Reference has been so repeatedly made in the preceding pages to the Rothamsted experiments on manures, that it may form a fitting conclusion to the present treatise to give a short account of these famous experiments. In describing these experiments, the author has remarked elsewhere[256] "that, in respect of their wide scope, dealing as they have done with almost every department of farming, the elaborate care and accuracy with which they have been carried out, the length of time they have been in progress, and, lastly, in respect of the important bearing their results have had on agricultural practice, these famous experiments may be justly described as unrivalled by any other similar ones." Started on a small scale in 1837 by Sir John (then Mr) Lawes, they were placed on a systematic basis in 1843, in which year Sir John Lawes associated with himself Sir (then Dr) J. Henry Gilbert. They have thus been in progress for a period of fifty years—a fact which was celebrated a few months ago by the presentation of numerous congratulatory addresses from various learned and agricultural societies to the distinguished investigators, and the erection of a memorial granite slab at Rothamsted. What increases the feeling of gratitude due to Sir John Lawes by the agricultural community, is the fact that the entire expense of conducting these experiments has been borne by himself, and he has further most generously handed over to the nation a large sum of money and a certain area of land for carrying them on in perpetuity. Nature of Experiments on Crops and Manures. The earliest systematic experiments were on turnips, and since then almost every common crop has been experimented on. Table I. (p. 562) is a list of the different experiments, with their duration, area, and number of plots. Soil of Rothamsted. Before describing the more striking results of these experiments, it may be advisable to say that the elevation of the land at Rothamsted is about 400 feet above sea-level; that the average rainfall is about 28 inches per annum; and that the surface-soil is a heavy loam, and the subsoil a stiff clay, resting on chalk. TABLE I.—List of Rothamsted Field Experiments. Wheat Experiments. The first experiments we shall refer to are those on wheat, since they are among the oldest, and their results the most striking of any. Unmanured Plots. Wheat has been continuously grown year after year on three plots for fifty years, without the application of any manure whatever.We shall first give the results of the first eight years as illustrating the effect of season, which accounts for the irregular results obtained. But for the difference in seasons, we should expect to find a steady decrease in the amount of produce; and this is shown in taking the average of groups of years, as we shall do in the next table. Wheat grown continuously on same Land (unmanured). Table II.—(a.) Remits of first Eight Years (1844 to 1851). Year. | Bushels. | 1844 | 15 | 1845 | 23-1/4 | 1846 | 18 | 1847 | 16-7/8 | 1848 | 14-3/4 | 1849 | 19-1/4 | 1850 | 15-7/8 | 1851 | 15-7/8 | Average of 8 years | 17-3/8 | Table III.—(b.) Results of subsequent Forty Years (1852 to 1891). | Grain | Weight per | Straw | | (bushels). | bushel. | (cwts.) | 20 years (1852-1871) | 14-1/2 | 57-5/8 | 13 | 20 years (1872-1891) | 11-1/2 | 58-3/4 | 8-5/8 | 40 years (1852-1891) | 13 | 58-1/4 | 10-5/8 | 49th season (1891) | 9-3/8 | 59-1/2 | 7-1/2 | It is interesting to notice the comparatively slight decrease which has taken place in the yield of wheat during these fifty years. With such wide variations, due to season, it is extremely difficult, as Sir J. Henry Gilbert has pointed out, to estimate rate of decline due to exhaustion. Excluding the very bad seasons, this may be reckoned at from one-fourth to one-third of a bushel per acre per annum. The return of the first year is 15 bushels, while the yield of the forty-ninth season is 9-3/8 bushels. The average of the returns obtained during these fifty years is really in excess of the average yield of the principal wheat-producing countries in the world. This is truly a most astounding result. The next experiments we shall describe are those on the influence of farmyard manure on the wheat crop when grown continuously. TABLE IV.