A Africa, exploration in, 365, 366 Agadez, 97; customs of inhabitants of, 98 Alatou Mountains, the, 222, 225, 227 Albert Nyanza, the, 391–393 AliyÚ, the Emir, 135 Altai, lakes of the, 193 Altin-Kool, Lake, 195 Alty-Kuduk, camp of, 277 American camp at Valverde, 70 American trapper, an, 71 Ara, river, the, 226 Aral, Lake or Sea of, 343 Arkansas valley, 80 Asben, Mount, 96 Asua, river, 384 Atado, town of, 386 Atkinson, Thomas Witlam, travels in Siberia and Central Asia, 157–228 Australia, sketch of discovery in, 293–295 B Bacsi, the, enchantments of, 29 Badakshan, the river, 14 BadÁmuni, 130 Bielouka Mountains, the, 206 Bagara Arabs, the, 382 Bagirmi, 121 Bagma, 116 Baikal Lake, 228 Baker, Sir Samuel and Lady, discover the Albert Nyanza, 238 Baker, Lady, illness of, 390–392 Baker, Sir Samuel, travels in Africa, 365–404 Barnaoul, mines of, 186 Barth, Dr., African travels of, 90–156 Bear, adventure with a, 189 Beaver-trapping, 79 BÉnuwÉ, the river, 118 Berber, 403 Boiling Spring River, legend of, 84 Bokhara, 323 Bronze-wing pigeon, the, 305, 306 BÚdduma, or African Lake pirates, 110 Bull-tailing, Mexican sport of, described, 57 Burnaby, Major, travels in Khiva, 325–364 C Caldwell, Bishop, quoted, 45 Cambaluc, visited by Marco Polo, 32 Camels in Australia, 308–310, 315; in Turkistan, 341, 342 Chandu, city of, described, 25 Chihuahua, 67 Chinese, curious superstition of the, 43 Coleridge, quoted, 31 Comanche Indians, the, story of, 56, 59 Cossack officer, a, adventure of, 191 D D’Ablaing, Baron, 247 Darma Tsyren, Mr. Atkinson’s visit to, 215 Demons’ Mountain, the, 92 “Devil-dancing,” 45 Diamond-sparrow, the, 300, 301 DorÉ, African town of, 142 Durango, Mexican town of, 59 E Ekaterineburg, 164 El Gallo, sport of, described, 66 Eremil, river, 223 Errington, Port, 239 Escamilla, story of, 60–63 F Flinders, Lieutenant, 293 Fogha, valley of, 138 Frost-bitten, 338–340 Fulbi, the, 101 G Ghat, oasis of, 95 GhÛls, the, 19 Glenelg, 322 Gobi, the Great Desert of, 17, 18, 212–214 Golden Lake, the, 195 H Heiligenkreuz, missionary settlement of, 246 Heughlin, Dr., 249 Hommaire de Hell, Madame, quoted, 19 I Ivory-dealers, the African, 255 J Jana-Daria, desert of, 349 Jornada del Muerto, the, 69 K Kaiping-fu, described, 25 Kalenderhana, 349 Kalmucks, the, manners and customs of, 198, 199 Kamrasi, the chief of Unyoro, 388, 389, 398 KanÓ, town of, 100 Kara-Kalpaks, the, 263 Karakorum Mountains, the, 197 Karuma Falls, the, 386 Kasala, 260, 335, 336, 343, 364 Katchiba, African chief, 383 Katounaia, the, 200 KatsÉna, town of, 100 Kauffmann, General, 280 Khala-Ata, fortress of, 274 Khan of Khiva, palace of, 283; description of, 285, 357–359 KhartÛm, town of, 234, 370, 402 Khiva, described, 282, 283, 285, 287, 355, 356, 360 Khivans, the, account of, 281 Kibitka, a, described, 179, 180, 264, 344, 346 Kirghiz chief, a, description of, 182, 183 Kirghiz tribes, the, habits of, 178–182, 264–267 Kolyvan Lake, 169 Kongo, the, 367 Kublai Khan, Marco Polo’s visit to the court of, 25 KÚkÁwa, in BornÚ, 106 Kyzil-Kum, desert of, 261, 263 Latookas, tribe of the, 379–381 Lepson, river, 225 Lindsay, Hon. Robert, quoted, 41 Lop, or Lob, city of, 17 Luta N’zige, the, 377 M MacGahan, Mr. J. A., with the Russian army in Khiva, 260–292 MaduwÁri, 111 Magango, 395 Mal Pais, the, description of, 55 Mapimi, 67 Marco Polo, travels of, in Central Asia, 1–48 MÁsenÁ, 124 Mexicans, the, character of, 49; sports of, 59 Mexico, geographical characteristics of, 50, 51 Mongols, the, habits of, 20–22 Morzouk, 91 MÚniyo, 129 Murchison Falls, the, 396 N Nicholas, the Grand-Duke, 280 Niger, the, description of, 139; basin of, 367 Nile, the, scenery of, 235, 236, 371, 400, 401; basin of, 367 Nor-Zaisan, Lake, 176 Nuehr tribe, the, 372 O Obbo, 383 Oogentel, 353 Orenburg, 335 Overweg, Mr., joins Dr. Barth, 112; death of, 128 P Pamir, table-land of, described, 16 Peking (anc. Cambaluc), 32 Perovsky, Fort, 261 Phayre, Sir A., quoted, 54 Pike’s Peak, 88 Porcupine-grass, 299 Palque, Mexican drink of, described, 51 Q Queretaro, 51 R Ramusio, quoted, 9 Rancho, a Mexican, described, 66 Reg, Lake, 249 Richardson, Mr. James, African traveller, death of, 106 Rio Colorado, the, 78 Rocky Mountains, in the, 74, 75 Ruxton, Mr. George F., travels in Mexico, 49–89 S SagÁrti, the, 111 Samara, Russian town of, 331 Santa FÉ, 73 Say, town of, 139 Sesamum, the, cultivation of, 385 Shamo, country of, 114 Shillooks, the, character of, 242–244, 371 Shir, the, African tribe of, 373 Shooa, described, 384, 385, 399 Snake Indians, the, 85 Snow-storm in Arkansas, 81 Sobat, the, 371 Sourays, the, 111 Speke, Captain, travels of, 368, 369, 377 Stanley, Mr. H. M., 368 Steudner, Dr., death of, 250 Tartars, the, described by Marco Polo, 20–25 TasÁwa, 100 Terekli, 340 Thian-Shan, the, 325 Tibet, description of, 40–43 Timbuktu, described, 150 TinnÉ, Alexina, travels of, in the Soudan, 230–259 Tiska, Mount, 96 Tollogo, 378 Traveller’s Tree, the, 400 Turkistan, boundaries and divisions of, 325, 326 U Uafour river, 389 U’shek, 129 Uzbegs, the, customs of, 288; a house of, 289, 290; dance of, 290, 291 V Vacovia, 394 Valverde, American camp at, 70 Venice, rivalry of, with Genoa, 12 Victoria Nyanza, the, 369 Victoria White Nile, the, 386, 395 Volga, the, sleighing on, 330 W Wakkala, 379 Warburton, Colonel Egerton explores West Australia, 293–324 White Nile, the, 244 Wood, Captain John, quoted, 16 Wordsworth, quoted, 60 Y Yule, Colonel, quoted, 1, 2, 17 Yuz-Kudak, valley of, 271 Z Zacatero, 68 ZambÉsi, the, 367 Zindu, 131 |