INTRODUCTION I. Steele and Addison III. SIR ROGER'S CRITICISMS ON POLITE SOCIETY IV. THE CLUB AND THE SPECTATOR XVII. SIR ROGER TALKS OF THE WIDOW XXII. WHIGS AND TORIES. Continued XXIII. SIR ROGER AND THE GIPSIES XXIV. THE SPECTATOR DECIDES TO RETURN TO LONDON XXVI. SIR ROGER AND SIR ANDREW IN ARGUMENT XXVIII. SIR ROGER IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY XXX. WILL HONEYCOMB'S EXPERIENCES XXXIII. CAPTAIN SENTRY AS MASTER OF COVERLEY HALL Obvious typographical errors have been silently corrected. Variations in spelling, punctuation and accents are as in the original. Each page in the main body of the book has every 5th line numbered. The Notes section (page 217 onwards) refers back to the main body by page and line number. In order to preserve this association, the line numbers have been enclosed in brackets thus {5} and left in position. The first reference to each page in the notes is linked to the relevant page. Not all pages have notes and no reference is made to the notes in the original text. As such a facility might prove useful, the first line number {5} on any page for which there are notes has been linked to the relevant notes section. PART OF THE CITY OF LONDON TO ILLUSTRATE Sir Roger de Coverley Papers BASED ON ROCQUE'S MAP OF LONDON IN 1741-5 The Gateway Series OF ENGLISH TEXTS GENERAL EDITOR HENRY VAN DYKE Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley Papers. Professor C. T. Winchester, Wesleyan University. 40 cents. Burke's Speech on Conciliation. Professor William MacDonald, Brown University. 35 cents. Byron, Wordsworth, Keats, Shelley, and Browning. Professor C. T. Copeland, Harvard University. Carlyle's Essay on Burns. Professor Edwin Mims, Trinity College, North Carolina. 35 cents. Coleridge's The Ancient Mariner. Professor George E. Woodberry, Columbia University. 30 cents. Emerson's Essays. Henry van Dyke. 35 cents. Franklin's Autobiography. Professor Albert Henry Smyth, Central High School, Philadelphia. 40 cents. Gaskell's Cranford. Professor Charles E. Rhodes, Lafayette High School, Buffalo. 40 cents. George Eliot's Silas Marner. Professor W. L. Cross, Yale University. 40 cents. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield and Deserted Village. Professor James A. Tufts, Phillips Exeter Academy. 45 cents. Irving's Sketch-Book. Professor Martin W. Sampson, formerly of Indiana University. 45 cents. Lamb's Essays of Elia. Professor John F. Genung, Amherst College. Macaulay's Addison. Professor Charles F. McClumpha, University of Minnesota. 35 cents. Macaulay's Life of Johnson. Professor J. S. Clark, Northwestern University. 35 cents. Macaulay's Addison and Johnson. In one volume. (McClumpha and Clark.) 45 cents. Macaulay's Milton. Rev. E. L. Gulick, Lawrenceville School. 35 cents. Milton's Minor Poems. Professor Mary A. Jordan, Smith College. 35 cents. Scott's Ivanhoe. Professor Francis H. Stoddard, New York University. 50 cents. Scott's Lady of the Lake. Professor R. M. Alden, Leland Stanford Jr. University. 40 cents. Shakespeare's As You Like It. Professor Isaac N. Demmon, University of Michigan. 35 cents. Shakespeare's Julius CÆsar. Dr. Hamilton W. Mabie, "The Outlook." 35 cents. Shakespeare's Macbeth. Professor T. M. Parrott, Princeton University. 40 cents. Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. Professor Felix E. Schelling, University of Pennsylvania. 35 cents. Tennyson's Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, and The Passing of Arthur. Henry van Dyke. 35 cents. Tennyson's Princess. Professor Katharine Lee Bates, Wellesley College. 40 cents. Washington's Farewell Address, and Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration. Professor Charles W. Kent, University of Virginia. GATEWAY SERIES THE |