
Electrical transmission has worked a revolution in the art of switching. As long as the distances to be covered by distribution lines required pressures of only a few hundred volts, the switch contacts for generators and feeders could well be exposed in a row on the surface of vertical marble slabs and separated from each other by distances of only a few inches. These switches were capable of manual operation even at times of heavy overload without danger of personal injury to the operator or of destructive arcing between the parts of a single switch or from one switch to another near-by. On the back of these marble slabs one or more sets of bare bus-bars could be located without much probability that an accidental contact between them would start an arc capable of destroying the entire switchboard structure and shutting down the station.

The rise of electric pressures to thousands and tens of thousands of volts in distribution and transmission systems has vastly increased the difficulty of safe and effective control with open-air switches. The higher the voltage of the circuit to be operated under load the greater must be the distance between the contact parts of each switch and also between adjacent switches. Such switches must also be farther removed from the operators as the voltages of their circuits go up, as a person cannot safely stand very close to an electric arc of several feet or even yards in length. In the West, where long transmissions are most common, long break-stick switches have been much used with high voltages. These switches depend on the length of the break to open the circuit and on the length of the stick that moves the switch-jaw or plug to insure the safety of the operator. Where switches of this sort are used it is highly important to have ample distances between the contact points of each switch and also between the several switches. On circuits of not more than 10,000 volts an arc as much as a yard long will in some cases follow the opening switch blade and hold on for several seconds. On the 33,000-volt transmission line at Los Angeles a peculiar form of switch is used which makes a break between a pair of curved wire horns that are ten inches apart at their nearest points. When the contact between these horns is broken the arc travels up between portions of the horns that curve apart and is thus finally ruptured. Besides the very large space required for open switches on circuits of 5,000 to 10,000 volts or more, there is a further objection that the arcs developed by opening such switches under heavy loads rapidly destroy the contact parts and produce large quantities of metallic vapor that is objectionable in a central station. In some experiments performed at Kalamazoo (A. I. E. E., vol. xviii., p. 407) with open-air switches the voltages ranged from 25,000 to 40,000. The loads on circuits broken by the switches were highly inductive and mounted from 1,200 to 1,300 kilovolt-amperes. At 25,000 volts the arc produced by the open-air switch held on for several seconds. At 40,000 volts the arc following the opening of this switch was over thirty feet long, and being out of doors near the pole line the arc struck the line wires and short-circuited the system. It has been shown that the oscillations of voltage occurring when a circuit under heavy load is opened by an open-air switch may be very dangerous to insulation (A. I. E. E., vol. xviii., p. 383). In the Kalamazoo test the oscillations of this sort were reported to have reached two or three times the normal voltage of the system when the open-air switch was used.

Fig. 55.—Connections between Power-houses 1 and 2 at Niagara Falls.

