
Electrical energy may be transmitted around the world if the line voltage is unlimited. This follows from the law that a given power may be transmitted to any distance with constant efficiency and a fixed weight of conductors, provided the voltage is increased directly with the distance.

The physical limits of electric-power transmission are thus fixed by the practicable voltage that may be employed. The effects of the voltage of transmission must be met in the apparatus at generating and receiving stations on the one hand, and along the line on the other. In both situations experience is the main guide, and theory has little that is reliable to offer as to the limit beyond which the voltage will prove unworkable.

Electric generators are the points in a transmission system where the limit of practical voltage is first reached. In almost all high-voltage transmissions of the present day in the United States alternating generators are employed. Very few if any continuous-current dynamos with capacities in the hundreds of kilowatts and voltages above 4,000 have been built in Europe, and probably none in the United States. Where a transmission at high voltage is to be accomplished with continuous current, two or more dynamos are usually joined in series at the generating station, and a similar arrangement with motors is made at the receiving station, so that the desired voltage is available at the line though not present at any one machine.

Alternating dynamos that deliver current at about 6,000 volts have been in regular use for some years, in capacities of hundreds of kilowatts each, and may readily be had of several thousand kilowatts capacity. But even 6,000 volts is not an economical pressure for transmissions over fifteen to fifty miles, such as are now quite common; consequently in such transmissions it has been the rule to employ alternators that operate at less than 3,000 volts, and to raise this voltage to the desired line pressure by step-up transformers at the generating station. More recently, however, the voltage of alternating generators has been pushed as high as 13,000 in the revolving-magnet type where all the armature windings are stationary. This voltage makes it practicable to dispense with the use of step-up transformers for transmissions up to or even beyond 30 miles in some cases. This voltage of 13,000 in the armature coils is attained only by constructions involving some difficulty because of the relatively large amount of room necessary for the insulating materials on coils that develop this pressure. The tendency of this construction is to give alternators unusually large dimensions per given capacity. It seems probable, moreover, that the pressures developed in the armature coils of alternating generators must reach their higher limits at a point much below the 50,000 and 60,000 volts in actual use on present transmission lines. In the longest transmissions with alternating current there is, therefore, little prospect that step-up transformers at the generating stations and step-down transformers at receiving stations can be dispensed with. The highest voltage that may be received or delivered at these stations is simply the highest that it is practicable to develop by transformers and to transmit by the line.

A very high degree of insulation is much more easy to attain in transformers than in generator armatures, because the space that can be readily made available for insulating materials is far greater in the transformers, and further because their construction permits the complete immersion of their coils in petroleum. This oil offers a much greater resistance than air to the passage of electric sparks, which tend to set up arcs between coils at very high voltages and thus destroy the insulation. Danger to insulation from the effect known as creeping between coils at widely different pressures is largely avoided by immersion of the coils in oil. For several years groups of transformers have been worked regularly at 40,000 to 60,000 volts, and in no instance is there any indication that the upper limit of practicable voltage has been reached. On the contrary, transformers have repeatedly been worked experimentally up to and above 100,000 volts.

