Lightning in its various forms is the greatest danger to which transmission systems are exposed, and it attacks their most vulnerable point, that is, insulation. The lesser danger as to lightning is that it will puncture the line insulators and shatter or set fire to the poles. The greater danger is that the lightning discharge will pass along the transmission wires to stations and sub-stations and will there break down the insulation of generators, motors, or transformers. Damage by lightning may be prevented in either of two ways, that is, by shielding the transmission line so completely that no form of lightning charge or discharge can reach it, or by providing so easy a path from line conductors to earth that lightning reaching these conductors will follow the intended path instead of any other. In practice the shielding effect is sought by grounded guard wires, and the easy path for discharge takes the form of lightning arresters, but neither of these devices is entirely effective. Aerial transmission lines are exposed to direct discharges of lightning, to electromagnetic charges due to lightning discharges near by, and to electrostatic charges that are brought about by contact with or induction from electrically charged bodies of air. It is evidently impracticable to provide a shield that will free overhead lines from all these influences. To cut off both electrostatic and electromagnetic induction from a wire and also to free it from a possible direct discharge of lightning, it seems that it would at least be necessary completely to incase the wire with a thick body of conducting material. This condition is approximated when an electric circuit is entirely beneath the surface of the ground, but would be hard to maintain with bare overhead wires. It seems, however, that grounded guard wires near to and parallel with long aerial circuits should tend to discharge any high electrostatic pressures existing in the surrounding air, and materially to reduce the probability that a direct discharge of lightning will choose the highly insulated circuits for its path to earth. Lightning arresters may conduct induced and direct lightning discharges to earth, without damage to transmission lines, so that both arresters and guard wires may logically be used in the same system. Wide differences of opinion exist as to the general desirability of grounded guard wires on transmission lines, both because of their undoubted disadvantages and because the degree of protection that they afford is uncertain. It seems, however, that the defects of guard wires depend in large degree on the kind of wire used for the purpose, and the method of its erection. Galvanized iron wire with barbs every few inches has been more generally used for guard wires along transmission lines than any other sort. Sometimes a single guard wire of this sort has been run on a pole line carrying transmission circuits, and the more common location of this single wire is on the tops of the poles. In other cases two guard wires have been used on the same pole line, one of these wires being located at each end of the highest cross-arm and outside of the power wires. Besides these guard wires at the ends of the top cross-arms of a pole line, a third wire has in some systems been added to the tops of the poles. These guard wires have sometimes been secured to the poles and cross-arms by iron staples driven over the wire and into the wood, and in other cases the guard wires are mounted on small glass insulators. Much variation in practice also exists as to the ground connections of guard wires, such connections being made at every pole in some systems, and much less frequently in some others. With all these differences in the practical application of guard wires it is not strange that opinions as to their utility do not agree. Further reason for differences of opinion as to the practical value of guard wires exists in the fact that in some parts of the country the dangers from lightning are largely those of the static and inductive sort, that are most effectively provided for by lightning arresters, while in other parts of the country direct lightning strokes are the greatest menace to transmission systems. At the present time, knowledge of the laws governing the various manifestations of energy that are known under the general head of lightning is imperfect, and the most reliable rules for the use of guard wires along transmission lines are those derived from practical experience. A case where a guard wire did not prove effective as a protection against lightning is that of the San Miguel Consolidated Gold Mining Company, of Telluride, Col., whose three transmission lines ran from the water-power plant to points from three to ten miles distant, as described in A. I. E. E., vol. xi., p. 337, and following pages. This transmission operated at 3,000 volts, single-phase, alternating, and the pole lines ran over the mountains at elevations of 8,800 to 12,000 feet above sea-level, passing across bare ridges and tracts of magnetic material. It was stated On page 381 of the volume of A. I. E. E. above cited, it is stated that the frequency and violence of lightning discharges that entered a certain electric station on Staten Island were much less after guard wires had been erected along the connected circuits than they were before the guard wires were put up. It is also stated on page 385 of the same volume that examination of statistics of a number of stations in this country and Europe had shown that in every case where an overhead guard wire had been erected over power circuits, or where these circuits ran for their entire distance beneath telegraph wires, lightning had given no trouble on the circuits so protected. Unfortunately, the speaker who made this statement did not tell us where the interesting statistics mentioned could be consulted. On the first pole line erected for power transmission from Niagara Falls to Buffalo, two guard wires were strung at opposite ends of the top At the reference just named it is related that on a certain transmission Fig. 72.