The progress that has been made in the science of optics, in the last and present century, particularly by Sir Isaac Newton, may with propriety be ranked among the greatest acquisitions of human knowledge. And Mess. Delaval and Herschel have shewn by their discoveries, that the boundaries of this science may be considerably enlarged. The rays of light, which minister to the sense of sight, are the most wonderful and astonishing part of the inanimate creation; of which we shall soon be convinced, if we consider their extreme minuteness, their inconceivable velocity, the regular variety of colours they exhibit, the invariable laws according to which they are acted upon by other substances, in their reflections, inflections, and refractions, without the least change of their original properties; and the facility with which they pervade bodies of the greatest density and closest texture, without resistance, without crouding or disturbing each other. These, I believe, will be deemed sufficient proofs of the wonderful nature of these rays; without adding, that it is by a peculiar modification of them, that we are indebted for the advantages obtained by the microscope. The science of optics, which explains and treats of many of the properties of those rays of light, is deduced from experiments, on which all philosophers are agreed. It is impossible to give an adequate idea of the nature of vision, without a knowledge of these experiments, and the mathematical reasoning grounded upon them; but as to do this would alone fill a large volume, I shall only endeavour to render some of the more general principles clear, that the reader, who is unacquainted with the science of optics, may nevertheless be enabled to comprehend the nature of vision by the microscope. Some of the most important of these principles may be deduced from the following very interesting experiment. Darken a room, and let the light be admitted therein only by a small hole; then, if the weather be fine, you will see on the wall, which is facing the hole, a picture of all those exterior objects which are opposite thereto, with all their colours, though these will be but faintly seen. The image of the objects that are stationary, as trees, houses, &c. will appear fixed; while the images of those that are in motion, will be seen to move. The image of every object will appear inverted, because the rays cross each other in passing through the small hole. If the sun shine on the hole, we shall see a luminous ray proceed in a strait line, and terminate on the wall. If the eye be placed in this ray, it will be in a right line with the hole and the sun: it is the same with every other object which is painted on the wall. The images of the objects exhibited on the same plane, are smaller in proportion as the objects are further from the hole. Many and important are the inferences which may be deduced from the foregoing experiment, among which are the following: 1. That light flows in a right line. 2. That a luminous point may be seen from all those places to which a strait line can be drawn from the point, without meeting with any obstacle; and consequently, 3. That a luminous point, by some unknown power, sends forth rays of light in all directions, and is the center of a sphere of light, which extends indefinitely on all sides; and if we conceive some of these rays to be intercepted by a plane, then is the luminous point the summit of a pyramid, whose body is formed by the rays, and its base by the intercepting plane. The image of the surface of an object, which is painted on the wall, is also the base of a pyramid of light, the apex of which is the hole; the rays which form this pyramid, by crossing at the hole, form another, similar and opposite to this, of which the hole is also the summit, and the surface of the object the base. 4. That an object is visible, because all its points are radiant points. 5. That the particles of light are indefinitely small; for the rays, which proceed from the points of all the objects opposite to the hole, pass through it, though extremely small, without embarrassing or confounding each other. 6. That every ray of light carries with it the image of the object from which it was emitted. The nature of vision in the eye may be imperfectly illustrated by the experiment of the darkened room; the pupil of the eye being considered as the hole through which the rays of light pass, and cross each other, to paint on the retina, at the bottom of the eye, the inverted images of all those objects which are exposed to the sight, so that the diameters of the images of the same object From hence it follows, that the apparent diameter of an object seen by the naked eye, may be magnified in any proportion we please; for, as the apparent diameter is increased, in proportion as the distance from the eye is lessenned, we have only to lessen the distance of the object from the eye, in order to increase the apparent diameter thereof.[24] Thus, suppose there is an object, A B, Plate I. Fig. 1, which to an eye at E subtends or appears under the angle A E B, we may magnify the apparent diameter in what proportion we please, by bringing our eye nearer to it. If, for instance, we would magnify it in the proportion of F G to A B; that is, if we would see the object under an angle as large as F E G, or would make it appear the same length that an object as long as F G would appear, it may be done by coming nearer to the object. For the apparent diameter is as the distance inversely; therefore, if C D is as much less than C E, as F G is greater than A B, by bringing the eye nearer to the object in the proportion of C D to E D, the apparent diameter will be magnified in the proportion of F G to A B; so that the object A B, to the eye at D, will appear as long as an object F G would appear to the eye at E. In the same manner we might shew, that the apparent diameter of an object, when seen by the naked [24] Rutherforth’s System of Natural Philosophy, p. 330. There is, however, one great inconvenience in thus magnifying an object, without the help of glasses, by placing the eye nearer to it. The inconvenience is, that we cannot see an object distinctly, unless the eye is about five or six inches from it; therefore, if we bring it nearer to our eye than five or six inches, however it may be magnified, it will be seen confusedly. Upon this account, the greatest apparent magnitude of an object that we are used to, is the apparent magnitude when the eye is about five or six inches from it: and we never place an object much within that distance; because, though it might be magnified by these means, yet the confusion would prevent our deriving any advantage from seeing it so large. The size of an object seems extraordinary, when viewed through a convex lens; not because it is impossible to make it appear of the same size to the naked eye, but because at the distance from the eye which would be necessary for this purpose, it would appear exceedingly confused; for which reason, we never bring our eye so near to it, and consequently, as we have not been accustomed to see the object of this