, Whitehead, 130. Hill, Samuel, 78, 138. Hitchcock, E. A., 368. Holland, J. G., 99. Hollingsworth, A. L., 29, 355. Holloway, Edward Stratton, 362. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 32, 98. Holt, Thomas, 18. Holyoke, Edward Augustus, 79, 105. Hone, Philip, 16. Hooper, 59. Hopson, W. F., 104, 370, 376. Houx, J. W., his motto, 24. Howland, 361. Hoyt, F. W., 366. Huntington, Rev. Wm. R., 356. Hurd, Jacob, 158. Hurd, Nathaniel, 6, 38, 44, 46, 52, 67, 79, 104. Hutton, Laurence, 101, 102. Ingersoll, Jared, 8. Jacobean plates described, 41. Jacobean plates by Hurd, 109. Jackson, Jonathan, 111. Jackson, W., 55. Jarvis, Samuel Farmar, 226, 227. Jauncey, William, 226, 229. Jayne, D. W., his motto, 21. Jeffries, Dr. John, 89. Jilson, Charles F., 357. Jocelyn, S. S., 138. Johnson, Rossiter, 103. Johnson, Thomas, 6, 138. Johnston, Thomas (engraver), 139 Johnston, Thomas (plate), 56, 230, 231. Jones, Emanuel, 18. Jones, Gabriel, 36. Kearney, Francis, 139. Keith, Sir William, 86. Kempe, John Tabor, 86. Kentucky plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Raphael, | 718-9 | King, Clifford Julius, 352. Kinloch, Francis, 79. Kip, 59. Kissam, Benjamin, 129, 51. Kunze, Johan Christopher, 18. Labels, 16, 18, 19. Ladies’ plates: Adams, Hannah, 18. Allen, Frances L., 375. Barker, Mrs. E. H. L., 373. Bayliss, Mary, 376. Brainerd, Helen E., 382. Brewster, Jessie, 373. Coffin, Julia S., 374. Cushman, Charlotte, 373. Duhme, Ophelia F., 375. Flint, Mrs. Alonzo, 373. Graeme, Elizabeth, 97. Iselin, Helen, 225. Miller, Margaret M., 375. Shelton, Ada Stewart, 375. Lady collectors, 382. Lambert, John, his motto, 24. Lawrence, Richard Hoe, 362, 368. Lefferts, Marshall C., 352, 353. Leighton, George E., 353. Lemperly, Paul, 357, 359, 421. Lenthall, John, 79, 153. Lenox, 8. Lewis, 7. Lewis, W., 18. Libbie, Fred J., 368; his collection, 381. Library book-plates, 57. Library of Congress, 67. Lichtenstein, Richard C., his plate, 346; illus. 160; his coll., 381; his opinion of the George Washington plate, 91. Linonian Library, 67, 69, 70. Livingston, Edward, 237, 238. Livius, 88. Lodge, Abraham, 240. Longfellow, Henry W., his motto, 30. Lord, William, 5. Loyalists who had book-plates, 88. Lowell, John, 115. Ludwell, 8. Macbeth, George Alexander, 79, 352. Maine Historical Society, 75. Maine plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Gardiner, | 297 | Morrison, | 597 | Vaughan, Benjamin, | 889 | Vaughan, Samuel, Jr., | 892 | Vaughan, William, | 893 | Malvians, 312, 339. Manigault, Peter, 52. Mann, John Preston, 59, 245. Mann, Timothy, 27. Martin, Luther, 155. Marvin, Samuel Wesley, 366. Maryland plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Baltimore Liby. Co., | 50 | Bonaparte, | 89 | Bozman, | 101 | Calvert, | 133 | Carmichael, | 135 | Carroll, | 138 | Chalmers, | 144 | Chase, | 150 | Duvall, | 243 | Forman, | 280 | Georgetown College, | 299, 300 | Guinaud, | 337 | Johnston, | 436 | Kerr, | 452 | Key, | 453 | McTavish, | 544 | Maxcy, | 569 | Read, | 722 | Roberts, | 733 | Sprigg, | 816 | Stewart, | 824 | Tayloe, | 845 | Massachusetts Historical Society, 78. Massachusetts plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Adams, J., | 