BY REV. J.G. ADAMS. A soldier! a soldier! I'm longing to be; The name and the life Of a soldier for me! I would not be living At ease and at play: True honor and glory I'd win in my day! A soldier! a soldier! In armor arrayed; My weapons in hand, Of no contest afraid; I'd ever be ready To strike the first blow, And to fight my good way Through the ranks of the foe. But then, let me tell you, No blood would I shed, No victory seek o'er The dying and dead; A far braver soldier Than this would I be; A warrior of Truth, In the ranks of the free! My helmet Salvation, Strong Faith my good shield. The sword of the Spirit I'd learn how to wield. And then against evil And sin would I fight, Assured of my triumph, Because in the right. A soldier! a soldier! O, then, let me be! Young friends, I invite you— Enlist now with me. Truth's bands will be mustered— Love's foes shall give way! Let's up, and be clad In our battle array!