size, it appears an extraordinary one. On account of the extreme minuteness of the atoms of light, it is clear, a single ray, or even a small number of rays, cannot make a sensible impression on the organ of sight, whose fibres are very gross, when compared to these atoms; it is necessary, therefore, that a great number should proceed from the surface of an object, to render it visible. But as the rays of light, which proceed from an object, are continually diverging, different methods have been contrived, either of uniting them in a given By the help of glasses, we unite in the same sensible point a great number or rays, proceeding from one point of an object; and as each ray carries with it the image of the point from whence it proceeded, all the rays united must form an image of the object from whence they were emitted. This image is brighter, in proportion as there are more rays united; and more distinct, in proportion as the order, in which they proceeded, is better preserved in their union. This may be rendered evident; for, if a white and polished plane be placed where the union is formed, we shall see the image of the object painted in all its colours on this plane; which image will be brighter, if all adventitious light be excluded from the plane on which it is received. The point of union of the rays of light, formed by means of a glass lens, &c. is called the FOCUS. Now, as each ray carries with it the image of the object from whence it proceeded, it follows, that if those rays, after intersecting each other, and having formed an image at their intersection, are again united by a refraction or reflection, they will form a new image, and that repeatedly, as long as their order is not confounded or disturbed. It follows also, that when the progress of the luminous ray is under consideration, we may look on the image as the object, and the object as the image; and consider the second image as if it had been produced by the first as an object, and so on. In order to gain a clear idea of the wonderful effects produced by glasses, we must proceed to say something of the principles of refraction. Any body, which is so constituted as to yield a passage to the rays of light, is called a MEDIUM. Air, water, glass, &c. are mediums of light. If any medium afford an easy passage to the rays of light, it is called a RARE MEDIUM; but if it do not afford an easy passage to these rays, it is called a DENSE MEDIUM. Let Z, Fig. 2. Plate I. be a rare medium, and Y a dense one; and let them be separated by the plane surface G H. Let I K be a perpendicular to it, and cutting it in C. With the center C, and any distance, let a circle be described. Then let A C be a ray of light, falling upon the dense medium. This ray, if nothing prevented, would go forward to L; but because the medium Y is supposed to be denser than Z, it will be bent downward toward the perpendicular I K, and describe the line C B. The ray A C is called the INCIDENT RAY; and the ray C B, the REFRACTED RAY. The angle A C I is called the ANGLE OF INCIDENCE, and the angle B C K is called the ANGLE OF REFRACTION. If from the point A upon the right line C I, there be let fall the perpendicular A D, that line is called the sine of the angle of incidence. In the same manner, if from the point B, upon the right line I K, there be let fall the perpendicular B E, that line will be the sine of the angle of refraction. The sines of the angles are the measures of the refractions, and this measure is constant; that is, whatever is the sine of the Experiment 1. Let A B C D, Fig. 3. Plate I. represent a vessel so placed, with respect to the candle E, that the shadow of the side A C may fall at D. Suppose the vessel to be now filled with water, and the shadow will withdraw to d; the ray of light, instead of proceeding to D, being refracted or bent to d. And there is no doubt but that an eye, placed at d, would see the candle at e, in the direction of the refracted ray d A. This is also confirmed by the following pleasing experiment. 2. Lay a shilling, or any piece of money, at the bottom of a bason; then withdraw from the bason, till you lose sight of the shilling; fill the bason nearly with water, and the shilling will be seen very plainly, though you are at the same distance from it. 3. Place a stick over a bason which is filled with water; then reflect the sun’s rays, so that they may fall perpendicularly on the surface of the water; the shadow of the stick will fall on the same place, whether the vessel be empty or full. What has been said of water, may be applied to any transparent medium, only the power of refraction is greater in some than in others. It is from this wonderful property, that we derive all the curious effects of glass, which make it the subject of optics. It is to this we owe the powers of the microscope and the telescope. To produce these effects, pieces of glass are formed into given figures, which, when so formed, are called lenses. The six following 1. A PLANE GLASS, one that is flat on each side, and of an equal thickness throughout. F, Fig. 13. Plate I. 2. A DOUBLE CONVEX GLASS, one that is more elevated towards the middle than the edge. B, Fig. 13. Plate I. 3. A DOUBLE CONCAVE is hollow on both sides, or thinner in the middle than at the edges. D, Fig. 13. Plate I. 4. A PLANO CONVEX, flat on one side, and convex on the other. A, Fig. 13. Plate I. 5. A PLANO CONCAVE, flat on one side, and concave on the other. C, Fig. 13. Plate I. 6. A MENISCUS, convex on one side, concave on the other. E, Fig. 13. Plate I. It has been already observed, that light proceeds invariably from a luminous body, in strait lines, without the least deviation; but if it happen to pass from one medium to another, it always leaves the direction it had before, and assumes a new one. After having taken this new direction, it proceeds in a strait line, till it meets with a different medium, which again turns it out of its course. A ray of light passing obliquely through a plane glass, will go out in the same direction it entered, though not precisely in the same line. The ray C D, Fig. 4. Plate I. falling obliquely upon the surface of the plane glass A B, will be refracted towards the If parallel rays of light, as a b c d e f g, Fig. 6. Plate I. fall directly upon a convex lens A B, they will be so bent, as to unite in a point C behind it. For the ray d D which falls perpendicularly upon the middle of the glass, will go through it without suffering any refraction: but those which go through the sides of the lens, falling obliquely on its surface, will be so bent, as to meet the central ray at C. The further the ray a is from the axis of the lens, the more obliquely it will fall upon it. The rays a b c d e f g will be so refracted, as to meet or be collected in the point C, called the principal focus, whose distance, in a double convex lens, is equal to the radius or semi-diameter of the sphere of the convexity of the lens. All the rays cross the middle ray at C, and then diverge from it to the contrary side, in the same manner as they were before converged. If another lens, of the same convexity, as A