
NOTE I. (p. 543).

Useful Factors for calculating the Percentage of important Manurial Ingredients
in a Manure into their different Compounds.

(From the 'Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society.')

Amount of Multiplied by Gives corresponding amount of
Nitrogen 1.214 Ammonia.
Nitrogen 6.3 Albuminoid matter.
Ammonia .824 Nitrogen.
Ammonia 3.882 Sulphate of ammonia.
Ammonia 3.147 Muriate of ammonia.
Ammonia 3.706 Nitric acid.
Ammonia 5.0 Nitrate of soda.
Potash (anhydrous) 1.85 Sulphate of potash.
Potash (anhydrous) 1.585 Muriate of potash.
Phosphoric acid (anhydrous) 2.183 Phosphate of lime.
Phosphoric acid (anhydrous) 1.4 Biphosphate.
Phosphoric acid (anhydrous) 1.648 Soluble phosphate.
Soluble phosphate 1.325 Phosphate of lime.
Biphosphate 1.566 Phosphate of lime.
Lime 1.845 Phosphate of lime.
Lime 1.786 Carbonate of lime.
Chlorine 1.648 Chloride of sodium.

NOTES II. (p. 545).

Units to be used in determining the Commercial Value of Manures.

For Season 1893.

Prices per ton,
Phosphates March 1893
Items to be valued. Classes Dissolved Undissolved Ammonia Potash From To
Ichaboe. Genuine. 2/- 16/- 250/- 270/-
Peruvian (riddled) Genuine. 2/- 17/6 3/6 230/- 290/-
Scrap manures.
Fish guano. 1/5 10/- 130/- 150/-
Frey Bentos guano. a. 1/6 11/6 150/- 180/-
Bone-meal a. 1/4 10/- 105/- 115/-
b. 1/3 9/6 100/- 110/-
Steamed bone-flour. a. 1/5 10/- 95/- 110/-
Dissolved or
vitriolated bones. 2/6 1/6 11/6 95/- 110/-
Superphosphates. 1/11 45/- 60/-
Dissolved compounds. From 2/- 1/3 10/- 3/4
To 2/6 1/9 12/- 3/8
Average. 2/3 1/6 11/- 3/6

Cash Prices of different Manures, March 1893.

NOTE III. (p. 549).

Tables showing relative Manurial Value of Nitrogen and Potash in different Substances.

Wolff, 1893.
Nitrogen in form of ammonia and nitrates, and easily decomposable organic compounds, as dried blood, flesh-meal, meat-meal, Peruvian guano, and as urate 100
Nitrogen in fine steamed bone-meal, fish-guano, oilcakes, and better kinds of artificial guano 85
Nitrogen in fine bone-meal and horn-meal 77
Nitrogen in coarse bones and horn-shavings, woollen refuse, farmyard manure, and poudrette 61
American, 1892.
Nitrogen in ammonia salts 100
Nitrogen as nitrates 86
Nitrogen in dry and fine-ground fish, meat, and blood 91
Nitrogen in cotton-seed meal, and castor pomace 86
Nitrogen in fine bone and tankage 86
Nitrogen in medium bone and tankage 68
Nitrogen in coarser bone and tankage 43
Nitrogen in hair and horn-shavings, and coarse fish scrap 40
Potash as high-grade sulphate, and in forms free from muriates (or chlorides) 100
Potash as muriate 82

Professor Wagner has drawn up, from numerous experiments, the relative manurial values of different nitrogenous manures, which he rates as follows:—

Nitrate of soda 100
Sulphate of ammonia 90
Blood-meal, horn-meal, and green vegetable matter 70
Finely ground steamed bone-meal, fish-meal, and meat-meal guano 60
Farmyard manure 45
Shoddy 30
Leather-meal 20

NOTE IV. (p. 551).

TABLE I.—Average Composition, per cent and per ton, of Cattle-Foods.

