
Abuses, 116.
Admiral—Prince Henry—1 Palsgrave—3 Prince Charles's Company:
Admiral's Company, 14, 16, 61 n., 72-73, 153-57, 174-75, 176, 267, 269, 272, 281-82, 289-90.
Prince Henry's Company, 88, 282-83, 295.
Palsgrave's Company, 283-87, 290, 368, 369 n., 375.
Prince Charles II's Company, 287, 289-90, 303, 375-79, 401.
Æschylus, 398.
Agas, Ralph, 328, 392.
Aglaura, 404.
Albemarle, George Monck, i Duke of, 365, 405.
Albright, V.E., vii.
Alchemist, The, 419.
Alcimedon, 422.
Aldgate, 7, 10.
Alexander and Campaspe, 109, 113.
Alfonso, 232.
Allen, William, 305.
Alleyn, Edward, 57, 72, 85, 86, 133, 140, 150-51, 153, 156, 246, 267-74, 281-87, 299, 319, 335-36.
Alleyn, Gyles, 30-38, 43, 47, 52, 53, 58-65, 84, 182, 190, 199, 234.
Alleyn, Joan Woodward, ix, 151.
Alleyn, John, 57-58, 72, 73.
Alleyn, Sara. See Gyles Alleyn.
All is True, 251-55. See Henry VIII.
All's Lost by Lust, 309.
Allyn, Sir William, 81.
Alnwick Castle, 173 n.
Amends for Ladies, 346.
Amphitheatre, the projected, 411-17.
Andronicus, 140, 152.
Androwes, George, 313, 314, 315.
Anjou, Duke of, 385.
Anne of Denmark, Queen of England, 300, 353.
Her players, see under Worcester, Children of the Chapel, and Children of Her Majesty's Royal Chamber.
Antonio's Revenge, 112.
Apothecaries, Society of, 191 n.
Architectural Record, The, ix, 395.
Aristophanes, 398.
Armin, Robert, 316.
Arundel and Surrey, Thomas Howard, 2 Earl of, 426, 429, 430.
Arundel's Company, 70, 83.
Arviragus and Philicia, 401.
Ashen-tree Court, 313.
Ashley, Sir Anthony, 322.
Aubrey, John, 78, 364.
Aunay, Josias d', 423.
Bacon, Anthony, 15.
Bacon, Sir Edmund, 320.
Bacon, Francis, 15, 65.
Baker, Michael, 430.
Baker, Sir Richard, 127, 146.
Banks, Jeremiah, 306.
Banks's horse, 13.
Bankside, 28-29, 63, 64, 119 f., 134 f., 142 f., 161 f., 182-83, 185, 238 f., 267, 326 f.
Banqueting-House at Whitehall, 385-89.
Barclay, Perkins, and Company, 265.
Barry, David Lording, 313, 314-15, 316, 317.
Barry, Lodowick. See David Barry.
Bartholomew Fair, 325 n., 330, 334.
Bath, 71.
Baxter, Richard, 300-01.
Bear Alley, 340, 341.
Bear Garden (First), 15, 119-33, 145, 146, 146 n., 159 n., 167, 182, 238, 244, 248, 326, 328, 329, 332 n., 336, 416.
Bear Garden (Second). See Hope Playhouse.
Bear Garden Alley, 340, 341.
Bear Garden Glass House, 341 n.
Bear Garden Square, 341.
Beaumont, Francis, 116, 304.
Beaven, William, 293.
Beddingfield, Anne, 294.
Beddingfield, Christopher, 294.
Beecher, Sir William, 230.
Beeston, Christopher, 158, 299-300, 350-58, 374, 421.
Beeston, Mrs. Elizabeth, 362.
Beeston, William, 358-61, 380-83.
Beeston's Boys. See King's and Queen's Company.
Beggar's Bush, 404.
Bell, Hamilton, ix, 395-400.
Bell Inn, 1-17, 67.
Bell Savage Inn, 1-17.
Bermondsey, Monastery of, 161.
Bethelem, 69.
Betterton, Thomas, 366, 406.
Betterton, Mrs. Thomas, 406 n.
Bevis, 133.
Bird, Theophilus, 350 n., 381.
Bird, William, 170, 174.
Bishop, Nicholas, 57.
Bishopsgate Street, 7 f., 67.
Black Book, The, 73 n.
Blackfriars Playhouse (First), 8, 91-110, 113, 183, 194, 201, 202, 204, 208, 311 n.
