A HISTORY OF ENGLISH THEATRES from the BEGINNINGS to the RESTORATION By JOSEPH QUINCY ADAMS Cornell University TO LANE COOPER IN GRATITUDE AND ESTEEM CHAPTER II THE HOSTILITY OF THE CITY CHAPTER V THE FIRST BLACKFRIARS CHAPTER VII THE BANKSIDE AND THE BEAR GARDEN CHAPTER XI THE SECOND BLACKFRIARS CHAPTER XVII ROSSETER'S BLACKFRIARS, OR PORTER'S HALL CHAPTER XVIII THE PHOENIX, OR COCKPIT IN DRURY LANE CHAPTER XX THE COCKPIT-IN-COURT, OR THEATRE ROYAL AT WHITEHALL CHAPTER XXI MISCELLANEOUS I Wolf's Theatre in Nightingale Lane, near East Smithfield Title: Shakespearean Playhouses A History of English Theatres from the Beginnings to the Restoration Author: Joseph Quincy Adams Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 Transcriber's Notes: The original book cites Holland's Herωologia in several places, but consistently misspells it Heroωlogia. This has been corrected based on the image of the original title page of Herωologia at the Library of Congress, www.loc.gov. The original book contains a number of full-page illustrations. In this e-book, these illustrations have been moved to the nearest paragraph break so as not to disturb the flow of the text. The page numbers for these illustrations have been omitted, and page references in the text are linked to the pages on which the illustrations actually appear. Page numbers for blank and unnumbered pages are also omitted. Shakespearean