In small sewerage schemes where pumping is necessary the amount expended in the wages of an attendant who must give his whole attention to the pumping station is so much in excess of the cost of power and the sum required for the repayment of the loan for the plant and buildings that it is desirable for the economical working of the scheme to curtail the wages bill as far as possible. If oil or gas engines are employed the man cannot be absent for many minutes together while the machinery is running, and when it is not running, as for instance during the night, he must be prepared to start the pumps at very short notice, should a heavy rain storm increase the flow in the sewers to such an extent that the pump well or storage tank becomes filled up. It is a simple matter to arrange floats whereby the pump may be connected to or disconnected from a running engine by means of a friction clutch, so that when the level of the sewage in the pump well reaches the highest point desired the pump may be started, and when it is lowered to a predetermined low water level the pump will stop; but it is impracticable to control the engine in the same way, so that although the floats are a useful accessory to the plant during the temporary absence of the man in charge they will not obviate his more or less constant attendance. An electric motor may be controlled by a float, but in many cases trouble is experienced with the switch gear, probably caused by its exposure to the damp air. In all cases an alarm float should be fixed, which would rise as the depth of the sewage in the pump well increased, until the top water level was reached, when the float would make an electrical contact and start a continuous ringing warning bell, which could be placed either at the pumping station or at the man's residence. On hearing the bell the man would know the pump well was full, and that he must immediately repair to the pumping-station and start the pumps, otherwise the building would be flooded. If compressed air is available a hooter could be fixed, which would be heard for a considerable distance from the station. [Illustration: PLATE IV. "DIVERTING PLATE" OVERFLOW.To face page 66.] It is apparent, therefore, that a pumping machine is wanted which will work continuously without attention, and will not waste money when there is nothing to pump. There are two sources of power in nature which might be harnessed to give this result—water and wind. The use of water on such a small scale is rarely economically practicable, as even if the water is available in the vicinity of the pumping-station, considerable work has generally to be executed at the point of supply, not only to store the water in sufficient bulk at such a level that it can be usefully employed, but also to lead it to the power-house, and then to provide for its escape after it has done its work. The power-house, with its turbines and other machinery, involves a comparatively large outlay, but if the pump can be directly driven from the turbines, so that the cost of attendance is reduced to a minimum, the system should certainly receive consideration. Although the wind is always available in every district, it is more frequent and powerful on the coast than inland. The velocity of the wind is ever varying within wide limits, and although the records usually give the average hourly velocity, it is not constant even for one minute. Windmills of the modern type, consisting of a wheel composed of a number of short sails fixed to a steel framework upon a braced steel tower, have been used for many years for driving machinery on farms, and less frequently for pumping water for domestic use. In a very few cases it has been utilised for pumping sewage, but there is no reason why, under proper conditions, it should not be employed to a greater extent. The reliability of the wind for pumping purposes may be gauged from the figures in the following table, No. 11, which were observed in Birmingham, and comprise a period of ten years; they are arranged in order corresponding with the magnitude of the annual rainfall:— TABLE No. 11. MEAN HOURLY VELOCITY OF WINDReference " Rainfall "Number of days in year during which the mean " It may be of interest to examine the monthly figures for the two years included in the foregoing table, which had the least and the most wind respectively, such figures being set out in the following table: TABLE No. 12 MONTHLY ANALYSIS OF WINDNumber of days in each month during which the mean velocity of the wind was respectively below the value mentioned hereunder. Month " Year of least wind (No. 8) " Year of most wind (No. *8*) " During the year of least wind there were only eight separate occasions upon which the average hourly velocity of the wind was less than six miles per hour for two consecutive days, and on two occasions only was it less than six miles per hour on three consecutive days. It must be remembered, however, that this does not by any means imply that during such days the wind did not rise above six miles per hour, and the probability is that a mill which could be actuated by a six-mile wind would have been at work during part of the time. It will further be observed that the greatest differences between these two years occur in the figures relating to the light winds. The number of days upon which the mean hourly velocity of the wind exceeds twenty miles per hour remains fairly constant year after year. As the greatest difficulty in connection with pumping sewage is the influx of storm water in times of rain, it will be useful to notice the rainfall at those times when the wind is at a minimum. From the following figures (Table No. 13) it will be seen that, generally speaking, when there is very little wind there is very little rain Taking the ten years enumerated in Table No. 11, we find that out of the 314 days on which the wind averaged less than six miles per hour only forty-eight of them were wet, and then the rainfall only averaged .l3 in on those days. TABLE No. 13. WIND LESS THAN 6 M.P.H.—————-+——————-+——————+————+————————————————— The greater the height of the tower which carries the mill the greater will be the amount of effective wind obtained to drive the mill, but at the same time there are practical considerations which limit the height. In America many towers are as much as 100 ft high, but ordinary workmen do not voluntarily climb to such a height, with the result that the mill is not properly oiled. About 40 ft is the usual height in this country, and 60 ft should be used as a maximum. Mr. George Phelps, in a paper read by him in 1906 before the Association of Water Engineers, stated that it was safe to assume that on an average a fifteen miles per hour wind was available for eight hours per day, and from this he gave the following figures as representing the approximate average duty with, a lift of l00 ft, including friction:— TABLE NO. 14 DUTY OF WINTDMILUDiameter of Wheel. 