Blackfriars Playhouse (Second), 59, 74, 86, 93, 98 n., 116, 117, 118, 182-233, 250, 256, 260, 261, 311, 312, 317, 319, 320, 324, 343, 350, 355, 356, 365, 369, 372 n., 373, 402, 403, 404, 428.
Blackfriars Playhouse (Rosseter's). See Rosseter's Blackfriars.
Blagrove, Thomas, 369.
Blagrove, William, 368-72, 374, 424.
Bloody Brother, The, 363.
Blount, Thomas, 122.
Boar's Head Inn, Eastcheap, 7 n. ss="pginternal">324, 342-46.
Children of the Queen's Revels. See under Children of the Chapel, etc., and under Worcester-Queen, etc.
Children of Whitefriars. See under Children of the Chapel, etc.
Children of Windsor Chapel, 91-108, 111, 201.
Cholmley, John, 143-44, 148, 148 n., 234.

Clerkenwell, 78, 88, 301, 294 f.
Clifton, Henry, 205-13.
Clifton, Thomas, 210-13.
Clink, the Liberty of the, 124 f., 135, 142, 145, 161.
Clough, George, 53-54.
Cobham, George Brooke, Lord, 96, 184.
Cobham, Henry Brooke, Lord, 184.
Cobham, William Brooke, Lord, 98, 99, 184, 198, 199, 212 n.
Cockpit-in-Court, 384-409, 420.
Cockpit in Dartmouth Street, 408 n.
Cockpit Playhouse in Drury Lane, 291, 297 n., 299, 300, 305, 348-67, 369, 373, 376 n., 381 n., 408 n., 421-22, 431.
Cokaine, Sir Aston, 233.
Colefox, Edwin, 34-35.
Collett, John, 256.
Collier, J.P., vii, 76, 138, 230 n., 322 n., 337, 347 n., 353 n., 373 n.
Columbia University, 277.
Condell, Henry, 224, 238, 255, 257, 258, 262, 355.
Conspiracy and Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron, The, 220, 316.
Constant Maid, The, 419.
Conway, Edward, Lord, 414-17.
Cooke, William, 315.
Cooper, Lane, ix.
Corneille, Pierre, 406 n.
Cornishe, John, 241-42.
Cotton, John, 412-14.
Court Beggar, The, 361.
Coventry, Thomas, 414-17.
Cranydge, James, 13.
Creed, John, 366.
Crew, John, 406.
Cromwell, Oliver, 364, 405.
Cross Keys Inn, 1-17, 68.
Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru, The, 365.
Cunningham, Peter, 322, 372, 374 n., 407 n.
Cupid and Psyche, 113.
Cupid's Whirligig, 316.
Curtain Court, 79, 90.
Curtain Playhouse, 8, 10, 16, 26, 32 n., 46, 47, 61, 62, 69, 70, 72, 75-90, 135, 144 n., 155, 159, 167, 172 n., 174, 182, 200, 295, 296, 297, 298 n., 301, 355.
Curtain Road, 34, 90.
Custom of the Country, The, 404.
Cutwell, 11.
Cynthia's Revels, 209 n.
Daborne, Robert, 318, 324 n., 325.
Dancaster, Thomas, 35.
Daniel, Samuel, 215 n., 216.
Davenant, William, 309, 361-65, 382, 424-31.
Davenant's Projected Theatre, 424-31.
Davenport, Robert, 356.
David, John, 12.
Davies, James, 339.
Day, John (playwright), 158, 220, 315.
Day, John (printer), 411.
Deadman's Place, 264.
Dekker, Thomas, 116, 158, 244, 278, 298, 332 n.
Delaram, F., 128, 146, 248, 248 n.
De Lawne, William, 190.
Derby, Ferdinando Stanley, Earl of, 73, 153.
Derby's Company. See under Strange-Derby, etc.
Devonshire, Charles Blount, Earl of, 216 n.
De Witt, Johannes, 46, 77 n., 146 n., 165-68, 273.
Ditcher, Thomas, 242.
Dixon, Thomas, 412-17.
Doctor Faustus, 73.
Dorchester, Evelyn Pierrepont, Marquis of, 340.
Dorset, Edward Sackville, Earl of, 369-70, 375, 378-80.
Dorset House, 371.
Dotridge, Alice, 35.
Doubtful Heir, The, 289, 419.
