
Electrical transmission has reduced the cost of water-power development. Without transmission the power must be developed at a number of different points in order that there may be room enough for the buildings in which it is to be utilized. This condition necessitates relatively long canals to conduct the water to the several points where power is to be developed, and also a relatively large area of land with canal and river frontage.

With electrical transmission the power, however great, may well be developed at a single spot and on a very limited area of land. The canal in this case may be merely a short passageway from one end of a dam to a near-by power-house, or may disappear entirely when the power-house itself forms the dam, as is sometimes the case.

These differences between the distribution of water for power purposes and the development by water of electrical energy for transmission may be illustrated by many examples.

A typical case of the distribution of water to the points where power is wanted may be seen in the hydraulic development of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company at Manchester, N. H. This development includes a dam across the Merrimac River, and two parallel canals that follow one of its banks for about 3,400 feet down stream. By means of a stone dam and a natural fall a little beyond its toe a water head of about forty-eight feet is obtained at the upper end of the high-level canal. Below this point there is little drop in the bed of the river through that part of its course that is paralleled by the two canals. All of the power might be thus developed within a few rods of one end of the dam, if means were provided for its distribution to the points where it must be used.

Years ago, when this water-power was developed, the electrical transmission or distribution of energy was unheard of, and distribution of the water itself had therefore to be adopted. For this purpose the two canals already mentioned were constructed along the high bank of the river at two different levels.

Fig. 4.—Hydraulic Development on the Merrimac River.

Larger plan (124 kB)

The high-level canal, so called, was designed to take water directly from the basin or forebay a little below one end of the dam, so that between this canal and the river there is a full water head of about forty-eight feet. Over nearly its entire course the nearer side of this high-level canal runs between 450 and 750 feet from the edge of the river wall, and thus includes between it and the river a large area on which factories to be driven by water-wheels may be located. It was thought, however, that this strip of land between the high-level canal and the river was too wide for a single row of mill sites, and the lower level canal was therefore constructed parallel with that on the higher level, but with about twenty-one feet less elevation.

Between these two canals a strip of land about 250 feet wide was left for the location of mills. By this arrangement of canals it is possible to supply wheels located between the high and the low levels with water under a head of about twenty-one feet, and to supply wheels between the lower canal and the river with water under a head of about twenty-nine feet. The entire area of land between the high canal and the river is thus made readily available for factory buildings.

Water for the lower canal is drawn mainly from the high canal through the wheels in buildings that are located between the two canals. It is desirable in a case of this sort to have as much water flow through the wheels between the high and low canal as flows through the wheels between the low canal and the river, but this is not always possible. A gate is therefore provided at the forebay where the two canals start, by which water may pass from the forebay directly into the low canal when necessary, but the head of twenty-one feet between the forebay and the low canal is lost as to this water. Between the high and low canal, and between the low canal and the river twenty-three turbine wheels or pairs of wheels have been connected, and these wheels have a combined rating of 9,500 horse-power.

To carry out this hydraulic development it thus appears that about 1.3 miles of canal have been constructed; one-half this length of river-front has been required, and about one-sixth square mile of territory has been occupied. Contrast with this result what might have been done if electrical transmission of power had been available at the time when this water-power was developed. All but a few rods in length of the existing 1.3 miles of canal might have been omitted, and an electric generating station with wheels to take the entire flow of the river might have been located not far from one end of the dam. Factories utilizing the electric power thus developed might have been located at any convenient points along the river-front or elsewhere, and no space would have been made unavailable because of the necessity of head- and tail-water connections to scattered sets of wheels.

Compare with the foregoing hydraulic development that at CaÑon Ferry on the Missouri River, in Montana, where 10,000 horse-power is developed under a water-head of 32 feet. At CaÑon Ferry the power-house is 225 feet by 50 feet at the floor level inside, contains turbine wheels direct-connected to ten main generators of 7,500 kilowatts, or 10,000 horse-power combined capacity, and is built on the river bank close to one end of the 500-foot dam. The canal which runs along the land side of the power-house, and takes water at the up-stream side of the abutment, is about twice the length of the power-house itself. The saving in the cost of canal construction alone, to say nothing of the saving as to the required area of land, is evidently a large item in favor of the electrical development and transmission. In its small area and short canal the CaÑon Ferry plant is not an exception, but is rather typical of a large class of electric water-power plants that operate under moderate heads.

A like case may be seen in the plant at Red Bridge, on the Chicopee River, in Massachusetts, where a canal 340 feet long, together with penstocks 100 feet long, convey water from one end of the dam and deliver it to wheels in the electric station with a head of 49 feet. This station contains electric generators with a combined capacity of 4,800 kilowatts or 6,400 horse-power, and its floor area is 141 by 57 feet.