Facts of the nature just outlined have led to the development of oil switches. The general characteristic of oil switches is that the contact parts are immersed in, and the break between these contacts takes place under, oil. Two types of the oil switch are made, one having all of its contact parts in the same bath of oil and the other having a separate oil-bath for each contact. Compared with those of the open-air type, oil switches effect a great saving of space, develop no exposed arcs or metallic vapors, cause little if any oscillation or rise of voltage in an alternating circuit, and can be depended on to open circuits of any voltage and capacity now in use. In the tests above mentioned at Kalamazoo, a three-phase oil switch making two breaks in each phase and with all the six contacts in a single oil-bath was used to open circuits of 25,000 volts and 1,200 to 1,300 kilovolt-arcs with satisfactory results. At 40,000 volts, however, this type of switch spat fire and emitted smoke, indicating that it was working near its ultimate capacity. A three-phase switch with each of its six contacts in a separate cylindrical oil-chamber was used to open the 40,000-volt 1,300 kilovolt-arc circuit at Kalamazoo with perfect success even under conditions of short-circuit and without the appearance of fire or smoke at the switch. The three-phase switch used in the tests at Kalamazoo and having each of its contacts in a separate oil-chamber was similar in construction to the switches used in the Metropolitan and Manhattan railway stations in New York City. In each of these switches the two leads of each phase terminate in two upright brass cylinders. These cylinders have fibre linings to prevent side-jumping of the arcs when the switch is opened, and each cylinder is filled with oil. Into the two brass cylinders of each phase dips a n-shaped contact piece through insulating bushings, and the ends of this contact piece fit into terminals at the bottom of the oil pots. A wooden rod joins the centre or upper part of the n-contact piece, and the three rods of a three-phase switch pass up through the switch compartment to the operating mechanism outside. The six brass cylinders and their three n-contact pieces are usually mounted on a switch cell built entirely of brickwork and stone slabs. For a three-phase switch the brick and stone cell has three entirely separate compartments, and each compartment contains the two brass cylinders that form the terminals of a single phase. On top of and outside the cell the mechanism for moving the wooden switch rods is mounted. In the Metropolitan station, where the voltage is 6,000, the vertical movement of the n-shaped contact piece with its rod is twelve inches. At the Manhattan station, where the operating voltage is 12,000, the vertical movement of the n-contacts in opening a switch is seventeen inches. The total break in each phase in a switch at the Metropolitan station is thus twenty-four inches, or four inches per 1,000 volts, and the total break per phase in switches at the Manhattan station is thirty-four inches, or 2.66 inches per 1,000 volts total pressure.

Oil switches are now very generally employed on alternating circuits that operate at 2,000 volts or more for purposes of general distribution. On circuits of moderate voltage like that just named, and even higher, it is common practice to use oil switches that have only a single reservoir of oil each, the entire six contacts in the case of a three-phase switch being immersed in this single reservoir. Such switches are usually operated directly by hand and are located on the backs of or close to the slate or marble boards on which the handles that actuate the switch mechanism are located. A good example of this sort of work may be seen at the sub-station in Manchester, N. H., where energy from four water-power stations is delivered over seven transmission lines and then distributed by an even larger number of local circuits at 2,000 volts three-phase. At the Garvin’s Falls station, one of the water-power plants that delivers energy to the sub-station in Manchester, the generators operate at 12,000 volts three-phase, and these generators connect directly with the bus-bars through hand-operated oil switches on the back of the marble switchboard. These last-named switches, like those at the Manchester sub-station, have all the contacts of each in a single reservoir of oil.

With very high voltages, where only a few hundred kilowatts are concerned, and also with powers running into thousands of kilowatts at as low a pressure as 2,000 volts, it is very desirable to remove even oil switches from the switchboard and the vicinity of the bus-bars. Great powers as well as very high voltages not only increase the element of personal danger to an attendant who must stand close to a switch while operating it, but also render the damage to other apparatus that may result from any failure of or short-circuit in a switch much more serious.

Fig. 56.—Wire-room Back of Switchboard in Power-station on French Broad River, North Carolina.

Larger illustration (200 kB)

As soon as the switches are removed to a distance from the operating board the necessity for some method of power control becomes evident, since the operator at the switchboard should be able to make or break connections of any part of the apparatus quickly. The necessity for the removal of switches for very large powers to a distance from the operating boards and for the application of mechanical power to make and break connections was met before the development of oil switches. Thus at the first Niagara (A. I. E. E., vol. xviii., p. 489) power-house, in 1893, the switches for the 3,750-kilowatt, 2,200-volt generators, though of the open-air type, were located in a special switch compartment erected in[139]
the generator room and over a cable subway at some distance from the operating board. These switches were actuated through compressed-air cylinders into which air was admitted by the movement of levers near the switchboard. Evidently a switch of this capacity—1,000 amperes per pole and 2,200 volts, two-phase—could not well be operated by hand-power wherever located, because of the large effort required. In the second generating station at Niagara Falls oil switches similar to those used at the Manhattan Elevated Railway plant in New York, but two-phase, were employed. Each of these oil switches at Niagara Falls has a capacity of 5,000 horse-power, like the previous open-air switches, and is electrically actuated.

Fig. 57.—Section through Cable Subway under Oil Switches in Niagara Power-house No. 2.