—Wheat grown continuously with Farmyard Manure (14 tons per annum). | | Weight per | Straw | | Bushels. | bushel (lb.) | (cwts.) | 8 years (1844-1852) | 28 | — | — | 20 years (1852-1871) | 35-7/8 | 60 | 33-7/8 | 20 years (1872-1891) | 33-1/2 | 60-3/8 | 31-3/8 | 40 years (1852-1891) | 34-7/8 | 60-1/4 | 32-5/8 | It will be seen from the above results, which contain merely a selection from a very much greater number of experiments, that farmyard manure gives as good an average over the forty years as most of the artificial mixtures do. That this is due to the nitrogen it contains, is strikingly illustrated by the fact that mixed mineral manures alone give less than half the return, and also by the fact that ammonia salts alone give a return twice as great as mineral mixtures; while, lastly, the mixture of mineral manures and ammonia salts gives but a slight increase over that obtained with ammonia salts alone. The remaining results, selected from a much larger number, need no comment, and we shall give them in tabular form. Table V.—Wheat grown continuously with Artificial Manures, Farmyard Manure, and Unmanured. Average of Forty Years (1852-91). | Produce per Acre—Average per Annum. | | Dressed grain. | Manures per Acre per Annum. | Quantity. | | 20 years, | 20 years, | 40 years, | | 1852-71. | 1872-91. | 1852-91. | | bush. | bush. | bush. | Farmyard manure, 14 tons per annum since 1843 | 35-7/8 | 33-1/2 | 34-7/8 | Unmanured continuously | 14-1/2 | 11-1/2 | 13 | Mixed mineral manures1 and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 17 | 12-7/8 | 15 | Mixed mineral manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 200 lb. ammonium salts | 26-1/2 | 21-3/4 | 24-1/8 | Mixed mineral manures and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 600 lb. ammonium salts | 38-1/4 | 34-3/4 | 36-1/2 | Mixed mineral manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 275 lb. nitrate of soda | 36-7/8 | 34 | 35-3/8 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda | 26 | 19-3/8 | 22-3/4 | 400 lb. ammonium salts every year since 1845 | 22-1/2 | 19 | 22-1/2 | 400 lb. ammonium salts, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 28 | 22-1/4 | 25-1/8 | Mineral manure, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 400 lb. ammonium salts in autumn. | 31-5/8 | 29-1/2 | 30-1/2 | 1By the term mixed mineral manures is meant a mixture of mineral fertilisers, not including phosphates. | TABLE V.—continued | Produce per Acre—Average per Annum. | | Dressed grain. | Manures per Acre per Annum. | Weight per bushel. | | 20 years, | 20 years, | 40 years, | | 1852-71. | 1872-91. | 1852-91. | | lb. | lb. | lb. | Farmyard manure, 14 tons per annum since 1843 | 60 | 60-3/8 | 60-1/4 | Unmanured continuously | 57-5/8 | 58-3/4 | 58-1/4 | Mixed mineral manures and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 58-7/8 | 59 | 58-7/8 | Mixed mineral manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 200 lb. ammonium salts | 59-3/8 | 60 | 59-5/8 | Mixed mineral manures and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 600 lb. ammonium salts | 59 | 60 | 59-1/2 | Mixed mineral manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 275 lb. nitrate of soda | 58-3/8 | 59-5/8 | 59 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda | 56-5/8 | 56-5/8 | 56-5/8 | 400 lb. ammonium salts every year since 1845 | 58 | 57-3/8 | 57-5/8 | 400 lb. ammonium salts, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 57-3/8 | 58 | 57-5/8 | Mineral manure, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 400 lb. ammonium salts in autumn | 59-1/2 | 60 | 59-3/4 | TABLE V.