Per Cent. Per Ton.
Dry Matter Phosphoric Phosphoric
No Foods. Matter. Nitrogen. (Ash). Acid. Potash. Nitrogen. Acid. Potash.
per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. lb. lb. lb.
1 Linseed 90.00 3.60 4.00 1.54 1.37 80.64 34.50 30.69
2 Linseed-cake 88.50 4.75 6.50 2.00 1.40 106.40 44.80 31.36
3 Decorticated cotton-cake 90.00 6.60 7.00 3.10 2.00 147.84 69.44 44.80
4 Palm-nut cake 91.00 2.50 3.60 1.20 0.50 56.00 26.88 11.20
5 Undecorticated cotton-cake 87.00 3.75 6.00 2.00 2.00 84.00 44.80 44.80
6 Cocoa-nut-cake 90.00 3.40 6.00 1.40 2.00 76.16 31.36 44.80
7 Rape-cake 89.00 4.90 7.50 2.50 1.50 109.76 56.00 33.60
8 Peas 85.00 3.60 2.50 0.85 0.96 80.64 19.04 21.50
9 Beans 85.00 4.00 3.00 1.10 1.30 89.60 24.64 29.12
10 Lentils 88.00 4.20 4.00 0.75 0.70 94.08 16.80 15.68
11 Tares (seed) 84.00 4.20 2.50 0.80 0.80 94.08 17.92 17.92
12 Indian corn 88.00 1.70 1.40 0.60 0.37 38.08 13.44 8.29
13 Wheat 85.00 1.80 1.70 0.85 0.53 40.32 19.04 11.87
14 Malt 94.00 1.70 2.50 0.80 0.50 38.08 17.92 11.20
15 Barley 84.00 1.65 2.20 0.75 0.55 36.96 16.80 12.32
16 Oats 86.00 2.00 2.80 0.60 0.50 44.80 13.44 11.20
17 Rice-meal* 90.00 1.90 7.50 (0.60) (0.37) 42.56 (13.44) (8.29)
18 Locust-beans* 85.00 1.20 2.50 26.88
19 Malt-combs 90.00 3.90 8.00 2.00 2.00 87.36 44.80 44.80
20 Fine pollard 86.00 2.45 5.50 2.90 1.46 54.88 64.96 32.70
21 Coarse pollard 86.00 2.50 6.40 3.50 1.50 56.00 78.40 33.60
22 Bran 86.00 2.50 6.50 3.60 1.45 56.00 80.64 32.48
23 Clover-hay 83.00 2.40 7.00 0.57 1.50 53.76 12.77 33.60
24 Meadow-hay 84.00 1.50 6.50 0.40 1.60 33.60 8.96 35.84
25 Pea-straw 82.50 1.00 5.50 0.35 1.00 22.40 7.84 22.40
26 Oat-straw 83.00 0.50 5.50 0.24 1.00 11.20 5.38 22.40
27 Wheat-straw 84.00 0.45 5.00 0.24 0.80 10.08 5.38 17.92
28 Barley-straw 85.00 0.40 4.50 0.18 1.00 8.96 4.03 22.40
29 Bean-straw 82.50 0.90 5.00 0.30 1.00 20.16 6.72 22.40
30 Potatoes 25.00 0.25 1.00 0.15 0.55 5.60 3.36 12.32
31 Carrots 14.00 0.20 0.90 0.09 0.28 4.48 2.02 6.27
32 Parsnips 16.00 0.22 1.00 0.19 0.36 4.93 4.26 8.06
33 Swedish turnips 11.00 0.25 0.60 0.06 0.22 5.60 1.34 4.93
34 Mangel-wurzels 12.50 0.22 1.00 0.07 0.40 4.93 1.57 8.96
35 Yellow turnips* 9.00 0.20 0.65 (0.06) (0.22) 4.48 (1.34) (4.93)
36 White turnips 8.00 0.18 0.68 0.05 0.30 4.03 1.12 6.72
* In the case of neither rice-meal, locust-beans, nor yellow turnips have records of ash analyses been found. For rice-meal the same percentages of phosphoric acid and potash as in Indian corn, and for yellow turnips the same as in swedes, are provisionally adopted; but in all the Tables the assumed results are given in parentheses. For locust-beans no figure has been assumed, and the columns are left blank.