In these electrically operated oil switches a small motor is located on top of the brick cell that contains the contact parts, and this motor releases and compresses springs that open and close the switch. While it is not desirable to employ open-air switches to open circuits of several thousand or even hundreds of kilowatts at voltages of 2,000 or more, it is nevertheless possible to do so. This is shown by the experience of the first Niagara Falls station, where the 2,200-volt two-phase switches are reported to have opened repeatedly currents of more than 600 amperes per phase without injurious sparking. The great rise of voltage that was shown by the experiments at Kalamazoo to follow the opening of a simple open-air switch was avoided at the first Niagara switches by a simple expedient. In these 5,000 horse-power open-air switches a shunt of high resistance was so connected between each pair of contacts that the blades and jaws that carried the main body of the current never completely opened the circuit. When the main jaws of one of these switches were opened the shunt resistance continued in circuit until subsequently broken at auxiliary terminals. That no excessive rise of voltage took place when one of these switches was open was shown by connecting two sharp terminals in parallel with the switch and by adjusting these terminals to a certain distance apart. Had the voltage risen on opening the switch above the predetermined amount there would have been an arc formed by a spark jumping the distance between the pointed terminals.

Fig. 58.—Schenectady Switch-house on Spier Falls Line.

Fig. 59.—Second-floor Plan of Saratoga Switch-house on Spier Falls Line.

Safety and reliability of operation at high voltages, say of 5,000 or more, require that each element of the equipment be so isolated as well as insulated from every other element that the failure or even destruction of one element will not seriously endanger the others. With this end in view the cables from each generator to its switch should be laid in a conduit of brick or concrete that contains no other cables. The brick or stone compartment for each phase of each switch should be so substantial that the contacts of that phase may arc to destruction without injury to the contacts of another phase. Bus-bars, like switches, should be removed from the operating switchboard, because an arc between them might destroy other apparatus thereon, and even the board itself. It is not enough to remove bus-bars from the switchboard where very high voltages are to be controlled, but each bar should be located in a separate brick compartment so that an arc cannot be started by accidental contact between two or more of the bars. It is convenient to have the brick and stone compartments for bus-bars built horizontally one above the other. The top and bottom of each compartment may conveniently be formed of stone slabs with brick piers on one side and a continuous brick wall on the other to hold the stone slabs in position. Connections to the bus-bars should pass through the continuous brick wall that forms what may be termed the back of the compartments. To close the openings between the brick piers at the front of the compartments movable slabs of stone may be used. Feeders passing away from the bus-bars, like dynamo cables running to these bars, should not be grouped close together in a single compartment, but each cable or circuit should be laid in a separate fireproof conduit to the point where it passes out of the station.

Fig. 60.—Ground Floor of Saratoga Switch-house.

The folly of grouping a large number of feeders that transmit great powers together in a single combustible compartment was well illustrated by the accident that destroyed the cables that connected the first Niagara power-station with the transformer-house on January 29th, 1903. On the evening of that day lightning short-circuited one of the cables in the short bridge that connects No. 1 station with the transformer-house, and all the cables in this bridge, supplying local consumers as well as railways and lighting in Buffalo, were destroyed. This bridge contained probably more than thirty-six cables, as that number of new cables was put in position within twenty-four hours after the accident, and these cables, covered with inflammable insulation, were close together. The result was not only the loss of the cables, but also the damage to power users. If these cables had been located in separate fire-proof conduits, it is highly probable that only the one directly affected by lightning would have been destroyed.