Downes, John, 307, 365, 366.
Downton, Thomas, 170, 174, 282.
Dragon, John, 34-35.
Drayton, Michael, 311-17.
Droeshout, Martin, 266.
Drury Lane, 309, 348 f., 420 f.
Dryden, John, 417.
Dublin Theatre, 417-19.
Duchy Chamber, 189 f.
Dudley, Robert, See Leicester.
Duke, John, 158.
Duke's Theatre, 383 n.
Dulwich College, ix, 133, 144 n., 274, 283, 285 n., 286-93.
Dumb Knight, The, 316.
Dun, 178.
Dunstan, James, 350 n.
Du Rocher, R.M., 420 n.
Duryer, Pierre, 422 n.
Dutch Courtesan, The, 196 n.
Earthquake, 82-83.
Eastcheap, 7 n., 122.
East Smithfield, 410 f.
Eastward Hoe, 217.
Eaton, Henry, 308.
Elizabeth, Princess (daughter of James I), 393.
Her players, see Princess Elizabeth's Company.
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 91, 108, 113-14, 158 n., 171, 212 n., 215, 385.
Her players, see Queen's Company.
Endimion, 114.
England's Joy, 177-78.
English Traveller, The, 277.
Epicharmus, 398.
Epicoene, 319, 405.
Epicurus, 398.
Erasmus, Desiderius, 120.
Essex, 44 n.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 13, 216.
Euripides, 398.
Evans, Henry, 107, 110, 192-225.
Evelyn, John, 338, 363, 405 n.
Every Man in His Humour, 85.
Every Man out of his Humour, 246, 247 n.
Fair Favourite, The, 404.
Faithorne, W., 348 n., 392.
Falcon Stairs, 164.
Family of Love, The, 315.
Farrant, Anne, 104-10.
Farrant, Ri chard, 91-110, 183, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204.
Faunte, William, 133.
Fennor, William, 177 n., 332-34.
Ferrers, Captain, 366.
Ferretti, Francesco, 164.
Ferrys, 173.
Feuillerat, A., 101 n., 186.
Field, John, 125.
Field, Nathaniel, 206, 237, 319, 324 n., 325, 342 n., 346.
Finsbury Field, 28-38, 75, 81, 135, 142, 268, 352.
Fisher, Edward, 381, 383.
Fisher, John, 285 n., 387 n., 396.
Fitz-Stephen, William, 120.
Fleay, F.G., 112, 115, 179 n., 201 n., 311 n., 323, 335 n., 350 n., 354 n., 377, 402 n., 416 n.
Flecknoe, Richard, 6, 7, 17, 111, 311 n.
Fleet Street, 231, 314, 424 f.
Fleetwood, William, 20, 46, 69-70, 71.
Fletcher, Dr., 172.
Fletcher, John, 251, 304, 325, 419.
Floridor, Josias, 401, 420-24.
Fortescue, Sir John, 211.
Fortune Playhouse, 45, 85, 211, 213, 214, 215.
Hayward, John, 411.
Heath, John, 297.
Hector of Germany, The, 89, 321 n.
Heminges, John, 62, 73, 84, 204, 208 n., 223, 224, 235-41, 255, 257, 258, 261-62, 319, 355.
Heminges, Thomasine, 261.
Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, 232-33, 420-22.
Her players, see Queen's Company, King's and Queen's Company.
Henry IV, 7 n., 404.
Henry V (not Shakespeare's), 13.
Henry V (Shakespeare), 77 n., 348.
Henry VI, 150.
Henry VIII, 251-55, 391 n.
Henry VIII, 29, 186, 391.
Henry, Prince of Wales, 282-83, 392-93.
His players, see under Admiral.
Henslowe, Agnes, 283.
Henslowe, Philip, 73, 85, 140, 140 n., 142-60, 161, 166, 174-75, 179, 213 n., 234, 244-46, 267-74, 281-83, 321-22, 324-35, 342-43, 346.
Henslowe, William, 268 n.
Hentzner, Paul, 131, 162.
Herbert, Sir Henry, 89, 225, 232, 250, 301, 307 n., 351 n., 357 n., 358, 359, 360, 360 n., 367, 368, 369, 373, 374, 376, 377, 377 n., 378, 380, 381, 400, 401 n., 403, 412 n., 420-24.
Herbert, Sir Philip, 392.
Herbert, Thomas, 81.
Herne, John, 370, 380.
