- Contents of Volume XXXII
- Illustrations
- Preface
- Historia de la Provincia del Sancto Rosario de la Orden De Predicadores
- History of the Dominican Province of the Holy Rosary
- LXXI. The arrival at Manila of father Fray Luis, his assignment to Pangasinan and the events there
- LXXII. Some special favors received by father Fray Luis from the Lord, and some temptations which he suffered from the enemy.
- LXXIII. The fervor of spirit of father Fray Luis, and his expedition to China
- LXXIV. The silence, occupation, and virtues of father Fray Luis, and his happy death
- LXXV. The election as provincial of father Fray Miguel de San Jacintho, and the condition of the province and Japon.
- LXXVI. The servant of God, Don Fray Diego de Soria, bishop of Nueva Segovia, and one of the founders of this province.
- LXXVII. The personal habits of Don Fray Diego de Soria and other matters in regard to him up to his death.
- LXXVIII. Father Fray Francisco Minaio and his death
- Book Second of the History of the Province of the Holy Rosary
- I. The sufferings of the religious in Japon in the persecution which arose against Christianity
- II. Father Fray Francisco de San Joseph Blancas
- III. Events in this province at this time
- IV. The life and death of father Fray Bernardo de Sancta Cathalina, or Navarro
- V. The election as provincial of father Fray Melchior ManÇano, and the situation in Japon at this time.
- VI. The great devotion in Japon to the rosary of our Lady; the death of the emperor, and the state of the church there.
- VII. The expedition of father Fray Alonso Navarrete, vicar-provincial of our order in Japon, and father Fray Hernando de San Joseph, or Ayala, vicar-provincial of the order of our father St. Augustine, for the aid of the Christians of Omura.
- VIII. The capture of the holy martyrs
- IX. The death of the three holy martyrs
- X. The virtues of these blessed fathers, their fitness to obtain the crown of martyrdom, and the fruits which followed therefrom.
- XI. The state of affairs in Japon after the martyrdom of the saints Fray Alonso Navarrete and Fray Hernando de Ayala.
- XII.