—Transposition of Wires on Chambly Montreal Line. Between the electric plant at Chambly, on the Richelieu River, and Montreal, Quebec, a distance of 16.6 miles, a transmission line of three circuits on two pole lines, with guard wires, was operated from some time in 1898 to December 1st, 1902, or somewhat more than four years. On the date last named the dam that maintained the head of water at the Chambly station gave way, and the plant was shut down during nearly a year for repairs. For as much as three years this line was operated at 12,000 volts, sixty-six cycles per second, two-phase. During the remainder of the period up to the failure of the dam the line was operated at 25,000 volts, sixty-three cycles, three-phase. In each transmission two pole lines were employed with two cross-arms per pole. One two-phase, four-wire circuit was carried on each of three of these cross-arms. At each end of the upper cross-arm on each pole, and at a distance of fifteen inches from the nearest power wire, a guard wire was mounted on a glass insulator. A third guard wire was mounted on a glass insulator at the top of each pole, and this third guard wire was about twenty inches from the nearest power wire. Each of these guard wires was made up of two No. 12 B. W. G. galvanized iron wires twisted together, with a four-point barb every five inches of length. Poles carrying these lines were ninety feet apart, and at each pole all three of the guard wires were connected by soldered joints to a ground wire that was stapled down the side of the pole, passed through an iron pipe eight feet long, and was then twisted several times about the butt of the pole before it was set in the These two-phase, 12,000-volt circuits were operated from some time in 1898 to some time in 1902, and during that time there was no damage done by lightning either at the Chambly plant, on the overhead line or the underground cable, or at the Montreal sub-station. This record is not due to lack of thunder-storms, for in the territory where the line is located these storms are frequent and severe. One very severe storm during the period in question resulted in serious damage on distribution lines at Chambly and Montreal, where the guard wires were not in use, but the transmission line and its connected apparatus escaped unharmed. The path of this storm was in the direction of the transmission line from Montreal to Chambly, and several trees were struck on the way. At the time of this storm and during an entire summer there were no lightning arresters in the power-house at Chambly. In 1902, when the transmission line just considered was changed from two-phase to three-phase, and its voltage raised from 12,000 to 25,000, the method of protection by grounded, barbed guard wires, as above described, was retained. Two three-phase circuits were arranged on each of the two pole lines, with one wire of each circuit on an upper cross-arm and two wires of each circuit on a lower cross-arm, so that the nearest power wire on the upper cross-arm is thirty-two inches from the guard wire, and the nearest power wire on the lower cross-arm is about thirty inches from the guard wire at each end of the upper cross-arm. The guard wire at the tops of the poles is about thirty-three inches from each of the power wires on the upper cross-arm. In this three-phase line there is about 1,440 feet of three-conductor underground cable, and this cable lies between the end of the overhead line and the sub-station in Montreal. At the juncture of the overhead line and the cables there is a terminal house containing lightning arresters, and there are also arresters at the Chambly plant and the Montreal sub-station. No lightning arresters are connected to this line save those at the generating plant, the terminal house and the sub-station. During that part of the year 1902 in which the new 25,000-volt line was in operation—that is, after the change and up to the time of the failure of the dam—this line and its connected apparatus were not damaged in any way by lightning, and the same is true for the period in which the An example of this sort may be seen in the transmission line between the 10,000-horse-power plant at Electra, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, and San Francisco, a distance of 154 miles, where it seems that no guard wires are in use. Another important transmission line that appears to get along without guard wires is that between the 10,000-horse-power plant at CaÑon Ferry, on the Missouri River, and Butte, Mont., sixty-five miles away. On the transmission line between the power-station on Apple River, in Wisconsin, and the sub-station at St. Paul, Minn., about twenty-seven miles long, there are no guard wires for lightning protection. Further east, on the large, new transmission system that stretches from Spier Falls and Glens Falls on the north to Albany on the south, a distance in a direct line of forty miles, no guard wires are employed. On its way the transmission system just named touches Saratoga, Schenectady, Mechanicsville, Troy, and a number of smaller places, thus forming a network with several hundred miles of overhead wire. Examples of this sort might be multiplied, but those already named are sufficient to show that it is entirely practicable to operate long transmission systems without guard wires as a protection against lightning. With these examples of transmission systems both with and without guard wires, the expediency of their use on any particular line should be determined by weighing their supposed advantages against their known disadvantages, under the existing conditions. It seems fairly certain from all the evidence at hand that if guard wires are to offer any large degree of protection to transmission systems such wires must be frequently