CHAPTER II SURGICAL BACTERIOLOGY CHAPTER III ASEPSIS AND ANTISEPSIS CHAPTER V WOUNDS AND CONTUSIONS CHAPTER VII BURNS, FROST BITE, ETC. CHAPTER VIII FISTULAE; FISSURES; SINUSES; ABSCESSES; FURUNCLES; ULCERS CHAPTER IX DISEASES OF JOINTS THE SEROUS AND SYNOVIAL MEMBRANES CHAPTER X DISEASES OF THE BONES CHAPTER XI DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE ARTERIES AND GANGRENE CHAPTER XIII SPECIAL FORMS OF INFLAMMATION CHAPTER XIV VERRUCA (WART), CALLOSITY, HELOMA (CORN OR CLAVUS) Chapter XV TUMORS AND CYSTS TUMORS CHAPTER XVI FRACTURES, DISLOCATIONS AND SPRAINS FRACTURES CHAPTER XVII DEFORMITIES PES PLANUS, OR FLAT FOOT CHAPTER XVIII THERAPEUTIC MEASURES HYPEREMIA CHAPTER XIX DRESSINGS AND BANDAGING; SOLUTIONS AND OINTMENTS; SKIN GRAFTING DRESSINGS BY MAXIMILIAN STERN, M.D. AND EDWARD ADAMS, M.D. Professors of Surgery at the School of Chiropody of New York EDITED BY MAURICE J. LEWI, M.D. President of the School of Chiropody of New York THE SCHOOL OF CHIROPODY OF NEW YORK It is intended to publish a series of books which will constitute a complete SYSTEM OF PODIATRY, comprising the entire range of subjects essential to a comprehensive knowledge of the theory and practice of Chiropody and all that is or should be known by the practising chiropodist, or that should be taught to the student of Chiropody. The present volume, “Surgery,” is the first of this series and will be followed by “Practical Chiropody,” “Chiropodial Orthopedics” and other volumes on subjects of major interest and of vital importance to all interested in Podiatry. |