
The next consideration is the amount of rain-water for which provision should be made. This depends on two factors: first, the amount of rain which may be expected to fall; and, secondly, the proportion of this rainfall which will reach the sewers. The maximum rate at which the rain-water will reach the outfall sewer will determine the size of the sewer and capacity of the pumping plant, if any, while if the sewage is to be stored during certain periods of the tide the capacity of the reservoir will depend upon the total quantity of rain-water entering it during such periods, irrespective of the rate of flow.

Some very complete and valuable investigations of the flow of rain-water in the Birmingham sewers were carried out between 1900 and 1904 by Mr. D. E. Lloyd-Davies, M.Inst.C. E., the results of which are published in Vol. CLXIV., Min Proc. Inst.C.E. He showed that the quantity reaching the sewer at any point was proportional to the time of concentration at that point and the percentage of impermeable area in the district. The time of concentration was arrived at by calculating the time which the rain-water would take to flow through the longest line of sewers from the extreme boundaries of the district to the point of observation, assuming the sewers to be flowing half full; and adding to the time so obtained the period required for the rain to get into the sewers, which varied from one minute where the roofs were connected directly with the sewers to three minutes where the rain had first to flow along the road gutters. With an average velocity of 3 ft per second the time of concentration will be thirty minutes for each mile of sewer. The total volume of rain-water passing into the sewers was found to bear the same relation to the total volume of rain falling as the maximum flow in the sewers bore to the maximum intensity of rainfall during a period equal to the time of concentration. He stated further that while the flow in the sewers was proportional to the aggregate rainfall during the time of concentration, it was also directly proportional to the impermeable area. Putting this into figures, we see that in a district where the whole area is impermeable, if a point is taken on the main sewers which is so placed that rain falling at the head of the branch sewer furthest removed takes ten minutes to reach it, then the maximum flow of storm water past that point will be approximately equal to the total quantity of rain falling over the whole drainage area during a period of ten minutes, and further, that the total quantity of rainfall reaching the sewers will approximately equal the total quantity falling. If, however, the impermeable area is 25 per cent. of the whole, then the maximum flow of storm water will be 25 per cent. of the rain falling during the time of concentration, viz., ten minutes, and the total quantity of storm water will be 25 per cent. of the total rainfall.

If the quantity of storm water is gauged throughout the year it will probably be found that, on the average, only from 70 per cent. to 80 per cent. of the rain falling on the impermeable areas will reach the sewers instead of 100 per cent., as suggested by Mr. Lloyd-Davies, the difference being accounted for by the rain which is required to wet the surfaces before any flow off can take place, in addition to the rain-water collected in tanks for domestic use, rain required to fill up gullies the water level of which has been lowered by evaporation, and rain-water absorbed in the joints of the paving.

The intensity of the rainfall decreases as the period over which the rainfall is taken is increased. For instance, a rainfall of lin may occur in a period of twenty minutes, being at the rate of 3 in per hour, but if a period of one hour is taken the fall during such lengthened time will be considerably less than 3 in In towns where automatic rain gauges are installed and records kept, the required data can be abstracted, but in other cases it is necessary to estimate the quantity of rain which may have to be dealt with.

It is impracticable to provide sewers to deal with the maximum quantity of rain which may possibly fall either in the form of waterspouts or abnormally heavy torrential rains, and the amount of risk which it is desirable to run must be settled after consideration of the details of each particular case. The following table, based principally upon observations taken at the Birmingham Observatory, shows the approximate rainfall which may be taken according to the time of concentration.

TABLE No. 7.

INTENSITY OF RAINFALL DURING LIMITED PERIODS. Equivalent rate in inches per hour of aggregate rainfall during Time of Concentration, period of concentration A B C D E 5 minutes …………… 1.75 2.00 3.00 — — 10 " …………… 1.25 1.50 2.00 — — 15 " …………… 1.05 1.25 1.50 — — 20 " …………… 0.95 1.05 1.30 1.20 3.00 25 " …………… 0.85 0.95 1.15 — — 30 " …………… 0.80 0.90 1.05 1.00 2.50 35 " …………… 0.75 0.85 0.95 — — 40 " …………… 0.70 0.80 0.90 — — 45 " …………… 0.65 0.75 0.85 — — 1 hour ……………… 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.75 1.80 1-1/2 " ……………… 0.40 0.50 0.60 — 1.40 2 " ……………… 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.50 1.10

The figures in column A will not probably be exceeded more than once in each year, those in column B will not probably be exceeded more than once in three years, while those in column C will rarely be exceeded at all. Columns D and E refer to the records tabulated by the Meteorological Office, the rainfall given in column D being described in their publication as "falls too numerous to require insertion," and those in column E as "extreme falls rarely exceeded." It must, however, be borne in mind that the Meteorological Office figures relate to records derived from all parts of the country, and although the falls mentioned may occur at several towns in any one year it may be many years before the same towns are again visited by storms of equal magnitude.

