The Great American Fraud / The Patent Medicine Evil


By Samuel Hopkins Adams

I. THE GREAT AMERICAN FRAUD. Reprinted from Collier's Weekly, Oct. 7, 1905.

Drugs That Make Victims.

As to Testimonials.

The Magic "Red Clause."

Fake Testimonials.

The Doctors Are Investigating.

What One Druggist Is Doing.

A Post-Office Report.

Health Boards and Analyses.

II. PERUNA AND THE BRACERS. Reprinted from Collier's Weekly, Oct. 28, 1905.

What Peruna Is Made Of.

The Government Forbids the Sale of Peruna to Indians.

Two Testimonials.

Medicine or Liquor? IMAGE ==>

Some Alcohol Percentages.

What the Government Can Do.

III. LIQUOZONE. Reprinted from Collier's Weekly, Nov. 18, 1905.

Liquozone "Cures" Thirty-seven Varieties.

The Men Who Back the Fake.

Faked and Garbled Indorsements. IMAGE ==> ANALYSIS OF LIQUOZONE.

Liquozone Kills a Great German Scientist.

All Ills Look Alike to Liquozone. IMAGE ==>

The Same Old Fake.

IV THE SUBTLE POISONS. Reprinted from Collier's Weekly, Dec. 2, 1006.

Prescribing Without Authority.

An Acetanilid Death Record.

Drugs That Deprave.

On a cocain-laden medicine.

V. PREYING ON THE INCURABLES. Reprinted from Collier's Weekly, Jan. 13, 1906.

Absolutely False Claims.

Health for Five Dollars.

Piso Grows Cautious.

VI THE FUNDAMENTAL FAKES. Reprinted from Collier's Weekly, Feb. 17, 1906.

Newspaper Accomplices.

Quackery and Religion.

Safe Rewards.

The Immortal Mrs. Pinkham.

The Germicide Family.

Overworked Testimonials.

No Questions Desired.

Getting a Testimonial from a Physician.

Testimonials for a Magic Ring.


Silence is the Fixed Quantity.

All Muzzle-Clauses Alike.

Where the Money Goes.

Mr. Cheney's Plan.

Extract from a speech delivered before the Proprietary Association of

Valuable Newspaper Aid.

The Trust's Club for Legislators.

The Trust's Club for Newspapers.

An Appeal To The American Woman.


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