| PAGE | Sir John Eliot | 1 | Sir John Eliot | 13 | On the Condition of England under the Duke of Buckingham. Delivered in House of Commons, June 3, 1628. | John Pym | 27 | John Pym | 37 | On the Subject of Grievances in the Reign of Charles I. House of Commons, April 5, 1640. | Lord Chatham | 85 | Lord Chatham | 98 | On the Right of Taxing America. House of Commons, January 14, 1766. | Lord Chatham | 120 | On an Address to the Throne concerning Affairs in America. House of Lords, November 18, 1777. | Lord Mansfield | 143 | Lord Mansfield | 150 | On the Right of England to Tax America. House of Lords, February 3, 1766. | Edmund Burke | 172 | Mr. Burke | 182 | On Moving Resolutions for Conciliation with America. House of Commons, March 22, 1775. | Illustrative Notes | 299 |