B, Fig. 6. Plate I. be placed in the rays, and at the same distance from the focus, it will refract them, so that after going out of it, they will all be parallel again, and go on in the same manner as they came to the first glass A B, but on the contrary sides of the middle ray. The rays diverge from any radiant point, as from a principal focus: therefore, if a candle be placed at C, in the focus of the convex lens A B, Fig. 6. Plate I. the rays diverging from it will be so refracted by the lens, that after going out of it, they will become parallel. If the candle be placed nearer the lens than its If any object, A B, Fig. 7. Plate I. be placed beyond the focus of the convex lens E F, some of the rays which flow from every point of the object, on the side next the glass, will fall upon it, and after passing through it, they will be converged into as many points on the opposite side of the glass; for the rays a b, which flow from the point A, will converge into a b, and meet at C. The rays c d, flowing from the point G, will be converged into c d, and meet at g; and the rays which flow from B, will meet each other again at D; and so of the rays which flow from any of the intermediate points: for there will be as many focal points formed, as there are radiant points in the object, and consequently they will depict on a sheet of paper, or any other light-coloured body, placed at D g C, an inverted image of the object. If the object be brought nearer the lens, the picture will be formed further off. If it be placed at the principal focus, the rays will go out parallel, and consequently form no picture behind the glass. To render this still plainer, let us divest what has been said of the A’s and B’s, and of the references to figures. When objects are viewed through a flat or plane glass, the rays of light in passing through it, from the object to the eye, proceed in a strait direction and parallel to each other, and consequently the object appeared at the same distance as to the naked eye, neither enlarged or diminished. But if the glass be of a convex form, the rays of light change their direction in passing through the glass, and incline from the circumference towards the center of convexity, in an angle proportional to the convexity, and meet at a point at a less or greater distance from the glass, as it is more or less convex. The point where the rays thus meet is called the The human eye is so constituted, that it can only have distinct vision, when the rays which fall on it are parallel, or nearly so; because the retina, on which the image is painted, is placed in the focus of the crystalline humor, which performs the office of a lens in collecting rays, and forming the image in the bottom of the eye. As an object becomes perceptible to us, by means of the image thereof which is formed on the retina, it will, therefore, be seen in that direction, in which the rays enter the eye to form the image, and will always be found in the line, in which the axis of a pencil of rays flowing from it enters the eye. We from hence acquire a habit of judging the object to be situated in that line. Note; as the mind is unacquainted with the refraction the rays suffer before they enter the eye, it judges them to be in the line produced back, in which the axis of a pencil of rays flowing from it is situated, and not in that in which it was before the refraction. If the rays, therefore, that proceed from an object, are refracted and reflected several times before they enter the eye, and these refractions or reflections change considerably the original direction of the rays which proceed from the object, it is clear, that it will not be seen in that line, which would come strait from it to the eye; but it will be seen in the direction of those rays which enter the eye, and form the image thereof on it. We perceive the presence and figure of objects, by the impression each respective image makes on the retina; the mind, in consequence of these impressions, forms conclusions concerning the size, position, and motion of the object. It must however be observed, that these conclusions are often rectified or changed by the mind, in consequence of the effects of more habitual impressions. For example, there is a certain distance, at which, in the general business of life, we are accustomed to see objects: now, though the measure of the image of these objects changes considerably when they move from, or approach nearer to us, yet we do not perceive that their size is much altered; but beyond this distance, we find the objects appear to be diminished, or increased, in proportion as they are more or less distant from us. For instance, if I place my eye successively at two, at four, and at six feet from the same person, the dimensions of the image on the retina will be nearly in the proportion of 1, of 1/2, of 1/3, and consequently they should appear to be diminished in the same proportion; but we do not perceive this diminution, because the mind has rectified the impression received on the retina. To prove this, we need only consider, that if we see a person at 120 feet distance, he will not appear so strikingly small, as if the same person should be viewed from the top of a tower, or other building 120 feet high, a situation to which we had not been accustomed. From hence, also, it is clear, that when we place a glass between the object and the eye, which from its figure changes the direction of the rays of light from the object, this object ought not to be judged as if it were placed at the ordinary reach of the sight, in which case we judge of its size more by habit than by the dimensions of the images formed on the retina; but it must be estimated by the size of the image in the eye, or by the angle If the image of an object, formed after refraction, be greater or less than the angle formed at the eye, by the rays proceeding from the extremities of the object itself, the object will appear also proportionably enlarged or diminished; so that if the eye approach to or remove from the last image, the object will appear to increase or diminish, though the eye should in reality remove from it in one case, or approach toward it in the other; because the image takes place of the object, and is considered instead of it. The apparent distance of an object from the eye, is not measured by the real distance from the last image; for, as the apparent distance is estimated principally by the ideas we have of their size, it follows, that when we see objects, whose images are increased or diminished by refraction, we naturally judge them to be nearer or further from the eye, in proportion to the size thereof, when compared to that with which we are acquainted. The apparent distance of an object is considerably affected by the brightness, distinctness, and magnitude thereof. Now as these circumstances are, in a certain degree, altered by the refraction of the rays, in their passing through different mediums, they will also, in some measure, affect the estimation of the apparent distance. In the theory of vision it is necessary to be cautious not to confound the organs of vision with the being that perceives, or with the perspective faculty. The eye is not that which sees, it is only the organ by which we see. A man cannot see the satellites of Jupiter but by a telescope. Does he conclude from this, that it is the telescope that sees those stars? By no means; such a conclusion would be absurd. It is no less absurd to conclude, The eye is a machine, most admirably contrived for refracting the rays of light, and forming a distinct picture of objects upon the retina; but it sees neither the object nor the picture. It can form the picture after it is taken out of the head, but no vision ensues. Even when it is in its proper place, and perfectly sound, it is well known, that an obstruction in the optic nerve takes away vision, though the eye has performed all that belongs to it.