and effectively grounded. There is certainly some reason to think that the failures of guard wires to protect transmission systems in some instances may have been due to the lack of numerous and effective ground connections. Such, for example, may have been the case above mentioned, at Telluride, Col. On the other hand, it seems reasonable to believe that the apparently high degree of protection afforded by the guard wires on the Chambly and Montreal line is due to the fact that these wires are connected through soldered joints at every pole with a It is thought by some telegraph engineers that the use of a separate ground wire running to the top of each pole is quite as effective as a protection against lightning as is a guard wire that runs to all of the poles and is frequently connected to the ground. This practice is mentioned at page 26 of “Culley’s Handbook of Practical Telegraphy.” Such ground wires are free from most of the Lightning arresters are wrongfully named, for their true purpose is not to arrest or stop lightning, but to offer it so easy a path to the ground that it will not force its way through the insulation of the line or of machinery connected to the system. The requirements of a lightning arrester are in a degree conflicting, because the resistance of the path it offers must be so low as to allow discharges of atmospheric electricity to earth and so high as to prevent any flow of current between the transmission lines. In other words, the insulation of the line conductors must be maintained at a high standard in spite of the connection of lightning arresters between each conductor and the earth; but the resistance to the arrester must not be so high that lightning will pierce the insulation of the line or machinery at some other point. When a lightning discharge takes place through an arrester the resistance which the arrester offers to a flow of current is for the moment greatly reduced by the arcs which the lightning sets up in jumping the air-gaps of the arrester. Each wire of a transmission circuit must be connected alike to arresters, and the paths of low resistance through arcs in these arresters to the earth would obviously short-circuit the connected generators unless some construction were adopted to prevent this result. In some early types of lightning arresters magnetic or mechanical devices were resorted to in order to break arcs formed by the discharge of lightning. The type of lightning arrester now in common use on transmission lines with alternating current includes a row of short, parallel, brass One of the most important features in the erection of a lightning arrester is its connection to earth. If this connection is poor it may render the arrester useless so far as protection from lightning is concerned. It need hardly be said that ground connections formed by driving long iron spikes into the walls of buildings or into dry earth are of slight value as far as protection from lightning is concerned. A good ground connection for lightning arresters may be formed with a copper or galvanized iron plate, which need not be over one-sixteenth of an inch thick, but should have an area of, say, ten to twenty square feet. This plate may be conveniently made up into the form of a cylinder and should have a number of half-inch holes punched in a row down one side into which one or more copper wires with an aggregate area equal to that of a No. 4 or No. 2 wire, B. & S. gauge, should be threaded and then soldered. This plate or cylinder should be placed deep enough in the ground to insure that the earth about it will be constantly moist, and the connected copper wire should extend to the lightning arresters. It is a good plan to surround this cylinder with a layer of coke or charcoal. A good earth connection for lightning arresters may be made through large water-pipes, but to do this it is not enough simply to wrap the wire from the lightning arresters about the pipe. A suitable contact with such a pipe may be made by tapping one or two large bolts into it and then soldering the wires from lightning arresters into holes drilled in the heads of these bolts. A metal plate laid in the bed of a stream makes a good ground. With some of the older types of lightning arresters it was the custom Fig. 73.—Entry of Lines at the Power-house on Neversink River. It was once the practice to locate lightning arresters almost entirely in the stations, but this has been modified by experience and consideration of the fact that as the line acts as a collector of atmospheric electricity, paths for its escape should be provided along the line. Consideration fails to reveal any good reason why lightning that reaches a transmission line some miles from a station should be forced to travel to the station, where it may do great damage before it finds an easy path to earth. It is, therefore, present practice to connect lightning arresters to each wire at intervals along some lines as well as at stations and sub-stations. The main purpose of arresters is to offer so easy a path to earth that lightning discharges along the lines will not flow to points of low insulation Arresters, besides those connected along the lines, should be located either in or just outside of stations and sub-stations. If the buildings are of wood, the arresters had better be outside in weather-proof cases, but in brick or stone buildings the arresters may be properly located near an interior wall and well removed from all other station equipment. Transmission lines, on entering a station or sub-station, should pass to the arresters at once and before connecting with any of the operating machinery. To increase the degree of protection afforded by lightning arresters choke-coils are frequently used with them. A choke-coil for this purpose usually consists of a flat coil of copper wire or strip containing twenty to thirty or more turns and mounted with terminals in a wooden frame. This