636. 7s. & 6s. M. Montgomery.Confidence in God. Ps. 27. 1God is my strong salvation; What foe have I to fear? In darkness and temptation My Light, my Help, is near. Though hosts encamp around me, Firm to the fight I stand; What terror can confound me With God at my right hand? 2Place on the Lord reliance; My soul, with courage wait; His truth be thine affiance, When faint and desolate; His might thine heart shall strengthen; His love thy joy increase; Mercy thy days shall lengthen; The Lord will give thee peace. 637. S. M. Moravian.Reliance on God. 1Give to the winds thy fears; Hope and be undismayed; God hears thy sighs, God counts thy tears; God shall lift up thy head. 2Through waves, through clouds and storms, He gently clears thy way; Wait thou his time, so shall the night Soon end in joyous day. 3He everywhere hath rule, And all things serve his might; His every act pure blessing is, His path unsullied light. 4Thou seest our weakness, Lord, Our hearts are known to thee: O, lift thou up the sinking hand, Confirm the feeble knee! 5Let us, in life or death, Boldly thy truth declare; And publish, with our latest breath, Thy love and guardian care. 638. L. M. Doddridge.Praising God in Life and in Death. 1God of my life! through all its days My grateful powers shall sound thy praise; The song shall wake with opening light, And warble to the silent night. 2When anxious cares would break my rest, And griefs would tear my throbbing breast, Thy tuneful praises, raised on high, Shall check the murmur and the sigh. 3But, O, when that last conflict's o'er, And I am chained to flesh no more; With what glad accents shall I rise To join the music of the skies! 4Soon shall I learn the exalted strains Which echo o'er the heavenly plains; And emulate, with joy unknown, The glowing seraphs round thy throne. 639. H. M. Doddridge.Faithfulness of God's Promise. 1The promises I sing, Which sovereign love hath spoke; Nor will the eternal King His words of grace revoke; They stand secure, And steadfast still; Not Zion's hill Abides so sure. 2The mountains melt away, When once the Judge appears, And sun and moon decay, That measure mortal years; But still the same, In radiant lines, The promise shines, Through all the flame. 640. C. M. Watts.Salvation. 1Salvation! O, the joyful sound! 'Tis pleasure to our ears, A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. 2Buried in sorrow and in sin, At death's dark door we lay; But we arise, by grace divine, To see a heavenly day. 3Salvation! let the echo fly The spacious earth around, While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. 641. 8s. & 7s. M. Dublin Coll.Praise from Earth and Heaven. 1Praise the Lord! ye heavens adore him; Praise him, angels in the height; Sun and moon rejoice before him; Praise him, all ye stars of light! Praise the Lord, for he hath spoken; Worlds his mighty voice obeyed; Laws which never can be broken, For their guidance he hath made. 2Praise the Lord! for he is glorious, Never shall his promise fail; God hath made his saints victorious, Sin and death shall not prevail: Praise the God of our salvation, Hosts on high his power proclaim; Heaven and earth, and all creation, Praise and magnify his name! 642. C. M. Watts.Experience of God's Grace. 1When God revealed his gracious name, And changed my mournful state, My rapture seemed a pleasing dream, The grace appeared so great. 2The world beheld the glorious change, And did thy hand confess; My tongue broke out in unknown strains, And sung surprising grace. 3The Lord can clear the darkest skies, Can give us day for night; Make drops of sacred sorrow rise To rivers of delight. 4Let those, who sow in sadness, wait Till the fair harvest come; They shall confess their sheaves are great, And shout the blessings home. 643. C. M. Beddome.Fear not. 1Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fears; Be mercy all your theme; For mercy like a river flows, In one perpetual stream. 2Fear not the powers of earth and hell; God will those powers restrain; His arm will all their rage repel, And make their efforts vain. 3Fear not the want of outward good; For his he will provide, Grant them supplies of daily food, And give them heaven beside. 4Fear not that he will e'er forsake, Or leave his work undone; He's faithful to his promises, And faithful to his Son. 644. C. M. Heginbotham.Rejoicing in God, our Father. 1Come, shout aloud the Father's grace, And sing the Saviour's love; Soon shall you join the glorious theme, In loftier strains above. 2God, the eternal, mighty God, To dearer names descends; Calls us his treasure and his joy, His children and his friends. 