Chapter. Page.
I. Ancient Heads of the Family, 9
II. Coming into the World, 16
III. The New Comer, 21
IV. Changed Prospects, 25
V. Tite Toodleburg and a Modern Reformer, 30
VI. A Little Family Affair, 39
VII. The Town moved with Indignation, 46
[Transcriber's note: Chapter VIII is missing in book.]
IX. Tite takes his Departure for the South Sea, 57
X. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman disagree, 63
XI. Mr. Chapman cultivates New Acquaintances, 70
XII. Strange Gentleman, 81
XIII. Captain Bottom, the Whale-Killer, 88
XIV. The Coming Winter and a Merry-Making, 100
XV. Mrs. Chapman and the Upper Circles, 109
XVI. A Night Expedition, 113
XVII. Mr. Gusher is introduced to Mattie, 123
XVIII. Rounding Cape Horn, 135
XIX. Making a Fortune, 143
[Transcriber's note: Chapter XX is missing in book.]
XXI. Coming Events cast their Shadows, 158
XXII. The Chapmans move into the City, 166
XXIII. Mrs. Chapman gives a Ball, 176
XXIV. Very Perplexing, 186
XXV. An Unlucky Voyage, 196
XXVI. Dunman's Cave, 204
XXVII. Old Dunman and the Pirate's Treasure, 213
XXVIII. Mr. Gusher sustains his Character, 225
XXIX. Changed Circumstances, 230
XXX. A Terrible Calamity overtakes the Family, 237
XXXI. A Very Perplexing Situation, 247
XXXII. Harvest-Sunday, 251
XXXIII. Returned Home, 260
XXXIV. He brings Joy into the House, 273
XXXV. How He got away from the Island, 277
XXXVI. An Interesting Ceremony, 282


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