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 35 40 The following table gives the result of tests carried out by the United States Department of Agriculture at Cheyenne, Wyo., with a l4 ft diameter windmill under differing wind velocities:— TABLE No. 15. POWER or l4-rx WINDMILL IN VARYING WINDS. Velocity of Wind (miles per hour). 0—5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 It will be apparent from the foregoing figures that practically the whole of the pumping for a small sewerage works may be done by means of a windmill, but it is undesirable to rely entirely upon such a system, even if two mills are erected so that the plant will be in duplicate, because there is always the possibility, although it may be remote, of a lengthened period of calm, when the sewage would accumulate; and, further, the Local Government Board would not approve the scheme unless it included an engine, driven by gas, oil, or other mechanical power, for emergencies. In the case of water supply the difficulty may be overcome by providing large storage capacity, but this cannot be done for sewage without creating an intolerable nuisance. In the latter case the storage should not be less than twelve hours dry weather flow, nor more than twenty-four. With a well-designed mill, as has already been indicated, the wind will, for the greater part of the year, be sufficient to lift the whole of the sewage and storm-water, but, if it is allowed to do so, the standby engine will deteriorate for want of use to such an extent that when urgently needed it will not be effective. It is, therefore, desirable that the attendant should run the engine at least once in every three days to keep it in working order. If it can be conveniently arranged, it is a good plan for the attendant to run the engine for a few minutes to entirely empty the pump well about six o'clock each evening. The bulk of the day's sewage will then have been delivered, and can be disposed of when it is fresh, while at the same time the whole storage capacity is available for the night flow, and any rainfall which may occur, thus reducing the chances of the man being called up during the night. About 22 per cent, of the total daily dry weather flow of sewage is delivered between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. The first cost of installing a small windmill is practically the same as for an equivalent gas or oil engine plant, so that the only advantage to be looked for will be in the maintenance, which in the case of a windmill is a very small matter, and the saving which may be obtained by the reduction of the amount of attendance necessary. Generally speaking, a mill 20 ft in diameter is the largest which should be used, as when this size is exceeded it will be found that the capital cost involved is incompatible with the value of the work done by the mill, as compared with that done by a modern internal combustion engine. Mills smaller than 8 ft in diameter are rarely employed, and then only for small work, such as a 2 1/2 in pump and a 3-ft lift The efficiency of a windmill, measured by the number of square feet of annular sail area, decreases with the size of the mill, the 8 ft, 10 ft, and l2 ft mills being the most efficient sizes. When the diameter exceeds l2 ft, the efficiency rapidly falls off, because the peripheral velocity remains constant for any particular velocity or pressure of the wind, and as every foot increase in the diameter of the wheel makes an increase of over 3 ft in the length of the circumference, the greater the diameter the less the number of revolutions in any given time; and consequently the kinetic flywheel action which is so valuable in the smaller sizes is to a great extent lost in the larger mills. Any type of pump can be used, but the greatest efficiency will be obtained by adopting a single acting pump with a short stroke, thus avoiding the liability, inherent in a long pump rod, to buckle under compression, and obviating the use of a large number of guides which absorb a large part of the power given out by the mill. Although some of the older mills in this country are of foreign origin, there are several British manufacturers turning out well-designed and strongly-built machines in large numbers. Fig. 19 represents the general appearance and Fig. 20 the details of the type of mill made by the well-known firm of Duke and Ockenden, of Ferry Wharf, Littlehampton, Sussex. This firm has erected over 400 windmills, which, after the test of time, have proved thoroughly efficient. From Fig. 20 it will be seen that the power applied by the wheel is transmitted through spur and pinion gearing of 2 1/2 ratio to a crank shaft, the gear wheel having internal annular teeth of the involute type, giving a greater number of teeth always in contact than is the case with external gears. This minimises wear, which is an important matter, as it is difficult to properly lubricate these appliances, and they are exposed to and have to work in all sorts of weather. [Illustration: Fig. l9.—General View of Modern Windmill.] [Illustration: Fig. 20.—Details of Windmill Manufactured by Messrs. Duke and It will be seen that the strain on the crank shaft is taken by a bent crank which disposes the load centrally on the casting, and avoids an overhanging crank disc, which has been an objectionable feature in some other types. The position of the crank shaft relative to the rocker pin holes is studied to give a slow upward motion to the rocker with a more rapid downward stroke, the difference in speed being most marked in the longest stroke, where it is most required. In order to transmit the circular internal motion a vertical connecting rod in compression is used, which permits of a simple method of changing the length of stroke by merely altering the pin in the rocking lever, the result being that the pump rod travels in a vertical line. The governing is entirely automatic. If the pressure on the wind wheel, which it will be seen is set off the centre line of the mill and tower, exceeds that found desirable—and this can be regulated by means of a spring on the fantail—the windmill automatically turns on the turn-table and presents an ellipse to the wind instead of a circular face, thus decreasing the area exposed to the wind gradually until the wheel reaches its final position, or is hauled out of gear, when the edges only are opposed to the full force of the wind. The whole weight of the mill is taken upon a ball-bearing turn-table to facilitate instant "hunting" of the mill to the wind to enable it to take advantage of all changes of direction. The pump rod in the windmill tower is provided with a swivel coupling, enabling the mill head to turn completely round without altering the position of the rod. |