Nitrate of Soda. Total Shipments from South America, 1830-1892. Year. | Tons. | Year. | Tons. | Year. | Tons. | 1830 | 800 | 1870 | 131,400 | 1886 | 437,500 | 1835 | 6,200 | 1875 | 321,000 | 1887 | 680,600 | 1840 | 10,100 | 1880 | 217,300 | 1888 | 745,700 | 1845 | 16,800 | 1881 | 344,600 | 1889 | 930,000 | 1850 | 22,800 | 1882 | 477,800 | 1890 | 1,030,000 | 1855 | 41,800 | 1883 | 572,400 | 1891 | 790,000 | 1860 | 55,200 | 1884 | 540,900 | 1892 | 790,000 | 1865 | 109,000 | 1885 | 423,100 | | | The following tables exhibit the total imports into Europe, and into the United Kingdom from the years 1873-92:— Nitrate of Soda, 1873-1892. Imports into Europe. | Imports into United Kingdom. | Year. | Tons. | Year. | Tons. | 1873 | 225,000 | 1873 | 124,000 | 1874 | 230,000 | 1874 | 108,200 | 1875 | 280,000 | 1875 | 164,900 | 1876 | 300,000 | 1876 | 166,800 | 1877 | 208,000 | 1877 | 69,600 | 1878 | 250,000 | 1878 | 104,400 | 1879 | 205,000 | 1879 | 55,300 | 1880 | 140,000 | 1880 | 48,300 | 1881 | 230,000 | 1881 | 54,800 | 1882 | 335,000 | 1882 | 96,000 | 1883 | 440,000 | 1883 | 103,700 | 1884 | 505,000 | 1884 | 103,700 | 1885 | 380,000 | 1885 | 109,400 | 1886 | 330,000 | 1886 | 75,100 | 1887 | 440,000 | 1887 | 83,100 | 1888 | 640,000 | 1888 | 103,100 | 1889 | 760,000 | 1889 | 120,000 | 1890 | 784,000 | 1890 | 114,000 | 1891 | 851,000 | 1891 | 121,000 | 1892 | 795,000 | 1892 | 115,000 |