The brick and stone compartments for bus-bars may be located in the basement underneath the switchboard, as at the Portsmouth station of the New Hampshire Traction Company, or at any other place in a station where they are sufficiently removed from the other apparatus. In power-house No. 2 at Niagara Falls a cable subway beneath the floor level runs the entire length, parallel with the row of generators (A. I. E. E., vol. xix., p. 537). In this subway, which is thirteen feet nine and three-quarter inches wide and ten feet six inches high, the two structures for bus-bar compartments are located. Each of these structures measures about 6.6 feet high and 1.8 feet wide, and contains four bus-bar compartments. In each compartment is a single bar, and the four bars form two sets for two-phase working. Above the bus-bar compartments and rising from the floor level are the oil switches. A space over the cable subway midway of its length and between the two groups of oil switches is occupied by the switchboard gallery which is raised to some elevation above the floor and carries eleven generator, twenty-two feeder, two interconnecting, and one exciter panels. In power-house No. 1 the bus-bars are located in a common space above the 5,000 horse-power open-air switches already mentioned, and each bar has an insulation of vulcanized rubber covered with braid and outside of this a wrapping of twine. Of course; an insulation of this sort would amount to nothing if by any accident an arc were started between the bars. Where each bus-bar is located in a separate fireproof compartment, as at Niagara power-house No. 2, the application of insulation directly to each bar is neither necessary nor desirable. Consequently the general practice where each bar has its own fireproof compartment is to construct the bars of bare copper rods.

With main switches for generators and feeders removed from the operating board and actuated by electric motors or magnets, the small switches at the board with which the operator is directly concerned must of course control these magnets or motors. The small switches at the operating board are called relay switches, and the current in the circuits opened and closed by these switches and used to operate the magnets or motors of the oil switches may be conveniently obtained from a storage battery or from one of the exciting dynamos.

Probably the best arrangement of the relay switches is in connection with dummy bus-bars on the face of the switchboard, so that the connections on the face of the board constitute at all times a diagram of the actual connections of the generator and feeder circuits. It is also desirable for quick and correct changes in the connections of the main apparatus that all the relay switches and instruments necessary for the control of any one generator or any one feeder be brought together on a single panel of the switchboard. If this plan is followed, the operator at any time will have before him on a single panel all of the switches and instruments involved in the connections then to be made, and the chance for mistakes is thus reduced to a minimum. The plan just outlined was that adopted at the Niagara power plant No. 2, where a separate panel is provided for each of eleven generators and each of twenty-two feeders. On each of the eleven generator panels there are two selector relay switches, one generator relay switch, and one relay generator field switch. On each of the twenty-two feeder panels there are two relay selector switches. The relay switches on the two interconnecting panels serve to make connections between the two groups of five and six generators respectively in power-house No. 2 and the ten generators of power-house No. 1. On each panel there are relay indicators to show whether the oil switches that carry the main current respond to the movements of their relay switches.

Where the electric generators operate at the maximum voltage of the system, as at Garvin’s Falls and in the power-house of the Manhattan Elevated Railway, there may be said to be only one general plan of connections possible. That is, the generators must connect directly with the main bus-bars at the voltage of the system, and the feeders or transmission lines must also connect to these same bars. Of course there may be several sets of bus-bars for different circuits or classes of work, but this does not change the general plan of through connections from generators to lines. So, too, the arrangement of switches is subject to variations, as by placing two switches in series with each other in each dynamo or feeder cable, or by connecting a group of feeders through their several switches to a particular set of bus-bars and then supplying this set of bars from the generator bus-bars through a single switch.

Fig. 61.—Switchboard Wiring, Glens Falls Sub-station on Spier Falls Line.

Where the voltage of transmission is obtained by the use of step-up transformers, the connections of these transformers may be such as to require nearly all switching to be done on either the high- or low-tension circuits. The more general practice was formerly to do all switching in the generator circuits and on the low-tension side of transformers, except in the connection and disconnection of transformers and transmission lines with the high-tension bus-bars, when not in operation. Where generators operate at the maximum voltage of the system only two main groups of switches are necessary, one group connecting generators to bus-bars, and the other group connecting bus-bars to the transmission lines. As soon as step-up transformers are introduced the number of switch groups must be increased to four if the usual method of connection is followed, and there must be both a high voltage and a low voltage set of bus-bars. That is, one set of switches must connect generators with low-tension bus-bars, another group must connect low-tension bars with the primary coils of transformers, a third group joins the secondary coils of transformers with the high-tension bars, and the fourth group of switches joins the transmission lines to the high-tension bus-bars. Switches connecting the secondary coils of step-up transformers to the high-tension bus-bars, and also the transmission lines to these same bars, have often been of the simple open-air type with short knife-blade construction. These switches have been used to disconnect the secondary coils of transformers and also the transmission lines from the high-tension bus-bars when no current was flowing, and switches of the simple knife-blade construction with short breaks could of course be used for no other purpose. With switches of this sort on the high-tension side of apparatus the practice is to do all switching of line circuits on the low-tension side.

It is possible to avoid some of this multiplication of switches if each generator with its transformers is treated for switching purposes as a unit and the switching for this unit is done on the secondary or high-voltage side of the step-up transformers. The adoption of this plan, of course, implies the use of switches that are competent to break the secondary circuit of any group of transformers under overload conditions and at the maximum voltage of the system, but oil switches as now made are competent to meet this requirement. When all switching of live circuits is confined to those of high voltage there is also the incidental advantage that heavy contact parts carrying very large currents are avoided in the operating switches. Where each generator is connected directly to its own group of transformers the secondary coils of these transformers will pass through oil switches to high-tension bus-bars, and the use of low-tension bus-bars may be avoided. From these high-tension bus-bars the transmission lines will pass through oil switches, so that on this plan there are only two sets of oil switches, namely, those connecting the secondary coils of transformers to the high-tension bus-bars, and those connecting the transmission lines to the same bars. Each group of two or three transformers, according as two or three are used with each generator, should be connected to its generator through short-break, open-air knife switches for convenience in disconnecting and changing transformers that are not in operation, but these switches are not intended or required to open the circuit of the generators and primary coils when in operation.

Fig. 62.—Distributing Switchboard, Central Sub-station, Montreal.

Larger illustration (184 kB)

A plan similar to that just outlined was followed at the station of the Independent Electric Light and Power Company, San Francisco, where each of the 550-volt generators is ordinarily connected directly to the primary coils of two transformers that change the current from two-phase to three-phase and then deliver it through oil switches to the high-tension bus-bars at 11,000 volts. To these bus-bars the 11,000-volt feeders for five sub-stations are connected through switches. At this station there is a set of 550-volt bus-bars to which any of the generators may be connected, but to which no generator is connected in ordinary operation. The generators alone have switches connecting with these bars. When it is desirable to operate any particular generator on some pair of transformers other than its own, that generator is disconnected from its own transformers and connected to the 550-volt bus-bars. The generator whose transformers are to be operated by the generator before mentioned next has its switch connected to the 550-volt bus-bars, while the brushes of the contact rings of the former generator are raised. As the leads from each generator to its two switches are permanently joined, the switching operations just named connect the transformers of one generator with the other generator that has its switch closed on the 550-volt bars.

Fig. 63.—Switchboard at Chambly Power-station.

Where it is desired that a single reserve transformer may be readily substituted for any one of a number of transformers in regular use, the connections to each of these latter transformers may be provided with double-pole double-throw knife switches on both the primary and secondary sides, so that when these switches are thrown one way at any transformer in regular use the reserve transformer will be connected in its place.

Fuses and automatic circuit-breakers alike are intended to break connections without the intervention of human agency under certain predetermined conditions. In the fuse the heat generated by a certain current is sufficient to melt or vaporize a short length of special conductor. In the circuit-breaker a certain current gives a magnet or motor sufficient strength to overcome the pressure of a spring, and contact pieces through which the current is passing are pulled apart. The primary object of both the fuse and the circuit-breaker is thus to open connections and stop the flow of energy when more than a certain current passes. When any current passes through a circuit in the reverse of its regular direction the circuit-breaker can be arranged to break the connections, though the fuse cannot. A fuse must carry the current at which it is designed to melt during some seconds before enough heat is developed to destroy it, and the exact number of seconds for any particular case is made a little uncertain by the possibility of loose connections at the fuse tips which develop additional heat and also by the heat-conducting power of its connecting terminals. A circuit-breaker may be set so as to open its connections in one or more seconds after a certain current begins to flow. When connections are broken by a fuse the molten or vaporized metal forms a path that an arc may easily follow. A circuit-breaker with its contacts under oil offers a much smaller opportunity than a fuse for the maintenance of an arc. These qualities of fuses and circuit-breakers form the basis of their general availability and comparative advantages in transmission circuits.

Much variation exists in practice as to the use of fuses and circuit-breakers on transmission circuits. One view often followed is that fuses and circuit-breakers should be entirely omitted from the generator and transmission lines. The argument in favor of this practice is that temporary short circuits due to birds that fly against the lines or to sticks and loose wires that are thrown onto them will interrupt all or a large part of the transmission service if fuses or circuit-breakers that operate instantly are employed. On the other hand, it may be said that if fuses and circuit-breakers are omitted from the generator and transmission circuits a lasting short circuit will make it necessary to shut down an entire plant in some cases until it can be removed. Electric transmission at high voltages became important before magnetic circuit-breakers competent to open overloaded circuits at such voltages were developed. Consequently the early question was whether a transmission line and the generators that fed it should be provided with fuses or be solidly connected from generators to the distribution circuits of sub-stations. The original tendency was strong to use fuses in accord with the practice at low voltages. The great importance of continuous service from transmission systems and the many interruptions caused by temporary short circuits where fuses were used led to their abandonment in some cases. An example of this sort may be seen at the first Niagara station. In 1893, when this station was equipped, no magnetic circuit-breaker was available for circuits of either 11,000 or 2,200 volts, carrying currents of several thousand horse-power, and fuses were employed in lines at both these pressures (A. I. E. E., vol. xviii., pp. 495, 497). The fuses adopted in this case were the same for both the 2,200 and the 11,000-volt lines and were of the explosive type. Each complete fuse consisted of two lignum-vitÆ blocks that were hinged together at one end and were secured when closed at the other. In these blocks three parallel grooves for fuses were cut and in each groove a strip of aluminum was laid and connected to suitable terminals at each end. Vents were provided for the grooves in which the aluminum strips were placed so that the expanding gas when a fuse was blown would escape. When these fuse blocks were new and the blocks of lignum vitÆ made tight joints the metallic vapor produced when a fuse was blown was forced out at the vents and the connections of the line were thus broken. After a time, however, when the joints between the blocks were no longer tight because of shrinkage, the expanding gas of the fuse would reach the terminals and an arc would continue after the fuse had blown. These aluminum fuses, which were adopted about 1893, were abandoned at the Niagara plant in 1898. Since this later date the 2,200-volt feeders from the No. 1 power-house to the local consumers have had no fuses at the power-house, nor have circuit-breakers been installed there in the place of the fuses that were removed. At the large manufacturing plants supplied through these local Niagara feeders, the feeders formerly terminated in fuses, but these have since been displaced by circuit-breakers. In the second Niagara power-station, completed in 1902, the local 2,200-volt feeders are provided with circuit-breakers, but no fuses. Between the generators and bus-bars of the first Niagara plant the circuits were provided with neither fuses nor automatic circuit-breakers, and this practice continues there to the present time.

Besides the aluminum fuses in the 11,000-volt transmission line at the first Niagara station, there were lead fuses in the 2,200-volt primary circuits of the step-up transformers that supplied these lines. At the other end of these lines, in the Buffalo sub-station, another set of aluminum fuses was inserted before connection was made with the step-down transformers. Between the secondary coils of these transformers and the 550-volt converters there were no fuses, but these converters were connected to the railway bus-bars through direct current circuit-breakers. These lead fuses, which contained much more metal than those of aluminum, when blown set up arcs that lasted until power was cut off by opening a switch, and usually destroyed their terminals. An effort was made to so adjust the sizes of the fuses in this transmission system that in case of a short circuit in distribution lines at Buffalo only the fuses in the sub-station would be blown, leaving those at Niagara entire. This plan did not prove effective, however, and a severe overload on the distribution lines in Buffalo would blow out fuses clear back to the generator bus-bars at the Niagara station.