[25] [25] Reid on the Intellectual Powers of Man, p. 78. OF THE SINGLE MICROSCOPE.The single microscope renders minute objects visible, by means of a small glass globule, or convex lens, of a short focus. Let E Y, Fig. 11. Plate I. represent the eye; and O B a small object, situated very near to it; consequently, the angle of its apparent magnitude very large. Let the convex lens R S be interposed between the eye and the object, so that the distance between it and the object may be equal to the focal length; and the rays which diverge from the object, and pass through the lens, will afterwards proceed, and consequently enter the eye parallel: after which, they will be converged, and form an inverted picture on the retina, and the object will be clearly seen; though, if removed to the distance of six inches, its smallness would render it invisible. When the lens is not held close to the eye, the object is somewhat more magnified; because the pencils, which pass at a distance Fig. 8. Plate I. may, perhaps give the reader a still clearer view, why a convex lens increases the angle of vision. Without a lens, as F G, the eye at A would see the dart B C under the angle b A c; but the rays B F and C G from the extremities of the dart in passing through the lens, are refracted to the eye in the directions f A and g A, which causes the dart to be seen under the much larger angle D A E (the same as the angle f A g.) And therefore the dart B C will appear so much magnified, as to extend in length from D to E. The object, when thus seen distinctly, by means of a small lens, appears to be magnified nearly in the proportion which the focal distance of the glass bears to the distance of the objects, when viewed by the naked eye. To explain this further, place the eye close to the glass, that as much of the object may be seen at one view as is possible; then remove the object to and fro, till it appear perfectly distinct, and well defined; now remove the lens, and substitute in its place a thin plate, with a very small hole in it, and the object will appear as distinct, and as much magnified, as with the lens, though not quite so bright; and it appears as much more magnified in this case, than it does when viewed with the naked eye, as the distance of the object from the hole, or lens, is less than the distance at which it may be seen distinctly with the naked eye. From hence we see, that the whole effect of the lens is to render the object distinct, which it does by assisting the eye to increase the refraction of the rays in each pencil; and that the apparent magnitude is entirely owing to the object being seen so much nearer the eye than it could be viewed without it. Single microscopes magnify the diameter of the object,[26] as we have already shewn, in the proportion of the focal distance (to the limits of distinct vision with the naked eye) to eight inches. For example, if the semi-diameter of a lens, equally convex on both sides, be half an inch, which is also equal to its focal distance, we shall have as 1/2 is to 8, so is 1 to 16; that is, the diameter of the object in the proportion of sixteen to one. 2. As the distance of eight inches is always the same, it follows, that by how much the focal distance is smaller, there will be a greater difference between it and the eight inches; and consequently, the diameter of the object will be so much the more magnified, in proportion as the lenses are segments of smaller spheres. 3. If the object be placed in the focus of a glass globule or sphere, and the eye be behind it in the focus, the object will be seen distinct in an erect situation, and magnified as to its diameter, in the proportion of 3/4 of the diameter of the globule to eight inches; thus suppose the diameter of the sphere to be 1/10 of an inch, then 3/4 of this will be equal to 3/40; consequently, the real diameter of the object to the apparent one, as 3/40 to 8, or as 3 to 320, or as 1 to 106 nearly. [26] Cyclopedia, Article Microscope. OF THE DOUBLE OR COMPOUND MICROSCOPE.In the compound microscope, the image is viewed instead of the object, which image is magnified by a single lens, as the object is in a single microscope. It consists of an object lens N L, It will be easy, from what has been already explained, to understand the reason of the magnifying power of a compound microscope. The object is magnified upon two accounts; first, because if we viewed the image with the naked eye, it would appear as much larger than the object, as the image is really larger than it, or as the distance f R is greater than the distance f b; and secondly, because this picture is again magnified by the eye glass, upon the principle explained in the foregoing article on vision, by single microscopes. But it is to be noted, that the image formed in the focus of a lens, as is the case in the compound microscope, differs from the real object in a very essential particular; that is to say, the light being emitted from the object in every direction, renders it visible to an eye placed in any position; but the points of the image formed by a lens, emitting no more than a small conical body of rays, which arrives from the glass, can be visible only when the eye is situate within its confine. Thus, the pencil, which emanates Hence it appears, that if the image be large, a very small part of it will be visible; because the pencils of rays will for the most part fall without the eye glass F G. And it is likewise plain, that a remedy which would cause the pencils, which proceed from the extremes B and O of the object, to arrive at the eye, will render a greater part of it visible: or, in other words, enlarge the field of view. This is effected by the interposition of a broad lens D E, Fig. 5, of a proper curvature, at a small distance from the focal image. For, by those means, the pencil D N, which would otherwise have proceeded towards H, is refracted to the eye, as delineated in the figure, and the mind conceives from thence the existence of a radiant point at Q, from which the rays last proceeded. In like manner, and by a parity of reason, the other extreme of the image is seen at P, and the intermediate points are also rendered visible. On these considerations it is, that compound microscopes are usually made to consist of an object lens N L, by which the image is