Herne, John (the younger), 380-81.
Heton, Richard, 356 n., 357 n., 378-80, 427.
Heywood, Thomas, 158, 235 n., 247 n., 277 n., 298-99, 382, 394-95.
Hide, John, 51, 53-55, 70 n.
High Street, Southwark, 121.
Hill, John, 50.
Hoby, Sir Edward, 220.
Hoby, Sir Philip, 184.
Hockley-in-the-hole, Clerkenwell, 340.
Hogarth, William, 409 n.
Hog Hath Lost His Pearl, The, 320.
Holinshed, Raphael, 385.
Holland, Aaron, 294-96.
Holland, Henry, 127, 146.
Hollandia, Dona Britannica, 180.
Holland's Leaguer (Goodman), 180, 336.
Holland's Leaguer (Marmion), 259, 375, 377, 415.
Hollar, W., 181, 259, 329-30.
Hollywell Lane, 81.
Holywell Priory, 30 f., 75 f., 88, 182, 183.
Honduis, J., 127, 146, 265, 329 n.
Hope Playhouse, 46, 128, 133, 146 n., 166, 179, 180, 248 n., 322, 324-41, 346, 355.
Horton, Joan, 143.
Houghton, John, 129.
Housekeepers, 225, 234 n., 236, 237 n., 351 n., 421 n.
Howard, Charles, the Lord Admiral. See Nottingham.
Howell, James, 248, 329 n.
Howes, Edmund, 7, 45 n., 111, 141, 251, 257, 285, 349, 350, 352, 372. See also Phillipps.
Humour Out of Breath, 315.
Hungarian Lion, The, 368.
Hunks, Harry, 121.
Hunnis, William, 102-10, 202, 203.
Hunsdon, George Carey, Lord, 184, 189, 198, 199, 212 n., 214.
Hunsdon, Henry Carey, Lord, 14, 68 n., 71, 184.
Hunsdon's Company (not the Strange-Derby, etc. Company), 69-71.
Hunsdon's Company. See under Strange-Derby, etc. Company.
Hutchinson, Christopher, 350 n., 362.
Hynde, John, 11.
Ianthe, 406.
Ibotson, Richard, 11.
Inner Temple Masque, The, 350.
Isle of Dogs, The, 84, 154, 170-75.
Isle of Guls, The, 220.
Italian players, 21.
Jack Drum's Entertainment, 115.
James I, 215, 217, 218, 221, 227, 250, 258, 281, 310 n., 316, 387, 392, 413, 416.
His players, see Children of His Majesty's Revels, King's Revels Company, Strange-Derby, etc. Company.
James, William, 264.
Jeaffreson, J.C., 85, 410.
Jeffes, Anthony, 174 n.
Jeffes, Humphrey, 174 n.
Jerningham, Sir Henry, 184, 189.
Jew, The, 11.
Jew of Malta, The, 140, 150, 395.
Johnson, Henry, 60.
Johnson, Peter, 191-92, 196.
Johnson, Samuel, 264.
Jones, Inigo, 389, 395-400.
Jones, Richard, 168, 174, 318.
Jones, Robert, 343.
Jonson, Ben, 78, 84, 85, 171-73, 174 n., 206, 207, 217, 226, 244, 246, 247, 251, 255, 259, 319, 325, 330, 334, 419, 424.
Joyner, William, 194.
Julius CÆsar, 404.
Just Italian, The, 356.
Katherens, Gilbert, 326-30.
Kempe, Anthony, 189.
Kempe, William, 62, 73, 84, 115, 158, 235-40, 298.
Kelly, William, 17.
Kendall, Richard, 177 n., 333 n.
Kendall, Thomas, 213-22.
Kendall, William, 213 n.
Kenningham, Robert, 41.
Keysar, Robert, 117, 218-19, 222-24, 317-20.
Kiechel, Samuel, 47, 77.
Kildare, Earl of, 419.
Killigrew's playhouse, 382.
Kinaston, Edward, 207, 366.
Kingdom's Weekly Intelligencer, The, 291, 293 n.
King Lear, 261.
King Leir, 153.
Kingman, Philip, 343.
King's and Queen's Company (or Beeston's Boys), 357-62.
King's Company. See under Strange-Derby, etc.
King's (James I's) Revels Company, 311-18.
King's (Charles I's) Revels Company, 287, 374, 377-79.
Kingsland Spittle, 89.
