Mr. Perowne uses the expression, “our apostolical establishment,” as if there had been an Established Church in the days of the apostles. The establishment of religion by the state, did not take place till the reign of Constantine, which was three hundred years after Christ, and when the church had become grossly corrupted by “the mystery of iniquity.” It is still more erroneous to speak of “our apostolical establishment,” for the Protestant Church of England was not established till the time of Henry the Eighth. A man who writes himself “reverend,” and who intermeddles with latin and logic, ought to be able to spell correctly. “Calvanist” and “Armenian,” are wrong. The former should be Calvinist, and the latter should be Arminian. I hope that the Infant School system, which Mr. Perowne patronises, will not be so “exclusive” as to exclude spelling from its literature. Let Mr. P. take advantage of this hint—for he learnedly remarks, “Licet vel ab hoste doceri.” Mr. Warner, a clergyman of the Church of England, in his “Conformist’s Plea for the Nonconformists,” observes “It is absurd to call him a martyr, for there was too great a complication of causes which led to his execution, to ascribe it wholly or principally to religion. The vice which ruined him was insincerity; so that his enemies saw that they could not trust him to perform his insincere though liberal promises.” |