No. 113. [ Hughes. [356]


From Tuesday, Dec. 27, to Thursday, Dec. 29, 1709.

Ecce iterum Crispinus!—Juv., Sat. iv. 1.

Haymarket, Dec. 23.

Whereas the gentleman that behaved himself in a very disobedient and obstinate manner at his late trial in Sheer Lane on the 20th instant,[357] and was carried off dead upon the taking away of his snuff-box, remains still unburied; the Company of Upholders not knowing otherwise how they should be paid, have taken his goods in execution to defray the charge of his funeral. His said effects are to be exposed to sale by auction at their office in the Haymarket on the 4th of January next, and are as follow:

A very rich tweezer-case, containing twelve instruments for the use of each hour in the day.

Four pounds of scented snuff, with three gilt snuff-boxes; one of them with an invisible hinge, and a looking-glass in the lid.

Two more of ivory, with the portraitures on their lids of two ladies of the town; the originals to be seen every night in the side-boxes[358] of the play-house.

A sword with a steel diamond hilt, never drawn but once at May Fair.[359]

Six clean packs of cards, a quart of orange-flower water, a pair of French scissors, a toothpick case, and an eyebrow brush.

A large glass case, containing the linen and clothes of the deceased; among which are, two embroidered suits, a pocket perspective, a dozen pair of red-heeled shoes, three pair of red silk stockings, and an amber-headed cane.

The strong box of the deceased, wherein were found, five billet-doux, a Bath shilling, a crooked sixpence, a silk garter, a lock of hair, and three broken fans.

A press for books; containing on the upper shelf,

  • Three bottles of diet-drink.
  • Two boxes of pills.
  • A syringe, and other mathematical instruments.

On the second shelf are several miscellaneous works; as,

  • Lampoons.
  • Plays.
  • Tailors' bills.
  • And an almanac for the year 1700.

On the third shelf,

  • A bundle of letters unopened, endorsed (in the hand of the deceased), "Letters from the old gentleman."
  • Lessons for the flute.
  • Toland's "Christianity not Mysterious."[360]. And a paper filled with patterns of several fashionable stuffs.

On the lowest shelf,

  • One shoe.
  • A pair of snuffers.
  • A French grammar.
  • A mourning hat-band: and half a bottle of usquebaugh.

There will be added to these goods, to make a complete auction, a collection of gold snuff-boxes and clouded canes,[361] which are to continue in fashion for three months after the sale.

The whole are to be set up and prized by Charles Bubbleboy,[362] who is to open the auction with a speech.

I find that I am so very unhappy, that while I am busy in correcting the folly and vice of one sex, several exorbitances break out in the other. I have not thoroughly examined their new-fashioned petticoats, but shall set aside one day in the next week for that purpose. The following petition on this subject was presented to me this morning:

"The humble Petition of William Jingle, Coach-maker and Chair-maker of the Liberty of Westminster.

"To Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq., Censor of Great Britain:

"Showeth—That upon the late invention of Mrs. Catherine Cross-stitch, mantle-maker, the petticoats of ladies were too wide for entering into any coach or chair which was in use before the said invention.

"That for the service of the said ladies, your petitioner has built a round chair, in the form of a lanthorn, six yards and a half in circumference, with a stool in the centre of it; the said vehicle being so contrived, as to receive the passenger by opening in two in the middle, and closing mathematically when she is seated.

"That your petitioner has also invented a coach for the reception of one lady only, who is to be let in at the top.

"That the said coach has been tried by a lady's woman in one of these full petticoats, who was let down from a balcony, and drawn up again by pulleys, to the great satisfaction of her lady and all who beheld her.

"Your petitioner therefore most humbly prays, that for the encouragement of ingenuity and useful inventions, he may be heard before you pass sentence upon the petticoats aforesaid.

"And your petitioner, &c."

I have likewise received a female petition, signed by several thousands, praying, that I would not any longer defer giving judgment in the case of the petticoat, many of them having put off the making new clothes till such time as they know what verdict I will pass upon it. I do therefore hereby certify to all whom it may concern, that I do design to set apart Tuesday next for the final determination of that matter, having already ordered a jury of matrons to be impanelled, for the clearing up of any difficult points that may arise in the trial.

Being informed, that several dead men in and about this city do keep out of the way and abscond, for fear of being buried; and being willing to respite their interment, in consideration of their families, and in hopes of their amendment, I shall allow them certain privileged places, where they may appear to one another, without causing any let or molestation to the living, or receiving any in their own persons from the Company of Upholders. Between the hours of seven and nine in the morning, they may appear in safety at St. James's Coffee-house, or at White's, if they do not keep their beds, which is more proper for men in their condition. From nine to eleven, I allow them to walk from Story's to Rosamond's Pond[363] in the Park, or in any other public walks which are not frequented by the living at that time. Between eleven and three, they are to vanish, and keep out of sight till three in the afternoon; at which time they may go to 'Change till five; and then, if they please, divert themselves at the Haymarket, or Drury Lane, till the play begins. It is further granted in favour of these persons, that they may be received at any table where there are more present than seven in number; provided, that they do not take upon them to talk, judge, commend, or find fault with any speech, action, or behaviour of the living. In which case, it shall be lawful to seize their persons at any place or hour whatsoever, and to convey their bodies to the next undertakers; anything in this advertisement to the contrary notwithstanding.


[356] On the authority of the Rev. John Duncombe (see Hughes's "Correspondence," iii. 7).

[357] See No. 110.

[358] See No. 50.

[359] See No. 4.

[360] Published first in 1696. We are told that John Toland "was once the butt of the Tatler" (Examiner, vol. iv. No. 35).

[361] Cf. Pope's "Odyssey"—

"The handle smooth and plain,
Made of the clouded olive's easy grain."

[362] Charles Mather; see No. 27.


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