NOTE IV.—continued

TABLE II.—Lawes' & Gilbert's Tables for Calculating Unexhausted Value of Manures.

Fattening Nitrogen.
Increase in In Fattening
Live Weight Increase (at
No. Description (Oxen or Sheep). In Food. 1.27 per cent). In Manure.
of Food. Value
Increase From Per cent Total of
Food per ton 1 ton of remaining Nitrogen Ammonia
to 1 of Per Per of total for equal at 6d.
Increase Food. cent. ton. Food. consumed. Manure. Ammonia. per lb.
lb. % lb. lb. % lb. lb. £ s. d.
1 Linseed 5.0 448.0 3.60 80.64 5.69 7.06 74.95 91.0 2 5 6
2 Linseed-cake 6.0 373.3 4.75 106.40 4.74 4.45 101.66 123.4 3 1 8
3 Decorticated cotton-cake 6.5 344.6 6.60 147.84 4.38 2.96 143.46 174.2 4 7 1
4 Palm-nut-cake 7.0 320.0 2.50 56.00 4.06 7.25 51.94 63.1 1 11 7
5 Undecorticated cotton-cake 8.0 280.0 3.75 84.00 3.56 4.24 80.44 97.7 2 8 10
6 Cocoa-nut-cake 8.0 280.0 3.40 76.16 3.56 4.67 72.60 88.2 2 4 1
7 Rape-cake (10) (224) 4.90 109.76 2.84 2.59 106.92 129.8 3 4 11
8 Peas 7.0 320.0 3.60 80.64 4.06 5.03 76.58 93.0 2 6 6
9 Beans 7.0 320.0 4.00 89.60 4.06 4.53 85.54 103.9 2 11 11
10 Lentils 7.0 320.0 4.20 94.08 4.06 4.32 90.02 109.3 2 14 8
11 Tares (seed) 7.0 320.0 4.20 94.08 4.06 4.32 90.02 109.3 2 14 8
12 Indian corn 7.2 311.1 1.70 38.08 3.95 10.37 34.13 41.4 1 0 9
13 Wheat 7.2 311.1 1.80 40.32 3.95 9.80 36.37 44.2 1 2 1
14 Malt 7.0 320.0 1.70 38.08 4.06 10.66 34.02 41.3 1 0 8
15 Barley 7.2 311.1 1.65 36.96 3.95 10.69 33.01 40.1 1 0 1
16 Oats 7.5 298.7 2.00 44.80 3.79 8.46 41.01 49.8 1 4 11
17 Rice-meal 7.5 298.7 1.90 42.56 3.79 8.91 38.77 47.1 1 3 6
18 Locust-beans 9.0 248.9 1.20 26.88 3.16 11.76 23.72 28.8 0 14 5
19 Malt-combs 8.0 248.9 3,90 87.36 3.56 4.08 83.80 101.8 2 10 11
20 Fine pollard 7.5 298.7 2.45 54.88 3.79 6.91 51.09 62.0 1 11 0
21 Coarse pollard 8.0 280.0 2.50 56.00 3.50 6.35 52.44 63.7 1 11 10
22 Bran 9.0 248.9 2.50 56.00 3.16 5.64 52.84 64.2 1 12 1
23 Clover-hay 14.0 160.0 2.40 53.76 2.03 3.78 51.73 62.8 1 11 5
24 Meadow-hay 15.0 149.3 1.50 33.60 1.90 5.65 31.70 38.5 0 19 3
25 Pea-straw 16.0 140.0 1.00 22.40 1.78 7.95 20.62 25.0 0 12 6
26 Oat-straw 18.0 124.4 0.50 11.20 1.58 14.11 9.62 11.7 0 5 10
27 Wheat-straw 21.0 106.7 0.45 10.08 1.36 13.49 8.72 10.6 0 5 4
28 Barley-straw 23.0 97.4 0.40 8.96 1.24 13.84 7.72 9.4 0 4 8
29 Bean-straw 22.0 101.8 0.90 20.16 1.29 6.39 18.87 22.9 0 11 6
30 Potatoes 60.0 37.3 0.25 5.60 0.47 8.39 5.13 6.2 0 3 1
31 Carrots 85.7 26.1 0.20 4.48 0.33 7.37 4.15 5.0 0 2 6
32 Parsnips 75.0 29.9 0.22 4.93 0.38 7.71 4.55 5.5 0 2 9
33 Swedish turnips 109.1 20.5 0.25 5.60 0.26 4.64 5.34 6.5 0 3 3
34 Mangel-wurzels 96.0 23.3 0.22 4.93 0.30 6.09 4.63 5.6 0 2 10
35 Yellow turnips 133.3 16.8 0.20 4.48 0.21 4.69 4.27 5.2 0 2 7
36 White turnips 150.0 14.9 0.18 4.03 0.19 4.71 3.84 4.7 0 2 4

