
Regulation of voltage at incandescent lamps is a serious problem in the distribution of electrically transmitted energy. Good regulation should not allow the pressure at incandescent lamps rated at 110 to 120 volts to vary more than one volt above or below the normal.

Electric motor service is much less exacting as to constancy of voltage, and the pressure at motor terminals may sometimes be varied as much as ten per cent without material objection on the part of users. A mixed service to these three classes of apparatus must often be provided where transmitted energy is used, and the limitations as to variations at incandescent lamps are thus the ones that must control the regulation of pressure.

Transmission systems may be broadly divided into those that have no sub-stations and must therefore do all regulation at the generating plant, and those that do have one or more sub-stations so that regulation of voltage may be carried out at both ends of the transmission line.

Fig. 64.—Arc-lighting Switchboard at Central Sub-station, Montreal.

As a rule, a sub-station with an operator in attendance is highly desirable between transmission and distribution lines, and this is the plan generally followed at important centres of electrical supply, even though the transmission is a short one. One example of this sort may be noted at Springfield, Mass., where energy for electrical supply is transmitted from two water-power plants on the Chicopee River only about four and a half and six miles, respectively, from the sub-station in the business centre of the city. The voltage of transmission for two-phase current in this case is 6,000, and is reduced to about 2,400 volts at the sub-station for the general distribution of light and power. A similar instance may be seen at Concord, N. H., where electrical energy at both 2,500 and 10,000 volts is delivered to a sub-station in the business section from a water-power plant at Sewall’s Falls, on the Merrimac River, four and one-half miles distant. From this sub-station the current is distributed at about 2,500 volts for the supply of lamps and motors. A sub-station[156]
was found desirable at Concord for purposes of regulation before the voltage of transmission was raised above that of distribution. Subsequently, when the load increased, the voltage of 10,000 was adopted on a part of the transmission circuit in order to avoid an increase in the size of their conductors.

Fig. 65.—Area of Electrical Distribution at Montreal.

Larger map (167 kB)

Fig. 66.

Fig. 67.

Fig. 68.

In some instances, however, transmission and distribution lines are joined without the intervention of a sub-station, where regulation of voltage can be accomplished, though this practice has little to recommend it aside from the savings in first cost of installation and subsequent cost of operation. These savings are more apparent than real if fairly constant pressure is to be maintained at the lamps, because what is gained by the omission of sub-stations will be offset, in part at least, by additional outlays on the lines if good regulation is to be maintained. This fact may be illustrated by reference to Figs. 66, 67, and 68, in each of which D represents a generating station and A, B, and C towns or cities where energy from the station is to be distributed. In the case of each figure it is assumed that the distance between the generating station and each of the cities or towns is such that distributing lines with a loss of, say, not more than two per cent in voltage at full load cannot be provided between the generating station and each city or town because of the cost of conductors. This being so, one or more centres of distribution must be located in each town, and the transmission lines must join the distribution lines at these centres either on poles or in sub-stations. If several of these towns are in the same general direction from the generating plant so as to be reached by the same transmission line, as A, B, and C in Fig. 66, this one line will be all that is necessary with a sub-station in each town. Where sub-stations are not employed a separate transmission circuit must be provided between the generating plant and each town for reasons that will appear presently. The percentage of voltage variation in a transmission line under changing loads will be frequently from five to ten, and is thus far beyond the allowable variations at incandescent lamps. To give good lighting service the centre of distribution, where the transmission line joins the distribution circuits, must be maintained at very nearly constant voltage if no sub-station is located there. Regulation at a generating station will compensate for the changing loss of pressure in a line under varying loads so as to maintain a nearly constant voltage at any one point thereon. No plan of station regulation, however, can maintain constant voltages at several points on the same transmission line when there is a varying load at each. The result is that even though the several towns served are in the same general direction from the generating station, as in Fig. 67, yet each town should have its separate transmission line where no sub-stations in the towns are provided. In the case illustrated by Fig. 68, where the towns served are in very different directions from the generating station, there should be a separate transmission line to each, regardless of whether there is a sub-station or only a centre of distribution there.

