Richard Aldington | Childhood | 3 | The Poplar | 10 | Round-Pond | 12 | Daisy | 13 | Epigrams | 15 | The Faun sees Snow for the First Time | 16 | Lemures | 17 | | H. D. | The Pool | 21 | The Garden | 22 | Sea Lily | 24 | Sea Iris | 25 | Sea Rose | 27 | Oread | 28 | Orion Dead | 29 | | John Gould Fletcher | The Blue Symphony | 33 | London Excursion | 39 | | F. S. Flint | Trees | 53 | Lunch | 55 | Malady | 56 | Accident | 58 | Fragment | 60 | Houses | 62 | Eau-Forte | 63 | | D. H. Lawrence | Ballad of Another Ophelia | 67 | Illicit | 69 | Fireflies in the Corn | 70 | A Woman and Her Dead Husband | 72 | The Mowers | 75 | Scent of Irises | 76 | Green | 78 | | Amy Lowell | Venus Transiens | 81 | The Travelling Bear | 83 | The Letter | 85 | Grotesque | 86 | Bullion | 87 | Solitaire | 88 | The Bombardment | 89 | | Bibliography | 93 | | Thanks are due to the editors of Poetry, The Smart Set, Poetry and Drama, and The Egoist for their courteous permission to reprint certain of these poems which have been copyrighted to them.