—continued | Produce per Acre—Average per Annum. | | | Manures per Acre per Annum. | Total straw. | | 20 years, | 20 years, | 40 years, | | 1852-71. | 1872-91. | 1852-91. | | cwt. | cwt. | cwt. | Farmyard manure, 14 tons per annum since 1843 | 33-7/8 | 31-3/8 | 32-5/8 | Unmanured continuously | 13 | 8-5/8 | 10-5/8 | Mixed mineral manures and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 15 | 9-3/4 | 12-3/8 | Mixed mineral manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 200 lb. ammonium salts | 24-1/2 | 19-1/8 | 21-7/8 | Mixed mineral manures and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 600 lb. ammonium salts | 41-3/8 | 39-5/8 | 40-1/2 | Mixed mineral manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 275 lb. nitrate of soda | 41-1/2 | 37-3/4 | 39-5/8 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda | 28-1/4 | 18-1/2 | 23-3/8 | 400 lb. ammonium salts every year since 1845 | 24-3/4 | 16-1/4 | 20-1/2 | 400 lb. ammonium salts, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 26-3/8 | 21 | 23-3/4 | Mineral manure, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 400 lb. ammonium salts in autumn | 31-1/4 | 28-3/8 | 29-3/4 | TABLE VI.—Experiments on the Growth of Barley for Forty Years, 1852-91. | Produce per Acre—Average per Annum. | | Dressed grain. | Manures per Acre per Annum. | Quantity. | | 20 years, | 20 years, | 40 years, | | 1852-71. | 1872-91. | 1852-91. | | bush. | bush. | bush. | Unmanured continuously | 20 | 25-1/2 | 16-1/2 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate of lime | 25-1/2 | 17-3/4 | 21-3/4 | Mixed mineral manures | 22-1/2 | 13-1/2 | 18 | Mixed mineral manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 27-1/2 | 17-1/4 | 22-3/8 | 200 lb. ammonium salts | 32-1/2 | 25-5/8 | 29 | 200 lb. ammonium salts, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 47 | 38-1/2 | 42-3/4 | 200lb. ammonium salts, mixed mineral manures | 35 | 27-3/4 | 31-3/8 | Manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate of lime | 46-1/4 | 40-3/4 | 43-1/2 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda | 37 | 28-3/8 | 32-3/4 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 49-1/4 | 42-1/4 | 45-3/4 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda, mixed mineral manures | 37-3/8 | 29-1/2 | 33-1/2 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda, mixed mineral manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 49-3/4 | 41-1/4 | 45-1/2 | 1000 lb. rape-cake | 45-1/4 | 37-1/8 | 41-1/4 | 1000 lb. rape-cake, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 46-3/4 | 40 | 43-3/8 | 1000 lb. rape-cake, mixed mineral manures | 43-5/8 | 35-5/8 | 39-1/2 | 1000 lb. rape-cake, mixed mineral manures, and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 47-3/8 | 39 | 43-1/4 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons every year | 48-1/4 | 49 | 48-5/8 | TABLE VI.—continued | Produce per Acre—Average per Annum. | | Dressed grain. | Manures per Acre per Annum. | Weight per bushel. | | 20 years, | 20 years, | 40 years, | | 1852-71. | 1872-91. | 1852-91. | | lb. | lb. | lb. | Unmanured continuously | 52-3/8 | 51-3/4 | 52 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate of lime | 53-1/4 | 53 | 53-1/8 | Mixed mineral manures | 53 | 51-7/8 | 52-1/2 | Mixed mineral manures, 3-1/ cwt. superphosphate | 53-3/8 | 52-3/8 | 53 | 200 lb. ammonium salts | 52-1/8 | 52 | 52 | 200 lb. ammonium salts, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 53-3/8 | 52-1/4 | 52-7/8 | 200 lb. ammonium salts, mixed mineral manures | 52-3/4 | 52-1/2 | 52-5/8 | Manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate of lime | 54 | 54-1/8 | 54 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda | 52 | 52-1/8 | 52 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 53-3/8 | 53-1/4 | 53-1/4 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda, mixed mineral manures | 52-1/4 | 52-3/4 | 52-1/2 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda, mixed mineral manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 53-3/8 | 54 | 53-5/8 | 1000 lb. rape-cake | 53-3/4 | 53-7/8 | 53-7/8 | 1000 lb. rape-cake, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 53-7/8 | 54-3/8 | 54-1/8 | 1000 lb. rape-cake, mixed mineral manures | 53-3/4 | 54-1/8 | 54 | 1000 lb. rape-cake, mixed mineral manures, and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 53-5/8 | 54-1/4 | 53-7/8 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons every year | 54-3/8 | 54-1/4 | 54-1/4 | TABLE VI.