This is a modest little volume. It consists but of selections from the Editor's note-book, and its object is but to amuse. It does not even aspire to be read consecutively. The Compiler's hope is only that it may be found a pleasant companion at spare moments—that it may be considered handy for the pocket, and be thought agreeable to dip into. To that end, two things have been aimed at in selecting—brevity and variety. There is scarcely anything in the volume that cannot be read almost at a glance, and the matter ranges over a wide extent of literary effort—over play and poem, over essay and novel, over maxim and epigram, over memoir and diary. There is pun, and there is parody; there is satire, and there is sarcasm. In a word, the little book may say, with Lafontaine, "DiversitÉ c'est ma devise." There is diversity even in the arrangement, which consists merely of a general alternation of the prose and verse. For the rest, the quips and quiddities are in intentional disorder. Let it be added that, though there are a few anonymous passages, most are duly attributed to their writers, together with references to the volumes from which they have been taken. In this, every care has been exercised to arrive at accuracy. The idea of completeness is, of course, foreign to a selection of this sort, and it may be mentioned that the Editor has been specially anxious to avoid as much as possible the ground covered by Mr. Leigh in his "Jeux d'Esprit," and by Mr. Dobson in his "Literary Frivolities." His aim, indeed, has been to take the freshest and least hackneyed of the passages in his collection, though he has not hesitated to include a venerable saying when it has seemed to him as good as it is venerable. In conclusion, the Compiler desires to express in the most hearty manner his indebtedness to those numerous living writers whose bright and airy fancies form, in his opinion, one of the chief attractions of the book. He ought, perhaps, to apologize to those writers for presenting their fancies in a manner so generally fragmentary and disconnected. But that the contents of the book should be thus disconnected and fragmentary was part and parcel of its plan and origin, and, that being the case, the Editor hopes to be excused. He may state that, in those few cases where a piece of verse is given entire, it is distinguished by the presence of a heading. The epigrams, maxims, and anecdotes are, of course, reproduced as written—being, in their very nature, of the brevity essential to a quip. Further: on the principle that no book, however unpretending, should be without an Index, the Compiler has supplied one for the present volume. W.D.A. "Shall I tell thee one thing, Poins?" I Henry IV., ii. 2. QUIPS AND QUIDDITIES.W HEN Miss Callender, afterwards Mrs. Sheridan, published a novel, the hero of which commits forgery, that wicked wit, Sydney Smith, said he knew she was a Callender, but did not know till then that she was a Newgate Calendar. Fanny Kemble, Record of a Girlhood. A N estate and beauty joined, are of an unlimited, nay, a power pontifical; make one not only absolute, but infallible. A fine woman's never in the wrong. Lady Betty, in Cibber's Careless Husband. THEOPHILUS. W HEN I'm drinking my tea Rogers, apud Moore. B OBUS was very amusing. He is a great authority on Indian matters. We talked of the insects and the snakes, and he said a thing which reminded me of his brother Sydney: "Always, sir, manage to have at your table some fleshy blooming young writer or cadet, just come out, that the mosquitoes may stick to him, and leave the rest of the company alone." Lord Macaulay, Life. L ADY GREENWICH, in a conversation with Lady Tweeddale, named the Saxons. "The Saxons, my dear," cried the Marchioness; "who were they?" "Lord, madam, did your ladyship never read the History of England?" "No, my dear; pray, who wrote it?" Horace Walpole, Correspondence. ON THE MARRIAGE OF A MR. LOT AND A MISS SALTER. B ECAUSE on her way she chose to halt, Hicks, apud J. C. Young. H OOK was dining at Powell's one day, and the talk fell upon feu Jack Reeve. "Yes," said Theodore, when they were speaking of his funeral, "I met him in his private box, going to the pit." H. F. Chorley, Life and Letters. TO A BAD FIDDLER. O LD Orpheus played so well, he moved old Nick, A Collection of Epigrams (1727). A LADY from China who was dining with the Archbishop [Whately] told him that English flowers reared in that country lose their perfume in two or three years. "Indeed!" was the immediate remark, "I had no idea that the Chinese were such de-scent-ers." E. J. Whately's Life of Whately. ON THE ART UNIONS. T HAT Picture-Raffles will conduce to nourish Thomas Hood, Whims and Oddities. R OBERT SMITH (brother of Sydney, and familiarly called "Bobus") was a lawyer and an ex-Advocate-General, and happened on one occasion to be engaged in argument with an excellent physician touching the merits of their respective professions. "You must admit," urged Dr. ——, "that your profession does not make angels of men." "No," was the retort, "there you have the best of it; yours certainly gives them the first chance." Abraham Hayward, Essays. I N London I never know what I'd be at, Charles Morris, Lyra Urbanica. P ARLER d'amour, c'est faire amour. Balzac, Physiologie du Mariage. A T the Polish ball, the Lord Mayor said to Lady Douglas, who squints, "Which do you prefer, my lady, Gog or Magog?" "Of the three," said Lady Douglas, "I prefer your lordship!" B. R. Haydon, Diary. ON THE CAPPADOCIANS. A VIPER bit a Cappadocian's hide; Anon., from the Greek. T HE merits of a certain American diplomatist being on the tapis, [Washington Irving] said, in allusion to his pomposity, "Ah, he is a great man; and, in his own estimation, a very great man—a man of great weight. When he goes to the West, the East tips up." J. C. Young, Diary. W HEN a rapt audience has encored "Fra Poco" C. S. Calverley, Verses and Translations. I believe everything. It saves one such a world of bore from intelligent people who are anxious to explain things you doubt about. Lucy Forrester, in Brooks' Aspen Court. R ANK so friendly now with trade is, J. Jemmett Browne, Songs of Many Seasons. B LACK is a great fact. Want of fashion in the cut; want of richness in the material; want of chic in the wearer—all these it covers, like charity. There's a sentiment about it which appeals to the feelings, and it is becoming to the skin. Anna C. Steele. A RE you quite sure that Pygmalion is the only person who ever fell in love with his own handiwork? Guesses at Truth. D UTY,—that's to say the complying A. H. Clough, Poems. W HAT Jenner said on hearing in Elysium that complaints had been made of his having a statue in Trafalgar Square:— England, ingratitude still blots Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. D EH! what are we sinners doing all our lives? Making soup in a basket, and getting nothing but the scum for our stomachs. Machiavelli, in George Eliot's Romola. M Y idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me. Hugo Bohun, in Lord Beaconsfield's Lothair. "W ILL you walk a little faster?" said a whiting to a snail, Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. I COULD draw on wood at a very tender age. When a mere child I once drew a small cartload of turnips over a wooden bridge. The people of the village noticed me. I drew their attention. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. T HAT all-softening over-powering knell, Lord Byron, Don Juan. N OW Darwin proves as clear as mud, Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. "T HE ancients," quoth Paul, "were very great men, Mr. MacGrawler." Lord Lytton, Paul Clifford. Y ES, Fortune deserves to be chidden, Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. O NE day in the country [Sheridan Knowles] said to Abbot, with whom he had been acting there, "My dear fellow, I'm off to-morrow. Can I take any letters for you?" "You're very kind," answered Abbot; "but where are you going to?""I haven't made up my mind." J.R.PlanchÉ, Recollections. BLUE STOCKINGS. T HE newspapers lately have taught us to know Once a Week. T ALKING of Kean, I mentioned his having told me that he had eked out his means of living, before he emerged from obscurity, by teaching dancing, fencing, elocution, and boxing. "Elocution and boxing!" (repeated Bobus Smith)—"a word and a blow." Thomas Moore, Diary. MILITARY. S MART soldiers like to be well tightened in: H. J. Byron, in English Epigrams. F ONTAINE, the architect, who built the triumphal arch in the Carrousel, placed upon it an empty car, drawn by the famous bronze Venetian horses. Talleyrand asked him, "Qui avez vous l'intention de mettre dans le char?" The answer was, "L'Empereur NapolÉon, comme de raison." Upon which Talleyrand said, "Le char l'attend." Gronow, Recollections. 'T IS doubtless well to be sometimes awake— John Godfrey Saxe, Poems. S IR TOBY. "Does not our life consist of the four elements?" Sir Andrew. "Faith, so they say; but I think it rather consists of eating and drinking." Twelfth Night, Act II., Scene 3. S HE thought "Wives and Daughters" "so jolly;" Austin Dobson, Vignettes in Rhyme. O LD friends are best. King James used to call for his old shoes; they were easiest for his feet. Selden, Table Talk. L ET a coach be called, Carey, Chrononhotonthologos. I F you could make a pudding wi' thinking o' the batter, it 'ud be easy getting dinner. Mrs. Poyser, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. T HERE'S somewhat on my breast, father, R. H. Barham, Ingoldsby Lyrics. I NSOLENCE is a charming quality, when, like mercy, it is not strained. Once a Week. A NCIENT Phillis has young graces, Lord Froth, in Congreve 's Double Dealer. C ÉLÉBRITÉ—l'avantage d'Être connu de ceux que vous ne connaissez pas. Chamfort, Maximes. 'T IS past all bearing, when a husband slights his bride, First Lady, in Trevelyan's Ladies in Parliament. I DIFFER from all the ordinary biographers of that independent gentleman Don't Care. I believe Don't Care came to a good end. At any rate he came to some end. Whereas numbers of people never have beginning, or ending, of their own. Ellesmere, in Helps's Friends in Council. DISTICH. W ISELY a woman prefers to a lover a man who neglects her. John Hay, Poems. O NE morning [Jerrold and Compton] proceeded together to view the pictures in the Gallery of Illustration. On entering the ante-room, they found themselves opposite to a number of very long looking-glasses. Pausing before one of these, [Compton] remarked to Jerrold, "You've come here to admire works of art! Very well, first feast your eyes on that work of nature!"—pointing to his own figure reflected in the glass; "look at it, there's a picture for you!" "Yes," said Jerrold, regarding it intently, "very fine, very fine indeed!" Then, turning to his friend: "Wants hanging, though!" Memoir of Henry Compton. S ING for the garish eye, W. S. Gilbert. S YDNEY SMITH said of a certain quarrelsome person that his very face was a breach of the peace. J. T. Fields, Yesterdays with Authors. K ERCHIEF in hand I saw them stand; C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. O F all virtues, magnanimity is the rarest. There are a hundred persons of merit for one who willingly acknowledges it in another. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. B ISNESS first, pleasure artervards, as King Richard the Third said ven he stabbed the tother king in the Tower, afore he murdered the babbies. Charles Dickens, apud J. T. Fields. W E are all of us liable to this error of imagining that we are grieved at a fault, when we are only grieved at having done something to lower ourselves in our own estimation. E. M. Sewell, Margaret Percival. I TREMBLED once beneath her spell Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. I T'S easy finding reasons why other folks should be patient. Bartle Massey, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. OUR TRAVELLER. I F thou wouldst stand on Etna's burning brow, H. Cholmondeley Pennell, Puck on Pegasus. I AM saddest when I sing; so are those who hear me. They are sadder even than I am. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. A N ape with a pliable thumb and big brain, Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. I T'S dreadful to think on, people playing with their own insides in that way! And it's flying i' the face o' Providence; for what are the doctors for, if we aren't to call 'em in? Mrs. Pullet, in George Eliot's Mill on the Floss. B RIEF, in two rules he summed the ends of man— Lord Lytton, King Arthur. LOVE SONG. W HAT mistress half so dear as mine, Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. F ASHION with us is like the man in one of Le Sage's novels, who was constantly changing his servants, and yet had but one suit of livery, which every newcomer, whether he was tall or short, fat or thin, was obliged to wear. Wormwood, in Lord Lytton's Pelham. U NMARKETABLE maidens of the mart, Alfred Austin, The Season. S EEING O. Smith, the popular melodramatic actor, on the opposite side of the Strand, Knowles rushed across the road, seized him by the hand, and inquired eagerly after his health. Smith, who only knew him by sight, said, "I think, Mr. Knowles, you are mistaken; I am O. Smith." "My dear fellow," cried Knowles, "I beg you ten thousand pardons: I took you for your namesake, T. P. Cooke!" J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. A PRACTICAL ANSWER. S AYS Hyam to Moses, Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. T URNIPS should never be pulled: it injures them. It is much better to send a boy up and let him shake the tree. Mark Twain, Choice Works. H H lived in a cave by the seas, Andrew Lang, Ballades in Blue China. O N ne loue d'ordinaire que pour Être louÉ. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. W OULD you adopt a strong logical attitude, Godfrey Turner. T HE gentle reader, who may wax unkind, Lord Byron, Beppo. M Y dear, when you have a clergyman in your family you must accommodate your tastes: I did that very early. When I married Humphrey, I made up my mind to like sermons, and I set out by liking the end very much. That soon spread to the middle and the beginning, because I couldn't have the end without them. Mrs. Cadwallader, in George Eliot's Middlemarch. G REAT theologians, talk not of Trinity: Mortimer Collins, The British Birds. "I S that the contents you are looking at?" inquired an anxious author, who saw Rogers's eye fixed on a table or list at the commencement of a presentation copy of a new work. "No," said Rogers, pointing to the list of subscribers, "the dis-contents." A. Hayward, Essays. T HE river's like glass— J. Ashby Sterry, Boudoir Ballads. K ENNY one day mentioned Charles Lamb's being once bored by a lady praising to him "such a charming man!" etc., etc.; ending with, "I know him, bless him!" On which Lamb said, "Well, I don't, but d—— him at a hazard." Thomas Moore, Diary. T HEY sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care; Lewis Carroll, Hunting of the Snark. I REMEMBER being present at a dinner in London, when a very severe and saturnine Scotch Presbyterian was abusing Sunday newspapers, and concluded a violent tirade by saying, "I am determined to set my face against them." "So am I," said Theodore Hook, "every Sunday morning." Gronow, Recollections. ON A RADICAL REFORMER. T OMKINS will clear the land, they say, James Hannay, Sketches and Characters. I WAS mentioning that some one had said of Sharpe's very dark complexion that he looked as if the dye of his old trade (hat making) had got engrained into his face. "Yes," said Luttrell, "darkness that may be felt!" Thomas Moore, Diary. I T seems that poor Bruin has never had peace Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. T HE term sound divine being used, I said, "I do not know what is a sound divine," quoting Pope— "'Dulness is sacred in a sound divine.'" "But I do," said Donaldson. "It is a divine who is vox et prÆterea nihil." Crabb Robinson, Diary. P LAIN food is quite enough for me; Oliver Wendell Holmes. S OME one saying to Sir F. Gould, "I am told you eat three eggs every day at breakfast,"—"No," answered Gould, "on the contrary." Some of those present asked, "What was the contrary of eating three eggs?" "Laying three eggs, I suppose," said Luttrell. Thomas Moore, Diary. B LOSSOM of hawthorn whitens in May: Anon. T HE late Mr. Nightingale was telling Horace Smith of his having given a late royal duke an account of an accident he had met with when he had been run away with, and of the duke's exclaiming aloud to himself, when he heard he had jumped out of the carriage, "Fool! fool!" "Now," said the narrator to his auditor, "it's all very well for him to call me a fool, but I can't conceive why he should. Can you?" "No," replied the wag, as if reflecting, "because he could not suppose you ignorant of the fact." J. C. Young, Diary. S UCH are the sylvan scenes that thrill C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. T HE crow!—the crow!—the great black crow! P. J. Bailey, Festus. I F a man's got a bit of property, a stake in the country, he'll want to keep things square. Where Jack isn't safe, Tom's in danger. Mr. Wace, in George Eliot's Felix Holt. T URN not from poor pussy in disdain, R. H. Newell, Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. I HEARD the other day of Jekyll making the following pun. He said, "Erskine used to hesitate very much, and could not speak very well after dinner. I dined with him once at the Fishmongers' Company. He made such a sad work of speechifying that I asked him whether it was in honour of the Company that he floundered so?" Crabb Robinson, Diary. W HO knows if what Adam might speak Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. M EN'S natures are neither black nor white, but brown. Charles Buxton, Notes of Thought. O H, Love's but a dance, Austin Dobson, Proverbs in Porcelain. I MET a man in Oregon who hadn't any teeth—not a tooth in his head—yet that man could play on the bass drum better than any man I ever met. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. T HE Duke of Rutland, at one of his levÉes, being at a loss for something to say to every person he was bound in etiquette to notice, remarked to Sir John Hamilton that there was a prospect of an excellent crop. "The timely rain," observed the duke, "will bring everything above ground." "God forbid, your excellency!" exclaimed the courtier. His excellency stared, whilst Sir John continued, sighing heavily as he spoke, "Yes, God forbid! for I have three wives under it!" Sir Jonah Barrington, Memoirs. "Y OU are old," said the youth, "and your jaws are too weak Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. L E monde rÉcompense plus souvent les apparances du mÉrite que le mÉrite mÊme. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. C URRAN told an anecdote of an Irish parliament man, who was boasting in the House of Commons of his attachment to trial by jury. "Mr. Speaker, by the trial by jury I have lived, and by the blessing of God, with the trial by jury I will die!" Curran sat near him, and whispered audibly, "What, Jack! do you mean to be hanged?" Crabb Robinson, Diary. T HEY roused him with muffins—they roused him with ice— Lewis Carroll, Hunting of the Snark. M Y old friend Maltby, the brother of the bishop, was a very absent man. One day at Paris, in the Louvre, we were looking at the pictures, when a lady entered who spoke to me, and kept me some minutes in conversation. On rejoining Maltby, I said, "That was Mrs. ——. We have not met so long, she had almost forgotten me, and asked me if my name was Rogers." Maltby, still looking at the pictures, "And was it?" Rogers, apud J. R. PlanchÉ. N O one likes to be disturbed at meals Lord Byron, Don Juan. W HAT is man's end? To know and to be free. Alfred Austin, The Season. T O preach long, loud, and damnation, is the way to be cried up. We love a man that damns us, and we run after him again to save us. Selden, Table Talk. I T'S such a very serious thing John Godfrey Saxe, Poems. A BORE cannot be a good man: for the better he is, the greater bore he will be, and the more hateful he will make goodness. Lady Ashburton, apud Lord Houghton. P ARSON WILBUR sez he never heerd in his life J. R. Lowell, Biglow Papers. I COULD resign that eye of blue, Thomas Moore. L 'ART de plaire est l'art de tromper. Vauvenargues, RÉflexions. W E don't marry beggars, said she: why, no: George Meredith, Modern Love. A ND while my schoolmates studied less, Songs of Singularity. "O NE of my aides-de-camp," said Lord Wellesley to Plunket on one occasion, "has written a personal narrative of his travels,—pray, Chief Justice, what is your definition of 'personal'?" "My lord," replied Plunket, "we lawyers always consider personal as opposed to real." Lord Albemarle, Fifty Years of my Life. I MAKE the butter fly, all in an hour: Lydia, in G. O. Trevelyan's Horace at Athens. E NGLISH is an expressive language, but not difficult to master. Its range is limited. It consists, so far as I can observe, of four words: "nice," "jolly," "charming," and "bore;" and some grammarians add "fond." Pinto, in Lord Beaconsfield's Lothair. W HEN Sir George Rose was appointed one of the four judges of the now extinct Court of Review, he came to Lincoln's Inn with his colleagues to be sworn in. Some friend congratulating him on his access of dignity, he observed, "Yes! here we are, you see—four by honours!" Macmillan's Magazine. A H! who has seen the mailÈd lobster rise, The Anti-Jacobin. U NE femme d'esprit m'a dit un jour un mot qui pourrait bien Être le secret de son sexe; c'est que toute femme, en prenant un amant, tient plus de compte de la maniÈre dont les autres femmes voient cet homme que de la maniÈre dont elle le voit elle-mÊme. Chamfort, Maximes. H ERE, waiter, I'll dine in this box; James Smith, Horace in London. O NE of Lord Dudley's eccentric habits was that of speaking to himself or thinking aloud. Soon after he succeeded to the title of Dudley and Ward, a lady asked Lord Castlereagh how he accounted for the custom. "It is only Dudley speaking to Ward," was the ready answer to her inquiry. Sinclair, Old Times and Distant Places. L E secret d'ennuyer est celui de tout dire. Voltaire, Discours, vi. I NEVER heard Rogers volunteer an opinion upon Campbell, except after his death, when he had been to see the poet's statue. "It is the first time," said he, "that I have seen him stand straight for many years." Bryan Waller Procter. "V EXATION of spirit"—that is the part that belongs to us; we leave the "vanity" to the women. Vanecourt, in L. Oliphant's Piccadilly. I WATCHED her as she stoop'd to pluck C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. P RACTICE does not always make perfect. Curran, when told by his physician that he seemed to cough with more difficulty, replied, "That is odd enough, for I have been practising all night." Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. W E talk little if we do not talk about ourselves. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. A ND how was the Devil drest? The Devil's Walk. A CLOSED glass bookcase provoked from Dr. Drake the remark that he never could stand "Locke on the Human Understanding." Lord Teignmouth, Reminiscences. T HERE was a time, ere Trollope learned to spell, Richard Crawley, Horse and Foot. [R EDMOND BARRY] said once to Corry, who was praising Crompton's performance of some particular character a night or two before, "Yes, he played the part pretty well; he hadn't time to study it!" Thomas Moore, Diary. I F a daughter you have, she's the plague of your life, R. B. Sheridan, The Duenna. K ITTY: What is your ladyship so fond of? High Life Below Stairs, Act II. Scene 1. N UL n'est content de sa fortune Madame DeshouliÈres, RÉflexions. I N courtship suppose you can't sing Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. T HE father of C——, a distinguished artist, was complimented by a friend on the talents and reputation of his son, and on the comfort he must be to his father. "Yes," was the reply, "he is a very good son—a very good son, if he did not swear at his mother so." W. H. Harrison, University Magazine. T HE old, old tale! ay, there's the smart; Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. T HE French don't know what they want, and will never be satisfied till they get it. William Harness, Life. S HE played the accordion divinely—accordionly I praised her. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. S HOULD yours (kind heaven, avert the omen!) H. Luttrell, Letters to Julia. A MAN can never manage a woman. Till a woman marries, a prudent man leaves her to women; when she does marry, she manages her husband, and there's an end of it. Kenelm Chillingly, in Lord Lytton's novel. HOMAGE TO THE SCOTCH RIFLES, BY A SPITEFUL I T seems that the Scots Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. S OME one peevishly complaining, "You take the words out of my mouth," Donaldson replied, "You are very hard to please; would you have liked it better if I had made you swallow them?" Crabb Robinson, Diary. I AM lying, we'll say, in the nook I love, Once a Week. T HERE was a Presbyterian minister who married a couple of his rustic parishioners, and had felt exceedingly disconcerted, on his asking the bridegroom if he were willing to take the woman for his wedded wife, by his scratching his head and saying, "Ay, I'm wullin'; but I'd rather hae her sister." J. C. Young, Diary. T HE prospect's always fine in the Prospectus! J. R. PlanchÉ, Songs and Poems. A NIMALS are such agreeable friends—they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. George Eliot, Mr. Gilfil's Love Story. T HERE is a tact, Lord Byron, Don Juan. W ALKED Corry over to Bowood. In looking at the cascade, he mentioned what Plunket said, when some one, praising his waterfall, exclaimed, "Why, it's quite a cataract." "Oh, that's all my eye," said Plunket. Thomas Moore, Diary. T HESE panting damsels, dancing for their lives, Alfred Austin, The Season. A NOTHER friend assured me it was policy to "feed a cold and starve a fever." I had both. So I thought it best to feed myself up for the cold, and then keep dark and let the fever starve awhile. In a case of this kind, I seldom do things by halves. I ate pretty heartily. I conferred my custom upon a stranger who had just opened his restaurant that morning. He waited near me in respectful silence, until I had finished feeding my cold, when he inquired if the people about Virginia were much afflicted with colds? I told him I thought they were. He then went out and took in his sign. Mark Twain, Choice Works. A FINE lady is like a cat; when young, the most gamesome and lively of all creatures—when old, the most melancholy. Alexander Pope, in Locker's Patchwork. 'T IS the voice of the lobster; I heard him declare Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. P OOR relations are undeniably irritating—their existence is so entirely uncalled for on our part, and they are almost always very faulty people. George Eliot, Mill on the Floss. T HERE was an Ape in the days that were earlier; Mortimer Collins, The British Birds. I T was observed he never gave an opinion on any subject, and never told an anecdote. Indeed, he would sometimes remark, when a man fell into his anecdotage it was a sign for him to retire from the world. Lord Beaconsfield, Lothair. Y OU cannot eat breakfast all day, Defendant, in W. S. Gilbert's Trial by Jury. H AD the Romans public dinners? Answer me that. Imagine a Roman—whose theory at least of a dinner was that it was a thing for enjoyment, whereas we often look on it as a continuation of the business of the day,—I say, imagine a Roman girding himself up, literally girding himself up, to make an after dinner speech. Ellesmere, in Helps's Friends in Council. F OLKS will teach you when at school— H. S. Leigh, Carols of Cockayne. I T is not now "We have seen his star in the East," but "We have seen the star on his breast, and are come to worship him." Shenstone, Essays. A FAITHFUL PAGE. N EARLY one hundred years ago, my grandfather, Captain William Locker, was at dinner, and a servant-boy, lately engaged, was handing him a tray of liqueurs, in different-sized glasses. Being in the middle of an anecdote to his neighbour, he mechanically held out his hand towards the tray, but, as people often do when they are thinking of something else, he did not take a glass. The boy thought he was hesitating which liqueur he would have, and, like a good fellow, wishing to help his master, he pointed to one particular glass, and whispered, "That's the biggest, sir." Frederick Locker, Patchwork. A LL men are equal, the Frenchman says; J. S. Blackie, Musa Burschicosa. I 'M not one o' those who can see the cat i' the dairy, an' wonder what she's come after. Mrs. Poyser, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. I called him Selim, to express Songs of Singularity. "Y ES," he exclaimed, "as the sublime Tyndall tells us, let us struggle to attain to a deeper knowledge of matter, and a more faithful conformity to its laws!" W. H. Mallock, The New Paul and Virginia. W HAT can Tommy Onslow do? Anon., in Gronow's Recollections. H ICKS and Thackeray, walking together, stopped opposite a doorway, over which was inscribed in gold letters these words: "Mutual Loan Office." They both seemed equally puzzled. "What on earth can that mean?" asked Hicks. "I don't know," answered Thackeray, "unless it means, that two men, who have nothing, agree to lend it to one another." J. C. Young, Diary. A CLOD—a piece of orange-peel— C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. I N the onion is the hope of universal brotherhood. Look at Italy. In the churches all are alike; there is one faith, one smell. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. H E was "free to confess" (whence comes this phrase? Is't English? No—'tis only parliamentary). Lord Byron, Don Juan. "A H!" says my languid Oxford gentleman, "nothing new, and nothing true, and no matter." R. W. Emerson. H E dropt a tear on Susan's bier, Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. O NE 'ud think, an hear some folks talk, as the men war 'cute enough to count the corns in a bag o' wheat wi' only smelling at it. They can see through a barn door, they can. Perhaps that's the reason they see so little o' this side on't. Mrs. Poyser, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. T HY flattering picture, Phryne, 's like to thee John Donne. W ITHOUT black velvet breeches, what is man? John Bramston, Man of Taste. A KISS. R OSE kissed me to-day,— Austin Dobson, Proverbs in Porcelain. H UMILITY is a virtue all preach, none practise, and yet everybody is content to hear. Selden, Table Talk. S OME say that the primitive tongue Some, taking a different view, Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. A PRACTICAL MAN.—One whose judgment is not distracted by the power of seeing far before him. Anne Evans, Poems and Music. F OR conversation well endued, Swift, A Woman's Mind. I HAVE always been more or less mixed up with Art. I have an uncle who takes photographs—and I have a servant who takes anything he can get his hands on. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. I F a man who turnips cries Dr. Johnson. T HE greatest happiness of the greatest number is best secured by a prudent consideration for Number One. Kenelm Chillingly, in Lord Lytton's novel. "Y OU are old, Father William," the young man said, "In my youth," Father William replied to his son, Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. W HEN the question arose how the title of Herold's charming opera, "Le PrÉ aux Clercs," should be rendered into English, [Beazley] quietly suggested "Parson's Green." J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. W HEN I left the man in gaiters, John Godfrey Saxe, Poems. M ORALITY—keeping up appearances in this world, or becoming suddenly devout when we imagine that we may be shortly summoned to appear in the next. Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. ON PATRONS' PROMISES. A MINISTER'S answer is always so kind! Lord Holland, in Moore's Diary. I KNOW there's a stage of speculation in which a man may doubt whether a pickpocket is blameworthy—but I'm not one of your subtle fellows who keep looking at the world through their own legs. Felix Holt, in George Eliot's novel. "A KNOCK-ME-DOWN sermon, and worthy of Birch," "Miss Blossom," says I, to my dearest of dearies, Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. B OOKS are fatal: they are the curse of the human race. Nine-tenths of existing books are nonsense, and the clever books are the refutation of that nonsense. The greatest misfortune that ever befell man was the invention of printing. Phoebus, in Lord Beaconsfield's Lothair. W E can't assume, so Comte declares, a first or final cause, sir; F. D., in Pall Mall Gazette. I F you wish particularly to gain the good graces and affection of certain people, men or women, try to discover their most striking merit, if they have one, and their dominant weakness, for every one has his own. Then do justice to the one, and a little more than justice to the other. Lord Chesterfield, Letters to his Son. T ENDER ten may dote on toys, J. Ashby Sterry, Boudoir Ballads. J Juliet was a fool to kill herself. In three months she'd have married again, and been glad to be quit of Romeo. Charles Buxton, Notes of Thought. A CORNET waltzes, but a colonel weds. Alfred Austin, The Season. I N the days when Pam retained the wheel, Lady Matilda, in G. O. Trevelyan's Ladies in Parliament. M ONK LEWIS was a great favourite at Oatlands. One day after dinner, as the duchess was leaving the room, she whispered something in Lewis's ear. He was much affected, his eyes filling with tears. We asked him what was the matter. "Oh," replied Lewis, "the duchess spoke so very kindly to me!" "My dear fellow," said Colonel Armstrong, "pray don't cry; I dare say she didn't mean it." Rogers, Table Talk. S WEET is revenge—especially to women. Lord Byron, Don Juan. A plain leg of mutton, my Lucy, W. M. Thackeray. L 'AMOUR est comme les maladies ÉpidÉmiques; plus on les craint, plus on y est exposÉ. Chamfort, Maximes. MARRY (AND DON'T) COME UP. A FELLOW that's single, a fine fellow's he; Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. A BROTHER actor, who had not exactly "taken the house by storm" at his first appearance in London, very stupidly asked Compton: "Was my acting good?" "Well," was the reply, delivered in his inimitable style, "hum! ha! Good is not the word!" H. Howe, in Memoir of Henry Compton. S O when two dogs are fighting in the streets, Fielding, Tom Thumb. I RECOLLECT a humorous M.P. pointing out to me a retired West Indian judge not very remarkable for sagacity on the bench. There was a ball at Government House, and the judge began to criticise the dancing of a witty member of the Indian bar. "Ah, my friend, you are a bad waltzer!" "Ah, but you are a bad judge." Mark Boyd, Reminiscences. M rs. Cripps: Things are seldom what they seem: W. S. Gilbert, H.M.S. Pinafore. A FRIEND meeting Sir George Rose one day in Lincoln's Inn Fields, with his left eye greatly swollen and inflamed, remonstrated with him, adding that he was surprised Lady Rose should have let him go out of doors in such a condition. "Ah," replied Sir George, "I am out jure mariti" (my right eye). Macmillan's Magazine. I T is no comfort to the short Robert Reece, in Comic Poets. "'E DWIN and Morcar, the Earls of Mercia and Northumbria, declared for him; and even Stigand, the patriotic Archbishop of Canterbury, found it advisable——' " "Found what?" said the Duck. "Found it," the Mouse replied, rather crossly; "of course you know what 'it' means." "I know what 'it' means well enough, when I find a thing," said the Duck; "it's generally a frog or a worm. The question is, what did the archbishop find?" Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. I 'VE read in many a novel, that, unless they've C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. M ARRIAGE is a Bishop, choral service, Messrs. Hancock, and Brussels lace. Anna C. Steele. H OW beautifully blue the sky, W. S. Gilbert, Pirates of Penzance. T HE Dowager-Duchess of Richmond went one Sunday with her daughter to the Chapel Royal at St. James's, but, being late, they could find no places. After looking about some time, and seeing the case was hopeless, she said to her daughter, "Come away, Louisa; at any rate we have done the civil thing." R. R. Haydon, Diary. ON NORTHERN LIGHTS. T O roar and bore of Northern wights Jekyll, in Miss Mitford's Letters. I 'M forced to wink a good deal, for fear of seeing too much, for a neighbourly man must let himself be cheated a little. Parson Lingon, in George Eliot's Felix Holt. D ULCE it is, and decorum, no doubt, for the country to fall,—to Claude, in Clough's Amours de Voyage. N OTRE repentir n'est pas tant un regret du mal que nous avons fait, qu'une crainte de celui qui nous en peut arriver. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. ON AN INANIMATE ACTRESS. T HOU hast a score of parts not good, Palladas, trans. by R. Garnett. W E as often repent the good we have done as the ill. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. T HE speech of Old England for me; Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. A COMPLIMENT is usually accompanied with a bow, as if to beg pardon for paying it. Guesses at Truth. THE TRAVELLER AND THE GORILLA. T HE gifts by Nature boon supplied R. Garnett, Idylls and Epigrams. T HE more a man's worth, the worthier man he must be. Dudley Smooth, in Lord Lytton's Money. N OW to the banquet we press, W. S. Gilbert, The Sorcerer. I T was in my schoolboy days that I failed as an actor. The play was the "Ruins of Pompeii." I played the Ruins. It was not a very successful performance, but it was better than the "Burning Mountains." He was not good. He was a bad Vesuvius. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. H E cannot be complete in aught Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. A N actor named Priest was playing at one of the principal theatres. Some one remarked at the Garrick Club that there were a great many more in the pit—"Probably clerks who have taken Priest's orders." Abraham Hayward, Essays. A ND she? she marries money and a man. Alfred Austin, The Season. A LADY of my acquaintance, a brunette, happened to show her maid one of those little sticking-plaster profiles which they used to call silhouettes. It was the portrait of the lady's aunt, whom the girl had never seen, and she said quite innocently, "La, ma'am, I always thought as how you had some black relations, you are so dark-like yourself, you know!" Frederick Locker, Patchwork. H E pored upon the leaves, and on the flowers, Lord Byron, Don Juan. W ARD had been a Whig, and became ministerial. "I wonder what could make me turn Whig again," said Ward. "That I can tell you," said [Lord] Byron. "They have only to re-Ward you." Crabb Robinson, Diary. DISTICH. A S the meek beasts in the Garden came flocking for Adam to name them, John Hay, Poems. Y OU cannot have everything, as the man said when he was down with small-pox and cholera, and the yellow fever came into the neighbourhood. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. W HENE'ER I take my walks abroad, R. H. Barham, Life. A T one period of his boyhood, Macaulay's fancy was much exercised by the threats and terrors of the law. He had a little plot of ground at the back of the house, marked out as his own by a row of oyster-shells, which a maid one day threw away as rubbish. He went straight to the drawing-room, where his mother was entertaining some visitors, walked into the circle, and said very solemnly: "Cursed be Sally; for it is written, 'Cursed is he that removeth his neighbour's landmark.'" G. O. Trevelyan, Life of Macaulay. I F care were not the waiter Mortimer Collins, in The Owl. B UILDING a staircase for Sir Henry Meux, [Beazley] called it making a new "Gradus ad Parnassum," because it was steps for the muses. J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. I CANNOT clear the five-bar gate, Walter Savage Landor. L A constance est la chimÈre de l'amour. Vauvenargues, RÉflexions. ON AN INTEMPERATE HUSBAND. W HENCE comes it that in Clara's face A Collection of Epigrams (1727). [C HARLES] SHERIDAN told me that his father, being a good deal plagued by an old maiden relation of his always going out to walk with him, said one day that the weather was bad and rainy; to which the old lady answered that, on the contrary, it had cleared up. "Yes," said Sheridan, "it has cleared enough for one, but not for two." Thomas Moore, Diary. T O Urn, or not to Urn? that is the question: William Sawyer. ANSWER TO AN INQUIRY. "Y OUNG AUTHOR."—Yes, Agassiz does recommend authors to eat fish, because the phosphorus in it makes brains. So far you are correct. But I cannot help you to a decision about the amount you need to eat—at least, not with certainty. If the specimen composition you send is about your fair usual average, I should judge that perhaps a couple of whales would be all you would want for the present. Not the largest kind, but simply good, middling-sized whales. Mark Twain, Choice Works. T HE firm of Baxter, Rose, and Norton, Anon. H UME and his wife and several of their children were with me. Hume repeated the old saying, "One fool makes many." "Ay, Mr. Hume," said I, pointing to the company, "you have a fine family." Charles Lamb, apud Crabb Robinson. P LUS on juge, moins on aime. Balzac, Physiologie du Mariage. G EORGE THE THIRD scolded Lord North for never going to the concert of antient music: "Your brother, the bishop," said the king, "never misses them, my lord." "Sir," answered the premier, "if I were as deaf as my brother, the bishop, I would never miss them either!" R. H. Barham, Life. ON A MODERN ACTRESS. "M ISS Neilson's 'benefit'," one says; W. D. A. O UR king [William IV.] is ultra-popular. Have you heard Lord Alvanley's bon mot concerning him? He was standing at the window at White's, when the king, with a thousand of his loving subjects at his heels, was walking up St. James's Street. A friend said to him, "What are you staring at, Alvanley?" "I am waiting to see his Majesty's pocket picked," was the reply. Miss Mitford, Life and Letters. M ETHINKS the lays of now-a-days Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. H ICKS was talking to Thackeray of a certain gentleman's strange addiction to beer. "It's a great pity," said Hicks, "that he does not keep a check-rein on himself, for he is a marvellous fellow otherwise—I mean, for talent I hardly know his equal." "No," retorted Thackeray, "he is a remarkable man. Take him for half-and-half, we ne'er shall look upon his like again." J. C. Young, Diary. P RO conibus calidis, conibus frigidis, Anon. O NE of the "Hooks and Eyes" was expatiating on the fact that he had dined three times at the Duke of Devonshire's, and that on neither occasion had there been any fish at table. "I cannot account for it," he added. "I can," said Jerrold: "they ate it all upstairs." Charles Mackay, Recollections. V ERACITY is a plant of paradise, and its seeds have never flourished beyond the walls. Machiavelli, in George Eliot's Romola. I KNOW not why my soul is rack'd: C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. D URING [a] drive, Lord William L——, a man of fashion, but, like other of the great men of the day, an issuer of paper money discounted at high rates by the usurers, was thrown off his horse. Mr. and Mrs. King immediately quitted the carriage, and placed the noble lord within. On this circumstance being mentioned in the clubs, Brummell observed it was only "a Bill Jewly (duly) taken up and honoured." Gronow, Recollections. S HE made the cleverest people quite ashamed, Lord Byron, Don Juan. O N the elevation of some childless person to the peerage, [Lady Charlotte Lindsay] remarked that he was "of the new Order, which seemed the popular one, not of the Barons, but the Barrens." Lord Houghton, Monographs. O FT when petty annoyances ruffle the soul, Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. M ORGAN JOHN O'CONNELL had the ready wit of his country in a remarkable degree. We were walking by the Wey one day, when an Oxford graduate, who had a taste for botany, plucked a flower (Balsamum impatiens) from the river, remarking that it was a very rare plant. "It is an out-of-the-Wey one, at any rate," was the instantaneous reply. W. H. Harrison, University Magazine. O H! 'tis the most tremendous bore Bon Gaultier Ballads. I NEVER on any account allow my business to interfere with my drinking. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. NURSERY RHYME. W HAT is an Englishman made of? Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. M ARRIAGE is a desperate thing. The frogs in Æsop were extreme wise; they had a great mind to some water, but they would not leap into the well, because they could not get out again. Selden, Table Talk. ("D ON'T speak so hard of ——; he lives on your good graces.") That accounts for his being so thin. Lady Ashburton, apud Lord Houghton. W E are wise—and we make ourselves hazy; Once a Week. Y OU remember Thurlow's answer to some one complaining of the injustice of a company, "Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to save, nor a body to kick." Sydney Smith, Life and Letters. E LLISTON, the actor, a self-educated man, was playing cribbage one evening, with Lamb, and on drawing out his first card, exclaimed, "When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war." "Yes," replied Lamb, "and when you meet Greek, you don't understand it." Life of Rev. W Harness. T O Justice Park's brother, who was a great church-goer, some one applied the words, "Parcus deorum cultor." Thomas Moore, Diary. "Y OU'LL soon get used to her looks," said he, Judge, in W. S. Gilbert's Trial by Jury. "M Y brethren," said Swift in a sermon, "there are three sorts of pride—of birth, of riches, and of talents. I shall not now speak of the latter, none of you being liable to that abominable vice." Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. N O doubt this patience, when the world is damning us, Lord Byron, Don Juan. H E was not an intellectual Croesus, but his pockets were full of sixpences. Lord Beaconsfield, Lothair. I T'S after a dinner at Freemason's Hall H. S. Leigh, Carols of Cockayne. O NE of our countrymen having been introduced by M. de la Rochefoucauld to Mademoiselle Bigottini, the beautiful and graceful dancer, in the course of conversation with this gentleman, asked him in what part of the theatre he was placed; upon which he replied, "Mademoiselle, dans un loge rÓti," instead of "grillÉ." The lady could not understand what he meant, until his introducer explained the mistake, observing, "Ces diables d'Anglais pensent toujours À leur Rosbif." Gronow, Recollections. T HE sea was wet as wet could be, Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass. A MAN of business should always have his eyes open, but must often seem to have them shut. Lord Chesterfield, Maxims. N EXT morning twelve citizens came John Godfrey Saxe, Poems. I REMEMBER on one occasion acting in "Venice Preserved." A long and rather drowsy dying speech of my poor friend Jaffier was "dragging its slow length along," when one of the gallery, in a tone of great impatience, called out very loudly, "Ah now, die at once;" to which another from the other side immediately replied, "Be quiet, you blackguard," then, turning with a patronizing tone to the lingering Jaffier, "Take your time!" W. C. MacReady, Diary. T HE days they grow shorter and shorter, J. R. PlanchÉ, Songs and Poems. A KIND Providence furnishes the limpest personality with a little gum or starch in the form of tradition. George Eliot, Middlemarch. O IL and water—woman and a secret— Baradas, in Lord Lytton's Richelieu. A T a musical soirÉe in Paris, a lady, possessing a magnificent soprano voice and remarkable facility of execution, sang the great Maestro's well-known aria, "Una Voce," with great effect, but overladen with fiorituri of the most elaborate description. Rossini, at its conclusion, advanced to the piano and complimented the lady most highly upon her vocal powers, terminating his encomiums with the cruel inquiry: "Mais de qui est la musique?" J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. ON A BAD SINGER. S WANS sing before they die; 'twere no bad thing S. T. Coleridge. "I S life worth living?" That depends upon the liver. The World. OLD LOVES. "T HEN, you liked little Bowes."— Austin Dobson, Proverbs in Porcelain. W OMEN, when left to themselves, talk chiefly about their dress; they think more about their lovers than they talk about them. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. O IF billows and pillows, and bowers and flowers, C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. M ISS PRUE. Must I tell a lie, then? Congreve, Love for Love. S OME attacks on the lungs, that of woe would be full, Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. W HEN an acquaintance came up to him and said, "Why, Jerrold, I hear you said my nose was like the ace of clubs!" Jerrold returned, "No, I didn't; but now I look at it, I see it is very like." Mrs. Cowden Clarke. WUS, EVER WUS. W US, ever wus! By freak of Puck's H. Cholmondeley Pennell, Puck on Pegasus. L 'HYMEN vient aprÈs l'amour, comme la fumÉe aprÈs la flamme. Chamfort, Maximes. I T may be so—perhaps thou hast Oliver Wendell Holmes. N OTHING shows one who his friends are, like prosperity and ripe fruit. I had a good friend in the country whom I almost never visited except in cherry time. By your fruits you shall know them. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. AN EPITAPH. A LOVELY young lady I mourn in my rhymes: G. J. Cayley, in Comic Poets. A NYBODY amuses me for once. A new acquaintance is like a new book. I prefer it, even if bad, to a classic. Lady Montfort, in Lord Beaconsfield's Endymion. N OW I hold it is not decent for a scientific gent Bret Harte, Complete Works. S TORY of Edward Walpole, who, being told, one day at the "Garrick," that the confectioners had a way of discharging the ink from old parchment by a chemical process, and then making the parchment into isinglass for their jellies, said, "Then I find a man may now eat his deeds as well as his words." R. H. Barham, Life. W HAT is the spell that 'twixt a saint and sinner Alfred Austin, The Season. "I VENT to the club this mornin', sir. There vorn't no letters, sir." "Very good, Topping." "How's missus, sir?" "Pretty well, Topping." "Glad to hear it, sir. My missus ain't very well, sir." "No!" "No, sir, she's agoin', sir, to have a hincrease werry soon, and it makes her nervous, sir; and ven a young voman gets down at sich a time, sir, she goes down werry deep, sir." To this sentiment I reply affirmatively, and then he adds, as he stirs the fire (as if he were thinking out loud), "Wot a mystery it is! Wot a go is natur'!" Charles Dickens, apud J. T. Fields. T HE most forlorn—what worms we are!— Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. M RS. CADWALLADER says it is nonsense, people going a long journey when they are married. She says they get tired to death of each other, and can't quarrel comfortably, as they would at home. Celia Brooke, in George Eliot's Middlemarch. S OME think that man from a monkey grew J. S. Blackie, Musa Burschicosa. I N a trial, where a German and his wife were giving evidence, the former was asked by the counsel, "How old are you?" "I am dirty." "And what is your wife?" "Mine wife is dirty-two." "Then, sir, you are a very nasty couple, and I wish to have nothing further to say to either of you." Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. H E'D better be apt with his pen G. O. Trevelyan, Ladies in Parliament. O H, my Maria! Alas! she married another. They frequently do. I hope she is happy—because I am. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. R ISE up, cold reverend, to a see; The Shotover Papers. F OR people to live happily together, the real secret is, that they should not live too much together. Ellesmere, in Helps's Friends in Council. L ORD ELLENBOROUGH'S saying to a witness; "Why, you are an industrious fellow; you must have taken pains with yourself; no man was ever naturally so stupid." Thomas Moore, Diary. I F you've a thousand a year or a minute; Mortimer Collins. H E [Bagehot] used to say, banteringly, to his mother, by way of putting her off at a time when she was anxious for him to marry, "A man's mother is his misfortune, but his wife is his fault!" R. H. Hutton, Memoir of W. Bagehot. A LADY ON THE PRINCESSE DRESS. M Y dress, you'll aver, is Economy's own, J. Ashby Sterry, in English Epigrams. L ORD PALMERSTON, during his last attack of gout, exclaimed, playfully, "Die, my dear doctor! That's the last thing I think of doing." J. C. Jeaffreson, About Lawyers. ON POVERTY. H E who in his pocket has no money Epigrams in Distich. T AVERN—a house kept for those who are not housekeepers. Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. W HEN the breakfast is spread, Lewis Carroll, Phantasmagoria. O N [one] occasion, at a concert, a very indifferent tenor, who sang repeatedly out of tune, was indiscreet enough to express his regret to Rossini that he should have heard him for the first time in that room, as, he complained, "Le plafond est si sourd." Rossini raised his eyes to the abused ceiling, and simply ejaculated, "Heureux plafond!" J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. I F, sick of home and luxuries, Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. A COUNTRY rector, coming up to preach at Oxford in his turn, complained to Dr. Routh, the venerable Principal of Maudlin, that the remuneration was very inadequate, considering the travelling expenses and the labour necessary for the composition of the discourse. "How much did they give you?" inquired Dr. Routh. "Only five pounds," was the reply. "Only five pounds?" repeated the doctor; "why, I would not have preached that sermon for fifty!" Life of Rev. W. Harness. D EY vented to de Voman's Righds, C. G. Leland, Breitmann Ballads. T HERE is nothing more universally commended than a fine day; the reason is, that people can commend it without envy. Shenstone, Essays. L ET the singing singers, Chrononhotonthologos, in Carey's farce. G IVING advice is, many times, only the privilege of saying a foolish thing one's self, under pretence of hindering another from doing one. Pope, Thoughts on Various Subjects. O F pay or play may preach this knot— H. Cholmondeley Pennell, Pegasus Resaddled. R ENÉ. Qu'est ce que c'est donc que les affaires, Monsieur Giraud? Dumas fils, La Question d'Argent. T OUS les mÉchants sont buveurs d'eau. Comte de SÉgur. M ISS PELLINGLE commences "Rousseau's Dream," with variations. Beautiful melody, by itself first, clear and distinct. Now the air tries to break out between alternate notes, like a prisoner behind bars. Then we have a variation entirely bass. Happy thought.—Rousseau snoring. Then a scampering up, a meeting with the right hand, a scampering down, and a leap off one note into space. Then both in the middle, wobbling; then down into the bass again. Happy thought.—Rousseau after a heavy supper. A plaintive variation.—Rousseau in pain. Light strain: Mazurka time.—Rousseau kicking in his sleep. F. C. Burnand, Happy Thoughts. S AD is that woman's lot who, year by year, Lady Jane, in W. S. Gilbert's Patience. N O coinage in circulation so fluctuates in value as the worth of a marriageable man. Lord Lytton, What will he do with it? ANATHEMA IN EXCELSIS. C REED of St. Anathasius? No, indeed. Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. M ISTRUST all those who love you extremely upon a very slight acquaintance, and without any visible reason. Lord Chesterfield, Maxims. BENEVOLENT NEUTRALITY. W HEN man and wife at odds fall out, Anon. M Y friend the late Sam Phillips one day met Douglas Jerrold, and told him he had seen, the day before, Payne Collier looking wonderfully gay and well—quite an evergreen. "Ah," said Jerrold, "he may be evergreen, but he's never read." On my repeating this to Hicks, he smiled and said, "Now that's what I call 'ready wit.'" J. C. Young, Diary. O NE day, when conversing with [a] friend, something was said on the subject of religious persecution, on which [Whately] remarked, "It is no wonder that some English people have a taste for persecuting on account of religion, since it is the first lesson that most are taught in their nurseries." His friend expressed his incredulity, and denied that he, at least, had been taught it. "Are you sure?" replied Dr. Whately. "What think you of this— E. J. Whately, Life of Whately. ON A PUBLIC-HOUSE. O F this establishment how can we speak? Anon. A T a fÊte at Hatfield House, tableaux vivants were among the chief amusements, and scenes from Ivanhoe were among the selections. All the parts were filled up but that of Isaac of York. Lady Salisbury begged Lord Alvanley "to make the set complete, by doing the Jew." "Anything in my power your ladyship may demand," replied Alvanley; "but though no man in England has tried oftener, I never could do a Jew in my life." R. H. Barham, Life. T HERE'S nothing we read of in torture's inventions, J. R. Lowell, A Fable for Critics. THE POPE. M ISS D., on her return to the Highlands of Scotland, from Rome, went to see an auld Scottish wife, and said, to interest the old woman, "I have been to Rome since I saw you—I have seen all sorts of great people—I have seen the Pope." The sympathetic old dame replied with animation, "The Pope of Rome!—Honest marn!—haze he ony family?" Frederick Locker, Patchwork. N AY, tempt me not, Arab, again to stay; C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. T HE bulk of men in our days are just as immoral as they were in Charles the Second's; the only difference is that they are incomparably more stupid, and that instead of decking their immorality with the jewels of wit, they clumsily try to cover it with the tarpaulin of respectability. Mr. Luke, in Mallock's New Republic. WHY WIVES MAKE NO WILLS. M EN dying make their wills, why cannot wives? R. Hugman (circa 1628). W HAT the mischief do you suppose you want with a post-office at Baldwin's Ranch? It would not do you any good. If any letters came there, you couldn't read them, you know; and besides, such letters as ought to pass through, with money in them, for other localities, would not be likely to get through, you must perceive at once; and that would make trouble for us all. No; don't bother about a post-office at your camp. What you want is a nice jail, you know—a nice, substantial jail, and a free school. These will be a lasting benefit to you. These will make you really contented and happy. Mark Twain, Choice Works. N OUS avons tous assez de force pour supporter les maux d'autrui. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. R OGERS happened to ask Macaulay what he thought of Miss Harriet Martineau's wonderful cures by mesmerism. He said, with one of his rare smiles, "Oh, it's all my eye, and Hetty Martineau!" Lady Chatterton, Life. T Tame is Virtue's school; Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. T H' young men noo-a-days, they're poor squashy things—the' looke well anoof, but the' woon't wear, the' woon't wear. "Mester" Ford, in George Eliot's Mr. Gilfil. "W HERE are the boys of my youth?" I assure you this is not a conundrum. Some are amongst you here—some in America—some are in gaol. Hence arises a most touching question: "Where are the girls of my youth?" Some are married—some would like to be. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. M ARK how the lorgnettes cautiously they raise Alfred Austin, The Season. I SENT the book down to the Dean, from Saunders and Otley's. Speaking of that firm, I don't know whether I told you of young Sutton, Lord Canterbury's son, calling there one day very angry, because they had not sent him some books he had ordered. He was, as usual, pretty warm, and so much so that one of the partners could bear it no longer, and told him as much. "I don't know who you are," was the answer, "but I don't want to annoy you personally, as you may not be the one in fault: it's your confounded house that I blame. You may be Otley, or you may be Saunders; if you are Saunders, d—— Otley; if you are Otley, d—— Saunders. I mean nothing personal to you." R. H. Barham, Life. O F all actions of a man's life, his marriage does least concern other people, yet of all actions of our life 'tis most meddled with by other people. Selden, Table Talk. A GRAVE and quiet man was he, John Godfrey Saxe, Poems. A LITTLE knowledge of the world is a very dangerous thing, especially in literature. Lord Montfort, in Lord Beaconsfield's Endymion. S I les hommes ne se flattaient pas les uns les autres, il n'y aurait guÈre de sociÉtÉ. Vauvenargues, RÉflexions. T HE gravest aversion exists among bears Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. H EAVEN knows what would become of our sociality if we never visited people we speak ill of; we should live, like Egyptian hermits, in crowded solitude. George Eliot, Janet's Repentance. M ETHINKS the older that one grows Lord Byron, Beppo. W E ought never to contend for what we are not likely to obtain. Cardinal de Retz, Memoirs. "I WILL never marry a woman who cannot carve," said M——. "Why?" "Because she would not be a help-meat for me." Literary Gazette. T WINKLE, twinkle, little bat! Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. W E had for dinner, among other things, a ham which was not well flavoured; and Mrs. Frederick Mackenzie, who was annoyed about it, began apologizing, and saying that Ellerton, the local grocer, had sold it to her as something very excellent, and as a genuine Westphalia. "Ah!" said Compton, "I cannot determine precisely whether it is east or west, but it is a failure of some sort." R. B. Carter, in Memoir of H. Compton. O NE of the company asserting that he had seen a pike caught, which weighed thirty-six pounds, and was four feet in length,—"Had it been a sole," said Harry [Sandford], "it would have surprised me less, as Shakespeare tells us, 'All the souls that are, were four feet (forfeit) once.'" R. H. Barham, Life. T HERE is safety in numbers, especially in odd numbers. The Three Graces never married, neither did the Nine Muses. Kenelm Chillingly, in Lord Lytton's novel. DISTICH. T HERE are three species of creatures who when they seem coming are going, John Hay, Poems. I F a man might know Sir John Suckling. B ARRY CORNWALL told me that when he and Charles Lamb were once making up a dinner-party together, Charles asked him not to invite a certain lugubrious friend of theirs. "Because," said Lamb, "he would cast a damper even over a funeral." J. T. Fields, Yesterdays with Authors. L 'AMOUR plaÎt plus que le mariage, par la raison que les romans sont plus amusants que l'histoire. Chamfort, Maximes. T HE farmers daughter hath frank blue eyes; C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. m ACREADY told a story of George B——, the actor, who, it seems, was not popular in the profession, being considered a sort of time-server: "There goes Georgius," said some one. "Not Georgium Sidus?" replied Keeley. "Yes," added Power, "Georgium Any-sidus." R. H. Barham, Life. I 'M weary, and sick, and disgusted I'm sick of the whole race of poets, Bon Gaultier Ballads. "O n one occasion," said Brummell, "I called to inquire after a young lady who had sprained her ankle. Lewis, on being asked how she was, had said in the black's presence, 'The doctor has seen her, put her legs straight, and the poor chicken is doing well.' The servant, therefore, told me, with a very mysterious and knowing look, 'Oh, sir, the doctor has been here; she has laid eggs, and she and the chickens are doing well.'" Gronow, Recollections. A SCOTTISH Scottish clergyman had some years since been cited before the Ecclesiastical Assembly at Edinburgh, to answer to a charge brought against him of great irreverence in religious matters, and Sir Walter [Scott] was employed by him to arrange his defence. The principal fact alleged against him was his having asserted, in a letter which was produced, that "he considered Pontius Pilate to be a very ill-used man, as he had done more for Christianity than all the other nine Apostles put together." The fact was proved, and suspension followed. R. H. Barham, Life. ON DIDACTICS IN POETRY. P ARNASSUS' peaks still catch the sun; Austin Dobson, in Latter-Day Lyrics. M Y old fellow-traveller in Germany, himself an Irishman, being on the box of an Irish mail-coach on a very cold day, and observing the driver enveloping his neck in the voluminous folds of an ample "comforter," remarked, "You seem to be taking very good care of yourself, my friend." "Och, to be shure I am, sir," answered the driver; "what's all the world to a man when his wife's a widdy?" J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. ---- has nothing truly human about him; he can't even yawn like a man. Lady Ashburton, apud Lord Houghton. W E are apt to be kinder to the brutes that love us than to the women that love us. Is it because the brutes are dumb? George Eliot, Adam Bede. A FRONTISPIECE of a new magazine, Lord Byron, Beppo. "I WISH to consult you upon a little project I have formed," said a noodle to his friend. "I have an idea in my head——" "Have you?" interposed the friend, with a look of great surprise; "then you shall have my opinion at once: keep it there!—it may be some time before you get another." Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. O N aime mieux dire du mal de soi-mÊme que de n'en point parler. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. A ND I said, "Why is this thus? What is the reason of this thusness?" C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. THEOLOGICAL HOROLOGY. T HERE'S this to say about the Scotch, Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. D AWSON told a good story about the Irish landlord counting out the change of a guinea. "12, 13, 14" (a shot heard); "Bob, go and see who's that that's killed; 15, 16, 17" (enter Bob). "It's Kelly, sir." "Poor Captain Kelly, a very good customer of mine; 18, 19, 20—there's your change, sir." Thomas Moore, Diary. C AN this be Balbus, household word for all, Horace, in G. O. Trevelyan's Horace at Athens. I SHOULD never like scolding any one else so well; and that is a point to be thought of in a husband. Mary Garth, in George Eliot's Middlemarch. I N Logic a woman may seldom excel; Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. Q UAM parv sapienti regitur mundus. Say rather, quam magn stultitiÂ. Charles Buxton, Notes of Thought. T HE padded corsage and the well-matched hair, Alfred Austin, The Season. A TAILOR is partly an alchemist, for he extracteth his own apparel out of other men's clothes. Sir Thomas Overbury, Characters. I AM quite ashamed to take people into my garden, and have them notice the absence of onions. In onion is strength; and a garden without it lacks flavour. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. T ORBAY had incurred a good deal of expense W. S. Gilbert, Bab Ballads. W HEN you have found the master-passion of a man, remember never to trust him where that passion is concerned. Lord Chesterfield, Letters to his Son. ON ONE WHO SPOKE LITTLE. "I HARDLY ever ope my lips," one cries: R. Garnett, Idylls and Epigrams. N OUS aimons mieux voir ceux À qui nous faisons du bien que ceux qui nous en font. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. ALL SAINTS'. I N a church which is furnish'd with mullion and gable, Edmund Yates. I F we are long absent from our friends, we forget them; if we are constantly with them, we despise them. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. A WELL-KNOWN litterateur, on seeing [Lady Ruthven], after breakfast, feeding her pheasants with crumbs and milk, exclaimed, "Ah! I see your ladyship is preparing them here, for bread-sauce hereafter." J. C. Young, Diary. T HE second canto of the "Pleasures of Memory," as published in the first edition, commenced with the lines— "Sweet memory, wafted by thy gentle gale, [A] critic remarked on this passage that it suggested the alliteration— "Oft up the tide of Time I turn my tail." Rogers, Table Talk. I LIKE the man who makes a pun, H. S. Leigh, Carols of Cockayne. N O woman is too silly not to have a genius for spite. Anna C. Steele. T HAT'S what a man wants in a wife mostly; he wants to make sure o' one fool as 'ull tell him he's wise. Mrs. Poyser, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. T HE characters of great and small Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. C ONSCIENCE, in most souls, is like an English Sovereign—it reigns, but it does not govern. Its function is merely to give a formal assent to the Bills passed by the passions; and it knows, if it opposes what those are really bent upon, that ten to one it will be obliged to abdicate. Leslie, in Mallock's New Republic. I F you are pious (mild form of insanity), Mortimer Collins, The British Birds. W E were sitting in the green-room one evening during the performance, chatting and laughing, she [Mrs. Nesbitt] having a book in her hand which she had to take on the stage with her in the next scene, when Brindal, a useful member of the company, but not particularly remarkable for wit or humour, came to the door, and, leaning against it, in a sentimental manner drawled out,— "If to her share some female errors fall, He paused. She raised her beautiful eyes to him, and consciously smiled—her smile—in anticipation of the well-known complimentary termination of the couplet, when, with a deep sigh, he added— "——and you'll believe them all!" J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. THE MAIDENS. P ERHAPS, O lovers, if we did our hair THE YOUTHS. By doing this ye would not us befool; Once a Week. P LEDGE me round, I bid ye declare, W. M. Thackeray. I T was known that Lord St. Jerome gave at his ball suppers the same champagne that he gave at his dinners, and that was of the highest class: in short, a patriot. We talk with wondering execration of the great poisoners of past ages, the Borgias, the inventor of Aqua tofana, and the amiable Marchioness de Brinvilliers; but Pinto was of opinion that there were more social poisoners about in the present day than in the darkest and most demoralized periods, and then none of them are punished; which is so strange, he would add, as they are all found out. Lord Beaconsfield, Lothair. S EARED is, of course, my heart:—but unsubdued C. S. Calverley, Verses and Translations. S HEIL had learnt and forgotten the exordium of a speech which began with the word "Necessity." This word he had repeated three times, when Sir Robert Peel broke in—"is not always the mother of invention." Abraham Hayward, Essays. ON MR. FROUDE AND CANON KINGSLEY. F ROUDE informs the Scottish youth Anon. D INED with Sydney Smith. He said that his brother Robert had, in King George III.'s time, translated the motto, "Libertas sub rege pio," "The pious king has got liberty under." R. H. Barham, Life. L ANDLORD: He's only a genus. Lord Lytton, The Lady of Lyons. F IRST love is a pretty romance, Mr. Bernal. I 'VE nothing to say again' her piety, my dear; but I know very well I shouldn't like her to cook my victual. When a man comes in hungry an' tired, piety won't feed him, I reckon. Hard carrots 'ull lie heavy on his stomach, piety or no piety. It's right enough to be speritial—I'm no enemy to that; but I like my potatoes mealy. Mrs. Linnet, in George Eliot's Janet's Repentance. S OMEHOW, sitting cosily here, Once a Week. A LAWYER'S brief will be brief, before a freethinker thinks freely. Guesses at Truth. J UXTAPOSITION, in fine; and what is juxtaposition? Claude, in Clough's Amours de Voyage. W E measure the excellency of other men by some excellency we conceive to be in ourselves. Selden, Table Talk. O H! spare those Gardens where the leafy glade Alfred Austin, The Season. T HEY have queer hotels in Oregon. I remember one where they gave me a bag of oats for a pillow. I had night mares, of course. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. T HE man who would Charybdis shun Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. T HE flattery which is most pleasing to really beautiful or decidedly ugly women is that which is addressed to the intellect. Lord Chesterfield, Letters to his Son. J OHNSON'S folly—to be candid—was a wild desire to treat Bret Harte, Complete Works. G OOD little girls ought not to make mouths at their teachers for every trifling offence. This kind of retaliation should only be resorted to under peculiarly aggravating circumstances. If you have nothing but a rag-doll stuffed with sawdust, while one of your more fortunate little playmates has a costly china one, you should treat her with a show of kindness nevertheless. And you ought not to attempt to make a forcible swap with her, unless your conscience would justify you in it, and you know you are able to do it. If your mother tells you to do a thing, it is wrong to reply that you won't. It is better and more becoming to intimate that you will do as she bids you, and then afterwards act quietly in the matter according to the dictates of your better judgment. Mark Twain, Choice Works. W E count mankind, and keep our census still, R. H. Newell, Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. I THINK it was Jekyll who used to say that "the further he went West, the more convinced he was that the wise men did come from the East." Sydney Smith, Life and Letters. C E qui nous empÊche souvent de nous abandonner À un seul vice est que nous en avons plusieurs. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. I HAVE observed that if people's vanity is pleased, they live well enough together. Offended vanity is the great separator. Ellesmere, in Helps's Friends in Council. ON EDINBURGH. P OMPOUS the boast, and yet a truth it speaks: James Hannay, Sketches and Characters. L ORD ANDOVER, a very fat man, was greatly plagued at a fancy bazaar to buy some trifle or other from the ladies' stalls. At length he rather rudely said, "I am like the Prodigal Son, persecuted by ladies." "No, no," retorted Mrs. ——, "say, rather, the fatted calf." B. R. Haydon, Diary. A QUIET conscience makes one so serene! Lord Byron, Don Juan. "W ERE you born in wedlock?" asked a counsel of a witness. "No, sir, in Devonshire," was the reply. Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. E VANSON, in his "Dissonance of the Gospels," thinks Luke is most worthy of credence. P—— said that Evanson was a luke-warm Christian. Crabb Robinson, Diary. ONE FOR HIM. R EADING the paper Laura sat, Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. I WAS once as desperately in love as you are now. I adored, and was rejected. "You are in love with certain attributes," said the lady. "Damn your attributes, madam," said I; "I know nothing of attributes." "Sir," she said, with dignity, "you have been drinking." So we parted. She was married afterwards to another, who knew something about attributes, I suppose. I have seen her once, and only once. She had a baby in a yellow gown. I hate a baby in a yellow gown! Berkley, in Longfellow's Hyperion. A MAN has generally the good or ill qualities which he attributes to mankind. Shenstone, Essays. H OW doth the little crocodile Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. A PROPOS of cutlets, I once called upon an old lady, who pressed me so urgently to stay and dine with her that, as I had no engagement, I could not refuse. On sitting down, the servant uncovered a dish which contained two mutton chops; and my old friend said, "Mr. Hook, you see your dinner." "Thank you, ma'am," said I; "but where is yours?" Theodore Hook, apud PlanchÉ. I N all distresses of our friends, Swift, Verses on his own Death. O N ne donne rien si libÉralement que ses conseils. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. A NUTSHELL NOVEL. FOR A MINIATURE MUDIE. VOL. I. A WINNING wile, VOL. II. A playful pout, VOL. III. You ask mamma, J. Ashby Sterry, Boudoir Ballads. W OMAN consoles us, it is true, while we are young and handsome! When we are old and ugly, woman snubs and scolds us. Lord Lytton, What will he do with it? L A sociÉtÉ est composÉe de deux grandes classes: ceux qui ont plus de dÎners que d'appÉtit, et ceux qui ont plus d'appÉtit que de dÎners. Chamfort, Maximes. H AS she wedded some gigantic shrimper, C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. "Y OU may report to your Government that the British youth of the present day, hot from the University, are very often prigs." L. Oliphant, Piccadilly. W OMAN takes the lead in all the departments, leaving us politics only. While we are being amused by the ballot, woman is quietly taking things into her own hands. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. W OULD it were wind and wave alone! Austin Dobson, Vignettes in Rhyme. I T'S poor work allays settin' the dead above the livin'. It 'ud be better if folks 'ud make much of us beforehand, isted o' beginnin' when we're gone. Mrs. Poyser, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. T HE authoress of the "Wild Irish Girl," Lady Morgan, justly proud of her gifted sister Olivia, was in the habit of addressing every new-comer with, "I must make you acquainted with my Livy." She once used this form of words to a gentleman who had just been worsted in an encounter of wits with the lady in question. "Yes, ma'am," was the reply; "I happen to know your Livy, and I would to Heaven your Livy was Tacitus." Lord Albemarle, Fifty Years of my Life. "R ISE with the lark, and with the lark to bed," John Godfrey Saxe, Poems. A POPULAR MAN.—One who is so boldly vulgar that the timidly vulgar admire him. Anne Evans, Poems and Music. W E can't for a certainty tell Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. L A haine des faibles n'est pas si dangereuse que leur amitiÉ. Vauvenargues, RÉflexions. T O Matthew Arnold we must go to put us in the right, sir, F. D., in Pall Mall Gazette. C HAMBERMAIDS use up more hair-oil than any six men. If charged with purloining the same, they lie about it. What do they care about a hereafter? Absolutely nothing. Mark Twain, Choice Works. W HEN sorely tempted to purloin Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. N O man can be wise on an empty stomach. Bartle Massey, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. A LL tragedies are finished by a death, Lord Byron, Don Juan. T HE Bailli de Ferrette was always dressed in knee-breeches, with a cocked hat and sword, the slender proportions of which greatly resembled those of his legs. "Do tell me, my dear Bailli," said Montrond one day, "have you got three legs or three swords?" Gronow, Recollections. A MEXICAN lady's hair never curls—it's as straight as an Indian's. Some people's hair won't curl under any circumstances. My hair won't curl under two shillings. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. I 'VE read the poets of our land, H. Savile Clarke. W OMEN are much more like each other than men; they have, in truth, but two passions: vanity and love: these are their universal characteristics. Lord Chesterfield, Letters to his Son. "A FTER all, are not women necessary to your happiness?" Heinrich Heine, The Florentine Nights. I LOVE you! ay! it seems absurd, Robert Reece, in Comic Poets. T HE most dreadful thing against women is the character of the men that praise them. Lady Ashburton, apud Lord Houghton. T HERE'S one Thomas Buckle, a London youth, J. S. Blackie, Musa Burschicosa. S HERIDAN'S answer to Lord Lauderdale was excellent, on the latter saying he would repeat some good thing I had mentioned to him: "Pray don't, my dear Lauderdale; a joke in your mouth is no laughing matter." Thomas Moore, Diary. D O you know why the rabbits are caught in the snare, Flapper, in H. P. Stephens's Billee Taylor. I REMEMBER Curran once—in an action for breach of promise of marriage, in which he was counsel for the defendant, a young clergyman—thus appealing to the jury: "Gentlemen, I entreat of you not to ruin this young man by a vindictive verdict, for though he has talents, and is in the Church, he may rise!" Phillips, Life of Curran. T HERE are female women, and there are male women. Charles Buxton, Notes of Thought. I OWN fair faces not more fair W. M. Praed. I HEARD an anecdote at Oxford, of a porter encountering on his rounds two undergraduates, who were without their gowns, or out of bounds, or out of hours. He challenged one: "Your name and college?" They were given. Turning to the other: "And pray, sir, what might your name be?" "Julius CÆsar," was the reply. "What, sir, do you mean to say your name is Julius CÆsar?" "Sir, you did not ask me what it is, but what it might be." W. H. Harrison, Reminiscences. I ALWAYS can tell a Lady Matilda, in G. O. Trevelyan's Ladies T ALKING of Doctor [Parr's] illegible manuscript, "Ay," said [Basil Montagu], "his letters are illegible, except they contain a commission or an announcement that he is coming to see you, and then no man can write plainer." Miss Mitford, Life and Letters. I NEVER nursed a dear gazelle; C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. S OME reformer was clamouring for the expulsion of the Bishops from the House of Lords, but said he would not have them all go; he would leave two. "To keep up the breed, I suppose," said Alvanley. Charles Greville, Diary. Y OU women regard men just as you buy books—you never care about what is in them, but how they are bound and lettered. Damas, in Lord Lytton's Lady of Lyons. EPITAPH ON LORD L——. H ERE lies L.'s body, from his soul asunder: Scrope Davies, apud Moore. A SUITABLE BRIDE. M Y friend Admiral E. E., shortly after his return from a cruise, met an old acquaintance in the streets of ——, who said, after the usual salutations had passed, "They telt me, Admiral, that ye had got married." The Admiral, hoping for a compliment, replied, "Why, Bailie, I am getting on; I'm not so young as I was, you see, and none of the girls will have me." On which the Bailie, with perfect good faith and simplicity, replied, "'Deed, Admiral, I was na evenin' yer to a lassie, but there's mony a fine, respeckit, half-worn wumman wad be glad to tak ye." Frederick Locker, Patchwork. ON THE WORKS OF THE LAKE POETS. T HEY come from the Lakes—an appropriate quarter Rev. Henry Townshend. A ND I whispered, "I guess Lewis Carroll, Phantasmagoria. I T was Lady Cork who had originated the idea that, after all, heaven would perhaps turn out very dull to her when she got there; sitting on damp clouds, and singing "God save the King," being her idea of the principal amusements there. Fanny Kemble, Record of a Girlhood. ON FEMININE TALKATIVENESS. H OW wisely Nature, ordering all below, Anon. W HEN Tennyson entered the Oxford Theatre to receive his honorary degree of D.C.L., his locks hanging in admired disorder on his shoulders, dishevelled and unkempt, a voice from the gallery was heard crying out to him, "Did your mother call you early, dear?" J. C. Young, Diary. "H A! HA!" he said, "you loathe your ways, W. S. Gilbert, Bab Ballads. Y OU may safely flatter any woman, from her understanding down to the exquisite taste of her fan. Lord Chesterfield, Letters to his Son. ON LADIES' ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Y OUR dressing, dancing, gadding, where's the good in? Epigrams in Distich. L ORD BRAXFIELD, at whist, exclaimed to a lady with whom he was playing, "What are ye doing, ye damned auld ——?" and then, recollecting himself, "Your pardon's begged, madam; I took ye for my ain wife." Lord Macaulay, Life. T HEN life was thornless to our ken, Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. J OHN HAMILTON REYNOLDS was specially distinguished for the aptness of his quotations. Finding him one day lunching at the Garrick, I asked him if the beef he was eating was good. "It would have been," he answered, "if damned custom had not brazed it so." J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. W HILE spending an evening at [Mendelssohn's] house, a note, with a ticket enclosed, was put in my hands. The note ran thus: "The Directors of the Leipzig Concerts beg leave to present to Mr. Shurely a ticket of the concert of to-morrow." Whereupon Mendelssohn ran to the pianoforte, and immediately began to play the subject from the chorus of the "Messiah," "Surely he hath borne," etc. H. F. Chorley, Life. F HAIRSHON had a son, Bon Gaultier Ballads. A FTER the execution of the eighteen malefactors [in 1787], a female was bawling an account of them, but called them nineteen. A gentleman said to her, "Why do you say nineteen? There were but eighteen hanged." She replied, "Sir, I did not know you had been reprieved." Horace Walpole, Correspondence. ON THE MARRIAGE OF JOB WALL AND MARY BEST. J OB, wanting a partner, thought he'd be blest, Hicks, apud J. C. Young. L A vertu des femmes est peut-Être une question du tempÉrament. Balzac, Physiologie du Mariage. ON ONE STEALING A POUND OF CANDLES. L IGHT-FINGERED Catch, to keep his hands in ure, A Collection of Epigrams (1727). A T Hook's, one day the conversation turned on the Duke of Cumberland, and a question asked who he married. "Don't you know?" said Cannon; "the Princess de Psalms (Salms),—good enough for Hymn (him)." W. Jerdan, Memoirs. F OR me, I neither know nor care Thomas Hood. M ADAME DE —— having said, in her intense style, "I should like to be married in English, in a language in which vows are so faithfully kept," some one asked Frere, "What language, I wonder, was she married in?" "Broken English, I suppose," answered Frere. Thomas Moore, Diary. Y OUR magpies and stock-doves may flirt among trees, Charles Morris, Lyra Urbanica. A GAIN they asked me to marry them, and again I declined, when they cried,—"Oh, cruel man! This is too much—too much!" I told them that it was on account of the muchness that I declined. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. O N one of the country gentlemen saying in Parliament, "We must return to the food of our ancestors," somebody asked, "What food does he mean?" "Thistles, I suppose," said Tierney. Thomas Moore, Diary. M AIDENS then were innocent, J. Jemmett Browne, Songs of Many Seasons. [L ADY CHARLOTTE LINDSAY] said she had "sprained her ankle so often, and been told that it was worse than breaking her leg, that she said she had come to look upon a broken leg as a positive advantage." Lord Houghton, Monographs. B LOWS are sarcasms turned stupid. George Eliot, Felix Holt. T HEY grieved for those who perished with the cutter, Lord Byron, Don Juan. S OCIAL arrangements are awful miscarriages; Mortimer Collins, The British Birds. F OX, whose pecuniary embarrassments were universally recognized, being attacked by a severe indisposition, which confined him to his apartment, Dudley frequently visited him. In the course of conversation, Fox, alluding to his complaints, remarked that he was compelled to observe much regularity in his diet and hours; adding, "I live by rule, like clockwork." "Yes," replied Dudley; "I suppose you mean you go by tick, tick, tick." Sir Nathaniel Wraxall, Memoirs. PROBATUM EST. O NE loss has a companion always. Semper, Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. W ORKING by the hour tends to make one moral. A plumber working by the job, trying to unscrew a rusty, refractory nut, in a cramped position, where the tongs continually slipped off, would swear; but I never heard one of them swear, or exhibit the least impatience at such a vexation, working by the hour. Nothing can move a man who is paid by the hour. How sweet the flight of time seems to his calm mind! C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. I T greets me in my festal hours, H. S. Leigh, Carols of Cockayne. "M ILTON Perkins," said the Siren, "not thy wealth do I admire, Bret Harte, Complete Works. T RUTH-VENDORS and medicine-vendors usually recommend swallowing. When a man sees his livelihood in a pill or a proposition, he likes to have orders for the dose, and not curious inquiries. Felix Holt, in George Eliot's novel. S TUART MILL on Mind and Matter Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. "A ND how many hours a day did you do lessons?" said Alice. Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. Q UICONQUE n'a pas de caractÈre n'est pas un homme: c'est une chose. Chamfort, Maximes. I T'S hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on. Mrs. Poyser, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. I WANT you to come and pass sentence Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. J OSEPH Gillon was a Writer to the Signet. Calling on him one day in his writing office, Sir Walter Scott said, "Why, Joseph, this place is as hot as an oven." "Well," quoth Gillon, "and isn't it here that I make my bread?" Lockhart, Life of Scott. F OREVER! 'tis a single word! C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. W ALKING down St. James's Street, Lord Chelmsford was accosted by a stranger, who exclaimed, "Mr. Birch, I believe?" "If you believe that, sir, you'll believe anything," replied the ex-chancellor, as he passed on. Berkeley, Life and Recollections. Y OU snared me, Rose, with ribbons, Austin Dobson, Vignettes in Rhyme. T HE reason we dislike vanity in others is because Lord Lytton's Pelham. T HEN nymphs had bluer eyes than hose, Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. A WOMAN'S choice usually means taking the only man she can get. Mrs. Cadwallader, in George Eliot's Middlemarch. T O charm the girls he never spoke— John Godfrey Saxe, Poems. I AM always afraid of a fool: one cannot be sure that he is not a knave as well. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. T HE people is much given to stoning its prophets that it may worship their reliques with the greater fervency: dogs that bark at us to-day lick our bones to-morrow with true canine fidelity. Heinrich Heine, Ludwig Beorne. M ONEY makes a man laugh. A blind fiddler playing to a company, and playing but scurvily, the company laughed at him. His boy that led him, perceiving it, cried, "Father, let us begone; they do nothing but laugh at you." "Hold peace, boy," said the fiddler; "we shall have their money presently, and then we will laugh at them." Selden, Table Talk. I N candent ire the solar splendour flames; Oliver Wendell Holmes. H E slaps me gently on the back. He's stopped too long in the wine-cellar. A little tasting is a dangerous thing. F. C. Burnand, Happy Thoughts. THE MAIDENS. L OVERS, we pray you, gaining our consents, THE WIDOWERS. We are stout, nor will uncomfortably truss THE FATHERS. Of money, tournaments would cost a heap; Once a Week. H E [Samuel Beazley] suffered considerably a short time before his decease, and, his usual spirits occasionally forsaking him, he one day wrote so melancholy a letter that the friend to whom it was addressed, observed, in his reply, that it was "like the first chapter of Jeremiah." "You are mistaken, my dear fellow," retorted the wit; "it is the last chapter of Samuel." J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. N O one can perceive, as I'm a sinner, Decius Mus, in G. O. Trevelyan's Horace at Athens. "A S for that," said Waldershare, "sensible men are all of the same religion." Lord Beaconsfield, Endymion. ON AN OLD LOVE. U PON the cabin stairs we met, the voyage nearly over; J. Ashby Sterry, in English Epigrams. I T strikes me that one mother-in-law is about enough to have in a family—unless you're very fond of excitement. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. "C OME here, my boy, hould up your head, J. A. Sidey, Mistura Curiosa. A LITTLE incident Charlotte Cushman once related to me. She said a man in the gallery of a theatre made such a disturbance that the play could not proceed. Cries of "Throw him over" arose from all parts of the house, and the noise became furious. All was tumultuous above until a sweet and gentle female voice was heard in the pit, exclaiming, "No! I pray you, don't throw him over! I beg of you, dear friends, don't throw him over, but—kill him where he is." J. T. Fields, Yesterdays with Authors. W ITH all his conscience and one eye askew, Alfred Tennyson, Sea Dreams. P LEASE the eyes and the ears, they will introduce you to the heart, and, nine times in ten, the heart governs the understanding. Lord Chesterfield, Letters to his Son. T HE cup with trembling hands he grasps, The Shotover Papers. O N fait souvent du bien pour pouvoir impunÉment faire du mal. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. T HERE'S a joy without canker or cark, Andrew Lang, Ballades in Blue China. C EREMONY.—All that is considered necessary by many in religion and friendship. Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. R OGUES meet their due when out they fall, Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. I HAVE nothing to say again' Craig, on'y it is a pity he couldna be hatched o'er again, an' hatched different. Mrs. Poyser, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. L ET us have wine and women, mirth and laughter, Lord Byron, Don Juan. [D R. Busby] was once invited, during a residence at Deal, by an old Westminster—who, from being a very idle, well-flogged boy, had, after a course of distinguished service, been named to the command of a fine frigate in the Downs—to visit him on board his ship. The doctor accepted the invitation; and, after he had got up the ship's side, the captain piped all hands for punishment, and said to the astonished doctor, "You d—d old scoundrel, I am delighted to have the opportunity of paying you off at last. Here, boatswain, give him three dozen." Gronow, Recollections. GOOD AND BAD LUCK. G OOD Luck is the gayest of all gay girls; John Hay, Poems. I WISH nine-tenths of the pictures that have been painted had never been preserved; it is such a nuisance having to go and see them. Ellesmere, in Helps's Friends in Council. V ICTOR HUGO is an Egoist, or, to use a stronger term, he is a Hugoist. Heinrich Heine, Musical Notes from Paris. ON WOMEN AS UNIONISTS. A MONG the men, what dire divisions rise— Anon. S I c'est un crime de l'aimer, Jean de Lingendes. "W AS —— very disagreeable?" "Why, he was as disagreeable as the occasion would permit," Luttrell said. Sydney Smith, Life and Letters. "I BELIEVE that nothing in the newspapers is ever true," said Madame Phoebus. Lord Beaconsfield, Lothair. H E that would shine, and petrify his tutor, C. S. Calverley, Verses and Translations. L AUK, sir! Love's all in the fancy. One does not eat it, nor drink it: and as for the rest—why, it's a bother. Corporal Bunting, in Lytton's Eugene Aram. "M R. O——'s affairs turn out so sadly that he cannot have the pleasure of waiting upon his lordship at his agreeable house on Monday next.—N.B. His wife is dead." J. C. Young, Diary. W HY, the Scotch tunes are just like a scolding, nagging woman. They go on with the same thing over and over again, and never come to a reasonable end. Anybody 'ud think the Scotch tunes had always been asking a question of somebody as deaf as old Taft, and had never got an answer yet. Bartle Massey, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. SOUL OF LADY. T ELL me, in this night of snow, WINDBAG. Snow-mantled shadow, would you know W. J. Courthope, The Paradise of Birds. B E virtuous, and you will be eccentric. Mark Twain, Choice Works. DON'T WE? W E'RE informed that, in Happy Japan, Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. I HOPE I appreciate the value of children. We should soon come to nothing without them. Without them the common school would languish. But the problem is, what to do with them in a garden. For they are not good to eat, and there is a law against making away with them. The law is not very well enforced, it is true; for people do thin them out with constant dosing, paregoric, and soothing-syrups, and scanty clothing. But I, for one, feel it would not be right, aside from the law, to take the life, even of the smallest child, for the sake of a little fruit, more or less, in the garden. I may be wrong; but these are my sentiments, and I am not ashamed of them. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. ON DR. TRAPP'S TRANSLATION OF VIRGIL. M IND but thy preaching, Trapp; translate no further: The Poetical Farrago (1794). S HORTLY before his death, being visited by a clergyman whose features as well as language were more lugubrious than consoling, Hood looked up at him compassionately, and said, "My dear sir! I'm afraid your religion doesn't agree with you." J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. ON GRAPES AND GRIPES. I N Spain, that land of monks and apes, S. T. Coleridge, apud J. C. Young. O F Diggle, Barham used to tell many absurd stories. The most amusing of his practical jokes was one in which Barham had a share. The two boys having, in the course of one of their walks, discovered a Quakers' meeting-house, forthwith procured a penny tart of a neighbouring pastry-cook; furnished with this, Diggle marched boldly into the building, and, holding up the delicacy in the midst of the grave assembly, said with perfect solemnity, "Whoever speaks first shall have this pie." "Friend, go thy way," commenced a drab-coloured gentleman, rising, "go thy way, and——" "The pie's yours, sir!" exclaimed Master Diggle, politely, and placing it before the astounded speaker, hastily effected his escape. R. H. D. Barham, Life of Barham. T ALKING of some poor relations who had been recipients of his bounty for years, Compton said, "Yes, sir, the whole tribe of them leaned on me for years;" and then added, in his own peculiar manner, "Forty years long was I grieved with this generation." Memoir of Henry Compton. THE ORANGE. I T ripen'd by the river banks, Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. K ENNY said that Anthony Pasquin (who was a very dirty fellow) "died of a cold caught by washing his face." Thomas Moore, Diary. ON THE PRINCE REGENT'S ILLNESS. T HE Regent, sir, is taken ill; H. Luttrell, apud Barham. B RIGHAM YOUNG has two hundred wives. He loves not wisely, but two hundred well. He's dreadfully married. He's the most married man I ever saw in my life. He says that all he wants now is to live in peace for the remainder of his days, and have his dying pillow soothed by the loving hands of his family. Well, that's all right, I suppose; but if all his family soothe his dying pillow, he'll have to go out-doors to die. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. A ND I said, "What is written, sweet sister, Bret Harte, Complete Works. B E wiser than other people if you can, but do not tell them so. Lord Chesterfield, Letters to his Son. T HE Walrus and the Carpenter Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass. W E easily convert our own vices into other people's virtues, the virtues of others into vices. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. Y OU'D better keep clear of love-letters, Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. A GAINST stupidity the gods themselves combat in vain. Heinrich Heine, Art Notes from Paris. ON LOVE AND MARRIAGE. 'T IS highly rational, we can't dispute, R. Garnett, Idylls and Epigrams. L ORD SHELBURNE could say the most provoking things, and yet appear unconscious of their being so. In one of his speeches, alluding to Lord Carlisle, he said, "The noble lord has written a comedy." "No, a tragedy." "Oh, I beg pardon, I thought it was a comedy." Rogers, Table Talk. T HERE'S nought, no doubt, so much the spirit calms Lord Byron, Don Juan. S HE never speaks to any one, which is of course a great advantage to any one. Lady Ashburton, apud Lord Houghton. I 'M not denyin' the women are foolish: God Almighty made 'em to match the men. Mrs. Poyser, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. "Y OU didn't know I drew? I learnt at school." C. J. Cayley, Las Alforgas. T OUT le monde se plaint de sa mÉmoire, et personne ne se plaint de son jugement. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. ON THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. W HEN lately Pym descended into Hell, William Drummond (1585-1649). T HE working-man is a noble creature—when he is quite sober. Alexis, in W. S. Gilbert's Sorcerer. DEFENDANT'S SONG. w HEN first my old, old love I knew, W. S. Gilbert, Trial by Jury. D INING one day where the host became exceedingly excited and angry at not being able to find any stuffing in a roasted leg of pork, Poole quietly suggested, "Perhaps it is in the other leg?" J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. I N 1848, Feargus O'Connor was charged in the House with being a republican. He denied it, and said he did not care whether the Queen or the Devil was on the throne. Peel replied: "When the honourable gentleman sees the sovereign of his choice on the throne of these realms, I hope he'll enjoy, and I'm sure he'll deserve, the confidence of the Crown." Abraham Hayward, Essays. I LOITER down by thorp and town; C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. T HEY may talk of the devotion of the sex, but the most faithful attachment in life is that of a woman in love—with herself. Damas, in Lord Lytton's Lady of Lyons. T HEY may talk as they please about what they call pelf, Spirit, in A. H. Clough's Dipsychus. W OMEN are generally consistent in their insincerity, if in nothing else. Anna C. Steele. L A plus perdue de toutes les journÉes est celle oÙ l'on n'a pas ri. Chamfort, Maximes. O H, how can a modest young man John Godfrey Saxe, Poems. I WAS speaking [to Charles Lamb] of my first brief, when he asked, "Did you not exclaim—'Thou great first cause, least understood'?" Crabb Robinson, Diary. E YE-GLASS—a toy which enables a coxcomb to see others, and others to see that he is a coxcomb. Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. S OME brag of telegraphs and rails, J. S. Blackie, Musa Burschicosa. V IRGINIA city—the wild young metropolis of the new Silver State. Fortunes are made there in a day. There are instances on record of young men going to this place without a shilling—poor and friendless—yet by energy, intelligence, and a careful disregard to business, they have been enabled to leave there, owing hundreds of pounds. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. N OTHING is accounted so proper in England as property. Guesses at Truth. A S the husband is, the wife is,—he is stomach-plagued and old; Bon Gaultier Ballads. A CLERGYMAN had commenced an able discourse, when one of the hearers exclaimed, "That's Tillotson!" This was allowed to pass; but very soon another exclamation followed, "That's Paley." The preacher then addressed the disturber: "I tell you, sir, if there is to be a repetition of such conduct, I shall call on the churchwarden to have you removed from the church." "That's your own," was the ready reply. Mark Boyd, Reminiscences. C OLLEGE mostly makes people like bladders—just good for nothing but t' hold the stuff as is poured into 'em. Bartle Massey, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. W ERTHER had a love for Charlotte W. M. Thackeray. P ERHAPS the best illustration I can give of [Bagehot's] more sardonic humour, was his remark to a friend who had a church on the grounds near his house:—"Ah, you've got the church in the grounds! I like that. It's well the tenants shouldn't be quite sure that the landlord's power stops with this world." R. H. Hutton, Memoir of W. Bagehot. ON WIVES. A LL wives are bad,—yet two blest hours they give, Palladas, trans. by J. H. Merivale. "Y ES, my dear curate," said the Professor, "what I am enjoying is the champagne that you drink, and what you are enjoying is the champagne that I drink. This is altruism; this is benevolence; this is the sublime outcome of enlightened modern thought. The pleasures of the table, in themselves, are low and beastly ones; but if we each of us are only glad because the others are enjoying them, they become holy and glorious beyond description." "They do," cried the curate rapturously, "indeed they do. I will drink another bottle for your sake." W. H. Mallock, The New Paul and Virginia. S OME d—d people have come in, and I must stop. By d—d, I mean deuced. Lamb to Wordsworth. O URS is so far-advanced an age! Austin Dobson, Vignettes in Rhyme. I T being asked at Paris whom they would have as godfather for Rothschild's baby—"Talleyrand," said a Frenchman. "Pourquoi, monsieur?" "Parcequ'il est le moins chrÉtien possible." B. R. Haydon, Diary. B EFORE the blast are driven the flying clouds— H. S. Leigh, Carols of Cockayne. E MILE de Girardin, the famous political writer, a natural son of Alexandre de Girardin, becoming celebrated, Montrond said to his father, "DÉpÊchez-vous de le reconnaÎtre, ou bientÔt il ne vous reconnaÎtra pas." Gronow, Recollections. M ARRIAGE from love, like vinegar from wine— Lord Byron, Don Juan. L ettuce is like conversation; it must be fresh, and crisp, so sparkling that you scarcely notice the bitter in it. Lettuce, like conversation, requires a good deal of oil, to avoid friction, and keep the company smooth; a pinch of attic salt; a dash of pepper; a quantity of mustard and vinegar, by all means, but so mixed that you will notice no sharp contrasts; and a trifle of sugar. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. MARTIAL IN LONDON. E XQUISITE wine and comestibles Mortimer Collins, in The Owl. H E was much too disliked not to be sought after. Whatever is once notorious, even for being disagreeable, is sure to be coveted. Lord Lytton's Pelham. TO GIBBS, CONCERNING HIS POEMS. Y OU ask me if I think your poems good; Egerton Webbe, apud Leigh Hunt. W HAT I admire in the order to which you belong [the aristocracy], is that they do live in the air, that they excel in athletic sports; that they can only speak one language; and that they never read. This is not a complete education, but it is the highest education since the Greek. Phoebus, in Lord Beaconsfield's Lothair. RELIABLE. S HUT up a party who uses "Reliable" Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. "I SEE," said my clerical neighbour, addressing myself, "you stick to port." "Yes," I said, "and so am safe from being half-seas over." W. H. Harrison, Reminiscences. A LL tradesmen cry up their own wares: Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. M ATRIMONY—the high sea for which no compass has yet been invented. Heinrich Heine, Musical Notes from Paris. O DAUGHTERS! make your markets while you can, Once a Week. H E was the most even-tempered man I ever knew: he was always cross. Mrs. Jenkins, Within an Ace. I HAVE a horse—a ryghte good horse— Lewis Carroll, Phantasmagoria. S TORY of Lord Middleton, out hunting, calling to Gunter the confectioner to "Hold hard," and not ride over the hounds. "My horse is so hot, my Lord, that I don't know what to do with him." "Ice him, Gunter, ice him." R. H. Barham, Life. S HE'S rising now, and taking off her bonnet, 2nd Lady, in G. O. Trevelyan's Ladies in Parliament. ON A LEFT-HANDED WRITING-MASTER. T HOUGH Nature thee of thy right hand bereft, Francis Fuller, apud Nicholls. W E are never so much disposed to quarrel with others, as when we are dissatisfied with ourselves. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. T HE cockney, met in Middlesex, or Surrey, Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. S PEAKING one day of a newly risen sect of religionists who proscribed the use of animal food, the Archbishop [Whately] said to Dr. Wilson, "Do you know anything, Wilson, of this new sect?" "Yes, my Lord; I have seen their confession of faith, which is a book of cookery." E. J. Whately's Life of Whately. A ND I do think the amateur cornopean C. S. CALVERLEY, Verses and Translations. L E premier soupir de l'amour est le dernier de la sagesse. Charron, La Sagesse. F OR he himself has said it, W. S. Gilbert, H.M.S. Pinafore. B ARON ALDERSON being asked by the chaplain of the High Sheriff at the assizes over which he was to preside, how long he would like him to preach, replied, "About half an hour, with a leaning to mercy." J. C. Young, Diary. ON EVENING DRESS. W HEN dress'd for the evening, girls, nowadays, Anon. I T'S the silliest lie a sensible man like you ever believed, to say a woman makes a house comfortable. It's a story got up, because the women are there, and something must be found for 'em to do. I tell you there isn't a thing under the sun that needs to be done at all, but what a man can do better than a woman, unless it's bearing children, and they do that in a poor make-shift way. It had better ha' been left to the men. Bartle Massey, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. T O sniggle or to dibble, that's the question! F. C. Burnand, Happy Thoughts. A NECDOTE of Phil Stone, the property-man of Drury Lane:—"Will you be so good, sir, as to stand a little backer?" said Phil to a gentleman behind the scenes, who had placed himself so forward as to be seen by the audience. "No, my fine fellow," returned the exquisite, who quite mistook his meaning; "but here is a pinch of snuff at your service." R. H. Barham, Life. A T a friend's house Charles Lamb was presented with a cheese; it was a very ripe, not to say a lively cheese, and, as Lamb was leaving, his friend offered him a piece of paper in which to wrap it, so that he might convey it more conveniently. "Thank you," said Charles, "but would not several yards of twine be better, and then, you know, I could lead it home?" Frederick Locker, Patchwork. "A LOAF of bread," the Walrus said, Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass. R ELIGION is like the fashion. One man wears his doublet slashed, another laced, another plain; but every man has a doublet: so every man has his religion. We differ about the trimming. Selden, Table Talk. R OMANCES paint at full length people's wooings, Lord Byron, Don Juan. A YOUNG lady decorously brought up should only have two considerations in her choice of a husband: first, is his birth honourable? secondly, will his death be advantageous? All other trifling details should be left to parental anxiety. Madame Deschappelles, in Lord Lytton's Lady of Lyons. T HE doctor's as drunk as the d——," we said, R. H. Barham, Ingoldsby Lyrics. B ENJAMIN FRANKLIN was always proud of telling how he entered Philadelphia, for the first time, with nothing in the world but two shillings in his pocket and four rolls of bread under his arm. But really, when you come to examine it critically, it was nothing. Anybody could have done it. Mark Twain, Choice Works. I 'VE thought very often 'twould be a good thing J. R. Lowell, A Fable for Critics. B ELLMOUR Ah! courtship to marriage is but as the music in the play-house till the curtain's drawn; but that once up, then opens the scene of pleasure. Belinda. Oh, foh—no; rather, courtship to marriage is a very witty prologue to a very dull play. Congreve, The Old Bachelor. ON HEARING A LADY PRAISE A CERTAIN REV. DOCTOR'S EYES. I CANNOT praise the Doctor's eyes; G. Outram, Lyrics: Legal, etc. T HIS picture is a great work of art. It is an oil painting—done in petroleum. It is by the Old Masters. It was the last thing they did before dying. They did this and then they expired. Some of the greatest artists in London come here every morning before daylight with lanterns to look at it. They say they never saw anything like it before—and they hope they never shall again. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. THE WORLD. T HE world is like a rink, you know: J. Ashby Sterry, in English Epigrams. M EN will sooner forgive an injury than an insult. Lord Chesterfield, Letters to his Son. W HY is it that stupid people are always so much more anxious to talk to one, than clever people? Charles Buxton, Notes of Thought. A ND Darwin, too, who leads the throng "in vulgum voces spargere," F. D., in Pall Mall Gazette. D UNSFORD. Travelling is a great trial of people's inability to live together. Arthur Helps, Friends in Council. ON AN ALDERMAN. T HAT he was born it cannot be denied; John Cunningham (1729-1773). A T a large dinner party at Jerdan's, one of the guests indulged in some wonderful accounts of his shooting. The number of birds he had killed, and the distances at which he had brought them down, were extraordinary. Hood quietly remarked,— "What he hit is history, J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. I 'M very fond of water: Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. A N epicure, while eating oysters, swallowed one that was not fresh. "Zounds, waiter!" he ejaculated, making a wry face; "what sort of an oyster do you call this?" "A native, sir," replied the wielder of the knife. "A native!—I call it a settler, so you need not open any more." Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. O NCE Uncle went astray, Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. Y OU'VE heard what a lady in Italy did— R. H. Barham, Ingoldsby Lyrics. I L est plus facile de lÉgaliser certaines choses que de les lÉgitimer. Chamfort, Maximes. W ILT thou love me, fairest? C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. "C ERTAINLY, my Lord," said the attendant. "He knows me," thought Lothair; but it was not so. When the British nation is at once grateful and enthusiastic, they always call you "my Lord." Lord Beaconsfield's Lothair. THE RECOGNITION. H OME they brought her sailor son, Willam Sawyer. L ORD ALLEN, being rather the worse for drinking too much wine at dinner, teased Count D'Orsay, and said some very disagreeable things, which irritated him; when suddenly John Bush entered the club and shook hands with the Count, who exclaimed, "VoilÀ, la diffÉrence entre une bonne bouche et une mauvaise haleine." Gronow, Recollections. ANOTHER WAY. W HEN lovely woman, Lump of Folly, Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. T HE bean is a graceful, confiding, engaging vine; but you can never put beans into poetry, nor into the highest sort of prose. Corn is the child of song. It waves in all literature. But mix it with beans, and its high tone is gone. The bean is a vulgar vegetable, without culture, or any flavour of high society among vegetables. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. T HEN Abner Dean of Angel's raised a point of order, when Bret Harte, Complete Works. "I was born, Signora, on New Year's Night, 1800." "Did I not tell you," said the Marquis, "that he is one of the first men of our century?" Heinrich Heine, Travel Pictures. W HEN dinner has opprest one, Lord Byron, Don Juan. A S a boy, George Washington gave no promise of the greatness he was one day to achieve. He was ignorant of the commonest accomplishments of youth. He could not even lie. But then he never had any of those precious advantages which are within the reach of the humblest of the boys of the present day. Any boy can lie now. I could lie before I could stand. Mark Twain, Choice Works. B Y the way, Shakespeare endorses polygamy. He speaks of the Merry Wives of Windsor. How many wives did Mr. Windsor have? C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. I DARE say she's like the rest o' the women— thinks two and two'll come to make five, if she cries and bothers enough about it. Bartle Massey, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. D ON'T you see a hint of marriage John Godfrey Saxe, Poems. M R. LUTTRELL once said to me, "Sir, the man who says he does not like a good dinner, is either a fool or a liar." J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. TO PHŒBE. "G ENTLE, modest little flower, W. S. Gilbert, Bab Ballads. O N one occasion, when Power the actor was present, Hood was asked to propose his health. After enumerating the various talents that popular comedian possessed, he requested the company to observe that such a combination was a remarkable illustration of the old proverb, "It never rains but it powers." J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. I DREAMED that somebody was dead. It was a private gentleman, and a particular friend; and I was greatly overcome when the news was broken to me (very delicately) by a gentleman in a cocked hat, top boots, and a sheet. Nothing else. "Good God!" I said, "is he dead?" "He is as dead, sir," rejoined the gentleman, "as a door nail. But we must all die, Mr. Dickens, sooner or later, my dear sir." "Ah!" I said; "yes, to be sure. Very true. But what did he die of?" The gentleman burst into a flood of tears, and said, in a voice broken by emotion, "He christened his youngest child, sir, with a toasting fork!" Charles Dickens, apud J. T. Fields. I SUPPOSE all phrases of mere compliment have their turn to be true. A man is occasionally thankful when he says "thank you." Stephen Guest, in George Eliot's Mill on the Floss. ON ATALANTA. W HEN the young Greek for Atalanta sigh'd, George Croly (1780-1860). D E mortuis nil nisi bene: of the living speak nothing but evil. Heinrich Heine, Thoughts and Fancies. I ONCE met a man who had forgiven an injury. I hope some day to meet the man who has forgiven an insult. Charles Buxton, Notes of Thought. W ALK in the Park—you'll seldom fail Austin Dobson, Vignettes in Rhyme. L A reconnaissance de la plupart des hommes n'est qu'une secrÈte envie de recevoir de plus grands bienfaits. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. T HE surest way to make ourselves agreeable to others is by seeming to think them so. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. SELF-EVIDENT. W HEN other lips and other eyes J. R. PlanchÉ, Songs and Poems. W HEN a man is called stingy, it is as much as calling him rich; and when a man's called rich, why he's a man universally respected. Sir John Vesey, in Lord Lytton's Money. C URSED be the Bank of England notes, that tempt the soul to sin! Bon Gaultier Ballads. N EVER hold anybody by the button, or the hand, in order to be heard out; for, if people are not willing to hear you, you had much better hold your tongue than them. Lord Chesterfield, Letters to his Son. I HAVE learned to love Lucy, though faded she be; Charles Godfrey Leland. G ENERAL ORNANO, observing a certain nobleman—who, by some misfortune in his youth, lost the use of his legs—in a Bath chair, which he wheeled about, and inquiring the name of the English peer, D'Orsay answered, "PÈre la Chaise." Gronow, Recollections. P OET-PROFESSOR! Now my brain thou kindlest: Mortimer Collins, The British Birds. T HEY now speak of the peculiar difficulties and restrictions of the Episcopal Office. I only read in Scripture of two inhibitions—boxing and polygamy. Sydney Smith, apud Lord Houghton. ON AN OFFERING MADE BY KING JAMES I. AT A GRAVE COMEDY CALLED "THE MARRIAGE OF ARTS." A T Christ Church "Marriage," play'd before the King, A Collection of Epigrams (1727). ---- has only two ideas, and they are his legs, and they are spindle-shanked. Lady Ashburton, apud Lord Houghton. D RY as Compton's fun, Edmund Yates. ON CLOSE-FIST'S SUBSCRIPTION. T HE charity of Close-Fist, give to fame:— Anon. T HE late Bishop of Exeter and Baron Alderson were sitting next each other at a public dinner. After the usual toasts had been drunk, the health of "The Navy" was proposed. Lord Campbell, expecting to have to return thanks for "The Bar," and not having heard the toast distinctly, got up. On which the late bishop whispered to Baron Alderson, "What is Campbell about? What is he returning thanks for the Navy for?" "Oh," answered the witty judge, "he has made a mistake. He thinks the word is spelt with a K." J. C. Young, Diary. S ONG-birds darted about, some inky C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. T HE man who's fond precociously of stirring Thomas Hood. ON ONE PETER AND HIS WIFE. O UTRAGEOUS hourly with his wife was Peter; Walter Savage Landor. A MAN who puts a non-natural strained sense on a promise is no better than a robber. Rev. A. Debarry, in George Eliot's Felix Holt. DISTICH. W HAT is a first love worth except to prepare for a second? John Hay, Poems. I N [Lady Charlotte Lindsay's] later days, when once complimented on looking very well, she replied, "I dare say it's true—the bloom of ugliness is past." Lord Houghton, Monographs. IN VIRTUTEM. V IRTUE we praise, yet practise not her good. Thomas Freeman (circa 1591-1614). S CANDAL—what one half the world takes a pleasure in inventing, and the other half in believing. Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. a LL'S for the best, indeed Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. W HERE'S the use of talking to a woman with babbies? She's got no conscience—no conscience—it's all run to milk. Bartle Massey, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. T OGETHER must we seek Brutus, in G. O. Trevelyan's Horace at Athens. T HE Mormon's religion is singular, and his wives are plural. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. A T morning's call Oliver Wendell Holmes. C HARLES LAMB was sitting next some chattering woman at dinner. Observing he didn't attend to her, "You don't seem," said the lady, "to be at all the better for what I have been saying to you." "No, ma'am," he answered, "but this gentleman on the other side of me must, for it all came in at one ear and went out at the other." Thomas Moore, Diary. F ORTY times over let Michaelmas pass, W. M. Thackeray. M EN are not troubled to hear a man dispraised, because they know, though he be naught, there's worth in others. But women are mightily troubled to hear any one of them spoken against, as if the sex itself were guilty of some untrustworthiness. Selden, Table Talk. 'TWAS EVER THUS. I NEVER rear'd a young gazelle, H. S. Leigh, Carols of Cockayne. A DOMESTIC WOMAN.—A woman like a domestic. Anne Evans, Poems and Music. "T he time has come," the Walrus said, Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass. I GNORANCE is not so damnable as humbug, but when it prescribes pills it may happen to do more harm. Felix Holt, in George Eliot's novel. I PUSH aside the blinding books; Robert Reece, in Comic Poets. O RTHODOXY is at a low ebb. Only two clergymen accepted my offer to come and help hoe my potatoes for the privilege of using my vegetable total-depravity figure about the snake-grass, or quash-grass, as some call it; and these two did not bring hoes. There seems to be a lack of disposition to hoe among our educated clergy. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. HOME THEY BROUGHT. H OME they brought her lap-dog dead, Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. ON BLESSED IGNORANCE. H E is most happy, sure, that knoweth nought, Robert Heath (circa 1585-1607). A LONE amid the festive throng H. Cholmondeley Pennell, Puck on Pegasus. N EVER take a sheet-bath—never. Next to meeting a lady acquaintance who, for reasons best known to herself, don't see you when she looks at you, and don't know you when she sees you, it is about the most uncomfortable thing in the world. Mark Twain, Choice Works. T HE critic's lot is passing hard— Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. T O-MORROW the critics will commence. You know who the critics are? The men who have failed in literature and art. Phoebus, in Lord Beaconsfield's Lothair. T HAT climax of all human ills— Lord Byron, Don Juan. O N n'a guÈre de dÉfauts qui ne soient plus pardonnables que les moyens dont on se sert pour les cacher. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. M EETING a friend one day, when the weather had taken a most sudden and unaccountable turn from cold to warmth, the subject was mooted as usual, and characterized by the gentleman as being "most extraordinary." "Yes," replied [Compton], "it is a most unheard of thing; we've jumped from winter into summer without a spring." Memoir of Henry Compton. "P RAY what is this Permissive Bill, Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. Q UELQUE mal qu'un homme puisse penser des femmes, il n'y a pas de femme qui n'en pense encore plus mal que lui. Chamfort, Maximes. W ITH thy fogs, all so thick and so yellow, J. R. PlanchÉ, Songs and Poems. "L IFE," continued Mr. Rose, "is a series of W. H. Mallock, The New Republic. T HE world's an ugly world. Offend Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. I WENT away the first, in order to give the men an opportunity of abusing me; for whenever the men abuse, the women, to support alike their coquetry and the conversation, think themselves called upon to defend. Pelham, in Lord Lytton's novel. T HERE'S one John Bright, a Manchester man, J. S. Blackie, Musa Burschicosa. U NE femme vertueuse a dans le coeur une fibre du moins ou de plus que les autres femmes; elle est stupide ou sublime. Balzac, Physiologie du Mariage. ON SCOTCH WEATHER. S COTLAND! thy weather's like a modish wife; Aaron Hill (1685-1750). W ENT with Lamb to Richman's. Richman produced one of Chatterton's forgeries. In one manuscript there were seventeen different kinds of e's. "Oh," said Lamb, "that must have been written by one of the— Crabb Robinson, Diary. SCIRE TUUM NIHIL FIT. T O have a thing is little, if you're not allowed to show it, Lord Neaves. Y OU'RE at an evening party, with John Godfrey Saxe, Poems. [M ONTROND'S] death was a very wretched one. Left alone to the tender mercies of a well-known "lorette" of those days, DesirÉe R——, as he lay upon his bed, between fits of pain and drowsiness, he could see his fair friend picking from his shelves the choicest specimens of his old SÈvres china, or other articles of vertu. Turning to his doctor, he said, with a gleam of his old fun, "Qu'elle est attachante, cette femme-lÀ!" Gronow, Recollections. W E love thee, Ann Maria Smith, R. H. Newell, Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. "O F course you know the three reasons which take L. Oliphant, Piccadilly. ON ONE WHO HAD A LARGE NOSE AND SQUINTED. "T HE reason why Doctor Dash squints, I suppose, Anon., in Moore's Diary. N EVER attack whole bodies of any kind. Individuals forgive sometimes; but bodies and societies never do. Lord Chesterfield, Letters to his Son. ON THE RIGHTS OF MINORITIES. S TURDY Tom Paine, biographers relate, R. Garnett, Idylls and Epigrams. T HE Indians on the Overland Route live on route and herbs. They are an intemperate people. They drink with impunity, or anybody who invites them. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. ON ONE WEARING FALSE HAIR. T HEY say that thou dost tinge (O monstrous lie!) Lucilius, trans. by R. Garnett. A NATION does wisely if not well, in starving her men of genius. Fatten them, and they are done for. Charles Buxton, Notes of Thought. W HEN the enterprising burglar's not a-burgling, W. S. Gilbert, Pirates of Penzance. T HE young girl said: "The gentleman must be very rich, for he is very ugly." The public judges in a similar manner: "The man must be very learned, for he is very tiresome." Heinrich Heine, Thoughts and Fancies. A ND he chirped and sang, and skipped about, and laughed with laughter hearty, W. S. Gilbert, Bab Ballads. S PECULATION—a word that sometimes begins with its second letter. Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. H E remembers the ball at the Ferry, Bret Harte, Complete Works. N OUS ne trouvons guÈre de gens de bons sens que ceux qui sont de notre avis. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. FRENCH AND ENGLISH. T HE French excel us very much in millinery; Lord Neaves, Songs and Verses. P RIORITY is a poor recommendation in a husband if he has got no other. Mrs. Cadwallader, in George Eliot's Middlemarch. I F spirits you would lighten J. Ashby Sterry, Boudoir Ballads. T HE then Duke of Cumberland (the foolish Duke, as he was called) came one night into Foote's green-room at the Haymarket Theatre. "Well, Foote," said he, "here I am, ready, as usual, to swallow your good things." "Upon my soul," replied Foote, "your Royal Highness must have an excellent digestion, for you never bring any up again." Rogers, Table Talk. T HERE'S folks born to property, and there's folks catch hold on it; and the law's made for them as catch hold. Tommy Trounsem, in George Eliot's Felix Holt. E XAMINING one of the Sunday school boys at Addington, I asked him what a prophet was. He did not know. "If I were to tell you what would happen to you this day twelve month, and it should come to pass, what would you call me then, my little man?" "A fortune-teller, sir." R. H. Barham, Diary. S OME take a lover, some take drams or prayers; Lord Byron, Don Juan. B EING one day at Trinity College, at dinner, [Donne] was asked to write a motto for the College snuff-box, which was always circulating on the dinner-table. "Considering where we are," said Donne, "there could be nothing better than 'Quicunque vult.'" Crabb Robinson, Diary. C RITICS tell me, soon J. R. PlanchÉ, Songs and Poems. M R. BENTLEY proposed to establish a periodical publication, to be called "The Wits' Miscellany." [James] Smith objected that the title promised too much. Shortly afterwards the publisher came to tell him he had profited by the hint, and resolved to call it "Bentley's Miscellany." "Isn't that going a little too far the other way?" was the remark. Abraham Hayward, Essays. B REAK, break, break! The Shotover Papers. C ROLY said very smart things, and with surprising readiness. I was at his table one day when one of the guests inquired the name of a pyramidal dish of barley-sugar. Some one replied, "A pyramid À MacÉdoine." "For what use?" rejoined the other. "To give a Philip to the appetite," said Croly. W. H. Harrison, Reminiscences. ON SOME VERSES CALLED TRIFLES. P AUL, I have read your book, and though you write ill, Anon. M RS. POSH was one of those incomparable wives who have a proper command of tongue, who never reply to angry words at the moment, and who always, with exquisite calm and self-posession, pay off every angry word by an amiable sting at the right moment. Lord Lytton, What will he do with it? TO LADY BROWN. W HEN I was young and dÉbonnaire, George, Lord Lyttleton. W HEN last the Queen was about to be confined, the Prince Consort said to one of his little boys, "I think it very likely, my dear, that the Queen will present you with a little brother or sister; which of the two would you prefer?" The child, pausing—"Well, I think, if it is all the same to mamma, I should prefer a pony." J. C. Young, Diary. S OME ladies now make pretty songs, Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. F OLLOW the light of the old-fashioned Presbyterians that I've heard sing at Glasgow. The preacher gives out the Psalm, and then everybody sings a different tune, as it happens to turn up in their throats. It's a domineering thing to set a tune and expect everybody else to follow it. It's a denial of private judgment. Felix Holt, in George Eliot's novel. ON A CERTAIN RADICAL. B LOGGS rails against high birth. Yes, Bloggs—you see James Hannay, Sketches and Characters. I LIKE neighbours, and I like chickens; but I do not think they ought to be united near a garden. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. L ADY, very fair are you, Mortimer Collins, Ad Chloen, M.A. T HE Jacobins, in realizing their systems of fraternization, always contrived to be the elder brothers. Guesses at Truth. C ARELESS rhymer, it is true Mortimer Collins, Chloe, M.A. C ANDIDE Lord Byron, Don Juan. W OMEN, and men who are like women, mind the binding more than the book. Lord Chesterfield, Letters to his Son. T HERE was gorging Jack and guzzling Jimmy, W. M. Thackeray. "WHAT AILS HIM AT THE LASSIE?" A FRIEND tells me a funny little story of Mrs. —— (the grandmother of Colonel M——), who was shown a picture of Joseph and Potiphar's wife, in which of course the patriarch showed his usual desire to withdraw himself from her society. Mrs. —— looked at it for a little while, and then said, "Eh, now, and what ails him at the lassie?" Frederick Locker, Patchwork. I N his last illness, reduced as he was to a skeleton, [Hood] noticed a very large mustard poultice which Mrs. Hood was making for him, and exclaimed, "O Mary! Mary! that will be a great deal of mustard to a very little meat!" J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. THE LATEST DECALOGUE. T HOU shalt have one God only: who A. H. Clough, Poems. M R. MACCULLOCH, the eminent political economist, in dining with us, a few days after [an aeronautical friend had made an ascent], was most anxious to learn where he had descended on this occasion. The answer was, "Amongst the flats of Essex." "A most appropriate locality," said my distinguished countryman, "and one which shows how true it is that 'birds of a feather flock together.'" Mark Boyd, Reminiscences. H E said that I was proud, mother,—that I looked for rank and gold; Bon Gaultier Ballads. V OLTAIRE was a very good Jesus Christ—for the French. Charles Lamb, apud Leigh Hunt. ON A THEATRICAL NUISANCE: P ERCHED in a box which cost her not a sou, Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. O , I know the way o' wives; they set one on to abuse their husbands, and then they turn round on one and praise 'em as if they wanted to sell 'em. Priscilla Lammeter, in George Eliot's Mill on the Floss. "A ND hast thou slain the Jabberwock? Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass. M RS. WORDSWORTH and a lady were walking once in a wood where the stock-dove was cooing. A farmer's wife coming by, said, "Oh, I do like stock-doves!" Mrs. Wordsworth, in all her enthusiasm for Wordsworth's beautiful address to the stock-dove, took the old woman to her heart. "But," continued the old woman, "some like 'em in a pie; for my part there's nothing like 'em stewed in onions!" B. R. Haydon, Diary. TO AN AUTHOR. I N spite of hints, in spite of looks, Martial, trans. by R. Garnett. A FRIEND, who was about to marry the natural daughter of the Duke de ——, was expatiating at great length on the virtues, good qualities, and talents of his future wife, but without making allusion to her birth. "A t'entendre," observed Montrond, "on dirait que tu Épouses une fille surnaturelle." Gronow, Recollections. R EADING new books is like eating new bread: J. R. Lowell, A Fable for Critics. C Casey mentioned to me a parody of his on two lines in the "Veiled Prophet":— "He knew no more of fear than one who dwells The following is his parody, which, bless my stars, none of my critics were lively enough to hit upon, for it would have stuck by me:— "He knew no more of fear than one who dwells Thomas Moore, Diary. W HY mourns my Eugene? In his dark eye of blue R. H. Barham, Ingoldsby Lyrics. D RESS does not make a man, but it often makes a successful one. What all men should avoid is the "shabby genteel." No man ever gets over it. You had better be in rags. Vigo, in Lord Beaconsfield's Endymion. I N moss-prankt dells which the sunbeams flatter C. S. Calverley, Fly Leaves. 'T IS ridiculous for a lord to print verses. It is well enough to make them to please himself, but to make them public is foolish. If a man in his private chamber twirls his bandstrings, or plays with a rush to please himself, 'tis well enough, but if he should go into Fleet Street, and sit upon a stall, and twirl a bandstring, or play with a rush, then all the boys in the street would laugh at him. Selden, Table Talk. H ERE, in the grassy hollow, would be spread G. J. Cayley, Las Alforgas. S AY, as the witty Duke of Buckingham did to the dog that bit him, "I wish you were married, and went to live in the country." Ellesmere, in Helps' Friends in Council. C ROQUET— Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. W E are never so thoroughly tired of the company of any one else as we are sometimes of our own. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. ON A VERY TRIFLING FELLOW BEING KNIGHTED. W HAT! Dares made a knight! No, don't be frighted; Richard Graves (1715-1804). S ATAN was a blunderer, an introducer of novitÀ, who made a stupendous failure. If he had succeeded, we should all have been worshipping him, and his portrait would have been more flattered. Machiavelli, in George Eliot's Romola. Y OU see the goodly hair that Galla wears; Sir John Haryngton (1561-1612). T HE worst of human maladies are the most transient also—love that is half despairing, and seasickness that is quite so. Leslie, in Mallock's New Republic. ON A SMALL EATER. S IMPLICITY is best, 'tis true, R. Garnett, Idylls and Epigrams. O N Walpole's remarking that, of two pictures mentioned, one was "a shade above the other in point of merit," [Hook] replied: "I presume you mean to say it was a shade over (chef d'oeuvre)." R. H. Barham, Diary. T HE nightingales are all about— H. S. Leigh, Carols of Cockayne. T INDER—a thin rag; such, for instance, as the dresses of modern females, intended to catch the sparks, raise a flame, and light up a match. Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. ON DRESS. H E who a gold-finch strives to make his wife A Collection of Epigrams (1727). [o F Lafayette]: The world is surprised that there was once an honest man: the situation remains vacant. Heinrich Heine, Thoughts and Fancies. ON AILING AND ALE-ING. C OME, come, for trifles never stick: Henry Luttrell. S IR GEORGE ROSE, being introduced one day to two charming young ladies, whose names were Mary and Louisa, instantly added, with a bow, "Ah, yes! Marie-Louise—the sweetest pear I know!" Macmillan's Magazine. TO A CRUEL FAIR ONE. 'T IS done; I yield; adieu, thou cruel fair! Leigh Hunt (from the French). B ISHOP (reproving delinquent Page). "Wretched boy! Who is it that sees and hears all we do, and before whom even I am but as a crushed worm?" Punch. ON DRUNKEN COURAGE. W HO only in his cups will fight is like Thomas Bancroft (circa 1600). T ALKING to —— is like playing long whist. Lady Ashburton, apud Lord Houghton. CERBERUS. M Y dog, who picks up everything one teaches, H. J. Byron, in English Epigrams. B LESSED be the word "nice"!