When first I doffed my olive drab, I thought, delightedly though mutely, "Henceforth I shall have pleasure ab- Solutely." Dull with the drudgery of war, Sick of the very name of fighting, I yearned, I thought, for something more Exciting. The rainbow be my guide, quoth I; My suit shall be a brave and proud one Gay-hued my socks; and oh, my tie A loud one! For me the theatre and the dance; Primrose the path I would be wending; For me the roses of romance Unending. Those were my inner thoughts that day (And those of many another million) When once again I should be a Civilian. I would not miss the old o. d.; (Monotony I didn't much like) I would not miss the reveille, And such like. I don't ... And do I now enjoy My walks along the primrose way so? Is civil life the life? Oh, boy, I'll say so. |