—continued | Produce per Acre—Average per Annum. | | | Manures per Acre per Annum. | Total straw. | | 20 years, | 20 years, | 40 years, | | 1852-71. | 1872-91. | 1852-91. | | cwt. | cwt. | cwt. | Unmanured continuously | 11-3/4 | 6-7/8 | 9-3/8 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate of lime | 13-3/8 | 8-1/4 | 10-3/4 | Mixed mineral manures | 12-1/4 | 7 | 9-5/8 | Mixed mineral manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 14-3/8 | 8-3/8 | 11-3/8 | 200 lb. ammonium salts | 18-1/2 | 13-1/2 | 16 | 200 lb. ammonium salts, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 27-5/8 | 20-1/8 | 23-7/8 | 200 lb. ammonium salts, mixed mineral manures | 20-1/4 | 15-1/8 | 18 | Manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate of lime | 28-1/2 | 23-3/8 | 25-7/8 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda | 22-1/8 | 15-7/8 | 19 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 30-1/2 | 23-3/8 | 27 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda, mixed mineral manures | 23-7/8 | 17-1/2 | 20-3/4 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda, mixed mineral manures, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 32-3/8 | 24-1/2 | 28-1/2 | 1000 lb. rape-cake | 26-7/8 | 20 | 23-3/8 | 1000 lb. rape-cake, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 28-3/8 | 21-1/2 | 24-7/8 | 1000 lb. rape-cake, mixed mineral manures | 27-1/8 | 19-7/8 | 23-1/2 | 1000 lb. rape-cake, mixed mineral manures, and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 29-3/4 | 21-7/8 | 25-5/8 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons every year | 28-1/4 | 29-3/4 | 29 | TABLE VII. Experiments on the Growth of Oats, 1869-78. | Average per Annum. 5 years, 1869-73. | | Dressed grain. | | Manures per Acre per Annum. | | Weight | Total | | Quantity. | per bushel. | straw. | | bush. | lb. | cwt. | Unmanured | 19-7/8 | 33-3/4 | 10-3/8 | 200 lb. sulphate potash, 100 lb. sulphate soda, 100 lb. sulphate magnesia, and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate of lime | 24-1/2 | 35 | 13-3/8 | 400 lb. ammonium salts | 47 | 35-7/8 | 28-1/2 | 400 lb. ammonium salts, 200 lb. sulphate potash, 100 lb. sulphate soda, 100 lb. sulphate magnesia, and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 59 | 37 | 41-1/8 | 550 lb. nitrate of soda | 47-1/8 | 35-1/2 | 27-1/2 | 550 lb. nitrate of soda, 200 lb. sulphate potash, 100 lb. sulphate soda, 100 lb. sulphate magnesia, and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 57-1/2 | 35-3/4 | 35 | | Average per Annum. 4 years, 1874-78. | | Bushels. | lb. | cwt. | Unmanured | 13-3/4 | 31-1/4 | 6 | 200 lb. sulphate potash, 100 lb. sulphate soda, 100 lb. sulphate magnesia, and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate of lime | 13-1/8 | 31-5/8 | 6-1/8 | 200 lb. ammonium salts | 28-7/8 | 33-1/4 | 14-1/8 | 200 lb. ammonium salts, 200 lb. sulphate potash, 100 lb. sulphate soda, 100 lb. sulphate magnesia, and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 38 | 35-1/2 | 20 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda | 26-3/8 | 31-5/8 | 11-1/8 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda, 200 lb. sulphate potash, 100 lb. sulphate soda, 100 lb. sulphate magnesia, and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 28-1/2 | 34-1/8 | 14 | TABLE VIII.