—it is the copper coin of commendation. Without it, we should have to praise more handsomely. Charles Buxton, Notes of Thought. ON NEWGATE WINDOWS. A LL Newgate windows bay windows they be; John Heywood (1506-1565). I T was a grand scene, Mr. Artemus Ward standing on the platform; many of the audience sleeping tranquilly in their seats; others leaving the room and not returning; others crying like a child at some of the jokes,—all, all formed a most impressive scene, and showed the powers of this remarkable orator. And when he announced that he should never lecture in that town again, the applause was absolutely deafening. C. F. Browne, Artemus Ward's Lecture. THE REASONS FOR DRINKING. I F all be true that I do think, Henry Aldrich. [B ARHAM] having expressed himself in terms of abhorrence of a piece of baseness and treachery which came under his notice, he was addressed by the delinquent with—"Well, sir, perhaps some day you may come to change your opinion of me!" "Perhaps I may, sir," was the reply; "for if I should find any one who holds a more contemptible opinion of you than I do myself, I should lay down my own and take up his." R. H. D. Barham, Life of Barham. FALSE LOVE'S QUIRK. "O H, sweet one!" sighs the lover, Lord Southesk, Greenwood's Farewell. B ENJAMIN CONSTANT, on some one asking (with reference to his book on religion) how he managed to reconcile the statements of his latter volumes with those of his first, published so long ago, answered, "Il n'y a rien qui s'arrange aussi facilement que les faits." Thomas Moore, Diary. I 'M told that virgins augur some Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. O N one occasion the late Lady Holland took [Luttrell] a drive in her carriage over a rough road; and as she was very nervous, she insisted on being driven at a foot's pace. This ordeal lasted some hours, and when he was at last released, poor Luttrell, perfectly exasperated, rushed into the nearest club-house, and exclaimed, clenching his teeth and hands, "The very funerals passed us!" Gronow, Recollections. TO A YOUNG LADY. A N original something dear maid, you would win me Thomas Campbell. L A sociÉtÉ est un État de guerre, rÉglÉ par les lois. L'Art de Parvenir. P ERCHANCE it was her eyes of blue, Songs of Singularity. I T is of no use to tell a neighbour that his hens eat your tomatoes: it makes no impression on him, for the tomatoes are not his. The best way is to casually remark to him that he has a fine lot of chickens, pretty well grown, and that you like spring chickens broiled. He will take them away at once. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. O NE persuaded his friend to marry a little woman, because of evils the least was to be chosen. Conceits, Clinches, etc. (1639). C HARLES KEMBLE used to tell a story about some poor foreigner, dancer or pantomimist in the country, who, after many annual attempts to clear his expenses, came forward one evening with a face beaming with pleasure and gratitude, and addressed the audience in these words:—"Dear Public! moche oblige. Ver good benefice—only lose half-a-crown. I come again!" J. R. PlanchÉ, Recollections. "L ET'S show," said M'Clan, "to this Sassenach loon W. S. Gilbert, Bab Ballads. A LL men are brothers—Cains and Abels. Anon. T HE blameless king Shirley Brooks, Wit and Humour. O NE way of getting an idea of our fellow-countrymen's miseries is to go and look at their pleasures. George Eliot, Felix Holt. TO A RICH LADY. I WILL not ask if thou canst touch Punch. A T the Duke of Wellington's funeral, the little child of a friend of mine was standing with her mother at Lord Ashburton's window to see the mournful pageant. During the passage of the procession, she made no remark until the duke's horse was led by, its saddle empty, and his boots reversed in the stirrups, when she looked up in her mother's face and said, "Mamma, when we die, will there be nothing left of us but boots?" J. C. Young, Diary. S UCH power hath Beer. The heart which Grief hath canker'd C. S. Calverley, Verses and Translations. D INED with Mr. (Sydney) Smith. He told me of the motto he had proposed for Bishop Burgess's arms, in allusion to his brother, the well-known fish-sauce projector: "Gravi jamdudum saucia curÂ." R. H. Barham, Life. O NE'S self-satisfaction is an untaxed kind of property which it is very unpleasant to find depreciated. George Eliot, Middlemarch. "M Y lord cannot stand Treeby more than two days, and Treeby cannot stand my lord for a longer period, and that is why they are such friends." "A sound basis of agreement," said Lord Roehampton. "I believe absence is a great element of charm." Lord Beaconsfield, Endymion. SALAD. O COOL in the summer is salad, Mortimer Collins, The British Birds. Q UERY, whether churches are not dormitories of the living as well as of the dead? Swift, Thoughts. T HE Mock Turtle said, "No wise fish would go Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. V ILL'ST dou learn de Deutsche Sprache? C. G. Leland, Breitmann Ballads. T HE Bishop of St. David's has been studying Welsh all the summer; it is a difficult language, and I hope he will be careful,—it is so easy for him to take up the Funeral Service and read it over the next wedding-party, or to make a mistake in a tense in a Confirmation, and the children will have renounced their godfathers and godmothers and got nothing in their place. Sydney Smith, apud Lord Houghton. B EAUTIFUL soup, so rich and green, Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. W RITING to Manning, Charles Lamb says: "—— says he could write like Shakespeare if he had a mind—so you see nothing is wanting but the mind." Crabb Robinson, Diary. ON BALLS AND OPERAS. I F by their names we things should call, Anon. A MONG all forms of mistake, prophecy is the most gratuitous. George Eliot, Middlemarch. ON LOVE. L OVE levels all—it elevates the clown, H. J. Byron, in English Epigrams. T HE Hanoverian squires are asses who can talk of nothing but horses. Heinrich Heine, Thoughts and Fancies. S IR George Warrender was once obliged to put off a dinner-party in consequence of the death of a relative, and sat down to a haunch of venison by himself. While eating, he said to his butler, "John, this will make a capital hash to-morrow." "Yes, Sir George, if you leave off now!" R. H. Barham, Life. TO CHLORIS. C HLORIS, I swear, by all I ever swore, Thomas Moore. Y OU close your petition with the words: "And we will ever pray." I think you had better—you need to do it. Mark Twain, Choice Works. H USBANDS, more covetous than sage, John Gay, Poems. U MBRELLA—an article which, by the morality of society, you may steal from friend or foe, and which, for the same reason, you should not lend to either. Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. L A curiositÉ n'est que la vanitÉ. Le plus souvent on ne veut savoir que pour en parler. Pascal, PensÉes. O HOW unlike our shores, Windbag, in Courthope's Paradise of Birds. P RINCE METTERNICH said to Lord Dudley, "You are the only Englishman I know who speaks good French. It is remarked, the common people in Vienna speak better than the educated men in London." "That may well be," replied Lord Dudley. "Your Highness should recollect that Buonaparte has not been twice in London to teach them." Crabb Robinson, Diary. W HEN a felon's not engaged in his employment, W. S. Gilbert, Pirates of Penzance. S HE'S an angel in a frock Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. T O speak highly of one with whom we are intimate is a species of egotism. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. T HE annals of our native land were lapsed in doubt and mystery, F. D., in Pall Mall Gazette. "I T is rather sad," sighed Virginia, as she dived into a box of French chocolate-creams, "to think that all the poor people are drowned that these things belonged to." W. H. Mallock, The New Paul and Virginia. T HE sort of fun J. R. PlanchÉ, Songs and Poems. Y OU are a woman; you must never speak what you think: your words must contradict your thoughts: but your actions may contradict your words. So, when I ask you if you can love me, you must say no; but you must love me too. If I tell you you are handsome, you must deny it, and say I flatter you; and you must think yourself more charming than I speak you, and like me for the beauty I say you have, as much as if I had it myself. Tattle, in Congreve's Love for Love. D EAR Poet, do not rhyme at all! Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. N OUS pardonnons souvent À ceux qui nous ennuient; mais nous ne pouvons pardonner À ceux qui nous ennuyons. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. T HERE is a phrase we oft have seen Songs of Singularity. I HAD forgotten to mention that essay, Miss Daylmer; that is our essay on cookery,—the one we always begin with in reading to ladies; as Milverton said, "entirely within their province." I wish they paid more attention to it; but people seldom do attend to things within their province. Ellesmere, in Helps's Friends in Council. T HERE was an old waiter at Wapping Songs of Singularity. A WOMAN dictates before marriage in order that she may have an appetite for submission afterwards. George Eliot, Middlemarch. S YDNEY SMITH, speaking of his being shampooed at Mahomet's Baths at Brighton in 1840, said they "squeezed enough out of him to make a lean curate." R. H. Barham, Life. N OW brim your glass, and plant it well J. S. Blackie, Musa Burschicosa. P UNSTERS being abused, and the old joke repeated that "He who puns will pick a pocket," some one said, "Punsters themselves have no pockets." "No," said Lamb, "they carry only a ridicule." Crabb Robinson, Diary. I T is always a pleasure to me when two of my friends like each other, just as I am always glad when two of my enemies take to fighting with each other. Heinrich Heine, Preface to Don Quixote. H HE stood on his head on the wild sea-shore, Songs of Singularity. [B ERKELEY] had no ear for music himself, but music was an enthusiasm in the family, and he retained the well-known Signor Pasquilino for years to teach his children. It was then that the Signor, who had been learning English from a dictionary, exclaimed in an outbreak of gratitude, "May God pickle your lordship!" A. C. Fraser, Berkeley. W OMEN always did, from the first, make a muss in a garden. C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. GOOD ADVICE. T HIS gardener's rule applies to youth and age: H. J. Byron, in English Epigrams. T he sacred slow harmonium bring, Songs of Singularity. W E sometimes hate those who differ from us in opinion worse than we should for an attempt to injure us in the most serious point. A favourite theory is a possession for life; and we resent any attack upon it proportionably. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. W HEN Mrs. M'Gibbon was preparing to act Jane Shore, at Liverpool, her dresser, an ignorant country girl, informed her that a woman had called to request two box orders, because she and her daughter had walked four miles on purpose to see the play. "Does she know me?" inquired the mistress. "Not at all," was the reply. "What a very odd request!" exclaimed Mrs. M'G. "Has the good woman got her faculties about her?" "I think she have, ma'am, for I see she ha' got summut tied up in a red silk handkercher." Horace Smith, The Tin Trumpet. A CLERKE ther was, a puissant wight was hee, Songs of Singularity. I SHOULDN'T like to be a man—to cough so loud, and stand straddling about on a wet day, and be so wasteful with meat and drink. They're a coarse lot, I think. Denner, in George Eliot's Felix Holt. O NCE the mastodon was: pterodactyls were common as cocks: The Heptalogia. A PRIVILEGED PERSON.—One who is so much of a savage when thwarted that civilized persons avoid thwarting him. Anne Evans, Poems and Music. I 'VE studied human nature, and I know a thing or two; W. S. Gilbert, Bab Ballads. T HE Bishop of Exeter, in the course of conversation at a dinner-party, mentioned that many years since, while trout-fishing, he lost his watch and chain, which he supposed had been pulled from his pocket by the bough of a tree. Some time afterwards, when staying in the same neighbourhood, he took a stroll by the side of the river, and came to the secluded spot where he supposed he had lost his valuables, and there, to his surprise and delight, he found them under a bush. The anecdote, vouched for by the word of a bishop, astonished the company; but this was changed to amusement by his son's inquiring whether the watch, when found, was going. "No," replied the bishop; "the wonder was that it was not gone." Gronow, Recollections. ON FORTUNE. F ORTUNE, they say, doth give too much to many: Sir John Haryngton (1561-1612). I DO not speak of this mole in any tone of complaint. I desire to write nothing against him which I should wish to recall at the last,—nothing foreign to the spirit of that beautiful saying of the dying boy, "He had no copybook, which, dying, he was sorry he had blotted." C. D. Warner, My Summer in a Garden. K NOW, then, that when that touching scene Songs of Singularity. I REMEMBER asking [Bagehot] if he had enjoyed a particular dinner which he had rather expected to enjoy, but he replied, "No, the sherry was bad; tasted as if L—— had dropped his h's into it." R. H. Hutton, Memoir of W. Bagehot. W HEN Beings of the fairer sex Frederick Locker, London Lyrics. "P RAY, Mr. Foote, do you ever go to church?" Thomas Moore, Diary. ON AN INCAPABLE PERSON. F ORTUNE advanced thee that all might aver R. Garnett (from the Greek). I REMEMBER a Trinity College (Dublin) story of a student who, having to translate CÆsar, rendered the first sentence, "Omnis Gallia divisa est in tres partes,"—"All Gaul is quartered into three halves." W. H. Harrison, University Magazine. A LWAYS seem to be modest and bashful, yet wise; Phoebe, in H. P. Stephens's Billee Taylor. O NE asked what herb that was that cured all diseases. It was answered, "Time." Conceits, Clinches, etc. (1639). I N his sleeves, which were long, Bret Harte, Complete Works. I N a conversation which happened to turn on railway accidents and the variety of human sufferings, a bank director observed that he always felt great interest in the case of a broken limb. "Then, I suppose," said ——, "for a compound fracture you feel compound interest." W. Jerdan, Memoirs. ON A CERTAIN POET. T HY verses are eternal, O my friend, A Collection of Epigrams (1727). O NE day, coming late to dinner in the country, [Lady Charlotte Lindsay] excused herself by the "macadamnable" state of the roads. Lord Houghton, Monographs. I WISH some girls that I could name W. M. Praed. T HE other day I heard that whimsical fellow G—— make a rather foolish remark, to the effect that the pleasure of not going to church was a pleasure that never palled. Frederick Locker, Patchwork. A ND day again declines; C. S. Calverley, Verses and Translations. T OMMY TOWNSHEND, a violent, foolish fellow, who was always talking strong language, said in some debate, "Nothing will satisfy me but to have the noble Lord [North]'s head; I will have his head." Lord North said, "The honourable gentleman says he will have my head. I bear him no malice in return, for though the honourable gentleman says he will have my head, I can assure him I would on no account have his." Charles Greville, Diary. W ITH undissembled grief I tell,— Catharine M. Fanshawe. S AID the Gryphon, "Do you know why it's called a whiting?" Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. I 'M always dull on Christmas Day, J. R. PlanchÉ, Songs and Poems. T HE wit of a family is usually best received among strangers. George Eliot, Middlemarch. S WEET maids in wimples fair y-wrought, H. Savile Clarke. L E vrai honnÊte homme est celui qui ne se pique de rien. La Rochefoucauld, RÉflexions. O MEMORY! thou art but a sigh Bon Gaultier Ballads. W HAT is Truth? "Bring me the wash-hand basin," is the reply of Pontius Pilate. Heinrich Heine, The Denunciator. ON A RECENT ROBBERY. T HEY came and stole my garments, Rev. Henry Townshend. S OME folk's tongues are like the clocks as run on strikin', not to tell you the time o' day, but because there's summat wrong i' their own inside. Mrs. Poyser, in George Eliot's Adam Bede. 'T IS said that he lived upon bacon and beans, J. A. Sidey, Mistura Curiosa. I T is often harder to praise a friend than an enemy. W. Hazlitt, Characteristics. ON A CERTAIN PARSON. B Y purchase a man's property is known: Epigrams in Distich (1740). I MEASURE men's dullness by the devices they trust in for deceiving others. Your dullest animal is he who grins and says he doesn't mind just after he has had his shins kicked. Machiavelli, in George Eliot's Romola. GRAMMATICAL. T HE least drop in the world I do not mind: H. J. Byron, in English Epigrams. "T here is no middle course," said Charles X. to Talleyrand, "between the throne and the scaffold!" "Your Majesty forgets the post-chaise!" Crabb Robinson, Diary. I COULD not, while you shone, Robert Reece, in Comic Poets. TO AN IMPORTUNATE HOST A SK me no more: I've had enough Chablis; W. D. A. S IR ROBERT GRANT told a story well, and could pun successfully without boring. By way of instance, on the beach at Sidmouth he pronounced the six beautiful Miss Twopennys to be the "Splendid shilling." Lord Teignmouth, Reminiscences. O H to be wafted away Bunthorne, in W. S. Gilbert's Patience. O NE said, painters were cunning fellows, for they had a colour for everything they did. Conceits, Clinches, etc. (1639). D EY vent to hear a breecher of C. G. Leland, Breitmann Ballads. "O H! Pat; and what do you think will be your feelings on the day of judgment when you meet Mrs. Mahoney, and the pig you stole from her, face to face?" "Does your reverence think the pig will be there?" "Ay, indeed, will he; and what will ye say then?" "I shall say, your reverence, 'Mrs. Mahoney, dear, here's the pig that I borrowed of ye, and I'm mighty glad to have this opportunity of restoring him!'" Life of Rev. W. Harness. I N VINO VERITAS!—which means H. Cholmondeley Pennell, Pegasus Resaddled. J ONES, the tailor, was asked by a customer, who thought much of his cut, to go down and have some shooting with him in the country. Among the party was the Duke of Northumberland. "Well, Mr. Jones," observed his Grace, "I'm glad to see that you are becoming a sportsman. What sort of gun do you shoot with?" "Oh, with a double-breasted one, your Grace," was the reply. Life of Rev. W. Harness. N OW wedlock is a sober thing, Edward Fitzgerald. T HE greatest advantage I know of being thought a wit by the world, is, that it gives one the greater freedom of playing the fool. Pope, Thoughts on Various Subjects. C ONCEIVE me, if you can, Grosvenor, in W. S. Gilbert's Patience. I DO not so much want to avoid being cheated, as to afford the expense of being so; the generality of mankind being seldom in good humour but whilst they are imposing upon you in some shape or other. Shenstone, Essays. O NLY think, to have lords overrunning the nation, Thomas Moore. L O! the king, his footsteps this way bending, Aldiborontiphoscophornio, in Carey's Chrononhotonthologos. I T is with narrow-souled people, as with narrow-necked bottles: the less they have in them, the more noise they make in pouring out. Pope, Thoughts on Various Subjects. O NE privilege to man is left— H. Cholmondeley Pennell, Pegasus Resaddled. H APPY THOUGHT.—"Fridoline!" I have her permission to call her Fridoline. F. C. Burnand, Happy Thoughts. INDEX. A. Buckle, Professor Blackie on, 127 Drake, Dr., mot by, 36 Hayward, Abraham, quoted, 3, et seq. "Look to settlements," 145 Original sin, 231 Romances, Byron on, 177 Turnips, Mark Twain on, 19 PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, Transcriber's Notes:Obvious typographical and punctuation errors have been corrected but no attempt at consistency of spelling or punctuation has been made, as the entire text consists of direct quotations from other sources. An Index is provided at the end of the book. A few minor corrections have been made to it. |