- Achademios, Skelton's, 11.
- Aeschylus, translations of, 71.
- Aesop, the Fabulous Tales of, 12.
- Aethiopica, the, 86.
- Africa, books on, 206, 209.
- Agincourt Expedition, the, 50.
- Agriculture, books on, 238.
- A Kempis, Thomas, 217.
- Alaric's grave, 104.
- Alchemy, books on, 245, 256.
- Alfred, king, 101.
- Allibone's Critical Dictionary, 163.
- Americana, 210.
- Ames' Typographical Antiquities, 7, 8, 169.
- Amyot, PÈre, 86.
- Ancillon, Charles, 81.
- Andrada, Tomaso de, 155.
- Anjou, RenÉ duc d', 87.
- Antiphonaries, Spanish, 129.
- Aquinas, Thomas, 37.
- Arabian Nights, the, 77.
- Arber's Term Catalogues, 162.
- Architecture, books on, 211.
- Arctic and Antarctic, books on, 206.
- Aristophanes, translations of, 71.
- Armorial bindings, 115 n.
- Arthur, King, his character, 89.
- Ascham, Roger, on books of Chivalry, 87.
- —— on Cambridge, 38.
- —— his Book of the Cockpit, 262.
- Association books, 172.
- Astrology, books on, 253-256.
- Astronomy, books on, 244.
- Attic Theatre, the, 73.
- Auctions, the history of book-, 187.
- Auction Records, Book-, 191.
- Augustine, St., on Varro, 154.
- Austen, Jane, her Mansfield Park, 113.
- Australia, books on, 207.
- Aymon, the Four Sons of, 14, 15.
- Balin and Balan, 95.
- Ballads, 220.
- Ballatis, Gude and Godlie, 13.
- Bankes's IX. Drunkardes, 257.
- Barbary, books on, 209-210.
- Barbier's Ouvrages Anonymes, 169.
- Barbier, Louis, 154.
- Barclay's Euphormionis, 11.
- Barocci, Giacomo, his library, 181.
- ——??Sweynheim and Pannartz, 179.
- ——??Christian Wechel, 178.
Caxton, his advertisement, 175. - —— binding by, 20.
- —— book by, 20.
- —— his Book of Good Manners, 14, 223.
- —— on Chivalry, quoted, 90.
- —— his Four Sons of Aymon, 14, 15.
- —— The Life of, by Blades, 165.
- —— a lost book by, 11.
- —— and Malory, 98, 99.
- —— his Metamorphoses of Ovid, 11.
- —— on rebinding a, 114.
- —— his Recueil des Histoires, 99.
- —— his Speculum, 14.
Cervantes' Don Quixote, 66, 74. 'Chafynghowys,' the, 34. Chance, 201. Chapbooks, 220, 228. Charlemagne, a story of, 196. Chasse de Loup, La, 261. Chaucer, quotations from, 1, 56, 94. Cheke, Sir John, 132. Chess, books on, 262. Chivalry, books on, 234. - —— a collector of books on, 200.
- —— England the home of, 92.
- —— romances of, 86-90, 227, 228.
- —— and 'Sport,' 91.
Chronograms, Hilton's, 168. Civil War, books on the, 221. Classics, the, 61, 70-73. Claudin, M. Anatole, works by, 166. Cleaning books, 145-149. Clement's BibliothÈque Curieuse, 164. Clerkenwell, books bought in, 3, 18. Cless, Johan of Frankfort, 180. Cockfighting, books on, 261. Collating, 119, 152-153. Collectors, see Book-collectors. Collins, William, of Chichester, 11, 12. ColombiÈre, La, books by, 235-31. Heliodorus, 84. Henry vii. and Winchester, 98. Heraldry, books on, 234. Herbals, 245-247. Herbert, George, his Jacula Prudentum, 56. Herbert, Sir Henry, Office Book of, 227. Herbert, William, lost books described by, 12. Hilton's Chronograms, 168. Hinard, Damas, 74. Historie of Judith, the, 11. History, books on, 237. Hoccleve, 90. Homer, translations of, 71-72. Hoole's New Discovery, 260; his pupils, ib. Horace, on translating, 72. Hospitallers, 200, 214. Hotel du Lion d'Or, 29. Housewife, the perfect, 239. Hozier, Pierre d', 40. Humphrey, Lawrence, 4. Humphreys, Mr. A. L., quoted, 67, 69. Husbandry, books on, 238. Hyde Abbey, 104. HyÈres, the monk illuminator at, 37. Hygiasticon, 224. - Illuminator of St. Honorat, the, 37.
- Illuminators, the Winchester, 101-102.
- Illustrated Books, 240.
- Imitatio Christi, 217.
- Incunabula, definition of, 167 n.
- —— see Early-Printed Books.
- Interruptions, 33-35.
- Jacula Prudentum, 56.
- Jaggard, William, 181.
- Jall, the, 250-251.
- Jest Books, 228.
- Jonson, Ben, lost works of, 13.
- Judith, the Famous Historie of, 11.
- Karslake's Notes from Sotheby's, 162.
- Keats' Endymion, 113.
- Keeper of the Abbey muniments, 54 n.
- Kempis, Thomas À, 217.
- Kennet, Bishop White, 210.
- King Glumpus, 189.
- Koberger, Anton, 176.
- L'AbbÉ's Bibliotheca, 155.
- La ColombiÈre, books by, 235-236.
- La Fontaine, Jean de, 39.
- La Marche, Olivier de, 215.
- La Monnoye, Bernard de, 154.
- Lang, Andrew, on Elzeviers, 76.
- Schoeffer's catalogue, 174.
- School Books, Old, 259.
- Scipio Africanus, quoted, 38, 57 n.
- Scott, Dr. E. J. L., 54 n.
- Scott's Last Expedition, 69.
- Sea, books on the, 251-252.
- Seals, books on, 236.
- SeilliÈre, Baron A., the library of, 22 n, 227.
- Seymour, Richard, Esq., 187.
- Shakespeareana, 218, 219.
- Shakespeare's Passionate Pilgrim, 10, 228 n.
- —— Plays, 14, 17.
- —— Titus Andronicus, 17.
- Sharon Turner on digressions, 52.
- Shelley, quotation from, 38.
- —— Adonais and Queen Mab, 189, 190.
- —— Original Poetry, 190.
- Shelves, 128-134.
- Ships, an authority upon old, 43.
- 'Shorn lamb' proverb, 56.
- Skelton, John, lost books by, 11.
- Slater's Early Editions, 191.
- Solitude, 35-39.
- Sophocles, translations of, 71.
- Sotheby on block-books, 166.
- South Seas, books on the, 207.
- Southcote Manor-house, 244 n.
- Spanish folios, 129.
- Specialism, the advantages of, 194 seq.
- Specialists, subjects of, 202-203.
- Speculum, Caxton's, 14.
- Speculum Principis, Skelton's, 11.
- Spenser, quoted, 31.
- Sport, books on, 260.
- StaËl, Madame de, 52.
- Staining bookshelves, 131, 132.
- Stains, removing, 146-149.
- 'Stationers,' 177.
- Sterne, Laurence, 56.
- Sweynheim and Pannartz, 179.
- Syon College library, 12, 21.