Kingston, Lady Mary, 189.
Kingston, Sir William, 184.
Kirkham, Edward, 116, 208 n., 213-22, 226.
Kirkman, Francis, 296-97, 305, 358-59.
Knowles, John, 241-42.
Kymbre, Albemarle.
Monkaster. See Mulcaster.
Montmorency, Duke of, 385.
Moore, Mr. (of Pepy's Diary), 405.
Moor Field, 81.
Moor of Venice, The, 367, 387.
More, Sir Christopher, 184.
More, Sir William, 96-110, 113, 184, 189-90, 208.
Morocco Ambassador, 339.
Morris, Isbrand, 241-42.
Motteram, John, 206.
Mountjoy, Lord, 81.
Mulcaster, Richard, 206.
Munday, Anthony, 82.
Murray, J.T., 71, 88, 89 n., 111 n., 286 n., 298 n., 311 n., 323, 354 n., 377, 378.
Myles, Ralph, 57.
Myles, Robert, 28 n., 42, 43, 54-58.
Nash, Thomas, 10 n., 69, 84, 114-15, 154, 171-73.
Neuendorf, B., vii.
Neville, Sir Henry, 95-100, 102 n., 184.
Newgate Market, 122.
Newington Butts Playhouse, 73, 134-41, 151, 154.
New Inn Yard, 34, 79.
Newman, John, 107-08.
Nexara, Duke of, 130.
Nicholas, Basilius, 224.
Nightingale Lane, 410-12.
Noble Stranger, The, 373 n.
Norden, John, 128 n., 145.
Northbrooke, John, 76.
Northern Lass, The, 404.
Northup, Clark S., ix.
Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl of, 155 n., 268-70, 272-73.
His players, see Admiral.
No Wit, No Help like a Woman's, 419.
Ogilby, John, 294, 417-19.
Ogilby, John, and William Morgan, 294.
Ogilby's Dublin Theatre, 417-19.
Oldcastle, 404.
Opera, 365, 425.
Ordish, T.F., vii, 48 n., 341 n.
Orlando Furioso, 150.
Osteler, William, 225 n., 237, 260.
Othello, 367, 387, 388.
Oxford, Edward de Vere, Earl of, 16, 108-10, 157, 202.
Oxford's Company, 16, 87 n., 157-59.
Palatine. See Frederick V.
Palladio, Andrea, 398.
Pallant, Robert, 158.
Palmyra, 265.
Palsgrave. See Frederick V.
Palsgrave's Company. See under Admiral.
Pappe with an Hatchet, 112.
Paris, Robert de, 122.
Paris Garden. See Bear Garden.
Paris Garden, Manor of, 121 f., 135, 161 f.
Park, The, 241.
Park Street, 265.
Parliament Chamber, 186 f.
Passionate Lovers, The, 404.
Pastorall, The, 401.
Pavy, Salmon (or Salathiel), 206, 207.
Payne, Robert, 215.
Peckam, Edmund, 51-52, 66.
Pembroke, William Herbert, Earl of, 261.
Pembroke and Montgomery, Philip Herbert, Earl of, 232.
Pembroke's Company, 84, 154-55, 157, 170-75.
Penruddoks, Edward, 430.
Pepys, Samuel, 17, 207, 308, 338, 366, 382, 405.
Perfect Account, The, 305.
Perfect Occurrences, 304.
Perkins, Richard, 158, 380.
Perrin, Lady, 184.
Peyton, Sir John, 410.
Phillips, Augustine, 62, 73, 84, 224, 235-41, 260.
Phillipps, Sir Thomas (his copy of Stow's Annals), 233, 258 n., 264, 285 n., 291, 330 n., 336, 364, 381 n.
Philotas, 216.
Phoenix Playhouse. See Cockpit Playhouse in Drury Lane.
Pierce, Edward, 116, 117, 319-20.
Pierce, James, 382.
Pierce, Mrs. James, 308, 382.
Pierce the Ploughman's Creed, 196.
Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 264.
Pipe Office, 190 n., 197.
Pit Court, 348 n.
Plague, 12, 15, 20, 23, 24, 67 n., 74 n., 152-53, 159, 215, 222, 223, 224, 281, 282, 287-88, 316, 355, 356, 357, 358, 379.
Playhouse to be Let, 309.
Playhouse Yard, 197.
Plomer, H.R., 293 n.
Poetaster, 1 n., 226.
