CHAPTER I. THE WORLD'S PROGRESS. CHAPTER II. CHRISTIAN UNIVERSALISM. CHAPTER III. UNIVERSALISM IN AMERICA. CHAPTER IV. EARLY ADVOCACY OF UNIVERSALISM IN AMERICA. CHAPTER VI. UNIVERSALISM. UNITARIANISM. RATIONALISM. CHAPTER VII. REFORM MOVEMENTS AND UNIVERSALISM. CHAPTER VIII. NEW ENGLAND ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. UNIVERSALIST PROTEST. CHAPTER IX. REFORMATORY PROGRESS. CHAPTER X. THE UNIVERSALIST CHURCH AND ITS WOMEN. CHAPTER XI. SKETCHES OF MINISTERS. CHAPTER XII. SKETCHES OF MINISTERS continued . CHAPTER XIII. SKETCHES OF MINISTERS continued . CHAPTER XIV. SKETCHES OF MINISTERS continued . CHAPTER XV. SKETCHES OF MINISTERS continued . CHAPTER XVI. SKETCHES OF MINISTERS continued . CHAPTER XVII. SKETCHES OF MINISTERS continued . CHAPTER XVIII. SKETCHES OF MINISTERS continued . CHAPTER XIX. SKETCHES OF MINISTERS. continued. CHAPTER XXII. THE PRESENT OUTLOOK. Transcriber's Note: Apparent typographical errors and inconsistent hyphenation have been corrected. Footnote 4 is missing, while Footnotes 5 and 6 identical. FIFTY NOTABLE YEARS."And I saw that there was an Ocean of Darkness and Death; but an infinite Ocean of Light and Love flowed over the Ocean of Darkness; and in that I saw the infinite Love of God."—George Fox's Journal. "Universalism was the evening star of the church as the night of the dark ages came on, and appeared as the morning star at the dawn of the Reformation."—Thomas Whittemore, D. D. Fifty Notable Years VIEWS WITH By JOHN G. ADAMS, D. D. ILLUSTRATED WITH PORTRAITS. BOSTON: Copyright, 1882, University Press: |