New Catalogue Important Change in Terms.


The accompanying catalogue is thoroughly revised to date, and differs from its predecessors materially in the one point, that the prices given include the cost of pre-payment by mail or express—instead of the New York City net prices, to which the cost of postage has been added, heretofore.

The change is principally one of convenience rather than of either reduction or increase, though on many books there is a substantial reduction in the cost to purchasers, cost of transportation being taken into account. An allowance of 8 cents a pound, which is made on bills ordered sent by express or freight, cost of transportation payable on arrival, by the purchaser, is equivalent to a discount of front 15 to 30 per cent. from catalogue prices, varying according to quality, style, copyright, and other considerations, on different books.

The first page of the catalogue fully and clearly sets forth the new terms.


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