erg@html@files@27274@27274-h@27274-h-15.htm.html#Page_360" class="pginternal">360. Bone-meal, 361, 364; - composition of, 371;
- condition of nitrogen in, 540.
Bone-phosphate, 385. Bones, 359-372; - action of, 365;
- boiled, 361;
- bruised, 361;
- capable of nitrification, 182;
- collected in Britain, 353, 362;
- composition of, 362, 371;
- compound, 372;
- crops suited for, 368;
- dissolved, 368, 371;
- early use of, 359;
- fermentation of, 361;
- floated, 365;
- forms of, 360;
- grinding of, 365;
- imports of, 151;
- inorganic matter in, 363;
- nitrogen in, 151;
- organic matter in, 363;
- putrefaction of, 365, 366;
- raw, 361;
- source of nitrogen, 151;
- treatment of, 364.
Bonnet, Charles, discovery of source of plant's carbon by, 11. Boracic acid in salinas, 335. Bordeaux phosphate, 379. Boussingault, on dry matter in horse-manure, 243; - early researches of,
- in agricultural chemistry, 21;
- experiments by, on nitrification, 185, 198;
- on excrements of pig, 250;
- on nitrates in guano, 304;
- on nitrogen in plants, 41, 42;
- on nitrogen in soil, 124;
- on nitrogen in excreta, 234;
- on nitrogen lost during fermentation, 245.
Bracken-fern, analyses of, 283; Bran, manurial constituents in, 282. Bretschneider on sources of plant-nitrogen, 42. Brewers' grain, manurial constituents in, 282. Bromine in ash of plants, 55. Browse Island guano, 309, 328; BrÜstlein and Peters on fixation of bases and acids by soil, 59. Buckland, Dr, discovery of coprolites by, 373. Buckwheat absorbs ammonia, 352. Bull River, phosphates from, 376. Cabbages, benefited by saline manures, 529; - manuring of, 360.
- Cropped soils, nitrates in, 157
- —lost by drainage in, 141.
- Crops, capacity of, for assimilating manures, 486;
- difference in root-systems of, 488;
- manuring of common farm, 493-530;
- period of growth of, 489;
- potash removed in, 218;
- suited for sewage, 434;
- variation in composition of, 490.
- Crusius on phosphoric acid removed from the farm, 207.
- Crust guanos, 308, 379.
- Crystalloids, 491.
- CuraÇao phosphates, 308, 330, 379.
- Darmstadt experiments with basic slag, 410-413.
- Darwin on origin of nitrate-fields, 335.
- Daubeny on mineral sources of phosphoric acid, 200.
- Davy, Sir Humphry, lectures of, on agricultural chemistry, 17-19;
- on heat and water absorbing and retaining properties of soils, 57;
- on hygroscopic power of soils, 99.
- DehÉrain, on nitrification, 52;
- on nitrification in sulphate of ammonia, 191;
- on rate of nitrification, 186.
- Denitrification, 177;
- conditions favourable for, 178;
- effected by bacteria, 178.
- Derby, Lord, introduction of Peruvian guano by, 301.
- Detmer on humus in soil, 47.
- Dew, action of, on guano, 300;
- explanation of, 77;
- most abundant in summer, 78.
- Dicalcic phosphate, 387;
- formula of, 398;
- molecular composition of, 398;
- percentage composition of, 398.
- Digby, Sir Kenelm, on value of nitrates to plants, 45;
- theory of, on plant-food, 6-8.
- Diorite, phosphoric acid in, 202, 211.
- Direct manures, 113.
- Dissolved-bone compound, 372.
- Dissolved bones, 368; composition of, 371.
- Dissolved guano, 310.
- Dolerite, phosphoric acid in, 202, 211.
- Dolomite, phosphoric acid in, 202, 211.
- Downton experiments on sewage-sludge, 439.
- Drainage, average of thirteen years, 160;
- nitrates in, 160;
- nitrates lost by, 140;
- phosphoric acid lost by, 206;
- potash lost by, 217.
- Drainings of manure-heaps, analysis of, 290.
- Dried blood, 426.
Hornblende, 105. Horse-dung, alkalies in, 226; - composition of, in dry state, 227;
- hot, 225;
- nitrogen in, 225, 226;
- phosphoric acid in, 226;
- water in, 225, 226.
Horse-manure, 242; - amount produced per day, 243;
- amount produced per year, 243;
- analyses of, 283;
- dry matter in, 243;
- dry nature of, 245;
- fermentation rapid in, 245;
- mineral matter in, 243;
- nitrogen in, 243, 244.
Horse-urine, alkalies in, 230; - composition of, in dry state, 231;
- fertilising ingredients in, 232;
- nitrogen in, 230;
- phosphoric acid in, 230;
- water in, 230.