formed, enlarged, and inverted; an amplifying lens D E, by which the field of view is enlarged, and an eye glass or lens, by which the eye is allowed to approach very near, and consequently to view the image under a very great angle of apparent magnitude. It is now customary to combine two or more lenses together at the eye glass, in the manner of Eustachio Divinis and M. Joblot; by which means OF THE SOLAR MICROSCOPE.In this instrument, the image of the object is refracted upon a screen in a darkened room. It may be considered under two distinct heads: 1st, the mirror and lens, which are intended to reflect and transmit the light of the sun upon the object; and 2dly, that part which constitutes the microscope, or which produces the magnified image of the object, Fig. 10. Plate I. Let N O represent the side of a darkened chamber, G H a small convex lens, fixed opposite to a perforation in the side N O, A B a plane mirror or looking glass, placed without the room to reflect the solar rays on the lens C D, by which they are converged and concentrated on the object fixed at E F. 2. The object being thus illuminated, the ray which proceeds from E will be converged by the lens G H to a focus K, on the screen L M; and the ray which comes from F will be converged to I, and the intermediate points will be delineated between I and K; thus forming a picture, which will be as much larger than the object, in proportion as the distance of the screen exceeds that of the image from the object; a small object, such as a mite, &c. may be thus magnified to eight or ten feet in diameter. From what has been said, it appears plainly, the advantages we gain by microscopes are derived, first, from their magnifying power, by which the eye is enabled to view more distinctly the parts of minute objects: secondly, that by their assistance, more light is thrown into the pupil of the eye, than is done without them. The advantages procured by the magnifying power, would be exceedingly circumscribed, if they were not accompanied [27] EncyclopÆdia Britannica, last edition, vol. xiii, p. 357. 1. The quantity of light lost in passing through the glass. 2. The diminution in the diameter of the glass or lens itself, by which it receives only a small quantity of rays. 3. The extreme shortness of the focal distance of great magnifiers, whereby the free access of the light to the object we wish 4. The aberration of the rays, occasioned by their different refrangibility. To make this more clear, let us suppose a lens made of such dull kind of glass, that it transmits only one half the light that falls upon it. It is evident, that supposing this lens to be of four inches focus, and to magnify the diameter of the object twice, and its own breadth equal to that of the pupil of the eye, the object will be four times magnified in surface, but only half as bright as if it was seen by the naked eye at the usual distance; for the light which falls upon the eye from the object at eight inches distance, and likewise the surface of the object in its natural size, being both represented by 1, the surface of the magnified object will be 4, and the light which makes it visible only 2; because, though the glass receives four times as much light as the naked eye does at the usual distance of distinct vision, yet one half is lost in passing through the glass. The inconvenience, in this respect, can only be removed so far as it is possible to increase the transparency of the glass, that it may transmit nearly all the rays which fall upon it; and how far this can be done, has not been yet ascertained. The second obstacle to the perfection of microscopic glasses, is the small size of great magnifiers; by which means, notwithstanding their near approach to the object, they receive a smaller quantity of light than might be expected. Thus, suppose a glass of only one-tenth of an inch focal distance, such a glass would increase the visible diameter eighty times, and the surface 6400 times. If the breadth of the glass could at the same time be preserved as great as the pupil of the eye, which we shall suppose The third obstacle arises from the shortness of the focal distance in large magnifiers; this inconvenience can, like the former, be remedied in some degree, by artificial means of accumulating light; but still the eye is strained, as it must be brought nearer the glass than it can well bear, which in some measure supersedes the use of very deep lenses, or such as are capable of magnifying beyond a certain degree. The fourth obstacle arises from the different refrangibility of the rays of light, which frequently causes such deviations from truth in the appearance of things, that many have imagined themselves to have made surprising discoveries, and have communicated them as such to the world; when, in fact, they have been only so many optical deceptions, owing to the unequal refraction of the rays. In telescopes, this error has been happily corrected by the late Mr. Dollond’s valuable discovery of achromatic glasses; but how far this invention is applicable to the improvement of microscopes, has not yet been ascertained; and, indeed, from some few trials made, there is reason for supposing they cannot be successfully applied to microscopes with high [28] How many useful and ingenious discoveries have arisen from accidental circumstances? To adduce one recent instance only—Aerostation, a science, which after having baffled the skill and ingenuity of philosophers for a series of years, and by many illiterate persons deemed an idea bordering on absurdity, has been of late discovered, and successfully applied to practice. Edit. OF THE MAGNIFYING POWERS OF THE MICROSCOPE.We have already treated of the apparent magnitude of objects, and shewn that they are measured by the angles under which they are seen, and that this angle is greater or smaller according as the object is nearer to, or further from, the eye; and, consequently, the less the distance at which it can be viewed, the larger it will appear: but from the limits of natural vision, the naked eye cannot distinguish an object that is very near to it; yet, when assisted by a convex lens, distinct vision is obtained, however short the focus of the lens, and, consequently, how near soever the object is to the eye; and the shorter the focus of the lens is, the greater will be the magnifying power thereof. From these considerations, it will not be difficult to estimate the magnifying power of any lens used as a single microscope; for this will be in the same proportion that the limits of natural sight bear to the focus of the lens. If, for instance, the convex lens is of one inch focus, and the natural sight of eight inches, an object seen through that lens will have its diameter apparently increased eight times; but, as the object is increased in every direction, we must square this apparent diameter, to know how much the object is really magnified; and thus multiplying 8 by 8, we find the superficies is magnified 64 times. From these principles, the following general rule for ascertaining the magnifying power of single lenses, is deduced. Place a