—Experiments on Root Crops: Swedish Turnips. Fifteen Seasons, 1856-70.1 Roots and Leaves carted off the Land. | | Series 1. | | | | | | Standard manures | | | only. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | STANDARD MANURES. | | | | | Plots. | | | | | Roots. | Leaves. | | | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | 1 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons | 6 | 4 | 0 | 17 | 2 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons, and superphosphate | 6 | 7 | 0 | 16 | | | | | | | 3 | Without manure, 1846, and since | 0 | 11 | 0 | 3 | 4 | Superphosphate, each year; sulphate potash, soda, and magnesia, 1856-60 | 2 | 16 | 0 | 8 | 5 | Superphosphate, each year | 2 | 12 | 0 | 9 | 6 | Superphosphate, each year; sulphate potash, 1856-60 | 2 | 7 | 0 | 7 | 7 | Superphosphate, each year; sulphate, potash, and 36-1/2 lb. ammonium salts, 1856-60 | 2 | 12 | 0 | 7 | | | | | | | 8 | Unmanured 1853, and since; previously part unmanured; part superphosphate | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 | Note.—Sulphate of ammonia is estimated to contain 23 per cent ammonia, and muriate of ammonia 27 per cent. Ammonium salts, in each case, equal parts sulphate and muriate of ammonia of commerce; and the mixture is estimated to contain 25 per cent ammonia. The 328 lb. nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.35) mixed with sawdust, and used as a cross-dressing on the plots of Series 2 from 1856-60, were estimated to contain nitrogen = 50 lb. ammonia. | | 1The crops of 1859 and 1860 failed, and were ploughed in; but as the manures were applied, and there would be accumulation with the soil for the succeeding crops, the average produce is calculated as for fifteen years—that is, the produce of the thirteen years is, in each case, divided by 15. | TABLE VIII.—continued | | Series 2. | Series 3. | | | | | | | Standard manures, | Standard manures, | | | and cross-dressed with— | and cross-dressed with— | | | 5 years, 1856-60, | 5 years, 1856-60, | | | 3000 lb. sawdust, and | 200 lb. ammonium | | | 328 lb. nitric acid. | salts. | | | | | | STANDARD MANURES. | 10 years, 1861-70, | 10 years, 1861-70, | | | 550 lb. nitrate soda. | 400 lb. ammonium salts. | Plots. | | | | | | Roots. | Leaves. | Roots. | Leaves. | | | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | 1 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons | 7 | 9 | 1 | 2 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 4 | 2 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons, and superphosphate | 7 | 13 | 1 | 3 | 8 | 5 | 1 | 5 | 3 | Without manure, 1846, and since | 0 | 19 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 13 | 0 | 3 | 4 | Superphosphate, each year; sulphate potash, soda, and magnesia, 1856-60 | 5 | 2 | 0 | 16 | 4 | 12 | 0 | 14 | 5 | Superphosphate, each year | 4 | 13 | 0 | 18 | 3 | 16 | 0 | 15 | 6 | Superphosphate, each year; sulphate potash, 1856-60 | 4 | 11 | 0 | 14 | 4 | 5 | 0 | 13 | 7 | Superphosphate, each year; sulphate, potash, and 36-1/2 lb. ammonium salts, 1856-60 | 4 | 13 | 0 | 14 | 4 | 12 | 0 | 14 | 8 | Unmanured 1853, and since; previously part unmanured; part superphosphate | 1 | 13 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 5 | TABLE VIII.—continued | | Series 4. | Series 5. | | | | | | | Standard manures, | Standard manures, | | | and cross-dressed with— | and cross-dressed with— | | | 5 years, 1856-60, | 5 years, 1856-60, | | | 200 lb. ammonium salts, | 3000 lb. sawdust. | | | and 3000 lb. sawdust. | | | | | | | STANDARD MANURES. | 10 years, 1861-70, | 10 years, 1861-70, | | | 400 lb. ammonium salts, | 2000 lb. rape-cake. | Plots. | | and 2000 .b. rape-cake. | | | | Roots. | Leaves. | Roots. | Leaves. | | | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | 1 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons | 8 | 16 | 1 | 9 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 2 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons, and superphosphate | 8 | 14 | 1 | 9 | 7 | 16 