Even in the case illustrated by Fig. 68, as in each of the others, there is a large saving effected in the cost of distribution lines by the employment of a sub-station at the point where these lines join the transmission circuit, provided that the variation of pressure at lamp terminals is to be kept within one volt either way from the standard. With the variations of loads the loss of pressure in the distribution lines will range from zero to its maximum amount and the connected lamps will be subjected to the change of voltage represented by this total loss, unless the distribution start from a sub-station where the loss in distribution lines can be compensated for by regulation. To give good service the distribution lines should be limited to a loss of one per cent at full load if there is no sub-station where they join transmission lines. With opportunity for regulation at a sub-station the maximum loss in distribution lines may easily be doubled, thus reducing their weight by one-half in comparison with that required where there is no sub-station.

Another advantage of connecting transmission and distribution lines in a sub-station, where regulation of voltage can be had, lies in the fact that it is practically impossible to maintain an absolutely constant pressure miles from a generating plant at the end of a transmission line that is carrying a mixed and varying load. A result is that without the intervention of regulation at a sub-station it is almost impossible to give good lighting service over a long transmission line. Furthermore, the labor of regulation at a generating station is much increased where there are no sub-stations, because it must be much more frequent and accurate. The absence of sub-stations from a transmission system thus implies more transmission circuits, heavier distribution circuits, more labor at the generating plant, and a poor quality of lighting service.

Where stationary motors form the great bulk of the load on a transmission system, and good lighting service is of small importance, it may be well to omit sub-stations at some centres of distribution. This is a condition that sometimes exists in the Rocky Mountain region where the main consumers of power along a transmission line may be mines or works for the reduction of ores. An example of this sort exists in the system of the Telluride Power Transmission Company, in Utah, which extends from Provo CaÑon, on the river of the same name, entirely around Utah Lake by way of Mercur, Eureka, and Provo, and back to the power-house in Provo CaÑon, a continuous circuit of 105 miles.

The transmission voltage on this line is 40,000, and at intervals where there are distributing points the voltage is reduced to about 5,000 by transformers on poles, and without the aid of regulation at sub-stations in some cases. The power thus transmitted is largely used in mines and smelters for the operation of motors, but also for some commercial lighting.

Regulation at generating stations of the voltage on transmission lines may be accomplished by the same methods whether there are sub-stations at centres of distribution or not. In any such regulation the aim is to maintain a certain voltage at some particular point on the transmission line, usually its end, where the distribution circuits are connected. If more than one point of distribution exists on the same transmission line, the regulation at the generating plant must be designed to maintain the desired pressure at only one of these points, leaving regulation at the others to be accomplished by local means. One method of regulation consists in the overcompounding of each generator so that the voltage at its terminals will rise at a certain rate as its load increases. If a generator and transmission line are so designed that the rise of voltage at the generator terminals just corresponds with the loss of voltage on the line when the output of that generator alone passes over it to some particular point, then the pressure at that point may be held nearly constant for all loads if no energy is drawn from the line elsewhere. These several conditions necessary to make regulation by the compounding of generators effective can seldom be met in practice. If a varying number of generators must work on the same transmission line, or if varying loads must be supplied at different points along the line, no compound winding of generators will suffice to maintain a constant voltage at any point on the line that is distant from the power-station. For these reasons the compound winding of generators is of minor importance so far as the regulation of voltage on transmission lines is concerned, and on large alternators is not generally attempted. An example may be noted on the 3,750-kilowatt generators at Niagara Falls, where the single magnet winding receives current from the exciters only.

A much more effective and generally adopted method of regulation of voltage at the generating plants of transmission systems is based on the action of an attendant who varies the current in the magnet coils of each generator so as to raise or lower its voltage as desired. The regulation must be for some one point on the transmission line, and the attendant at the generating plant may know the voltage at that point either by means of a pair of pressure wires run back from that point to a voltmeter at the generating plant, by a meter that indicates the voltage at the point in question according to the current on the line, or by telephone connection with a sub-station at the point where the constant voltage is to be maintained. Pressure wires are a reliable means of indicating in the generating station the voltage at a point of distribution on the line, but the erection of these wires is quite an expense in a long transmission, and in such cases they are only occasionally used. Owing to inductive effects and to variable power-factors the amperes indicated on a line carrying alternating current are far from a certain guide as to the drop in voltage between the generating station and the distant point. In long transmissions, telephone communication between the generating plant and the sub-stations is the most general way in which necessary changes to maintain constant voltage at sub-stations are brought to the attention of the attendant in the generating plant. Few, if any, extensive transmission systems now operate without telephone connection between a generating plant and all of its sub-stations, or between a single sub-station and the several generating plants that may feed into it. Thus, the generating plant at Spier Falls, on the Hudson River, will be connected by telephone with sub-stations at Schenectady, Albany, Troy, and some half-dozen smaller places. On the other hand, the single sub-station in Manchester, N. H., that receives the energy from four water-power plants has a direct telephone line to each.

Where two or more transmission lines from the same power-station are operated from the same set of bus-bars the voltage at a distant point on each line cannot be held constant by changes of pressure on these bus-bars. One generator only may be connected to each transmission line and be regulated for the loss on that line, but this loses the advantages of multiple operation. Another plan is to connect a regulator in each transmission line before it goes from the generating plant. One type of regulator for this purpose consists of a transformer with its secondary coil divided into a number of sections and the ends of these sections brought out to a series of contact segments. The primary coil of this transformer may be supplied with current from the bus-bars and the secondary coil is then connected in series with the line to be regulated, so that the secondary voltage is added to or subtracted from that of the main circuit. A movable contact arm on the segments to which the sections of the secondary coil are connected makes it possible to vary the secondary voltage by changing the number of these sections in circuit. In another transformer used for regulating purposes the primary coil is connected to the bus-bars as before and the movable secondary coil is put in series with the line to be regulated. The regulation is accomplished in this case by changing the position of the secondary relative to that of the primary coil and thus raising or lowering the secondary voltage. Both of these regulators require hand adjustment, and the attendant may employ the telephone, pressure wires, or the compensating voltmeter above mentioned, to determine the voltage at the centre of distribution. The voltage indicated by this so-called “compensator” is that at the generating station minus a certain amount which varies with the current flowing in the line to be regulated. The voltmeter coil of the compensator is connected in series with the secondary coils of two transformers, which coils work against each other. One transformer has its secondary coil arranged to indicate the full station voltage, and the other secondary coil is actuated by a primary coil that carries the full current of the regulated line. By a series of contacts the effect of this last-named coil can be varied to correspond with the number of volts that are to be lost at full load between the generating station and the point on the transmission line at which the voltage is to be held constant. If there is no inductive drop on the transmission line, or if this drop is of known and constant amount, the compensator may give the actual voltage at the point for which the regulation is designed.

Automatic regulators are used in some generating stations to maintain a constant voltage either at the generating terminals or at some distant distributing point on a line operated by a single generator. These regulators may operate rheostats that are in series with the magnet windings of the generators to be regulated, and raise or lower the generator voltage by varying the exciting current in these windings. These regulators are much more effective to maintain constant voltage at generating stations than at the distributing end of long transmission lines with variable power-factors. In spite of the compound winding of generators, of automatic regulators for the exciting currents in their magnet coils, and of regulating transformers in the transmission circuits, hand-adjustment of rheostats in series with the magnet coils of generators remains the most generally used at the generating stations of long transmission systems. Automatic regulators at the ends of transmission lines in sub-stations are now being introduced, and may prove very desirable.

Fig. 69.—Motor-generators in Shawinigan Sub-station at Montreal.

The more exacting and final work of regulation in transmission systems is usually done at the sub-stations. After a nearly constant voltage is delivered at the high-pressure coils of step-down transformers in a sub-station, there remains the varying losses in these transformers, in motor-generators or converters, in distribution lines and in service transformers, to be compensated for. In general, three or four sorts of loads must be provided for, namely, arc or incandescent lamps for street lighting on series circuits, usually of 4,000 to 10,000 volts. Arc and incandescent lamps on constant-pressure circuits of 2,000 to 2,500 volts for commercial lighting, direct-current stationary motors on constant-pressure circuits of about 500 volts, and alternating motors which may be served at either 2,500 or 500 volts according to their sizes and locations. To these loads may be added that of street-car motors of 500 volts, direct current. Both the stationary and the street-car motors, but more especially the latter, by their changes of load give rise to large and rapid fluctuations of voltage on the distribution lines to which they are connected. The problem of regulation with combined lamp and motor loads is not, therefore, so much to maintain a nearly constant voltage at the motors as to protect the lamps from the fluctuations of voltage which the motors set up.

Fig. 70.—One of the 1,065-kilowatt Motor-generators in the Shawinigan Sub-station at Montreal.

Larger illustration (71 kB)

For street-car motors using direct current at about 500 volts, the sub-station equipment includes either step-down transformers and converters or motor-generators with or without transformers. It is the practice in some cases where both lighting and street-railway service are drawn from the same transmission system to keep these two kinds of service entirely separate, devoting independent generators and transmission lines, as well as independent transformers and converters or motor-generators, to the street-car work. This is done in the transmission system centring at Manchester, N. H., in which each one of the four water-power plants, as well as the sub-station, has a double set of bus-bars on the switchboard; and from each water-power plant to the sub-station there are two transmission circuits. In operation, one set of generators, bus-bars, transmission circuits, and transformers supply converters or motor-generators for the street-car motors; and another set of generators, bus-bars, transmission circuits, and transformers are devoted to lighting and stationary motors in this system. Where street-car motors draw their energy from the same generators and transmission lines that supply commercial incandescent lamps, some means must be adopted to protect the lighting circuits from the fluctuations of voltage set up by the varying street-car loads. One way to accomplish this purpose is to operate the lighting circuits with generators driven by synchronous motors in the sub-stations. These generators may, of course, be of either direct or alternating type and of any desired voltage. The synchronous motors driving these generators take their current from the transmission line either with or without the intervention of step-down transformers. By this use of synchronous motors the lighting circuits escape fluctuations of voltage corresponding to those on the transmission line, because synchronous motors maintain constant speeds independently of the voltage of the circuits to which they are connected. This plan was followed at Buffalo, where the street-car system and the lighting service are operated with energy from the Niagara Falls stations over the same transmission line. In one of the sub-stations at Buffalo, both 2,200-volt, two-phase alternators, and 150-volt continuous-current generators for lighting service, are driven by synchronous motors connected to the Niagara transmission line through transformers. At other sub-stations in Buffalo, the 500-volt continuous current for street-car motors is obtained from the same transmission system through transformers and converters. Another solution of the problem of voltage regulation where street-railway and commercial lighting service are to be drawn from the same transmission line is found in the operation of 500-volt continuous-current generators in the sub-stations by synchronous motors fed from the line either directly or through transformers. This plan has been adopted in the transmission system of the Boston Edison Company, which extends to a number of cities and towns within a radius of twenty-five miles. The sub-stations at Natick and Woburn in this system, where there are street-railway as well as lighting loads, contain 500-volt continuous-current generators driven by synchronous motors connected directly to the three-phase transmission lines. In a case like this the synchronous motors maintain their speed irrespective of the voltage on the line and thus tend to hold that voltage steady in spite of the variable losses due to fluctuating loads.

Stationary motors should not as a rule be operated from the same distribution lines that supply incandescent lamps, especially in sizes above one horse-power, and this is the better practice. Motor circuits of about 2,400 volts and two- or three-phase, alternating, or 500 volts, alternating or direct current, may be supplied at a sub-station either by transformers alone in the first case or by transformers and converters in the second. In either case no especial provision is usually necessary for the regulation of constant pressure on the motor circuits.

Fig. 71.—1,100-kilowatt, 2,300-volt, Three-phase, 30-cycle, Synchronous Motor at Sub-station of Shawinigan Line in Montreal.

In some transmission systems the distribution circuits for stationary motors are not fed by the same transmission lines that carry the lighting load, but draw their energy from lines that do no other work. This practice is certainly desirable, as it frees the lighting circuits from all fluctuations of voltage due to line losses with changing motor loads. Examples of this sort may be seen at Springfield, Mass., and Portland and Lewiston, Me., in each of which the load of stationary motors is operated over independent transmission as well as distribution lines.

In transmission systems series arc and incandescent lamps for street lighting are commonly operated either by direct-current arc dynamos or by constant-current transformers or constant-pressure transformers with automatic regulators at the sub-stations. The arc dynamos are driven by either induction or synchronous motors supplied directly from the transmission line or through transformers. As the arc dynamos regulate automatically for constant current no further regulation is required. If the series arc and incandescent lamps are to be supplied with alternating current, the constant-current transformer or the constant-current regulator come into use. This type of transformer and regulator alike depend for their regulating effect on the movement of a secondary coil on a transformer core in such a way that the current in this coil, which is in series with the lamps, is held nearly constant. Such constant-current transformers and regulators are usually supplied from the transmission line through regular constant-pressure transformers, and they hold their currents sufficiently constant for the purposes of their use.

The main problem of regulating thus comes back to the 250- or 2,200-volt, constant-pressure circuits for incandescent lighting, supplied from transmission lines through transformers or motor generators or both at the sub-station. For this regulation one of the most reliable instruments is the hand of a skilful attendant, guided by voltmeters connected with pressure wires from minor centres of distribution, and adjusting the regulating transformers above mentioned, or other regulating devices.


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