3 | Adams. J. Q., | 4, 5, 6, 7 | Agar, | 8 | Allen, | 13 | American Academy, | 17 | Andover Theol. Inst., | 19 | Andrew, | 20 | Andrews, | 22, 23, 24 | Apthorp, | 26, 27, 28, 29 | Atkinson, | 38, 39 | Auchmuty, | 42 | Baldwin, | 46, 47 | Barrell, | 58 | Barroll, | 59 | Beck, | 68 | Belcher, | 71, 72 | Blake, | 82 | Boston Architectural Library, | 983 | Boston Shakespeare Circulating Library, | 93 | Boston Social Law Libr’y, | 94 | Bowdoin, | 97 | Bowdoin College, | 98 | Boylston Med. Libr’y, | 99, 100 | Brazer, | 103 | Brown, | 112 | Cabot, | 126 | Callender, | 132 | Cary, Alpheus, | 140 | Cary, Thomas, | 142 | Chandler, Gardiner, | 147 | Chandler, John, Junr., | 148 | Chandler, Rufus, | 149 | Chauncey, | 151, 152, 153 | Child, Isaac, | 158, 159 | Child, Thomas, | 160 | Cleveland, | 170 | Coffin, | 173 | Coffin, Hector, | 174 | Coffin, John, | 175 | Cooley, | 182 | Courtenay, | 184 | Cranch, | 187 | Curwen, | 192 | Cushing, | 193 | Dana, E. T., | 200 | Dana, Francis, | 201 | Dana, R. H., | 202 | Danforth, | 203 | Dartmouth College, | 204 | Dartmouth College, Social Friends, | 205 | De Blois, L., | 212 | Dedham: Scripture Society, | 214 | Dering, N.H., | 218 | Dering, T., | 219, 220 | Dexter, | 222 | Dill, | 223 | Dolbeare, | 225 | Duane, | 232 | Dudley, | 233 | Dumaresque, | 236 | Dummer, | 237 | Emerson, | 256 | Erving, | 258, 259 | Evarts, | 261 | Everett, | 263 | Forbes, | 279 | Foster, | 281 | Foster, I., | 282 | Fownes, | 284 | Foxcroft, | 285 | Francis, | 286 | Franklin, | 287 | French, | 291 | Gardiner, | 296 | Gray, | 322 | Green, F., | 323 | Green, Garrett, | 324 | Green, T., Jr., | 325 | Greene, B., | 326, 327 | Greene, D., | 329 | Greene, T., Jr., | 330 | Greenleaf, | 331 | Greenough, | 332 | Hale, | 339 | Hallowell, | 343 | Harris, | 347 | Harvard Coll. Libr’y, | 351-5 | Harvard College Hasty Pudding Society, | 356 | Harvard College Porcellean Libr’y, | 357, 358, 359 | Haverhill Library, | 987 | Heath, | 371 | Henderson, | 373 | Hill, | 380 | Hoar, | 381 | Holyoke, E. A., | 385 | Holyoke, | 386 | Humphrey, | 396 | Hurd, | 401 | Jackson, Jas., | 418 | Jackson, Jon., | 419 | Jeffries, | 426-7 | Jenkins, | 429 | Johnson, Thomas, | 432 | Jones, | 441 | Lisle, H. M., | 490 | Livermore, | 491 | Lodge, | 510 | Loring, | 517 | Lowell, John, | 520 | Lowell, John, Jr., | 521-2 | Lowell, John Amory, | 523 | Mann, | 550 | Marston, | 556 | Mason, | 560 | Mass. General Court, | 561 | Mass. Historical Society, | 562 | Mass. Medical Society, | 563 | Mass. Normal School, | 564 | Minot, | 579-80 | Murray, | 600 | Newburyport AthenÆum, | 606 | Newell, | 607 | Newton, | 609 | Oliver, Andrew, | 625 | Oliver, Francis J., | 991 | Osborne, | 628 | Otis, Harrison Gray, | 629 | Otis, James, | 630 | Parker, B., | 639 | Parker, James, | 641 | Parker, Samuel, | 642 | Parkman, | 643 | Parsons, | 644 | Peirson, | 649 | Pepperell, | 664 | Perkins, | 665 | Phillips, | 673 | Phillips Academy, Andover, | 674 | Phillips Academy, Exeter, | 675 | Pickering, | 679 | Pierpont, | 681 | Poor, | 687 | Prescott, William, | 696 | Prescott, William H., | 697 | Price, | 700 | Prince, | 704 | Putnam, | 711 | Quincy, | 712 | Rivoire, | 730 | Royall, | 743 | Russell, | 747 | Sargent, Daniel, Junr., | 759 | Sargent, Epes, | 760 | Sargent, Winthrop, | 761 | Scotton, John, | 768 | Sears, | 769 | Secombe, | 771 | Selfridge, | 773 | Sheppard, | 777 | Simpson, | 783 | Smith, Hezekiah, | 790 | Smith, William, | 803 | Spooner, | 813 | Stearns, | 820 | Sumner, Thomas W., | 839 | Sumner, W. H., | 840 | Swan, | 842 | Swett, | 843 | Thomas, | 853 | Thorndike, | 858 | Tracy, | 863 | Tufts, | 868 | Tuttle, | 869 | Tyler, Andrew, | 870 | Tyler, Joseph, | 871 | Tyng, | 872 | Vassall, | 888 | Vaughan, | 891 | Vose, Benjamin, | 899 | Vose, Solomon, | 900 | Warren, John C., | 908 | Warren, J. Mason, | 909 | Webster, | 918 | Wetmore, | 926 | Wheelwright, | 929 | Williams, | 934 | Williams, | 942 | Williams, John, | 937 | Williams, John, | 940 | Williams, John C., | 941 | Willis, | 944 | Wilson, David, | 945 | Wilson, James, | 946 | Winthrop, William, | 949 | Winthrop, John, | 950 | Worcester Circulating Library, | 956 | Young, | 974 | Matthews, Brander, 99. Mauran, James Eddy, 16, 98; his collection, 378. Maverick, Peter, 142. Peter Rushton, 6, 56, 140. McGinley, Mary, 19. McIlvaine, Bloomfield, 57, 157. McKee, Thomas J., 357. McMurtrie, 59. Member of the Ex Libris Society, 384. Middleton, Peter, 10. Miller, Margaret M., 375. Minot, 40. Moat, Horatio Shepherd, 56. Moral Library, 6, 7. Morgan, Appleton, 341. Morgan, Henry A., 356. Mottoes, use of, 16, 17. different kinds, 21. languages used on, 21. against book-borrowing, 21-27. from the Bible, 21, 22. school-boy, 23. care of books, 25-27. poetical, 24-26, 28. generous, 27. in praise of books and reading, 28. quotations used, 28. Mounting plates, ways of, 382. Murray, David, 353. John, Rev., 252, 253. Name-labels, 16, 18, 19. New England book-plates, 4, 87. New Hampshire plates: New Jersey plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Antill, | 25 | Bloomfield, | 87 | Brearly, | 104 | Edgar, | 986 | Kemble, | 450 | Ogden, | 621 | Read, | 721 | Stockton, | 830 | Trenchard, | 864 | Wallace, | 904 | New London Public Library, 73. New York plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Anonymous (French style), | 1 | Agnew, James, | 9 | Albany Society Library, | 11 | Allan, John, | 12 | Anderson, | 18 | Ball, | 48 | Bancker, | 51 | Bay, | 63 | Bedlow, | 69 | Betts, | 77 | Blackley, | 81 | Booth, | 91 | Brasher, | 102 | Bridgen, | 105 | Brooks, | 108 | Brown, | 110 | Bruen, | 115 | Burnet, | 120, 121 | Cadena, | 127, 128, 129 | Chambers, | 146 | Champion, | 984 | Clarke, Alfred, | 164 | Clarke, Geo., | 165 | Clarkson, David, | 167 | Clarkson, M., | 168 | Clinton, | 171 | Cock, | 172 | Colden, | 176 | Columbia College Libr’y, | 177 | Connolly, | 180 | Constable, | 181 | Cooper, | 183 | Cushman, | 194 | Cutting, | 198 | Cuyler, | 199 | De Peyster, | 216 | De Witt, | 221 | Duer, W. A., | 234 | Duer, W., | 235 | Duncan, J. H., | 238 | Duncan, R. H., | 239 | Dunning, C. E., | 240 | Dunning, C. S., | 241 | Durand, | 242 | Edwards, | 248 | Ellery, | 252 | Elliott, | 253 | Elliston, | 254, 255 | Erasmus Hall Library, | 256 | Eustace, | 260 | Everdell, | 262 | Fish, | 272 | Foot, | 276 | Fraunces, | 289 | Gallaudet, | 293 | Gardiner (Gardiner’s Island), | 294 | Gardiner, John (Gardiner’s