Fig. 5.—Canal at Red Bridge on Chicopee River.

So, again, at Great Falls, on the Presumpscot River, in North Gorham, Me. (see cut), the electric station sets about 40 feet in front of the forebay wall, which adjoins one abutment of the dam, and there is no canal whatever, as short penstocks bring water to the wheels with a head of 35 feet. In ground area this station is 67.5 by 55 feet, and its capacity in main generators is 2,000 kilowatts or 2,700 horse-power.

A striking illustration of the extent to which electrical transmission reduces the cost of water-power development may be seen at Gregg’s Falls on the Piscataquog River, in New Hampshire, where an electric station of 1,200 kilowatts capacity has been built close to one end of the dam, and receives water for its wheels under a head of 51 feet through a short penstock, 10 feet in diameter, that pierces one of the abutments.

Fig. 6.

Perhaps the greatest electric water-power station anywhere that rests close to the dam that provides the head for its wheels is that at Spier Falls (see cut), on the upper Hudson. One end of this station is formed by the high wall section of the dam, and from this wall the length of the station down-stream is 392 feet, while its width is 70 feet 10 inches, both dimensions being taken inside. The canal or forebay in this case, like that at CaÑon Ferry, lies on the bank side of the power-station, and is about equal to it in length. From this canal ten short penstocks, each 12 feet in diameter, will convey water under a head of 80 feet to as many sets of turbine wheels in the station. These wheels will drive ten generators with an aggregate capacity of 24,000 kilowatts or 32,000 horse-power.

Sometimes the slope in the bed of a river is so gradual or so divided up between the number of small falls, or the volume of water is so small, that no very large power can be developed at any one point without the construction of a long canal. In a case of this sort electrical transmission is again available to reduce the expense of construction that will make it possible to concentrate all the power from a long stretch of the river at a single point. This is done by locating electric generating stations at as many points as may be thought desirable along the river whose energy is to be utilized, and then transmitting power from all of these stations to the single point where it is wanted.

A case in point is that of Garvins Falls and Hooksett Falls on the Merrimac River and four miles apart. At the former of these two falls the head of water is twenty-eight feet, and at the latter it is sixteen feet. To unite the power of both these falls in a single water-driven station would obviously require a canal four miles long whose expense might well be prohibitive. Energy from both these falls is made available at a single sub-station in Manchester, N. H., by a generating plant at both points and transmission lines thence to that city.

At Hooksett the present capacity of the electric station is 1,000 horse-power, and at Garvins Falls the capacity is 1,700 horse-power. The river is capable of developing larger powers at both of these falls, however, and construction is now under way at Garvins that will raise its station capacity to 5,000 horse-power.

A similar result in the combination of water-powers without the aid of a long canal is reached in the case of Gregg’s Falls and Kelley’s Falls, which are three miles apart on the Piscataquog River. At the former of these two falls the electric generating capacity is 1,600 horse-power, as previously noted, and at the latter fall the capacity is 1,000 horse-power. In each case the station is close to its dam, and no canal is required. Electrical transmission unites these two powers in the same sub-station at Manchester that receives the energy from the two stations above named on the Merrimac River.

Instead of transmitting power from two or more waterfalls to some point distant from each of them, the power developed at one or more falls may be transmitted to the site of another and there used. This is, in fact, done at the extensive Ludlow twine mills on the Chicopee River, in Massachusetts. These mills are located at a point on the river where its fall makes about 2,500 horse-power available, and this fall has been developed to its full capacity. After a capacity of 2,400 horse-power in steam-engines had been added, more water-power was sought, and a new dam was located on the same river at a point about 4.5 miles up-stream from the mills. The entire flow of the river was available at this new dam, and a canal 4.5 miles long might have been employed to carry the water down to wheels at the mills in Ludlow.

Such a canal would have meant a large investment, not only for land and construction, but also, possibly, for damages to estates bordering on the river, if all of its water was diverted. Instead of such a canal, an electric generating station was located close to the new dam with a capacity of 6,400 horse-power, and this power is transmitted to motors in the mills at Ludlow.

