href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@61169@61169-h@61169-h-6.htm.html#Footnote44" class="pginternal">note, ibid. | ||
Cuff, his double constructed microscope described, 89—apparatus to ditto, 90—how to use, | 91 | |
Culex, its proboscis to dissect, | 144 | |
—— pipiens, its proboscis described, | 187 | |
—— its unpleasant effects, note, ibid.—farther described, | 623 | |
Culpeper’s microscope, | 104 | |
—— —— apparatus to, | 105 | |
—— —— to use, | ibid. | |
Curculio imperialis, | 204 | |
Custance, list of his vegetable cuttings, | 709 | |
Cynips or gall-fly, its transformation, | 260 | |
D. | ||
Death-head moth, the harbinger of mortality!, | note 669 | |
—— watch of LinnÆus—Geoffroy—Shaw—Fabricius—Gmelin, note 688—the terror it occasions, note 689—quotations from Brown—Swift—Gay and Shakspeare, | ibid. | |
Debraw, his account of bees, | 281 | |
De Geer, on the generation of a moth, | 291 | |
De la Hire first notices the stemmata of insects, | 199 | |
Dellebarre’s compound microscope, | 16 | |
Dermestes tesselatus, | note 688 | |
De Saussure, a writer on the interior structure of vegetables, | 575 | |
Diptera order of insects, | 219 | |
—— —— —— to collect, | 687 | |
Dissecting table, Lyonet’s, to use, | 123 | |
—— —— Musschenbroeck’s, | 137 | |
—— Swammerdam’s method of, | 138 | |
—— Lyonet’s ditto, | 141 | |
—— Hooke’s observations on, | 142 | |
Divinis compound microscope, | 15 | |
Dragon-fly, eyes of, to dissect, | 145 | |
Drebell introduces the microscope into England, | 2 | |
Drone-fly, eyes of, | 196 | |
Drury, his magnificent cabinet of insects, | 695 | |
—— illustrations of natural history, | 696 | |
Du Hamel writes on the interior structure of vegetables, | 575 | |
Dutch claim the invention of the microscope, | 1 | |
E. | ||
Earwig, its wings, | 143, 373—generation, 379—re-production, 382—hydra pallens, 389—hydatula, 390—stentorea, 392—socialis, | 395 |
Hymenoptera order of insects | 219 | |
—— —— —— to collect, | 686 | |
I. | ||
Jansens and son among the first introducers of the microscope, | 2 | |
Jerboa, its agility, note 212—kanguroo, | ibid. | |
Jerom, curious passage from, | note 178 | |
Imperfections of microscopic glasses, | 46 | |
Improvements on lucernal microscope, | 80 | |
—— compound microscope, | 92, 99 | |
Infusions, animalcula in, to procure, | 151 | |
—— of pepper, &c., | 153 | |
Insects, Lyonet’s table to dissect, | 123 | |
—— Musschenbroeck’s ditto, | 137 | |
—— wings to dissect, 143—proboscis, 144—eyes, 145—exuvia, to prepare, 145—muscular fibres, 146—fat, ibid.—brains, ibid.—muscles, | ibid. | |
—— their wonderful mechanism, | 172 | |
—— preferred by Swammerdam to other parts of the creation, | ibid. | |
—— not included in divine omniscience, | note 178 | |
—— general description of, 178—definition of, 179—divisions, ibid.—head, ibid.—mouth, 180—jaws, 181—tongue and proboscis, ibid.—proboscis of a bee, 182—butterfly, 186—gnat, 187—tabanus, 188—antennÆ, 190—conjectures on their use, note 191, 192—their characteristics, 193—palpi—eyes, ibid.—reticulated eyes, 195—drone—silk-worm—libellula—ephemera—experiments on the eyes, 197—monoculus polyphemus, 198—spider, 199—stemmata, | Parrot-fish, scale of, | 355 |
Particles of blood to examine, | 149 | |
—— —— their true form ascertained, | ibid. and note 626 | |
Paste eel described, | 462 | |
Pearch, sea, scale of, | 356 | |
Pearl micrometer, Coventry’s, | 60 | |
Pediculus humanus described, | 619 | |
Plancus on minute shells, | 629 | |
Plant lice, see aphides | ||
Plants, their leaves to examine, | 147 | |
Pocket botanical and universal microscope, | 124 | |
Polypes to procure and feed, 153—infested with lice, 156—to preserve in health, ibid.—to observe with accuracy, 157—to preserve in sliders, ibid.—their food, | 291 | |
Pores of skin to examine, | 147 | |
Portable microscope and telescope, | 125 | |
Proboscis of insects, to dissect, 144—culex—tabanus—bee, ibid.—described, 181—bee, ibid.—butterfly, 186—gnat, 187—tabanus, | 188 | |
Prince, (Rev. Dr.) his improvement on lucernal microscope, | 84 | |
Ptinus fatidicus, | note 688 | |
—— pulsator, | ibid. | |
Puceron, see aphides | ||
Pulex aquaticus food for polypes, | 155 | |
—— irritans described, | 616 | |
Pupa, change of insects to | 229 | |
R. | ||
Ray, incident, 32—refracted, | ibid. | |
Reaumur on the motion of insects, | 212 | |
—— —— fecundity of queen bee, | 290 | |
Redi, his observations on the production of flies, | 174 | |
Reflections on cruelty to animals, | 150, note ibid. | |
Refraction, its principles, 32—ascertained by experiments, | 33 | |
Remarks on the substance of butterflies wings, | note 207 | |
—— on Barbut’s opinion on the sense of hearing in insects, | note 217 | |
—— on co enberg@html@files@61169@61169-h@61169-h-15.htm.html#Page401" class="pginternal">401—umbellaria, 402—berberina, 406—digitalis, ibid.—convallaria, 407—urceolaris, 408—tubularia campanulata, | 411 | |
W. | ||
Walker on minute shells, 630—commended by Sir Jos. Banks, ibid.—extracts from, | 633 | |
Wasp, its sting to dissect, | 145 | |
Water, eel in fresh, 468—in salt ditto, | 469 | |
Wheat, eel in blighted, | 467 | |
Wheel animal, | 549 | |
Willughby detects a pretended discoverer of animalcula, | note 432 | |
Wilson, his screw-barrel microscope, 115—ditto with scroll, | 117 | |
Wings of insects to dissect, | 143 | |
—— forficula auricularia, ibid.—notonecta, ibid.—butterflies and moths, 144, 207—described, 201—hemerobius perla, | 206 | |
Wisdom, divine, displayed in the creation, 267, 174—providence, 174—benevolence, | 175 | |
Withering, his botanical microscope, | 115 | |
Wood, instrument for cutting sections of, 127,—appendage to, | 128 | |
Worm, silk, its eyes described, | 196 | |
Worms, red, food for polypes, | 155 | |
Z. | ||
Ziehr improves solar microscope, | 20 |
T. Milne del. | London. Printed for & Published by George Adams N.o 60, Fleet Street, as the act directs. May 20, 1787. | Jn. Lodge sc. |