NOTE IV.—continued

TABLE II.—continued

Phosphoric Acid.
In Fattening
Increase at
No. Description In Food. (0.86 per cent). In Manure.
of Food.
From Per cent Total
1 ton of remaining Value
Per Per of total for at 3d.
cent. ton. Food. consumed. Manure. per lb.
% lb. lb. % lb. s. d.
1 Linseed 1.54 34.50 3.85 11.16 30.65 7 8
2 Linseed-cake 2.00 44.80 3.21 7.17 41.59 10 5
3 Decorticated cotton-cake 3.10 69.44 2.96 4.26 66.48 16 8
4 Palm-nut-cake 1.20 26.88 2.75 10.23 24.13 6 0
5 Undecorticated cotton-cake 2.00 44.80 2.41 5.38 42.39 10 7
6 Cocoa-
1.40 31.36 2.41 7.69 28.95 7 3
7 Rape-cake 2.50 56.00 1.93 3.45 54.07 13 6
8 Peas 0.85 19.04 2.75 14.44 16.29 4 1
9 Beans 1.10 24.64 2.75 11.10 21.89 5 6
10 Lentils 0.75 16.80 2.75 16.37 14.05 3 6
11 Tares (seed) 0.80 17.92 2.75 15.36 15.17 3 9
12 Indian corn 0.60 13.44 2.68 19.94 10.76 2 8
13 Wheat 9.85 19.04 2.68 14.08 16.36 4 1
14 Malt 0.80 17.92 2.75 15.35 15.17 3 9
15 Barley 0.75 16.80 2.68 15.95 14.12 3 6
16 Oats 0.60 13.44 2.57 (19.12) 10.87 2 8
17 Rice-meal (0.60) (13.44) 2.57 (19.12) (10.87) 2 8
18 Locust-beans 2.14
19 Malt-combs 2.00 44.80 2.41 5.38 42.39 10 7
20 Fine pollard 2.90 64.96 2.57 3.96 62.39 15 7
21 Coarse pollard 3.50 78.40 2.41 3.07 75.99 19 0
22 Bran 3.60 80.64 2.14 2.65 78.50 19 8
23 Clover-hay 0.57 12.77 1.38 10.81 11.39 2 10
24 Meadow-hay 0.40 8.96 1.28 14.28 7.68 1 11
25 Pea-straw 0.35 7.84 1.20 15.31 6.64 1 8
26 Oat-straw 0.24 5.38 1.07 19.89 4.31 1 1
27 Wheat-straw 0.24 5.38 0.92 17.10 4.46 1 1
28 Barley-straw 0.18 4.03 0.84 20.84 3.19 0 9
29 Bean-straw 0.30 6.72 0.88 13.10 5.84 1 5
30 Potatoes 0.15 3.36 0.32 9.52 3.04 0 9
31 Carrots 0.09 2.02 0.22 10.89 1.80 0 5
32 Parsnips 0.19 4.29 0.26 6.10 4.00 1 0
33 Swedish turnips 0.06 1.34 0.18 13.43 1.16 0 4
34 Mangel-wurzels 0.07 1.57 0.20 12.74 1.37 0 4
35 Yellow turnips (0.06) (1.34) 0.14 (10.78) (1.20) (0 4)
36 White turnips 0.05 1.12 0.13 11.61 0.99 0 3