Even where the power is to be utilized at some point distant from each of several waterfalls, it may be convenient to combine the power of all at one of them before transmitting it to the place of use. This is actually done in the case of two electric stations located respectively at Indian Orchard and Birchem Bend on the Chicopee River, whose energy is delivered to the sub-station of the electrical supply system in Springfield, Mass. At the Indian Orchard station the head of water is 36 feet, and at Birchem Bend it is 14 feet, while the two stations are about 2 miles apart. A canal of this length might have been built to give a head of 50 feet at the site of the Birchem Bend dam, but instead of this an electric station was located near each fall, and a transmission line was built between the two stations. Each generating station was also connected with the sub-station in Springfield by an independent line, and power is now transmitted from one generating plant to the other, as desired, and the power of both may go to the sub-station over either line. In the Indian Orchard station the dynamo capacity is about 2,000 kilowatts, and at Birchem Bend it is 800 kilowatts.

Another case showing the union of two water-powers by electrical transmission, where the construction of an expensive canal was avoided, is that of the electrical supply system of Hartford, Conn. This system draws a large part of its energy from two electric plants on the Farmington River, at points that are about 3 miles apart in the towns of Windsor and East Granby, respectively. At one of these plants the head of water is 32 feet, and at the other it is 23 feet, so that head of 55 feet might have been obtained by building a canal 3 miles long. Each of these stations is located near its dam, and the generator capacity at one station is 1,200 and at the other 1,500 kilowatts. Transmission lines deliver power from both of these plants to the same sub-station in Hartford.

Sometimes two or more water-powers on the same river that are to be united are so far apart that any attempt to construct a canal between them would be impracticable. This is illustrated by the Spier and Mechanicsville Falls on the Hudson River, which are 25 miles apart in a direct line and at a greater distance by the course of the stream. At Spier Falls the head is 80 feet, and at Mechanicsville it is 18 feet. Union of the power of these two falls is thus out of the question for physical reasons alone. Electrical transmission, however, brings energy from both of these water-powers to the same sub-stations in Schenectady, Albany, and Troy.

In another class of cases electrical transmission does what could not be done by any system of canals, however expensive; that is, unites the water-powers of distinct and distant rivers at any desired point. Thus power from both the Merrimac and the Piscataquog rivers is distributed over the same wires in Manchester; the Yuba and the Mokelumne contribute to electrical supply along the streets of San Francisco; and the Monte Alto and Tlalnepantla yield energy in the City of Mexico.

It does not follow from the foregoing that it is always more economical to develop two or more smaller water-powers at different points along a river for transmission to some common centre than it is to concentrate the water at a single larger station by more elaborate hydraulic construction, and then deliver all of the energy over a single transmission line. The single larger hydraulic and electric plant will usually have a first cost larger than that of the several smaller ones, because of the required canals or pipe lines. A partial offset to this larger hydraulic investment is the difference in cost between one and several transmission lines, or at least the cost of the lines that would be necessary between the several smaller stations in order to combine their energy output before its transmission over a single line to the point of use.

Against the total excess of cost for the single larger hydraulic and electrical plant there should be set the greater expense of operation at several smaller and separate plants. Even a small water-driven electric station that can be operated by a single attendant at any one time must have two attendants if it is to deliver energy during the greater part or all of every twenty-four hours. But a single attendant can care for a water-power plant of 2,000 horse-power or more capacity, so that two plants of 750 horse-power each will require double the operating force of one plant of 1,500 horse-power. If two such plants are constructed instead of one that has their combined capacity, the monthly wages of the two additional operators will amount to at least one hundred dollars. If money is worth six per cent yearly, it follows that an additional investment of $1,200 ÷ 0.06 = $20,000 might be made in hydraulic work to concentrate the power at one point before the annual interest charge would equal the increase of wages made necessary by two plants.

Reliability of operation is one of the most important requirements in an electric water-power plant, and its construction should be carried out with this in view. Anchor ice is a serious menace to the regular operation of water-wheels in cold climates, because it clogs up the openings in the racks and in the wheel passages. Anchor ice is formed in small particles in the water of shallow and fast-flowing streams, and tends to form into masses on solid substances with which the water comes in contact.

At the entrance to penstocks or wheel chambers, steel racks with long, narrow openings, say one and one-quarter inches wide, are regularly placed to keep all floating objects away from the wheels. When water bearing fine anchor or frazil ice comes in contact with these racks, it rapidly clogs up the narrow openings between the bars, unless men are kept at work raking off the ice as it forms. At the Niagara Falls electric station, in some instances, when the racks become clogged, they have been lifted, and the anchor ice allowed to pass down through the wheels. This is said to have proved an effective remedy, but it would obviously be of no avail in a case where the ice clogged the passages of the wheels themselves.