From all these facts, and others of similar import, it is fair to conclude that the physical limit to the voltages that it is practicable to obtain with transformers is much above the 50,000 or 60,000 volts now in practical use on transmission systems. So far as present practice is concerned, the limit to the use of high voltages must be sought beyond the transformers and outside of generating and receiving stations. As now constructed, the line is that part of the transmission system where a physical limit to the use of higher voltages will first be reached. The factors that tend most directly to this limit are two: temporary arcing between the several wires on a pole, and the less imposing but constant passage of energy from one wire to another. On lines of very high voltage arcing is occasionally set up by one of several causes. At a point where one or more of the insulators on which the wires are mounted become broken or defective, the current is apt to flow from one wire to another along a wet cross-arm, until the wood grows carbonized and an arc is formed that ends by burning up the cross-arm or even the pole. Where lines are exposed to heavy sea fog, the salt is in some cases deposited on the insulators and cross-arms to an extent that starts an arc between the wires, and ends often in the destruction of the cross-arm. In some instances the glass and porcelain insulators supporting wires used with high voltages are punctured by sparks that pass right through the material of the insulator to the pin on which it is mounted, thus burning the pin and ultimately the cross-arm. This trouble is easily met, however, by the adoption of a better grade of porcelain or of an insulator with a greater thickness of glass or porcelain between the wires and the supporting pin. Arcs between lines at high voltages usually start by sparks that jump from the lower edges of insulators, when they are wet or covered with salt deposit, to the cross-arm. As the lower edges of insulators are only a few inches from their cross-arms, the sparks find a path of comparatively low resistance by passing from insulator to cross-arm and thence to the other insulator and wire. The wood of a wet cross-arm is a far better conductor than the air. Where wires are several feet or more apart, sparks probably never jump directly through the air from one to the other. Large birds flying close to such wires, however, have in some instances started momentary arcs between them. The treatment of cross-arms with oil or paraffine reduces the number of arcs that occur on a line of high voltage, but does not do away with them.

As the voltages of long transmissions have gone up, the distance through the air between wires and the distances between the lower wet edges of insulators and the cross-arms have been much increased. Most of the earlier transmission lines for high voltages were erected on insulators spaced from one to two feet apart. In contrast with this practice, the three wires of the transmission line in operation at 50,000 volts between CaÑon Ferry and Butte are arranged at the corners of a triangle seventy-eight inches apart, one wire at the top of each pole and the other two at opposite ends of the cross-arm. A voltage that would just start an arc along a wet cross-arm between wires eighteen inches apart would be quite powerless to do so over seventy-eight inches of cross-arm, the lower wet edges of insulators being equidistant from cross-arms in the two cases. To reach the cross-arm, the electric current passes down over the wet or dirty outside surface of the insulator to its lower edge. In the older types of insulators the lower wet edge often came within two inches of the cross-arm. For the 50,000-volt line just mentioned the insulators (see illus.) are mounted with their lower wet edges about eight inches above the cross-arms. At its lower edge each insulator has a diameter of nine inches, and a small glass sleeve extends several inches below this edge and close to the wooden pin, to prevent sparking from the lower wet edge of the insulator to the pin. These increased distances between wires in a direct line through the air, and also the greater distances between the lower wet edges of insulators and their pins and cross-arms, are proving fairly effective to prevent serious arcing under good climatic conditions, for the maximum pressures of 50,000 to 60,000 volts now in use. If these voltages are to be greatly exceeded it is practically certain that the distance between wires, and from the lower wet edges of insulators to the wood of poles or cross-arms, must be still further increased to avoid destructive arcing.