small thin transparent object on the stage of the microscope, adjust the lens till the object appears perfectly distinct, then measure the distance accurately between the lens and the object, reduce the measure thus found to the hundredths of an inch, and calculate how many times this measure is contained in eight inches, first reducing the eight inches into hundredths, which will give you the number of times the diameter of the object is magnified; which number multiplied into itself, or squared, gives the apparent superficial magnitude of the object. As only one side of an object can be viewed at a time, it is sufficient, in general, to know how much the surface thereof is magnified: but when it is necessary to know how many minute objects are contained in a larger, as for instance, how many given animalculÆ are contained in the bulk of a grain of sand, then we must cube the first number, by which means we shall obtain the solidity or magnified bulk. The foregoing rule has been also applied to estimate the magnifying power of the compound microscope. To this application, Mr. Magny, in the “Journal d’Economie pour le mois d’Aout 1753,” has made several objections: one or two of these I shall just mention; the first is the difficulty of ascertaining with accuracy the precise focus of a small lens; the second is the want of a fixed or known measure, with which to compare the focus when ascertained. These considerations, though apparently trifling, will be found of importance in the calculations which are relative to deep magnifiers. To this it may be further added, that the same standard or fixed measure cannot be assumed for a short-sighted, that is used for a well-constituted eye. To obviate these difficulties, and some errors in the methods which were recommended Proposition. All convex lenses of whatsoever foci, double the apparent diameter of an object, provided that the object be at the focus of the glass on one side, and the eye be at the same distance, or on the focus of the glass, at the opposite side. Experiment. Take a double convex lens, of six or eight inches focus, and fix it as at A, Fig. 1, Plate II. A, into the piece A, which is fixed perpendicular to the rule F G, and may be slid along it by means of its socket: the rule is divided into inches and parts. Paste a piece of white paper, two or three tenths of an inch broad, and three inches long, on the board D; draw three lines with ink on this piece of paper, so as to divide it into four equal parts, taking care that the middle of the paper corresponds with the center of the lens. There is also a sliding eye-piece, which is represented at e. Take this apparatus into the darkest part of the room, but opposite to the window; direct the glass towards any remarkable and distant object which is out of doors, and move the sliding piece B, until the image of the object on the paper be sharp and clear. The distance between the face of the paper and the lens (which is shewn on the side of the rule by the divisions thereon) is the focus of the glass; now set the eye-piece e E to the same distance on the other side of the glass, then with one eye close to the sight at e, look at the magnified image of the lines, and with the other eye at the lines themselves: the image, seen by means of the glass, and expressed in the figure by the dotted lines, will be double the breadth of the same object seen by the natural eye. This will be found to be true, whatsoever is the focus of the lens with which the experiment is made. This experiment is rendered more simple to those who are not accustomed to observe with both eyes at the same time, by making use of half a lens, and placing the diameter perpendicular to the rule, as they may then readily view the magnified image and real object with the same glance of the eye, and thus compare them together with ease and accuracy. Let the angle A F B, Fig. 3. Plate II. A, represent that which is formed at the naked eye, by the rays of light which pass from the extremities of the object, and unite at the eye in the point F. The angle D F E is formed of the two rays, which at first proceeded parallel to each other from the extremities of the object, but that were afterwards so refracted, or bent, by passing through the glass, as to unite at its focal point F. C O is equal to the focal distance of the lens on the side next the object, C F equal thereto on the side next the eye, F O the distance of the eye. From the allowed principles of optics, it is evident, that the object would appear double the size to the eye at C, than it would to the eye when placed at F; because the distance F O is double the distance C O. We have only to prove then, that the angle A C B is equal to the angle I F K, in order to establish the proposition. The optical axis is perpendicular to the glass and the surface of the object. The rays A I, B K, which flow from the points A B are parallel to each other, and perpendicular to the glass, till they arrive at it; they are then refracted and proceed to F, where they form the triangle I F K, resting on the base I K: now as C F is equal to C O, and I K is equal to A B, the two triangles A C B, I F K are similar, and consequently the angle at C is equal to the angle F. If the visual rays are continued to the surface of the object, they will form the triangle D F E, equiangled to the triangle If you advance towards M, half the focal distance, the apparent diameter will be only increased one-third. If, on the contrary, the point of sight is lengthened to double the distance of its focus, then the magnified diameter will appear to be three times that of the real object. Mr. Magny concludes from hence, that there is an impropriety in estimating the magnifying power of the eye glass of compound microscopes, by seeing how often its focus is contained in eight or ten inches; and to obviate these defects, he recommends two methods to be used, which reciprocally confirm each other. The first and most simple method to find how much any compound microscope magnifies an object, is the same which is described by Dr. Hooke in his Micrographia, and is as follows: place an accurate scale, which is divided into very minute parts of an inch, on the stage of your microscope; adjust the microscope, till these divisions appear distinct; then observe with the other eye how many divisions of a rule, similarly divided and held at the stage, are included in one of the magnified divisions: for if one division, as seen with one eye through the microscope, extend to thirty divisions on the rule, which is seen by the naked eye, it is evident, that the diameter of the object is increased or magnified thirty times. For this purpose, we often use a small black ebony rule, (see Fig. 4. Plate II. A,) three or four tenths of an inch broad, and about seven inches long; at each inch is fixed a piece of ivory, 2. A piece of glass, Fig. 2, fixed in a brass or ivory slider; on the diameter of this are drawn two parallel lines, about three-tenths of an inch long; each tenth being divided, one into three, the second into four, the third into five parts. To use this, place the