Island), | 295 | Gibs, | 306 | Giles, | 308 | Goelet, | 313 | Gourgas, | 316 | Gracie, | 317 | Hamersley, | 344 | Hanson, | 348 | Harrison, | 349 | Hawks, | 360 | Herbert, | 374 | Hicks, Elias, | 376, 377 | Hicks, Whitehead, | 378 | Hoffman, | 382 | Horsmanden, | 394 | Hunter, | 400 | Inglis, | 406 | Iselin, | 416 | Jauncey, | 424 | Jay, | 425 | Johnson (Sir Wm. ?), | 430 | Johnson, J. I., | 431 | Johnston, John, | 437 | Johnston, Thomas, | 439 | Jones, S., | 442 | Jones, W. G., | 443 | Judah, | 444-5 | Keese, J., | 446-7 | Kempe, | 451 | King, | 456 | Kip, I. L., | 461 | Kip, L., | 462-3 | Kissam, | 465 | Lenox, | 483 | Lewis, Morgan, | 486 | Livingston, Brockholst, | 492 | Livingston, Edward, | 493 | Livingston, John R., | 494 | Livingston, Maturin, | 495 | Livingston, Mortimer, | 496 | Livingston, Peter R., | 497 | Livingston, Robert L., | 498 | Livingston, Robert R., | 499-500 | Livingston, Walter, | 501 | Livingston, Wm., | 502 | Livingston, Wm. Smith, | 503 | Lloyd, | 507-8 | de Lotbiniere, | 518 | Low, | 519 | Ludlow, Gary, | 524 | Ludlow, Charles, A.M., | 525 | Ludlow, Gabriel Verplank, | 526 | Ludlow, Gab. Wm., | 527 | Ludlow, George, | 528 | Ludlow, John Cooke, | 529 | McCoun, | 534 | McLean, | 541 | Malvians, | 989 | Masterton, | 565 | Maxwell, | 570 | Meredith, | 573 | Middleton, | 575 | Moat, | 584 | Moore, Lambert, | 585 | Moore, Nath’l F., | 586 | Moore, Samuel W., | 587 | Morris, Gouverneur, | 591 | Morris, James, | 593 | Murray, | 601 | New York City: | Apprentices’ Library, | 610 | College of Pharmacy, | 611 | College of Phys. and Sur., | 612 | Society Library, | 613-4-5 | Typographical Soc., | 616 | Ogden, | 620 | Orphan Asylum, | 626 | Panton, Francis, | 636 | Panton, Francis, Jr., | 637 | Pasley, | 646 | Paulding, J. K., | 647 | Paulding, W., | 648 | Philipse, | 671 | Pierce, | 680 | Pintard, | 685-6 | Popham, | 688 | Pride, | 701 | Provoost, John, | 707 | Provoost, Samuel, | 708-9 | Pruyn, | 710 | Ray, | 720 | Rickets, | 728 | Robinson, | 737 | Roome, Jacob, | 739 | Roome, John L. C., | 740 | Rosseau, | 741 | Russell, | 746 | Rutgers, | 748 | Rutherford, | 749 | St. George’s Church, | 752-3 | Schuyler, Philip, | 762 | Schuyler, Samuel, | 763 | Sedgwick, | 772 | Seton, | 775 | Silvester, | 782 | Sitgreaves, | 785 | Smith, G. A., | 791 | Smith, James Scott, | 792 | Smith, John Adams, | 794 | Smith, Thomas, Junr., | 801 | Smith, Thomas J., | 802 | Smith, William, | 804 | Smith, William, A.M., | 805 | Smith, William P., | 808 | Spry, | 817 | Stanford, | 818 | Stephens, | 821 | Stewart, | 825 | Stone, | 831 | Stringer, | 834 | Sturges, | 836 | Stuyvesant, | 837 | Sword, | 844 | Ten Broeck, | 851 | Thompson, | 855 | Tillotson, | 861 | Tomlinson, | 862 | Tripp, | 865 | Van Berckel, | 878 | Van Buren, | 879 | Van Cortlandt, | 880 | Van Ness, | 881 | Van Rensselaer, Jer., | 882 | Van Rensselaer, K. K., | 883 | Van Rensselaer, P., | 884 | Van Rensselaer, Stephen, | 885 | Van Wyck, | 886 | Varick, | 887 | Wall, | 903 | Watkins, | 916 | Watts, | 917 | Wetmore, | 925 | Whitebread, | 931 | Wilkes, | 933 | Williams, | 935 | Wisner, | 952 | Wynkoop, Augustus, | 960 | Wynkoop, C. C., | 961 | Wynkoop, Peter, | 962 | Yates, Christopher C., | 