Pollard, Thomas, 363.
Pope (a scrivener?), 159.
Pope, Alexander, 417.
Pope, Morgan, 159 n.
Pope, Thomas, 62, 73, 84, 86, 159 n., 224, 235-41, 260.
Porter's Hall. See Rosseter's Blackfriars Playhouse.
Portynary, Sir John, 184, 193.
Pride, Thomas, 337.
Prince Charles—2 Red Bull Company:
Prince Charles I's Company, 17, 88, 89, 179, 300, 301-02, 334-35, 344, 346, 354-55, 417.
2 Red Bull Company, 301-04.
Prince Charles's (Charles II's) Company. See under Admiral, etc.
Prince Henry's Company. See under Admiral, etc.
Prince's Arms Inn, 180 n.
Princess Elizabeth's Company, 179, 321, 324, 332-35, 342, 344, 346, 354 n., 355.
Prynne, William, 302, 310 n., 372 n.
Ptolome, 11.
Puckering, Sir Thomas, 254, 389.
Puddlewharf, 343 f.
Puiseux, M. de, 221 n.
Puritans, 6, 18-19, 29, 85, 126, 156.
Pykman, Phillipp, 206.
Queen Anne's Company. See under Worcester, etc.
Queen's (Elizabeth's) Company, 12, 13, 66-72, 80 n., 84, 153.
Queen's (Henrietta's) Company, 355-56, 379-80, 394, 421, 427.
Queen's Revels. See under Children of the Chapel, etc.
Queen's Street, 348 n.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 126.
Ram Alley, 313, 316.
Randolph, Thomas, 303, 349.
Rastell, William, 213-22.
Ratcliffe, 352.
Rathgeb, Jacob, 132.
1 Red Bull Company. See under Worcester, etc.
2 Red Bull Company. See under Prince Charles, etc.
Red Bull Playhouse, 75 n., 88, 89, 219 n., 226 n., 287, 294-309, 311 n., 351, 353, 353 n., 356, 374, 378.
Red Bull Yard, 294.
Redwood, C.W., ix.
Reeve, Ralph, 343.
Rendle, William, 12, 124 n., 143, 178 n., 180 n., 339.
Reulidge, Richard, 8, 310 n.
Revels Office, 94, 96.
Reynolds, G.F., vii.
Rhodes, John, 365, 366.
Richards, Hugh, 36.
Richmond, 402, 404.
Roaring Girl, The, 278.
Roberts, John, 242.
Robinson, James, 205, 213.
Robinson, Richard, 304.
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, 340.
Romeo and Juliet, 85.
Roper, Lactantius, 241-42.
Rosania, 369 n.
Smith, Wentworth, 158.
Smith, William, 63.
Smithfield, 332.
Somerset House, 404.
Sophocles, 398.
Soulas, Josias de, 420-24.
Spanish Ambassador, 281, 339.
Spanish Curate, The, 404.
Spanish Tragedy, The, 150, 261.
Sparagus Garden, The, 379.
Sparks, Thomas, 285 n.
Speed, John, 265.
Spencer, Gabriel, 168, 172-74, 235 n.
Spiller, Sir Henry, 230.
Spykes School, 206.
Squire of Alsatia, The, 310 n.
Stanley, Ferdinando, Lord Strange. See Derby.
Star of the West, 133.
Steevens, George, 77-78.
Stepney Field, 352.
Stettin-Pomerania, Philip Julius, Duke of, 207, 214-15.
Stevens, John, 183.
Stockwood, John, 8, 26, 46, 48.
Stone, George, 121.
Stopes, Charlotte C., 361 n.
Stoughton, Robert, 36.
Stow, John, 124, 136, 166, 348, 388, 391.
See also Howes, Phillipps, and Strype.
Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of, 417-18.
Strange, Lord. See Derby.
Strange—Derby—1 Chamberlain—Hunsdon—2 Chamberlain—King James I—King Charles I's Company:
Strange's Company, 14, 139, 150-54.
Derby's Company, 73, 87 n., 153.
1 Chamberlain's Company, 14-15, 150, 153-54.
Hunsdon's Company, 199, 199 n.
2 Chamberlain's Company, 16, 61, 61 n., 62, 68 n., 73-74, 84, 85, 150, 154-55, 159 n., 174-75, 176, 200, 209 n., 212 n., 235-38, 249, 267, 272-73, 351.