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Without manure, 1846, and since | 3 | 6 | 0 | 14 | 3 | 8 | 0 | 13 | 4 | Superphosphate, each year; sulphate potash, soda, and magnesia, 1856-60 | 6 | 12 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 0 | 17 | 5 | Superphosphate, each year | 5 | 16 | 1 | 7 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 19 | 6 | Superphosphate, each year; sulphate potash, 1856-60 | 6 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 0 | 16 | 7 | Superphosphate, each year; sulphate, potash, and 36-1/2 lb. ammonium salts, 1856-60 | 6 | 15 | 1 | 4 | 5 | 9 | 0 | 17 | 8 | Unmanured 1853, and since; previously part unmanured; part superphosphate | 3 | 19 | 0 | 18 | 3 | 14 | 0 | 19 | TABLE IX.—Experiments on Mangel-Wurzel. Average of Sixteen Seasons, 1876-92. Manures per Acre per Annum. TABLE IX.—continued | | Series 2. | Series 3. | | | | | | STANDARD MANURES | Standard manures, | Standard manures, | | | and cross-dressed with— | and cross-dressed with— | | | 550 lb. nitrate of soda. | 400 lb. amonium salts. | Plots. | | | | | | Roots. | Leaves. | Roots. | Leaves. | | | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | 1 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons | 22 | 11 | 4 | 2 | 22 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 2 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons, and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 23 | 12 | 4 | 14 | 21 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 3 | Without manure, 1846, and since | 13 | 7 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 14 | 2 | 18 | 4 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 500 lb. sulphate of potash, and 400 lb. mixed mineral manure | 12 | 17 | 3 | 15 | 16 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 15 | 13 | 3 | 5 | 8 | 10 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, and 500 lb. sulphate of potash | 15 | 15 | 2 | 18 | 14 | 6 | 2 | 16 | 7 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 500 lb. sulphate of potash, and 36-1/2 lb. ammonium salts | 16 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 16 | 3 | 3 | 0 | TABLE IX.—continued | | Series 4. | Series 5. | | | | | | STANDARD MANURES | Standard manures, | Standard manures, | | | and cross-dressed with | and cross-dressed with | | | 2000 lb. rape-cake, and | 2000 lb. rape-cake. | Plots. | | 400 lb. ammonium salts. | | | | Roots. | Leaves. | Roots. | Leaves. | | | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | 1 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons | 24 | 11 | 6 | 1 | 23 | 7 | 4 | 6 | 2 | Farmyard manure, 14 tons, and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 23 | 12 | 6 | 1 | 23 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 3 | Without manure, 1846, and since | 10 | 11 | 3 | 17 | 11 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 500 lb. sulphate of potash, and 400 lb. mixed mineral manure | 24 | 18 | 5 | 7 | 20 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 5 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 11 | 7 | 4 | 2 | 12 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, and 500 lb. sulphate of potash | 21 | 6 | 5 | 7 | 16 | 14 | 2 | 15 | 7 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 500 lb. sulphate of potash, and 36-1/2 lb. ammonium salts | 21 | 6 | 5 | 9 | 17 | 10 | 3 | 3 | TABLE X.—Experiments with different Manures on Permanent Meadow-land. Thirty-six Years, 1856-91. | Produce per Acre, weighed as Hay. | | Average per annum, | Average per annum, | Manures per Acre per Annum. | 20 years, 1856-75 | 16 years, 1876-91 | | (1st crops only). | (1st and 2d crops). | | 10 years, | 10 years, | 20 years, | 1st | 2nd | | | 1856-65. | 1866-75. | 1856-75. | crops. | crops. | Total. | | cwt. | cwt. | cwt. | cwt. | cwt. | cwt. | Unmanured continuously | 22-1/2 | 20 | 21-1/4 | 18 | 8-1/2 | 26-1/2 | 3-12 cwt. superphosphate of lime | 23-14 | 21-1/4 | 22-1/4 | 18 | 9 | 27-1/2 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate of lime, and 400 lb. ammonium salts | 33-7/8 | 30-1/2 | 32-1/4 | 30-3/4 | 10-1/2 | 41-1/4 | 400 lb. ammonium salts | 30-1/2 | 22 | 26-1/4 | 18-1/4 | 10-1/8 | 27-3/8 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, and mixed mineral manure | 45-1/4 | 47-5/8 | 46-1/2 | 41-1/8 | 12-1/8 | 53-1/4 | 275 lb. nitrate of soda | 34-1/4 | 33-1/2 | 33-7/8 | 30-1/8 | 10 | 40-1/8 | TABLE XI.