972 | Yates, Peter W., | 973 | New York State Agricultural Society, 70. New York Society Library, 60, 61, 62, 74. New York plates, 87. Newell, Timothy, 3. Nomenclature, 37. North Carolina plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Edwards, | 249 | Hooper, | 388 | Innes, | 414 | Iredell, | 415 | Spaight, | 812 | University of North Carolina, | 619 | Norton, Charles Eliot, 346. Oliver, Andrew, 50. Orphan Asylum, 70. Otis, Harrison Gray, 11. Page, Francis, 9, 41, 82. Paine, Nathaniel, 352; his collection, 383. Panton, Francis, 258, 259. Parker, James, 57, 58. Parker, Samuel, 57, 260. Parmelee, George L., 355. Pelton, Oliver, 145. Penn, Edmund, 7. Penn, William, his motto, 30, 82, 86, 263. Pennington, Edward, 34, 59. Pennsylvania Historical Society, 75. Pennsylvania plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Abercrombie, James, | 2 | Aitkin, Robert, | 10 | Allison, Joseph J. | 14 | Assheton, | 35, 37 | Atlee, | 40 | Bancker, | 52, 53, 54, 55 | Bartram, | 61 | Bayard, | 65 | Beatty, | 67 | Bond, | 90 | Boudinot, | 96 | Brown, | 109 | Browne, | 113 | Chambers, | 145 | Chauncey, | 154 | Chawney, | 155 | Child, | 157 | Day, | 209 | Denny, | 215 | Ewing, | 264 | Gallitin, | 292 | Gilpin, | 310-311 | Graeme, | 318 | Graham, | 319 | Griggs, | 334 | Gurney, | 338 | Hall, | 340 | Hamilton, | 345 | Herman, | 375 | Hopkinson, F., | 390 | Hopkinson, J., | 391 | Inglis, | 408 | Ingraham, | 409 | Ingraham, E. D., | 410-13 | Keith, | 449 | Kingston, | 458 | Kunze, | 988 | Lardner, | 472 | Lenox, | 482 | Lewis, J. S., | 484 | Lewis, M., | 485 | Logan, Charles, | 512 | Logan, James, | 513 | Logan, William, | 514 | Loganian Library, | 515 | McFarlan, | 536 | McMurtrie, | 542-3 | Matthews, | 567 | Miller, | 577 | Mitchell, | 582 | Morgan, | 589 | Morris, J., | 592 | Norris, Geo. W., | 617 | Morris, Isaac, | 618 | Osborne, | 627 | Penn, Thomas, | 655 | Penn, William, | 656 | Penn (anonymous), | 657 | Pennington, | 658 | Pennington, Edward, | 659-60 | Pennington, T. H., | 661 | Pennsylvania Historical Society, | 662-3 | Philadelphia: | Apprentices Library Co., | 667-8 | Carpenters Company, | 669 | Library Company, | 670 | Poulson, | 689 | Powel, Samuel, | 690 | Powell, Hare Samuel, | 691 | Powell, John H., | 692 | Priestley, | 702 | Proctor, | 706 | Riddle’s Circulating Library, | 729 | Rush, | 745 | St. Clair, | 751 | Shippen, Edward, | 779 | Shippen, Robert, | 780 | Smith, | 795 | Stille, | 827 | Taylor, | 848 | Thomas, | 852 | Vaux, | 894 | Warren, | 911 | Weiberg, | 994 | Wiseman, | 951 | Wood, | 954 | Philadelphia plates, 88. Philipse, Frederick, 42. Phoenix Society, 76. Physicians’ plates, 89. Pictorial book-plates, 57. Pike, Nicolas, 17. Pinfold, Charles, 9. Pintard, John, 79, 120. Plates by Dawkins, 131. Plates of special interest, 79. Poole, Lucius, 362. Porcellian Club, 67. Portrait plates, 78. Potter, William W., 17. Power, James, 269, 270. Prescott, William, 32. Presidents of U. S. who have book-plates, 85. Prichard’s Circulating Library, 71. Prince, Thomas, 84. Printed labels, 16, 18, 19. Professions named on book-plates, 9. Quincy, Josiah, 87. Randolph, Peyton, 9. Ravenel, Daniel, 341. Rawdon, R., 146. Rawle Law Offices, 344. Recent