One day Jesus, on his journey to Jerusalem, passed through a village in Samaria. He saw ten men who had the leprosy; they kept away from all other people, as the law obliged them to. But when they saw Jesus, they called out with loud voices, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” Jesus said to them, “Go show yourselves to the priest.” This was what people who were cured of leprosy were obliged to do before they could go among the people. The priest had to give them a certificate to say that they were cured. As these ten men turned to go to the priest, as Jesus had told them, suddenly they found that they were well. One of them, as soon as he found it out, turned back and followed after Jesus, and when he reached him he bowed down at his feet, thanking him and praising God. He was from a Samaritan village; not one of the Lord’s chosen people, but a Gentile. Jesus said to him, “Didn’t I cure ten men? Where are the nine? Not one of them came back to thank me, except this Samaritan.” Then he said to the kneeling man, “Arise, and go on your way; your faith hath made you whole.” JESUS CURING THE TEN LEPERS.—Luke xvii. 14. |