King James I's Company, 88, 118, 223-27, 250-62, 295, 320-21, 324, 325, 374.
King Charles I's Company, 227-33, 262-63, 302, 365, 374, 378, 400, 401, 402.
Street, Peter, 63, 64, 239, 269, 273-74.
Strype, John, 243, 340, 391, 408 n.
Stubbes, Philip, 83, 125.
Stutville, George, 374.
Summer playhouse, 67-68, 225, 250, 321, 324, 325, 342.
Sumner, John, 380.
Sussex's Company, 152.
Swan Inn, 180 n.
Swan Playhouse, 77 n., 84, 154-55, 161-81, 182, 238, 273, 321, 324, 326, 327, 329, 334, 342-43.
Swanston, Eilliard, 400.
Swinerton, Sir John, 321.
Swynnerton, Thomas, 296.
Taming of a Shrew, The, 140.
Tarbock, John, 318.
Tarleton, Richard, 12, 13, 14 n., 67, 69, 72, 72 n., 235, 298.
Tarlton's Jests, 13.
Tarlton's News out of Purgatory, 69, 75.
Tatham, John, 289, 303 n., 382.
Taylor, John (the Water Poet), 251, 257, 259, 329, 332-34.
Taylor, Joseph, 363, 400.
Taylor, Robert, 320.
Theatre Playhouse, 8, 10, 11 n., 15, 26, 27-74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 83, 84, 91, 112, 135, 138, 154, 155, 167, 172 n., 182, 199, 200, 234-35, 239, 244, 249.
Thespis, 398.
Thoresby, Henry, 410.
Thorndike, A.H., vii.
Thrale, Mrs. Henry, 264.
Three Kings Ordinary, 425, 429, 430.
Tilney, Edmund, 66, 85.
Titus Andronicus, 140, 152.
Tomlins, T.E., 76.
Tom Tell Troth's Message, 146.
Tooley, Nicholas, 350 n.
Topclyfe, Richard, 172-73.
Totenham Court, 373.
Toy, The, 419.
Trevell, William, 315.
Trompeur Puni, Le, 421.
Trussell, Alvery, 206.
Tunstall, James, 350 n.
Turk, The, 316.
Turner, 178.
Turner, Anthony, 308, 380.
Turnor, Richard, 50.
Two Maids of Moreclacke, The, 316.
Underwood, John, 86.
Unfortunate Lovers, The, 233, 404.
University of Illinois, 277 n.
Vaghan, Edward, 410.
Valient Cid, The, 406.
Vaughan, Sir William, 125.
Venetian Ambassador, 280.
Vennar, Richard, 177-78, 333 n.
Vere, Lady Susan, 392.
Verneuil, Madame de, 220-21.
Vertue, George, 387 n., 396.
Virgin, performance by a, 74 n.
Visscher, C.J., 127, 128, 146 n., 164-65, 248, 253, 328, 328 n., 329.
Volpone, 404.
Vox Graculi, 89.
Vuolfio, Giovanni. See John Wolf.
Walker, Thomas, 337.
Wallace, C.W., ix, 67, 71, 110 n., 115, 117, 140, 148 n., 160 n., 168 n., 170 n., 177 n., 178 n., 179 n., 192 n., 196 n., 197, 197 n., 201 n., 204 n., 208, 212 n., 215 n., 221 n., 243, 248-49, 258 n., 259 n., 266, 285 n., 353 n.
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 110.
Warburton, John, 369 n.
War of the Theatres, 250.
Warwick, Ambrose Dudley, Earl of, 12.
Water Lane, Blackfriars, 98, 102.
Water Lane, Whitefriars, 371.
Way to Content all Women, or How a Man May Please his Wife, 368-69.
Webster, John, 116, 158, 226 n.
Weekly Account, The, 290.
Weekly Intelligencer, The, 306, 307.
Westcott, Sebastian, 113.
Westminster Cathedral, 126, 167.
Westminster School, 206.
What You Will, 112.
Whitaker, Laurence, 230.
White, Thomas, 48, 76.
Whitechapel, 8 n., 17.
Whitechapel Street, 7.
Whitecross Street, 268 f.
White Devil, The, 226 n.
Whitefriars Playhouse, 8, 117, 224, 310-23, 324, 342-43, 368 n.
Whitehall, 356 n., 374, 384 f., 387-91, 403.
White Hart Inn, 1.
Whitelock, Bulstrode, 305.
Whitton, Tom,

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