plates, 340. Reed, Elijah F., 7. Revere, Paul, 6, 146; his plate, 148. Revolutionary soldiers’ plates, 90. Reynolds, Hannah, 17. Rhode Island plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Barton, | 60 | Brown, | 111 | De Blois, N. J., | 213 | Elam, | 250 | Fowler, | 283 | Gilpin, | 312 | Marchant, | 553 | Redwood Library, | 608 | Spooner, | 814 | Warren, | 910 | Ribbon and Wreath plates described, 54. Ribbon and Wreath plates by Hurd, 111. Robbins, Thomas, 6. Roberts, George C. M. (M.D.), 6. Rollinson, 56, 149. Rowe, Henry S., 376. Rowfant Club, Cleveland, 75. Royal officers who had book-plates, 86. Russell, John E., 357. Russell, Thomas, 59, 125. Sage, Dean, 360, 361. Sandham, Henry, 77. Sargeant, Jacob, 46. Schlaick, Fred C., 362. School-boy doggerel, 23. Scott, Winfield, 103. Sears, George Edward, 358. Selfridge, Thomas O., 22. Seton, Monsignor, 344. Seymour, George Dudley, 369, 370. Shelton, Miss Ada Stewart, 375. Sherborn, C. W., 370. Signed plates, 82. Signers of the Declaration who used book-plates, 90. Sill, Geo. Imbrie, 353. Smith, G. A., 159. Smith, Samuel, 282, 283. Smith, William P., 44, 45. Smithers, J., 151. Social Friends Society, 67. Social Law Library, 66. Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 65, 66. South Carolina plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Beresford, | 76 | Drayton, | 228 | Drayton, J., | 229 | Drayton, W., | 230 | Drayton, W. H., | 231 | Gibbes, E. A., | 302 | Gibbes, J. S., | 303 | Gibbs, J. W., | 304, 305 | Hall, | 341 | Hayne, | 364 | Hayward, | 367 | Hayward, T., | 370 | Horry, | 393 | Inglis, | 406 | Johnson, W. L., | 433 | Johnston, | 438 | L——, | 469 | Laurens, | 473 | Mackey, | 546 | Manigault, | 548 | March, | 552 | Middleton, | 574 | Petigru, | 666 | Phoenix Society, | 676 | Pownall, | 695 | Preston, | 698 | Prioleau, | 705 | Protestant Episcopal Society, | 811 | Rutledge, | 750 | Shubrick, | 781 | Smith, William, | 806 | Smith, William L., | 807 | Strobel, | 835 | Taylor, | 847 | Waties, | 915 | Whitridge, | 932 | Young, | 976 | Southern book-plates, 3, 81, 88. Sparrow, T. (engraver), 20, 151. Specially interesting plates, 79. Spooner, Joshua, 44, 110, 111. Sprigg, Richard, 20. Statesmen’s plates, 89. Stauffer, J. McN., 373. Stedman, Alexander, 17. Edmund Clarence, 100. Stevenson, E. IrenÆus, 351. Stewart, Anthony, 48. Stone, Arthur Robinson, 362, 364. Styles of book-plates, 37. Sullivan, John, 56. Sutro Library, San Francisco, 73. Swett, J. B., 59, 289. Tayloe, 7, 291. Tazewell, 8. Terry, William D., 152. Thackara, James, 152. Thaxter, Thomas, 17. Thomas, Isaiah, 83. Thomas, I. G., 18. Ticknor, George, his motto, 24. Tiffany, John K., 363. Titled Americans who have book-plates, 88. Trenchard, Lieut. E., 10, 12. Trenchard, James, 152. Trumble, Alfred, 357. Tuberville, 2, 8. Turner, James, 6, 79, 155. Tyler, Andrew, 46, 111. Tyler, John, 85. Uncertain plates, 11. Union Circulating Library, Philadelphia, 71. United States: University Club, Washington, 75. Vallance, John, 157. Van Allen, Adam, 367. Vanamee, William, 349. Varick, Richard, 295. Vassal, John, 79, 114. Vaughan, Samuel, 53. Vermont plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Stevens, | 822-3 | Virginia book-plates, 8. Council plate, 297. Virginia plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Ambler, | 16 | Andrews, | 21 | Archer, | 21, 32 | Armistead, | 33 | Banister, | 57 | Bathurst, | 62 | Bayley, | 66 | Beverley, | 78-80 | Bolling, | 88 | Boucher, | 95 | Brimage, | 106 | Bruff, | 116 | Burke, | 119 | Byrd, | 123 | Cabell, Dr. George, | 124 | Cabell, Samuel J., | 125 | Carroll, | 136, 137 | Cary, | 141 | Cay, | 143 | Chin, | 985 | Craven, | 188 | Custis, George W., | 195 | Custis, John P., | 196 | Davenport, | 206 | Dinwiddie, | 224 | Dove, I., | 226 | Dove, S. E., | 227 | Fairfax, | 265 | Fauquier, | 269 | Fitzhugh, | 274 | Fitzhugh, William Junr., | 275 | Gilmer, | 309 | Hay, | 361 | Holladay, | 383 | Hubard, | 395 | Inglis, | 407 | Jones, | 440 | King, | 454 | Kinloch, | 460 | Lee, | 476 | Lee, E., | 477 | Lee, P. L., | 479 | Leiper, | 480 | Lightfoot, Philip, | 487 | Lightfoot, William, | 488 | Ludwell, | 530 | McKenzie, Kenneth, | 539 | McKenzie, William, | 540 | Mackay | 545 | Manning, | 551 | Marshall, | 555 | Mercer, Hugh, | 571 | Mercer, John, | 572 | Milner, | 578 | Murray, James, | 598 | Murray, John, | 599 | Murray, Earl Dunmore, | 602 | Nelson, | 604 | Page, | 633 | Parke, | 638 | Phillips, | 672 | Power, | 694 | Randolph, John, | 713 | Randolph, John of Roanoke, | 714 | Randolph, John, Jr., | 715 | Randolph, Peyton, | 716 | Randolph, Ryland, | 717 | Routh, | 742 | Scott, Gustavus, | 765 | Scott, Winfield, | 767 | Semple, | 774 | Skelton, | 786 | Skipwith, | 787 | Smith, John A., | 793 | Smith, Robert, | 797 | Smith, Thomas, | 800 | Spotswood, | 815 | Stith, | 828 | Stott, | 832 | Tayloe, | 846 | Tazewell, | 850 | Thompson, | 854 | Thornton, | 859 | Thruston, | 860 | Tuberville, | 866 | Tucker, | 867 | Virginia Council Chamber, | 897-8 | Waller, | 905 | Washington, Bushrod, | 912 | Washington, George, | 913 | Welford, | 921 | Wormeley, | 957-8 | Wythe, | 963 | VolapÜk motto, 34. Wadsworth, Jeremiah, iv. Wallace, Allen, 364. Waller, 8. Warren, John C., 299, 300. W., 300, 301. Washington, Bushrod, 95, 96, 300. Washington, George, his plate, 90; his motto, 30, 79; fraudulent, 91; genuine, 94. Washington, D.C., plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Lenthall, | 481 | Ruff, | 744 | Watkinson Library, Hartford, 75. Way, W. Irving, 368. Webster, Daniel, 97. Welsh mottoes, 33. Weld, John (of Pomfret, Conn.), 18. Wentworth, 53, 107. West India plates: | LIST NUMBER. | Ashwell, | 34 | Assheton, | 36 | Beete, | 70 | Blanc, | 83 | Blenman, | 86 | Byam, | 122 | Campbell, | 134 | Edwards, | 247 | Heming, | 372 | Hunter, | 399 | Jamaica, Bishop of, | 421 | Knox, | 468 | Martin, | 557 | Pinfold, | 683, 684 | Robertson, | 736 | Royall, | 743 | Salter, | 754 | Vaughan, | 890 | Williams, William, | 936 | Wilson, John, | 947 | Wilson, John, | 948 | Wethersfield Library plate, 133. Wetmore, Prosper, 56. Wetmore, William, 147. Wheeler, Joseph H., 361. White, Richard Grant, 101. Williams, Chauncey Lawrence, 364. Williams, John, 54. Williams, Rev. John, 82. Williams, John C., 111. Wilson, Francis, 376. Winslow, John F., 346. Woolworth, Aaron, 17. Worcester Circulating Library, 23. Wormeley, 8. Wynkoop, Richard, 56.