HosÄus on assimilation of ammonia, 50. Howland Island guano. 309, 328; Huanillos, guano from, 302, 327; - nitrogen in, 330;
- phosphoric acid in, 330.
Huano, 297. Hueppe on organisms in soil, 95. Hughes, John, on bracken-fern as litter, 241; - on composition of bracken, 283.
Humates in farmyard manure, 259. Humboldt, A., discovery of Peruvian guano by, 300. Humic acid in farmyard manure, 258; Humin in humus, 47. Humus, absorptive power of, 68, 98; - evaporation from, 99;
- nature of, in soil, 47;
- soils improved by addition of, 273.
Huon Island guano, 309, 328; Huxtable and Thompson on retention of plant-food by soil, 57. Hydrated silicates, 107, 459. Hydrochloric acid as a fixer, 245. Hydrogen, amount of, in plants, 40; - source of, in plants, 40.
Hygroscopic power of soils, 75. Ichaboe guano, 307; - nitrogen in, 329;
- phosphoric acid in, 442-444.
- Lithia in ash of plants, 55.
- Litter, loam as, 239;
- Lloyd on fattening animals, 253.
- Loam, as litter, 239;
- evaporation of water from, 99;
- poor in fertilising matter, 239.
- Lobos, guano deposits at, 327.
- Lobos de Afuera guano, 302, 327.
- Macabi Island guano, 302, 327;
- nitrogen in, 329;
- phosphoric acid in, 329.
- Maercker, Professor, on destruction of nitrifying organisms, 177.
- Magnesia, fixed by soils, 58;
- in ash of plants, 54;
- in pig excrements, 281;
- necessary for nitrification, 171;
- necessary for plant-growth, 55;
- sulphate of, as a fixer, 246, 285.
- Maize, absorbs ammonia, 352;
- fertilising ingredients removed from soil by, 485;
- manurial constituents in, 282;
- source of nitrogen, 153.
- Malden Island guano, 309, 328;
- Malpighi on importance of atmospheric air for germination, 39.
- Malt-dust, manurial constituents in, 282.
- Manganese, oxide of, in ash of plants, 54.
- Mangels, fertilising ingredients removed from soil by, 485;
- guano a manure for, 318;
- manurial constituents in, 282;
- manuring of, 346, 511, 513, 514;
- Rothamsted experiments on growth of, 568.
- Manitoba soils, nitrogen in, at various depths, 156;
- rate of nitrification in, 186.
- Manure, cow, 247;
- farmyard, 223-292;
- horse, 243;
- liquid, 442-444;
- meaning of word, 109;
- pig, 250;
- sewage, 430-441;
- sheep, 251;
- stable, from peat-moss, 283
- —wheat-straw, 283.
- Manures, action of, 61;
- analysis of, interpretation of, 539-544;
- application of, 474-492;
- method of, 531-538; cash prices of, 555;
- equal distribution of, 497
- —on meadow-land, 509
- —on turnips, 513.
- North America, guano from, 298, 328.
- Norwegian apatite, 375.
- Oak-tree, water transpired by, 71.
- Oat-straw, composition of, 238;
- manurial constituents in, 282.
- Oats, Arendt's experiments with, 503;
- avenine in, 503;
- fertilising ingredients removed from soil by, 485;
- hardy crop, 502;
- manurial constituents in, 282;
- manuring of, 501-504;
- nitrogen removed in crop of, 148;
- require mixed nitrogenous manures, 502;
- source of nitrogen, 153;
- Rothamsted experiments on growth of, 567.
- Oficinas, 342.
- Ohlendorff, introduction of dissolved guano by, 311.
- Oilcakes, imports of, 153;
- Oil-seeds, source of nitrogen, 153.
- Oligoclase felspars, 103, 214;
- composition of, 103;
- potash in, 220.
- Organic matter, in bones, 363;
- in dung, 228, 260;
- in manures, 543;
- not necessary for nitrifying organism, 169.
- Orthoclase felspars, 103, 214;
- composition of, 103;
- potash in, 220.
- Ox-dung, fertilising ingredients in, for food consumed, 228.
- Ox-urine, fertilising ingredients in, 232.
- Oxalic acid in guano, action of, 330.
- Oxen, excrements of, 280;
- food aided by, 280;
- solid excreta voided by, 280;
- urine voided by, 280.
- Oxidation, 79;
- Oxygen, absorbed by plant-roots, 81;
- absorbed by soil, 81;
- evolved by plants, 11;
- necessary for fertility, 81;
- necessary for nitrification, 52, 173;
- percentage of, in plants, 39;
- source of, in plants, 39.
- Pabellon de Pica, guano from, 298, 302, 327;
- nitrogen in, 330;
- phosphoric acid in, 330.
