Wanted Agents.


Personally you may not care to go into the “Book Agency Business,” but possibly you may know of some good person who will undertake to “organize a book club” in your neighborhood, or make a thorough house-to-house canvass of the entire township or county. A $1.00 Book Free to you (your choice) if you will send me the address of such a person, who will sell for me as much as $25 worth of books within two months from time of taking hold. As a means of making my books better known I want to have at least one sample book put into every intelligent household; once there they are a permanent advertisement.

A few of my publications are unexcelled, for experienced book agents, notably

Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia.
Alden’s Cyclopedia of Universal Literature.
Geikie’s Holy Land and the Bible.
The Great Locomotive Chase (the most thrilling and unique story of the war).
The Woman’s Story (by Twenty Famous American Women, Mrs. Stowe, Miss Alcott, and others).
Alden’s Home Atlas, and Handy Atlas,

and several others which could be named. Please do anything you can to further the interests of The Literary Revolution, and your kindness will be appreciated by

JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher,
393 Pearl St., New York.



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