Quincy, September 10, 1818. DEAR SIR, THE charters were quoted or alluded to by Mr. Otis frequently in the whole course of his argument: but he made them also a more destined and more solemn head of his discourse. And here, these charters ought to be copied verbatim. But an immense verbiage renders it impossible. Bishop Butler somewhere complains of this enormous abuse of words in public transactions, and John Reed and Theophilus Parsons of Massachusetts have attempted to reform it. So did James Otis; all with little success. I hope, however, that their examples will be followed, and that common sense in common language will, in time, become fashionable. But the hope must be faint as long as clerks are paid by the line and the number of syllables in a line. Some passages of these charters must however, be quoted; and I will endeavour to strip them as well as I can, of their useless words. They are recited in the charter of king William and queen Mary, dated the seventh day of October, in the third year of their reign, i. e. in 1691. "Whereas king James the first, in the 18th year of his reign, did grant to the council at Plymouth, for the planting and govern But I cannot pursue to the end this infinite series of words.—You must read the charter again. For although you and I have read it fifty times, I believe you will find it, as I do, much stronger in favour of Mr. Otis's argument than I expected or you will expect. I doubt whether you will take the pains to read it again; but your son will, and to him I recommend it. The council of Plymouth, on the 19th of March, in the 3d year of the reign of Charles the first, granted to sir Henry Roswell and others, part of New England by certain boundaries, with all the prerogatives and privileges. King Charles the first, on the 4th of March, in the fourth year of his reign confirmed to sir Henry Roswell and others, all those lands before granted to them by the council of Plymouth. King Charles the first, created sir Henry Roswell and others, a body corporate and politick. And said body politick, did settle a colony which became very populous. In 1684, in the 36th year of king William and queen Mary's dearest uncle, Charles the second, a judgment was given in the court of chancery, that the letters patent of Charles the first, should be cancelled, vacated and annihilated. The agents petitioned to be re-incorporated; I can easily conceive their perplexity, their timidity, their uncertainty, their choice of difficulties, their necessary preference of the least of a multitude of evils: for I have felt them all, as keenly as they did. William and Mary unite Massachusetts, New Plymouth, the Province of Maine and Nova Scotia, into one province, to be holden in fee of the manor of East Greenwich, paying one fifth of gold and silver ore. Liberty of conscience to be granted to all Christians, except papists. Good God! A grant from a king of liberty of conscience. Is it not a grant of the King of Kings, which no puppet or royalist upon earth can give or take away? The general court impowered to erect judicatories and courts of record. The general court impowered to make laws, "not repugnant to the laws of England." Here was an unfathomable gulf of controversy. The grant itself, of liberty of conscience, was repugnant to the laws of England. Every thing was repugnant to But the fell paragraph of all, is the proviso in these words:—"Provided always, and it is hereby declared that nothing herein shall extend or be taken to erect or grant, or allow the exercise of any admiralty court jurisdiction, power, or authority, but that the same shall be, and is hereby reserved to us and our successors, and shall from time to time, be erected, granted and exercised by virtue of commissions to be issued under the great seal of England, or under the seal of the high admiral, or the commissioners for executing the office of high admiral of England." The history of this court of admiralty would require volumes. Where are its records and its files? Its libels and answers? Its interrogatories and cross interrogatories? All hurried away to England, as I suppose never to be seen again in America, nor probably to be inspected in Europe. The records and files of the court of probate in Boston were transported to Halifax. Judge Foster Hutchinson had the honour to return them after the peace of 1783. But admiralty records have never been restored as I have heard. The subject may be pursued hereafter by your servant, JOHN ADAMS. |