It is well to have purposes we can carry out. It is also well to have purposes so lofty that we cannot carry them out; for these latter are the mighty inner fires which warm our being at its core and without which our impulse to do even the lesser things would be feeble. I had rather cut man's purpose deeper than Achieving it be crowned as conqueror; To will divinely is to accomplish more Than a mere deed: it fills anew the wan Aspect of life with blood; it draws upon Sources beyond the common reach and lore Of mortals, to replenish at its core The God-impassioned energy of man. And herewith all the worlds of deed and thought Quicken again with meaning—pulse and thrill With Deity—that had forgot His touch. There is not any act avails so much As this invisible wedding of the will With Life—yea, though it seem to accomplish naught. Henry Bryan Binns. From "The Free Spirit."