Jesus was traveling through the cities and villages on his way to Jerusalem, teaching as he went. One day a man asked him if many would be saved. He said all must strive to enter in at the straight gate, for many would try some other way and would not get in. He said, “It was like a feast spread for guests; and when once the master of the house had closed the door, no more could get in. Those who stood outside saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open the door for us,’ would only be answered with ‘I don’t know you.’ They might answer, ‘We have eaten and drank with you, and you have taught in our streets,’ for some of these people who would not follow Jesus had sat at table with him and heard his teachings. But he said the answer to any such would be, ‘I don’t know you; go away, you are wicked people.’—Then,” said Jesus, “there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth;” Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob would be inside, but those who would not come to him by the right way would be thrust out. People from every quarter shall come together and sit down in God’s kingdom. The Gentiles, who were the last to hear the good news, shall be among the first in heaven, and some of the Jews (God’s dear people who would not love Him) will not get in. JESUS EATETH WITH PUBLICANS AND SINNERS.—Mark ii. 16. |