—Experiments on the Growth of Potatoes. Average of Five Seasons, 1876-80.1 | | Produce per Acre—Tubers. | Plot. | Manures per Acre per Annum | Good. | Small. | Diseased. | Total. | | | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | 1 | Unmanured | 1 | 18 | 0 | 6-1/4 | 0 | 2-1/4 | 2 | 7-1/2 | 2 | Farmyard manure (14 tons) | 3 | 19-3/8 | 0 | 7-5/8 | 0 | 6-5/8 | 4 | 13-5/8 | 3 | Farmyard manure (14 tons), and 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 4 | 9-1/2 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 8-3/4 | 5 | 6-1/4 | 4 | Farmyard manure (14 tons), 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, and 550 lb. nitrate of soda | 5 | 8 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 19-1/2 | 6 | 14-1/2 | 5 | 400 lb. ammonium salts | 1 | 19-1/2 | 0 | 7-1/8 | 0 | 3-1/2 | 2 | 10-1/8 | 6 | 550 lb. nitrate of soda | 2 | 11-7/8 | 0 | 6-7/8 | 0 | 5-1/4 | 3 | 4 | 7 | 400 lb. ammonium salts, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 300 lb. sulphate potash, 100 lb. sulphate soda, 100 lb. sulphate magnesia | 5 | 14-1/4 | 0 | 8-1/4 | 0 | 14-3/4 | 6 | 17-1/4 | 8 | 550 lb. nitrate of soda, 33-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 300 lb. sulphate potash, 100 lb. sulphate soda, 100 lb. sulphate magnesia | 5 | 19-7/8 | 0 | 7-7/8 | 0 | 19-1/8 | 7 | 6-7/8 | 9 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 3 | 0-3/4 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 4-5/8 | 3 | 13-3/8 | 10 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 300 lb. sulphate potash, 100 lb. sulphate soda, and 100 lb. sulphate magnesia | 3 | 4-1/2 | 0 | 6-1/2 | 0 | 4-7/8 | 3 | 15-7/8 | 1. In each year the tops were spread on the respective plots. | TABLE XII.—Experiments on the Growth of Potatoes—Continued. Average of Twelve Seasons, 1881-92. | | Produce per Acre—Tubers. | Plot. | Manures per Acre per Annum | Good. | Small. | Diseased. | Total. | | | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | Tons. | cwt. | 1 | Unmanured in 1876, and each year since | 1 | 3-3/4 | 0 | 3-3/4 | 0 | 0-1/4 | 1 | 7-3/4 | 2 | Unmanured in 1882, and since; previously farmyard manure (14 tons) | 2 | 14-1/4 | 0 | 4-3/4 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 3 | Farmyard manure (14 tons) alone, 1883, and since; previously 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate also | 4 | 3-1/4 | 0 | 4-1/4 | 0 | 4-1/2 | 4 | 12 | 4 | Farmyard manure (14 tons) alone, 1883, and since. In 1882 and previously 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, and in 1881 and previously 550 lb. nitrate of soda also | 4 | 6-1/4 | 0 | 4-1/2 | 0 | 4-3/4 | 4 | 15-1/2 | 5 | 400 lb. ammonium salts | 1 | 2-3/4 | 0 | 4-3/4 | 0 | 0-1/2 | 1 | 8 | 6 | 550 lb. nitrate of soda | 1 | 17-3/4 | 0 | 3-3/4 | 0 | 0-3/4 | 2 | 2-1/4 | 7 | 400 lb. ammonium salts, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 300 lb. sulphate of potash, and 200 lb. mixed mineral manure | 5 | 6-3/4 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 4-1/2 | 5 | 16-1/4 | 8 | 550 lb. nitrate of soda, 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 300 lb. sulphate of potash, and 200 lb. mixed mineral manure | 5 | 7-1/2 | 0 | 4-1/4 | 0 | 3-3/4 | 5 | 15-1/2 | 9 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate | 2 | 17-3/4 | 0 | 3-1/4 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 10 | 3-1/2 cwt. superphosphate, 300 lb. sulphate of potash, and 200 lb. mixed mineral manure | 3 | 2-1/4 | 0 | 3-1/4 | 0 | 1-1/4 | 3 | 6-3/4 | FOOTNOTES: