
NOTE I. (p. 201).

Composition of Apatite (Voelcker).

(KragerÖe, Norway.)

Lime 52.16
Phosphoric acid 41.25
Chlorine 4.10
Fluorine 1.23
Oxide of iron 0.29
Alumina 0.38
Potash and soda 0.17
Water 0.42

Apatite is found in considerable quantities in America, Germany, France, Spain, Hungary, Norway, and Great Britain. According to Rose, apatite is made up of three molecules of tribasic calcium phosphate (Ca(PO4)2), combined with one molecule of calcium fluoride (Ca F2) or one molecule of calcium chloride (CaCl2) respectively.

The composition of the pure mineral should be—

Per cent.
Calcium phosphate 89.38
Calcium chloride 10.62
Calcium phosphate 92.31
Calcium fluoride 7.69

NOTE II. (p. 203).

The following is a list of the commoner rocks in which the percentage of phosphoric acid has been determined. The results are taken from analyses by Nesbit, Schramm, Bergemann, Rose, DehÉrain, Handtke, Petersen, Nessler, Muth, Fleischmann, Storer, and others:—

Per cent.
Felspar 1.7
Granite 0.09 0.25 0.58 0.68
Lava 1.21 1.8
Trachyte 0.30 0.66
Basalt 0.50 1.11
Porphyry 0.26
Marl 1.45 2.31 3.8
Calcareous stones 0.064 0.176
Dolomite 1.24
Lias chalk 1.39
Gneiss 0.18 0.78 1.51
Syenite 0.10
Dolerite 0.3 1.1 1.2
Diorite 0.5 0.69


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