A curious mixture of the cautious, semi-ethical method and the blatant claim-all patent medicine is offered in the Ozomulsion Company. Ozomulsion does not, like the "cures" mentioned above, contain active poisons. It is one of the numerous cod-liver oil preparations, and its advertising, in tne medical journals at first and now in the lay press, is that of a cure for consumption. I visited the offices of the Ozomulsion Company recently and found them duly furnished with a regular physician, who was employed, so he informed me, in a purely ethical capacity. There was also present during the interview the president of the Ozomulsion Company, Mr. A. Frank Richardson, former advertising agent, former deviser of the advertising of Swamp-Root, former proprietor of Kranitonic and present proprietor of Slocum's Consumption Cure, which is the "wicked partner" of Ozomulsion. For convenience I will put the conversation in court report form, and, indeed, it partook somewhat of the nature of a cross-examination: Q.—Dr. Smith, will Ozomulsion cure consumption? A.—Ozomulsion builds up the tissues, imparts vigor, aids the natural resistance of the body, etc. (Goes into a long exploitation in the manner and style made familiar by patent medicine pamphlets. ) Q.—But will it cure consumption? A.—Well, without saying that it is a specific, etc. (Passes to an instructive, entertaining and valuable disquisition on the symptoms and nature of tuberculosis. ) Q.—Yes, but will Ozomulsion cure consumption? A.—We don't claim that it will cure consumption. Q.—Does not this advertisement state that Ozomulsion will cure consumption? (SHowing advertisement.) A.—It seems to. Q.—Will Ozomulsion cure consumption? A.—In the early stages of the disease— Q. (interrupting)—Does the advertisement make any qualifications as to the stage of tne disease? A.—Not that I find. Q.—Have you ever seen that advertisement before? A.—Not to my knowledge. Q.—Who wrote it? A. (by President Richardson)—I done that ad. myself. Q.—Mr. Richardson, will Ozomulsion cure consumption? A.—Sure; we got testimonials to prove it. Q.—Have you ever investigated any of these testimonials? Q. (to Dr. Smith)—Dr. Smith, in view of the direct statement of your advertising, do you believe that Ozomulsion will cure consumption? A.—Well, I believe in a great many cases it will.