NOTE IV.—continued

TABLE II.—continued

In Fattening
Increase at Total
No. Description In Food. (0.11 per cent). In Manure. original
of Food. Manure
From Per cent Total Value value
1 ton of remaining at per ton
Per Per of total for 2-1/2d. of Food
cent. ton. Food. consumed. Manure. per lb. consumed.
% lb. lb. % lb. s. d. £ s. d.
1 Linseed 1.37 30.69 0.49 1.60 30.20 6 3 2 19 5
2 Linseed-cake 1.40 31.36 0.41 1.31 30.95 6 5 3 18 6
3 Decorticated cotton-cake 2.00 44.80 0.38 0.85 44.42 9 3 5 13 0
4 Palm-nut-cake 0.50 11.20 0.35 3.13 10.85 2 3 1 19 10
5 Undecorticated cotton-cake 2.00 44.80 0.31 0.69 44.49 5 11 3 5 4
6 Cocoa-
2.00 44.80 0.31 0.69 44.49 9 3 3 0 7
7 Rape-cake 1.50 33.60 0.25 0.74 33.35 6 11 4 5 4
8 Peas 0.96 21.50 0.35 1.63 21.15 4 5 2 15 0
9 Beans 1.30 29.12 0.35 1.20 28.77 6 0 3 3 5
10 Lentils 0.70 15.68 0.35 2.23 15.33 3 2 3 1 4
11 Tares (seed) 0.80 17.92 0.35 1.95 17.57 3 8 3 2 1
12 Indian corn 0.37 8.29 0.34 4.10 7.95 1 8 1 5 1
13 Wheat 0.53 11.87 0.34 2.86 11.53 2 5 1 8 7
14 Malt 0.50 11.20 0.35 3.13 10.85 2 3 1 6 8
15 Barley 0.55 12.32 0.34 2.76 11.98 2 6 1 6 1
16 Oats 0.50 11.20 0.33 2.94 10.87 2 3 1 9 10
17 Rice-meal (0.37) (8.29) 0.33 (4.00) (7.96) (1 8) (1 7 10)
18 Locust-beans 0.27
19 Malt-combs 2.00 44.80 0.31 0.69 44.49 9 3 3 10 9
20 Fine pollard 1.46 32.70 0.33 1.01 32.37 6 9 2 13 4
21 Coarse pollard 1.50 33.60 0.31 0.92 33.29 6 11 2 17 9
22 Bran 1.45 32.48 0.27 0.83 32.21 6 8 2 18 5
23 Clover-hay 1.50 33.60 0.18 0.54 33.42 7 0 2 1 3
24 Meadow-hay 1.60 35.84 0.16 0.45 35.68 7 5 1 8 7
25 Pea-straw 1.00 22.40 0.15 0.67 22.25 4 8 0 18 10
26 Oat-straw 1.00 22.40 0.14 0.63 22.26 4 8 1 11 7
27 Wheat-straw 0.80 17.92 0.12 0.67 17.80 3 8 0 10 1
28 Barley-straw 1.00 22.40 0.11 0.49 22.29 4 8 0 10 1
29 Bean-straw 1.00 22.40 0.11 0.49 22.29 4 8 0 17 7
30 Potatoes 0.55 12.32 0.04 0.32 12.28 2 7 0 6 5
31 Carrots 0.28 6.27 0.03 0.48 6.24 1 4 0 4 3
32 Parsnips 0.36 8.06 0.03 0.37 8.03 1 8 0 5 5
33 Swedish turnips 0.22 4.93 0.02 0.41 4.91 1 0 0 4 7
34 Mangel-wurzels 0.40 8.90 0.03 0.34 8.93 1 10 0 5 0
35 Yellow turnips (0.22) (4.93) 0.02 (0.34) (4.91) (1 0) (0 3 11)
36 White turnips 0.30 6.72 0.02 0.30 6.70 1 5 0 4 0


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