coil is connected in series with the line wire between the point where the tap for the lightning arrester is made and the station apparatus. Lightning discharges are known to be of a highly oscillatory character, their frequency being much greater than that of the alternating currents developed in transmission systems. The self-induction of a lightning discharge in passing through one of these choke-coils is great, and the consequent tendency is to keep the discharge from passing through the choke-coil and into the station apparatus and thus to force the discharge to pass to earth through the lightning arrester. The alternating current employed in transmission has such a comparatively low frequency that its self-induction in a choke-coil is small. Increased protection against lightning is given by the connection of several groups of lightning arresters one after another on the same line wire at an electric station. This gives any lightning discharge that may come along the wire several paths to earth through the different groups of arresters, and a discharge that passes the first group will probably go to earth over the second or third An electric transmission plant at Telluride, Col., where thunder-storms are very frequent and severe, was equipped with arresters and choke-coils of the type described, and the results were carefully noted (vol. xi., A. I. E. E., p. 346). A small house for arresters and choke-coils was built close to the generating station of this system and they were mounted therein on wooden frames. Four choke-coils were connected in series with each line wire, and between these choke-coils three lightning arresters were connected, while a fourth arrester was connected to the line before it reached any of the choke-coils. These arresters were watched during an entire lightning season to see which bank of arresters on each wire discharged the most lightning to earth. It was found that, beginning on the side that the line came to the series of arresters, the first bank of arresters was traversed by only a few discharges of lightning, the second bank by more discharges than any other, the third bank by quite a large number of discharges, and the fourth bank seldom showed any sign of lightning discharge. Over the second bank of arresters the lightning discharges would often follow each other with great rapidity and loud noise. The obvious conclusion from these observations seems to be that three or four banks of lightning arresters connected in succession on a line at a station together with choke-coils form a much better protection from lightning than a single bank. At the plant in question, that of the San Miguel Consolidated Gold Mining Company, the entire lightning season after the erection of the arresters in question was passed without damage by lightning to any of the equipment. During the two lightning seasons previous to that just named the damage by lightning to the generating machinery at the plant had been frequent and extensive. A good illustration of the high degree of security against lightning discharges that may be attained with lightning arresters and choke-coils exists at the Niagara Falls plants and the terminal house in Buffalo, where the step-up and step-down transformers have never been damaged by lightning though the transmission line has been struck repeatedly and poles and cross-arms shattered (vol. xviii., A. I. E. E., p. 527). This example bears out the general experience that lightning arresters, though not an absolute protection, afford a high degree of security to the apparatus at electric stations. Lightning arresters are in some cases connected across high-voltage The number and total length of air-gaps in a bank of arresters necessary to prevent the formation of arcs by the regular line voltage depends on a number of factors besides the amount of that voltage. According to the report of the Committee on Standardization of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the sparking distances in air between opposed sharp needle points for various effective sinusoidal voltages are as follows (vol. xix., A. I. E. E., p. 1091):
It may be noted at once from this table that the sparking distance between the needle points increases much faster than the voltage between them. Thus, 20,000 volts will jump an air-gap of only an inch between the points, but seven times this pressure, or 140,000 volts, will force a spark across an air-gap of 13.95 inches. Two cylinders or other blunt bodies show smaller sparking distances between them at a given voltage than do two needle points, but when a number of cylinders are placed in a row with short air-gaps between them the aggregate length of these gaps that will just prevent the passage of sparks at a given voltage may be materially greater or less than the sparking distance of that voltage between needle points. It has been found by experiment that the numbers one-thirty-second-inch spark-gaps between cylinders of
According to these data, only ten air-gaps of one-thirty-second of an inch each and 0.3125 inch combined length are required between cylinders to prevent a discharge at 10,000 volts, though opposed needle points may be 0.47 inch apart when a spark is obtained with this voltage. On the other hand, eighty air-gaps of one-thirty-second of an inch each between cylinders of non-arcing metal, or a total gap of 2.5 inches, are necessary to prevent a discharge at 29,000 volts, though 30,000 volts can force a spark across a single gap of only 1.625 inches between opposed needle points. Under the conditions that existed in the test just recorded the pressure at which the aggregate length of one-thirty-second of an inch air-gaps that just prevents a discharge equals the single sparking distance between needle points seems to be about 18,000 volts. The object of dividing the total air-gap in a lightning arrester for lines that carry alternating current up into a number of short gaps is to prevent the continuance of an arc by the regular generator or line current after the arc has been started by a lightning discharge. As soon as an electric spark leaps through air from metal to metal, a path of low electrical resistance is formed by the intensely heated air and metallic vapor. If the arc thus formed is, say, two inches long it will cool a certain amount as the passing current grows small and drops to zero. If, however, this total arc of two inches is divided into sixty-four parts by pieces of metal, the process of cooling as the current decreases will go on much more rapidly than with the single arc of two inches because of the great conducting power of the pieces of metal. As an alternating current comes to zero twice in each period, the many short arcs formed in an arrester When an electric arc passes between certain metals like iron and copper a small bead is raised on their surfaces. If these metals were used for the cylinders of arresters the beads on their surface would quickly bridge the short air-gaps. Certain other metals, like zinc, bismuth, and antimony, are pitted by the passage of arcs between their surfaces. By suitable mixture of metals from these two classes, an alloy is obtained for the cylinders of lightning arresters that pits only slightly and is thus but little injured by lightning discharges. After long use and many discharges an arrester of the class here considered gradually loses its power to destroy electric arcs. This may be due to the burning out of the zinc and leaving a surface of copper on the cylinders. Aside from the structure of an arrester and the normal voltage of the circuit to which it is connected, its power to destroy arcs set up by lightning discharges depends on the capacity of the connected generators to deliver current on a short-circuit through the gaps, and upon the inductance of the circuit. The greater the capacity of the generators connected to a system the more trying are the conditions under which arresters must break an arc because the current to be broken is greater. So, too, an increase of inductance in a circuit adds to the work of an arrester in breaking an arc. An arc started by lightning discharge at that period of a voltage phase when it is at or near zero is easily destroyed by the arrester, but an arc started at the instant when the regular line voltage has its maximum value is much harder to break because of the greater amount of heat generated by the greater current sent through the arrester. For this reason the arcs at arresters will hold on longer in some cases than in others, according to the portion of the voltage phase in which they are started by the lightning discharge. Lightning discharges, of course, may occur at any phase of the line voltage, and for this reason a number of discharges must take place before it can be certain from observation that a particular arrester will always break the resulting arc. Between twenty-five and sixty cycles per second there is a small difference in favor of the latter in the power of a given arrester to break an arc, due probably to the fact It will now be seen that while increase of the regular line voltage requires a lengthening of the aggregate air-gap in lightning arresters to prevent the formation of arcs by this voltage alone, the increase of generating capacity requires more subdivisions of the total air-gap in order that the arcs maintained by the larger currents may be cooled with sufficient rapidity. These two requirements are to some extent conflicting, because the subdivision of the total air-gaps renders it less effective to prevent discharges due to the normal line voltage, as has already been shown. The result is that the more an air-gap is subdivided in order to cool and destroy arcs that have been started by lightning, the longer must be the aggregate air-gap in order to prevent the development of arcs directly by the normal line voltage. Furthermore, the practical limit of subdivision of the air-gap is soon reached because of the difficulty of keeping very short gaps clean and of nearly constant length. As a resistance in series with an arrester cuts down the generator current that can follow a lightning discharge, such a resistance also decreases the number of air-gaps necessary to give an arrester power to destroy arcs on a particular circuit. The increase of resistance in series with a lightning arrester as well as the increase in the aggregate length of its air-gaps subjects the insulation of connected apparatus to greater strains at times of lightning discharge. On systems of large capacity the number and aggregate length of air-gaps in arresters necessary to destroy arcs must be greater than the number or length of these air-gaps necessary to prevent the development of arcs by the normal line voltage, unless a relatively large resistance is connected in series with each arrester. To reduce the strains produced on the insulation of line and connected apparatus under these conditions by lightning discharges, a resistance is connected in shunt with a part of the air-gaps in one make of lightning arrester. The net advantage claimed for this type of arrester is that a lower resistance may be used in series with all the air-gaps than would otherwise be necessary. One-half of the total number of air-gaps in this arrester are shunted by the shunt resistance and the series and shunt resistance are in series with each other. Only the series air-gaps or those that are not shunted must be jumped in the first instance by the lightning discharge, which thus passes to earth through these air-gaps and the shunt and series resistance in series. An arc is next started in the shunted air-gaps, and this arc is in turn destroyed because the shunt weakens the current in these gaps. This throws the Why develop subsequent arcs in the shunted air-gaps? Why not throw the shunted air-gaps away and combine the shunt and series resistances? |