The best safeguard against anchor ice is a large, deep forebay next to the racks, where the water, being comparatively quiet, will soon freeze over after cold weather commences. The anchor ice coming down to this forebay and losing most of its forward motion, soon rises to the surface or to the under side of the top coating of solid ice, and the warmer water sinks to the bottom. Good construction puts the entrance ends of penstocks well below the surface of water in the forebay, so that they may receive the warmer water that contains little or no anchor ice.

Fig. 7.—Cross Section of Dike on Chicopee River at Red Bridge.

Illustrations of practice along these lines, as to size, depth of forebay, and location of penstocks may be seen in many well-designed plants. One instance is that at Garvins Falls, on the Merrimac River, where the new hydraulic development for 5,000 horse-power is now under way. Water from the river in this case comes down to the power-station through a canal 500 feet long, and of 68 feet average width midway between the bottom and the normal flow line. In depth up to his flow line the canal is 12 feet at its upper and 13 feet at its lower end, just before it widens into the forebay. In this forebay the depth increases to 17 feet, and the width at the rack is double that of the canal. The steel penstocks, each 12 feet in diameter, terminate in the forebay wall at an average distance of 7 feet behind the rack, and each penstock has its centre 10.6 feet below the water level in the forebay. As there is a large pond created by the dam in this case, and as the flow of water in the canal is deep rather than swift, enough opportunity is probably afforded for any anchor ice to rise to the surface before it reaches the forebay in this case.

Penstocks for the electric station at Great Falls, on the Presumpscot River, whence energy is drawn for lighting and power in Portland, Me., are each 8 feet in diameter, and pierce the forebay wall behind the rack with their centres 15 feet below the normal water level in the forebay. In front of the forebay wall the water stands 27 feet deep, and the pond formed by the dam, of which the forebay wall forms one section, is 1,000 feet wide and very quiet. Though the Maine climate is very cold in winter and the Presumpscot is a turbulent stream above the dam and pond, there has never been any trouble with anchor ice at the Great Falls plant. An excellent illustration is thus presented of the fact that deep, still water in the forebay is a remedy for troubles with ice of this sort.

Maximum loads on electrical supply systems are usually from twice to four times as great as the average loads during each twenty-four hours. A pure lighting service tends toward the larger ratio between the average and maximum load, while a larger motor capacity along with the lamps, tends to reduce the ratio. Furthermore, by far the greater part of the energy output of an electrical supply system during each twenty-four hours must be delivered between noon and midnight. For these reasons there must be enough water stored, that can flow to the station as wanted, to carry a large share of the load during each day, unless storage batteries are employed to absorb energy at times of light load, if the entire normal flow of the river is to be utilized.

It is usually much cheaper to store water than electrical energy for the daily fluctuations of load, and the only practicable place for this storage is most commonly behind the dam that maintains the head for the power-station. This storage space should be so large that the drain upon it during the hours of heavy load will lower the head of water on the wheels but little, else it may be hard to maintain the standard speed of revolution for the wheels and generators, and consequently the transmission voltage.

Fig. 8.—Valley Flooded above Spier Falls on the Hudson River.

At the Great Falls plant, water storage to provide for the fluctuations of load in different parts of the day takes place back of the dam, and for about one mile up-stream. This dam is 450 feet long in its main part, and a retaining wall increases the total length to about 1,000 feet. For half a mile up-stream from this dike and dam the average width of the pond is 1,000 feet, and its greatest depth is not less than 27 feet. As the station capacity is 2,700 horse-power in main generators, with a head of 35 feet at the wheels the storage capacity is more than ample for all changes of load at different times of day.

The dam at Spier Falls, on the Hudson River, is 1,820 feet long between banks, 155 feet high above bedrock in its deepest section, and raises the river 50 feet above its former level. Behind the dam a lake is formed one-third of a mile wide and 5 miles long. Water from this storage reservoir passes down through the turbines with a head of 80 feet, and is to develop 32,000 horse-power. As a little calculation will show, this lake is ample to maintain the head under any fluctuation in the daily load. At CaÑon Ferry, where electrical energy for Butte and Helena, Mont., is developed, the dam, which is 480 feet long, crosses the river in a narrow canyon that extends up-stream for about half a mile. Above this canyon the river valley widens out, and the dam, which maintains a head of 30 feet at the power-station, sets back the water in this valley, and thus forms a lake between two and three miles wide and about seven miles long. At the station the generator equipment has a total rating of 10,000 horse-power. From these figures it may be seen that the storage lake would be able to maintain nearly the normal head of water for some hours, when the station was operating under full load, however small the flow of the river above.

Fig. 9.—Canal at Bulls Bridge on Housatonic River.


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