3My Father, God! and may these lips Pronounce a name so dear? Not thus could heaven's sweet harmony Delight my listening ear. 4Thanks to my God for every gift His bounteous hands bestow; And thanks eternal for that love Whence all these comforts flow. 645. C. M. Watts.The Same. 1The Lord of Glory is my Light, And my Salvation too: God is my strength, nor will I fear What all my foes can do. 2One privilege my heart desires-- Oh grant me an abode Among the churches of thy saints, The temples of my God! 3There shall I offer my requests, And see thy beauty still; Shall hear thy messages of love, And there inquire thy will. 4When troubles rise and storms appear, There may his children hide: God has a strong pavilion, where He makes my soul abide. 5Now shall my head be lifted high Above my foes around, And songs of joy and victory Within thy temple sound. 646. 7s. & 6s. M. Anonymous.The Same. 1To Thee, my God and Saviour, My soul exulting sings; Rejoicing in thy favor, Almighty King of kings! I'll celebrate thy glory With all thy saints above. And tell the joyful story Of thy redeeming love. 2Soon as the morn with roses Bedecks the dewy east, And when the sun reposes Upon the ocean's breast; My voice in supplication, My Saviour, thou shalt hear: O grant me thy salvation, And to my soul draw near. 3Thy gracious love possessing In all my pilgrim road, My soul shall feel thy blessing In thy divine abode. There bowing down before thee, My every conflict o'er, My spirit shall adore thee, Forever, evermore. 647. P. M. Warren St. Coll.Triumph. 1Daughter of Zion, awake from thy sadness! Awake! for thy foes shall oppress thee no more; Bright o'er thy hills dawns the day-star of gladness, Arise! for the night of thy sorrow is o'er. 2Strong were thy foes, but the arm that subdued them And scattered their legions was mightier far; They fled like the chaff from the scourge that pursued them, Vain were their steeds and their chariots of war. 3Daughter of Zion, the power that hath saved thee Extolled with the harp and the timbrel should be; Shout! for the foe is destroyed that enslaved thee; Th' oppressor is vanquished, and Zion is free. 648. C. M. J. Q. Adams.Psalm 23. 1My Shepherd is the Lord on high; His hand supplies me still; In pastures green he makes me lie, Beside the rippling rill: He cheers my soul, relieves my woes, His glory to display; The paths of righteousness he shows, And leads me in his way. 2Though walking through death's dismal shade, No evil will I fear; Thy rod, thy staff shall lend me aid, For thou art ever near: For me a table thou dost spread In presence of my foes; With oil thou dost anoint my head; By thee my cup o'erflows. 3Thy goodness and thy mercy sure Shall bless me all my days; And I, with lips sincere and pure, Will celebrate thy praise: Yes, in the temple of the Lord Forever I will dwell; To after time thy name record, And of thy glory tell. 649. 8s. & 7s. M. Bowring.The Cross of Christ. 1In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. 2When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me; Lo! it glows with peace and joy. 3When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, From the cross the radiance streaming Adds more lustre to the day. 4Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. 650. L. M. Wesley's Coll.Glorying in Christ. 1Let not the wise their wisdom boast; The mighty glory in his might; The rich in flattering riches trust, Which take their everlasting flight. 2The rush of numerous years bears down The most gigantic strength of man; And where is all his wisdom gone, When dust he turns to dust again? 3The Lord, my righteousness, I praise, I triumph in the love divine, The wisdom, wealth, and strength of grace In Christ through endless ages mine. 651. C. M. Doddridge.The Way to the Heavenly City. 1Sing, ye redeemed of the Lord, Your great Deliverer sing; Pilgrims, for Zion's city bound, Be joyful in your King. 2A hand divine shall lead you on Through all the blissful road, Till to the sacred mount you rise, And see your Father, God. 3There garlands of immortal joy Shall bloom on every head, While sorrow, sighing, and distress, Like shadows all are fled. 4March on in your Redeemer's strength, Pursue his footsteps still, And let the prospect cheer your eye While laboring up the hill. 652. S. M. Doddridge.Grace first and last in Salvation. 1Grace! 'tis a charming sound! Harmonious to the ear! Heaven with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. 2Grace first contrived the way To save rebellious man; And all the steps that grace display Which drew the wondrous plan. 3Grace led my roving feet To tread the heavenly road; And new supplies each hour I meet While pressing on to God. 4Grace taught my soul to pray, And made my eyes o'erflow; 'Twas grace that kept me to this day, And will not let me go. 5Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days; It lays in heaven the topmost stone, And well deserves the praise. |