glass, Fig. 2, on the middle of the stage, and the rule, Fig. 4, on one side, but parallel to it; then look into the microscope with one eye, keeping the other open, and observe how many parts one-tenth of a line in the microscope takes in upon the parts of the rule seen by the naked eye. For instance, suppose with a fourth magnifier that one-tenth of an inch magnified answers in length to forty-tenths or parts on the rule, when seen by the naked eye, then this magnifier increases the diameter of the object forty times. This mode of actual admeasurement is, without doubt, the most simple that can be used; by it we comprehend, as it were, at one glance, the different effects of combined glasses; it saves the trouble, and avoids the obscurity that attends the usual modes of calculation; but many persons find it exceedingly difficult to adopt this method, because they have not been accustomed to observe with both eyes at once. We shall therefore proceed to describe another method, which has not this inconvenience. OF THE NEEDLE MICROMETER.Fig. 8. Plate II. A, represents this micrometer. The first of this kind was made by my father, and was described by him in his Micrographia Illustrata. It consists of a screw, which has fifty threads to an inch; this screw carries an index, which points to the divisions on a circular plate, which is fixed at right angles To place this micrometer on the body of the microscope, open the circular part F K H, Fig. 8. Plate II. A, by taking out the screw G, throw back the semicircle F K which moves upon a joint at K, then turn the sliding tube of the body of the microscope, so that the small holes which are in both tubes may exactly coincide, and let the needle g of the micrometer have a free passage through them; after this, screw it fast upon the body by the screw G. The needle will now traverse the field of the microscope, and measure the length and breadth of the image of any object that is applied to it. But further assistance must be had, in order to measure the object itself, which is a subject of real importance; for though we have ascertained the power of the microscope, and know that it is so many thousand times, yet this will be of little assistance towards ascertaining an accurate idea of its real size; for our ideas of bulk being formed by the comparison of one object with another, we can only judge of that of any particular By the assistance of the sectoral scale, we obtain with ease a small part of an inch. This scale is shewn at Fig. 5, 6, 7. Plate II. A, in which the two lines c a c b, with the side a b, form an isosceles triangle; each of the sides is two inches long, and the base one-tenth of an inch. The longer sides may be of any given length, and the base still only of one-tenth of an inch. The longer lines may be considered as the line of lines upon a sector opened to one-tenth of an inch. Hence, whatever number of equal parts c a c b are divided into, their transverse measure will be such a part of one-tenth as is expressed by their divisions. Thus, if it be divided into ten equal parts, this will divide the inch into one-hundred equal parts; the first division next c will be equal to one-hundredth part of an inch, because it is the tenth part of one-tenth of an inch. If these lines be divided into twenty equal parts, the inch will be by those means divided into To use this scale, first fix the micrometer, Fig. 8. Plate II. A, to the body of the microscope; then fit the sectoral scale, Fig. 7, in the stage, and adjust the microscope to its proper focus or distance from the scale, which is to be moved till the base appears in the middle of the field of view; then bring the needle point g, Fig. 8, by turning the screw L, to touch one of the lines c a exactly at the point answering to 20 on the sectoral scale. The index a of the micrometer, Fig. 8, is to be set to the first division, and that on the dial plate to 20, which is both the beginning and end of its divisions; we are then prepared to find the magnifying power of every magnifier in the compound microscope which we are using. Example. Every thing being prepared agreeable to the foregoing directions, suppose you are desirous of ascertaining the magnifying power of the lens marked No. 4; turn the micrometer screw, until the point of the needle has passed over the magnified image of the tenth part of one inch; then the division, where the two indices remain, will shew how many revolutions, and parts of a revolution, the screw has made, while the needle point traversed the magnified image of the one-tenth of an inch; suppose the result to be twenty-six revolutions of the screw, and fourteen parts of another revolution, this is equal to 26 multiplied by 20, added to 14; that is, 534 thousandth parts of an inch. The twenty-six divisions found on the strait scale of the micrometer, while the point of the needle passed over the magnified image of one-tenth part of an inch, were multiplied by 20, because the circular plate C D, Fig. 8, is divided into twenty equal parts; this produced 520; then adding the fourteen parts of the next revolution, we obtain 534 thousandth parts of an inch, or 5-tenths and 34-hundredth parts of another tenth, which is the measure of the magnified image of 1-tenth of an inch, at the aperture of the eye glasses, or at their foci. Now if we suppose the focus of the two eye-glasses to be one inch, the double thereof is two inches; or if we reckon in the thousandth part of an inch, we have two thousand parts for the distance of the eye from the needle point of the micrometer. Again, if we take the distance of the image from the object at the stage at six inches, or six thousandths, and add thereto two thousand, double the distance of the focus of the eye glass, we shall have eight thousand parts of an inch for the distance of the eye from the object; and as from the proposition, page 51, we gather that the glasses double the image, we must double the number 534 found upon the micrometer, which then makes 1068: then, by the following analogy, we shall obtain the number of times the microscope magnifies the diameter of the object; say, as 240, the distance of the eye from the image of the object, is to 800, the distance of the eye from the object, so is 1068, double the measure found on the micrometer, to 3563, or the number of times the microscope magnifies the diameter of the object. By working in this manner, the magnifying power of each lens used with the compound microscope may be easily found, though the result will be different in different compound microscopes, varying, according to the combination of the lenses, their distance from the object, and one another, &c. Having discovered the magnifying power of the microscope, with the different object lenses that are used therewith, our next subject is to find out the real size of the objects themselves, and their different parts; this is easily effected, by finding how many revolutions of the micrometer-screw answer to a known measure on the sectoral scale, or other object placed on the stage; from the number thus found, a table should be constructed, expressing the