In order to accomplish the opening of overloaded circuits with greater certainty, to delay such opening where the overload might be of only a momentary nature, and to confine the open circuit to the lines where the overload existed, automatic circuit-breakers were substituted for the fuses named in the Niagara and Buffalo transmission system. This system was also changed from 11,000 to 22,000 volts on the transmission lines, thus rendering the requirements as to circuit-opening devices more severe. These circuit-breakers were fitted with time-limit attachments so that any breaker could be set to open at the end of any number of seconds after the current flowing through it reached a certain amount. A circuit-breaker with such a time-limit attachment will not open until the time for which it is set, after the amperes flowing through it reach a certain figure, has elapsed, no matter how great the current may be. Moreover, if the overload is removed from a line before the number of seconds for which its time-limit circuit-breaker is set have elapsed, the circuit-breaker resets itself automatically and does not open the connections. If a circuit-breaker is set to open a line after an interval of say three seconds from the time when its current reaches the limit, the line will not be opened by a mere momentary overload such as would blow out a fuse. By setting the time-limit relays of circuit-breakers in transmission lines to actuate the opening mechanism after three seconds from the time that an overload comes on, and then leaving the breakers on distribution lines to operate without a time-limit, it seems that the opening of breakers on the distribution lines should free the system from an overload there before the breakers on the transmission lines have time to act. Such a result is very desirable in order that the entire service of a transmission system may not be interrupted every time there is a fault or short circuit on one of its distribution lines. This plan was followed in the Niagara and Buffalo system. In the 22,000-volt lines at the Niagara station the time relays were set to actuate the breakers after three seconds, at the terminal house in Buffalo, where the transformers step down from 22,000 to 11,000 volts, the circuit-breakers in the 11,000 volt lines to sub-stations had their relays set to open in one second. Finally the circuit-breakers in the distribution lines from the several sub-stations were left to operate without any time limit. By these means it was expected that a short circuit in one of the distribution circuits from a sub-station would not cause the connections of the underground cable between that sub-station and the terminal house to be broken, because of the instant action of the circuit-breaker at the sub-station. Furthermore, it was expected that a short circuit in one of the underground cables between the terminal house and a sub-station would be disconnected from the transmission line at that house and would not cause the circuit-breakers at the Niagara station to operate. It is reported that the foregoing arrangement of circuit-breakers with time relays failed of its object because the breakers did not clear their circuits quick enough and that the time-limit attachments on the 22,000 and 11,000 volt lines are no longer in use (A. I. E. E., vol. xviii., p. 500). As the circuits under consideration convey thousands of horse-power at 11,000 and 22,000 volts it may be that time-limit devices with circuit-breakers would give good results under less exacting conditions. Time-limit relays are perhaps an important aid toward reliable operation of transmission systems, but they are subject to the objection that no matter how great the overload they will not open the circuit until the time for which they are set has run. In the case of a short circuit the time-limit relay may lead to a prolonged drop in voltage throughout the system, which is very undesirable for the lighting service and also allows all synchronous apparatus to fall out of step. With a mere momentary drop in voltage the inertia of the rotating parts of synchronous apparatus will keep them in step. For these reasons it is desirable to have circuit-breakers that will act immediately to open a line on which there is a short circuit or very great overload, but will open the line only after an interval of one or more seconds when the overload is not of a very extreme nature. This action on the part of circuit-breakers at the second Niagara power-station was obtained by the attachment of a dash-pot to the tripping plunger of each circuit-breaker (A. I. E. E., vol. xviii., p. 543). With moderate overloads of a very temporary nature this dash-pot so retards the action of a tripping plunger that the circuit-breaker does not open. When a short circuit or great overload comes onto a line the pull on the tripping plunger or the circuit-breaker on that line is so great that the resistance of the dash-pot to the movement is overcome at once and the line is disconnected from the remainder of the system.

The fact that a circuit-breaker may be designed to open the line which it connects, whenever the direction from which the flow of energy takes place is reversed, is taken advantage of at some sub-stations to guard against a flow of energy from a sub-station back toward the generating station. By this means a flow of energy from a sub-station to a short circuit in one of the lines or cables connecting it with the generating plant is prevented.


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