- Pacific Islands, gua
es@27274@27274-h@27274-h-3.htm.html#Page_40" class="pginternal">40
- —oxygen in, 40;
- ash constituents of, 53-55;
- carbon fixed by, 37, 38;
- food, absorption of, by, 55;
- phosphoric acid in, 204;
- potash in, 216;
- proximate composition of, 36;
- relation of ammonia to, 48-50;
- source of hydrogen in, 40
- —nitrogen in, 40-52
- —oxygen in, 39, 40.
Plant-food, absorption of, 490; - amount of soluble, in soil, 100;
- early theories on source of, 4;
- retained by soil, 57.
Plant-roots, grow downwards, 84; - nitrification promoted by, 181;
- openness required by, 83;
- room required by, 85;
- soil in relation to, 84.
Pliny, on lime as a manure, 449; - on salt as a manure, 465.
Pockets a source of phosphoric acid, 202. Poisons, effect of, on nitrifying organisms, 176. Polstorff on ash constituents of plants, 53. Polyhallite, potash in, 220, 420. Porphyry, in guano, 303; Potash, 212-220, 418-423; - in ash of plants, 54;
- in barilla, 420;
- chloride of, 218;
- condition of, in soil, 216;
- in cows' excrements, 280;
- in drainage-waters, 217;
- in farmyard manure, 260;
- in felspars, 220;
- in fleece, 217;
- fixed by soils, 58;
- importance of, in soil, 88;
- in kelp, 420;
- less important than phosphoric acid, 212;
- manures, 218, 418-423;
- muriate of, 218, 421;
- necessary for nitrification, 171;
- necessary for plant-growth, 55;
- occurrence of, 213;
- in ocean, 213;
- in oxen excrements, 280;
- in pig excrements, 280;
- in plants, 216;
- position of, in agriculture, 212-220;
- relative manurial value of, 556;
- Scottish soils supplied with, 419;
- in sheep excre
ge_352" class="pginternal">352-358;
- ammonia in, 355;
- application of, 356;
- composition of, 355;
- a concentrated nitrogenous manure, 356;
- converted into nitrates, 356;
- from gas-works, 353;
- from iron-works, 355;
- from shale-works, 354;
- manure for cereals, 356;
- most easily nitrifiable manure, 191;
- production of, 151, 358;
- properties of, 355;
- source of nitrogen, 149;
- sources of, 353, 354, 358;
- sulphocyanate of ammonia in, 355.
- Sulphate of lime a fixer, 246.
- Sulphate of magnesia, an adulterant of guano, 319;
- Sulphate of potash, application of, 422
- —rate of, 423;
- compared with muriate, 421;
- sources of, 218, 420.
- Sulphuretted hydrogen from farmyard manure, 258.
- Sulphuric acid, action of, on bones, 382
- —on guano, 311
- —on tricalcic phosphate, 398;
- in ash of plants, 54;
- as a fixer, 245, 285;
- necessary for plant-growth, 55;
- superphosphate manufactured with, 384, 388.
- Superphosphate, 382-400;
- action of, 392-395
- —sometimes unfavourable, 395;
- application of, 395
- —rate of, 397;
- composition of, 391;
- discovery of, 382;
- hastens early growth, 394;
- high-class, 392;
- low-class, 392;
- manufacture of, 383-385
- —phosphates suitable for, 384;
- medium-class, 391;
- production of, 382;
- reversion in, 389, 399, 400
- —causes of, 389, 390;
- reverted in soil, 392.
- Surprise Island guano, 328.
- Swan Island guano, 328.
- Swedes, fertilising ingredients removed from soil by, 485;
- manurial constituents in, 282;
- manuring of, 514.
- Swine-dung, alkalies in
a>, 562-565;
- a source of nitrogen, 153.
Wheat soils, nitrates in, 157. Wheat-straw, analysis of stable manure made from, 283; - composition of, 238;
- manurial constituents in, 282.
White clover, growth of, promoted by lime, 451. Wiegmann on ash constituents of plants, 53. Wilfarth on nitrogen in plants, 44. Wilting, 73. Winogradsky, on nitrification, 52, 167, 169, 197; - on organisms in soil, 94.
Wolff on, analysis of manure-heap drainings, 290; - composition of fresh and rotten dung, 288;
- assimilation of organic nitrogen by plants, 47;
- relative manurial value of manurial compounds, 556;
- urine, 232.
Wood-ashes as potash manure, 218, 419. Woodhouse, researches of, on nitrogen in plants, 41. Wool, capable of nitrification, 182; Wool-waste, 427; Woolney, on organisms in soils, 93, 95; Wrightson, Professor, on application of basic slag, 414. Yeast, 94. Yorkshire, bones first used in, 359. Zeolites, potash in, 220 PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS. Transcriber's Note Typographical errors corrected in the text: Page 58 Eichorn changed to Eichhorn Page 134 diferent changed to different Page 464 superposphate changed to superphosphate Page 553 biophosphate changed to biphosphate Page 579 Gallopagos changed to Galapagos |