While it is convenient to consider the quantity of rainfall for which provision is to be made in terms of the rate of fall in inches per hour, it will be useful for the practical application of the figures to know the actual rate of flow of the storm water in the sewers at the point of concentration in cubic feet per minute per acre. This information is given in the following Table No. 8, which is prepared from the figures given in Table No. 7, and is applicable in the same manner.

TABLE No. 8.


" Maximum storm water flow in
" cubic feet per min per acre
" of impervious area.
Time of Concentration. +———+———+———+———+———
" A " B " C " D " E
5 minutes " 106 " 121 " 181 " — " —
10 " " 75 " 91 " 121 " — " —
15 " " 64 " 75 " 91 " — " —
20 " " 57 " 64 " 79 " 73 " 181
25 " " 51 " 57 " 70 " — " —
30 " " 48 " 54 " 64 " 61 " 151
35 " " 45 " 51 " 57 " — " —
40 " " 42 " 48 " 54 " — " —
45 " " 39 " 45 " 51 " — " —
1 hour " 30 " 36 " 42 " 45 " 109
1-1/2 " " 24 " 30 " 36 " — " 85
2 " " 18 " 24 " 30 " 30 " 67
l inch of rain = 3,630 cub. feet per acre.

The amount of rainfall for which storage has to be provided is a difficult matter to determine; it depends on the frequency and efficiency of the overflows and the length of time during which the storm water has to be held up for tidal reasons. It is found that on the average the whole of the rain on a rainy day falls within a period of 2-1/2 hours; therefore, ignoring the relief which may be afforded by overflows, if the sewers are tide-locked for a period of 2-1/2 hours or over it would appear to be necessary to provide storage for the rainfall of a whole day; but in this case again it is permissible to run a certain amount of risk, varying with the length of time the sewers are tide-locked, because, first of all, it only rains on the average on about 160 days in the year, and, secondly, when it does rain, it may not be at the time when the sewers are tide-locked, although it is frequently found that the heaviest storms occur just at the most inconvenient time, namely, about high water. Table No. 9 shows the frequency of heavy rain recorded during a period of ten years at the Birmingham Observatory, which, being in the centre of England, may be taken as an approximate average of the country.

TABLE No. 9.

FREQUENCY OF HEAVY RAIN ———————————————————————————-

Total Daily Rainfall. Average Frequency of Rainfall


0.4 inches and over 155 times each year 0.5 " 93 " 0.6 " 68 " 0.7 " 50 " 0.8 " 33 " 0.9 " 22 " 1.0 " 17 " 1.1 " Once each year 1.2 " Once in 17 months 1.25 " " 2 years 1.3 " " 2-1/2 1.4 " " 3-1/3 1.5 " " 5 years 1.6 " " 5 years 1.7 " " 5 years 1.8 " " 10 years 1.9 " " 10 years 2.0 " " 10 years


It will be interesting and useful to consider the records for the year 1903, which was one of the wettest years on record, and to compare those taken in Birmingham with the mean of those given in "Symons' Rainfall," taken at thirty-seven different stations distributed over the rest of the country.

TABLE No. 10.

Mean of 37
stations in
Birmingham England and
Daily Rainfall of 2 in and over …… None 1 day
Daily Rainfall of 1 in and over …… 3 days 6 days
Daily Rainfall of 1/2 in and over …. 17 days 25 days
Number of rainy days……………… 177 days 211 days
Total rainfall …………………. 33.86 in 44.89 in
Amount per rainy day ……………. 0.19 in 0.21 in

The year 1903 was an exceptional one, but the difference existing between the figures in the above table and the average figures in Table 9 are very marked, and serve to emphasise the necessity for close investigation in each individual case. It must be further remembered that the wettest year is not necessarily the year of the heaviest rainfalls, and it is the heavy rainfalls only which affect the design of sewerage works.


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