


I. What may be Seen in the Heavens:—
The Number of the Stars, 4
The Great Bear and the Little Bear, 8
Orion, 13
Diurnal Movement, 15
Determination of the Cardinal Points, 17
II. What may be Seen upon the Earth:—
The Snow, 32
Red Snow, 39
The Eternal Snow, 44
The Inhabitants of the Eternal Snows, 48
The Arvicola Leucurus, 49
The Marmot, 53
The Chamois, 56
The Eagle and the Wren, 57
The Snow Bunting, 66
The Red-billed Crow, 68
Reptiles, 70
Inferior Animals, 71
Herbaceous Plants which best endure the Cold of Winter, 75
The Dog Mercury, 77
The Garden Nightshade, 82
The Dog's-tooth Grass, 88


I. What may be Seen in the Heavens:—
The Earth's Figure is seen in the Sky as in a Mirror, 102
II. What may be Seen on the Earth:—
Causes of the Circulation of the Sap, 132
The Daisy, 138
The Tulip, 152
The Heliotrope, 156
The Anemones, 157
The Arum, 161
The RanunculaceÆ, 165
The Wood-louse, 169
The Dragon-flies, 174


I. What may be Seen in the Heavens:—
The Adumbrated Sphere, 191
II. What may be Seen on the Earth:—
The Perianth, 208
The Calyx, 208
The Corolla, 223
The Prunella, 230
The Scutellaria, 235
The Lilies, 241
The Gentians, 250
An Alpine Excursion, 256
The Pimpernel, 260
The Mole—The Staphylinus—The Mole Cricket, 265
The Earwig, 278


I. What may be Seen in the Heavens:—
The Circle, and the uniform Movement of the Stars (according
to the Theory of the Ancients destroyed by Kepler), 289
The Solar Constitution, 292
Result of recent Astronomical Researches, 296
II. What may be Seen on the Earth:—
Chemical action of Light, 312
Action of Heat, 313
Arable Land, 318
Mushrooms or Agarics, 325
The Number of Vegetable Species distributed over the whole
Surface of the Globe, 337
The Harvest Bug, 349
The Cheese Mite, 354
The Number of Animal Species distributed over the whole
Surface of the Globe, 356
What is Chlorophyll? 366
Carnations and Pinks, 371
The Eglantine and the Convolvulus, 379
Metamorphosis: a Physico-philosophical Meditation, 384
Appendix, 405


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