value of the different revolutions of the micrometer with that object lens, by which the primary number was obtained. Similar tables must be constructed for each object lens. By a set of tables of this kind, the observer may readily find the measure of any object he is examining; for he has only to make the needle point traverse over this object, and observe the number of revolutions the screw has made in its passage, and then look into his table for the real measure which corresponds to this number of revolutions, which is the measure required. ACCOUNT OF GLASS, PEARL, &c. MICROMETERS, BY THE EDITOR.Having seen some glass, &c. micrometers with exquisite fine divisions, for the purposes of applying to microscopes and telescopes; and in accuracy, being equivalent to the micrometer just described by our author, I judge, some account of their application and uses here will be very acceptable to the curious and inquisitive reader. A particular description of these as made by the ingenious Mr. Coventry, has been already given in the EncyclopÆdia Britannica, Vol. XI. p. 708. The singular dexterity which Mr. Coventry and others now possess, of cutting by an engine fine parallel lines upon glass, pearl, ivory, and brass, at such minute distances as, by means of a microscope, are proved to be from the 100th to the 5000dth part of an inch, render this sort of micrometer the easiest and most accurate means of obtaining the exact natural size of the object to be magnified, and how many times that object is magnified. Mr. B. Martin, and other opticians, many years ago applied divided slips of glass, ivory, and horn to the body, in the focus of the eye glass of microscopes; but the thickness of the whole medium of the glass was found to diminish the distinct view of the object: ivory and horn, from their variable texture, were found to expand and contract too readily to be commodious. It is therefore to Mr. Cavallo that we are indebted for the happy thought of adapting slips of divided pearl to telescopes, to ascertain their power, &c. which substance the opticians now find to be the best for microscopical micrometers. It possesses a sufficient degree of transparency, when made about the thickness of writing paper; is a steady substance; admits very easily of the finest graduations, and is generally made in breadth about the 20th part of an inch. Fig. 9. Plate II. A, is a representation of this scale, with divisions of the 200ths of an inch, every fifth and tenth division being left longer than the others, which only go to about the middle. If the eye glass of the microscope or telescope, to which this micrometer is to be applied, magnify very much, its divisions may be proportionably minute. To measure by this micrometer the size of an object in a single microscope, nothing more is required than to lay it on the micrometer, and adjust it to the focus of the magnifier, noticing how To find how much the object is magnified, is not so easily done by the single, as by the compound microscope, as has been before explained. The following simple method has been adopted by Mr. Coventry, and which may be considered tolerably accurate. Adjust a micrometer under the microscope, suppose 100th of an inch of divisions, with a small object on it, if square, the better; notice how many divisions one side of the object covers, suppose ten; then cut a piece of white paper something larger than the magnified appearance of the object; fix one eye on the object through the microscope, and the other at the same time on the paper, lowering it down till the object and the paper appear level and distinct: then cut the paper till it appear exactly the size of the magnified object; the paper being then measured, suppose an inch square: now, as the object under the magnifier, which appeared to be one inch square, was in reality only ten hundredths, or the tenth of an inch, the experiment proves that it is magnified ten times in length, one hundred times in superficies, and one thousand times in cube, which is the magnifying power of the glass; and in the same manner a table may be made of the power of all the other glasses. In using the compound microscope, the real size of the object is found by the same method as in the single; but to demonstrate the magnifying power to greater certainty, adopt the following method. Lay a two-feet rule on the stage, and a micrometer level with its surface, (an inch suppose, divided into 100 parts:) with one eye see how many of those parts are contained in the field of the microscope, suppose 50; and with the other, at the Another way, and the most easy for finding the magnifying power of compound microscopes, is by using two micrometers of the same divisions; one adjusted under the magnifier, the other fixed in the body of the microscope in the focus of the eye glass. Notice how many divisions of the micrometer in the body are seen in one division of the micrometer under the magnifier, which again must be multiplied by the power of the eye glass. Example: Ten divisions of the micrometer in the body are contained in one division under the magnifier; so far the power is increased ten times: now, if the eye glass be one inch focus, such glass will of itself magnify about eight times in length, which, with the ten times magnified before, will be eight times ten, or 80 times in length, 6400 superficies, and 512000 cube. Fig. 10. Plate II. A, represents the field of view of the compound microscope, with the pearl micrometer, as applied to the aperture in the body, called the eye stop; and a magnified micrometer that is laid on the stage, shewing that one of the latter contains ten of the former. A set of ivory and glass micrometers, about six in number, besides one or two pearl ones for the eye stops, are generally packed up with the best sort of microscopes made by Messrs. W. and S. Jones, Opticians, Holborn. They are divided into lines and squares, from the 100th to the 1000dth parts of an inch; and, besides measuring the magnifying powers of microscopes, are generally found useful in measuring the diameters, proportions, &c. of opake and transparent objects, even of the minutest kind. The smallest divisions of the glass micrometer to be useful, are those divided into the 4000dth part of an inch; and as these may be crossed again with an equal number of lines in the same manner, they form squares of the SIXTEEN MILLIONTH part of an inch surface, each square of which appearing under the microscope true and distinct. And, even small as this is, animalculÆ are found so minute as to be contained in one of these squares! Glass micrometers with squares, applied to the solar microscope, divide the objects into squares on the screen in such a manner, as to render a drawing from it very easy; and are employed with great advantage in the lucernal microscope. The micrometers are constructed with moveable frames or tubes, so as to be either applied or taken away in the readiest manner. For the uses of the pearl micrometer as applied to the telescope, see Mr. Cavallo’s pamphlet descriptive of its use, 8vo. 1793, and the Philosophical Transactions for 1791. |