The nearest approach to an absolute physical limit of voltage with present line construction is met in the constant current of energy through the air from wire to wire of a circuit. A paper in vol. XV., Transactions American Institute Electrical Engineers, gives the tests made at Telluride, Col., to determine the rates at which energy is lost by passing through the air from one wire to another of the same circuit. The tests at Telluride were made with two-wire circuits strung on a pole line 11,720 feet in length, at first with iron wires of 0.165 inch diameter and then with copper wires of 0.162 inch diameter. Measurements were made of the energy escaping from wire to wire at different voltages on the line, and also with the two wires at various distances apart. It was found that the loss of energy over the surfaces of insulators was very slight, and that the loss incident to the passage of energy directly through the air is the main one to be considered. This leakage through the air varies with the length of the line, as might be expected. Tests were made with pairs of wires running the entire length of the pole line and at distances of 15, 22, 35, and 52 inches apart respectively. Losses with wires 22 or 35 inches apart were intermediate to the losses when wires were 15 and 52 inches apart respectively. Results given in the original paper for the pair of wires that were 15 inches apart and for the pair that were 52 inches apart are here reduced to approximate watts per mile of two-wire line. At 40,000 volts the loss between the two wires that were 15 inches apart was about 150 watts per mile, and between the two wires that were 52 inches apart the loss was 84 watts per mile. The two wires 15 inches apart showed a leakage of approximately 413 watts per mile when the voltage was up to 44,000, but the wires 52 inches apart were subject to a leakage of only 94 watts per mile at the same voltage. At 47,300 volts, the highest pressure recorded for the two wires 15 inches apart, the leakage between them was about 1,215 watts per mile, while an equal voltage on the two wires 52 inches apart caused a leakage of only 122 watts per mile, or one-tenth of that between the wires that were 15 inches apart. When about 50,000 volts were reached on the two wires 52 inches apart, the leakage between them amounted to 140 watts per mile; but beyond this voltage the loss went up rapidly, and was 225 watts per mile at about 54,600 volts. For higher pressures the loss between these two wires still more rapidly increased, and amounted to 1,368 watts per mile with about 59,300 volts, the highest pressure recorded. With a loss of about 1,215 watts per mile between the two wires 52 inches apart, the voltage on them was 58,800, in contrast with the 47,300 volts producing the same leakage on the two wires 15 inches apart.

Evidently, however, at even 52 inches between line wires the limit of high voltage is not far away. When the voltage on the 52-inch line was raised from 54,600 to 59,300, the leakage loss between the two wires increased about 1,143 watts per mile. If the leakage increases at least in like proportion, as seems probable, for still higher pressures, the loss between the two wires would amount to 6,321 watts per mile with 80,000 volts on the line. On a line 200 miles long this loss by leakage between the two wires would amount to 1,264,200 watts. Any such leakage as this obviously sets an absolute, physical limit to the voltage, and consequently the length of transmission.

Fortunately for the future delivery of energy at great distances from its source, the means to avoid the limit just discussed are not difficult. Other experiments have shown that with a given voltage and distance between conductors the loss of energy from wire to wire decreases rapidly as their diameters increase. The electrical resistance of air, like that of any other substance, increases with the length of the circuit through it. The leakage described is a flow of electrical energy through the air from one wire to another of the same circuit. To reduce this leakage it is simply necessary to give the path from wire to wire through the air greater electrical resistance by increasing its length, that is, by placing the wires at greater distances apart. The fact demonstrated at Telluride, that with 47,300 volts on each line the leakage per mile between the two wires 15 inches apart was ten times as great as the leakage between the two wires 52 inches apart, is full of meaning. Evidently, leakage through the air may be reduced to any desired extent by suitable increase of distance between the wires of the same circuit. But to carry this increase of distance between wires very far involves radical changes in line construction. Thus far it has been the uniform practice to carry the two or three wires of a transmission circuit on a single line of poles, and in many cases several such circuits are mounted on the same pole line. For the 65 mile transmission into Butte, Mont., only the three wires of a single circuit are mounted on one pole line, and this represents the best present practice. The cross-arms on this line are each 8 feet long, and one is attached to each pole. The poles are not less than 35 feet long and have 8-inch tops. One wire is mounted at the top of each pole, and the other two wires near the ends of the cross-arm, so that the three wires are equidistant and 78 inches apart. By the use of still heavier poles the length of cross-arms may be increased to 12 or 14 feet, for which their section should be not less than 4 by 6 inches. Placing one wire at the pole top, the 12-foot cross-arm would permit the three wires of a circuit to be spaced about 10.5 feet apart. The cost of extra large poles goes up rapidly and there are alternative constructions that seem better suited to the case. Moreover, a few tens of thousands of volts above present practice would bring us again to a point where even 10.5 feet between wires would not prevent a prohibitive leakage. Two poles might be set 20 feet apart, with a cross-piece between them, extending out 5 feet beyond each pole and having a total length of 30 feet. This would permit three wires to be mounted along the cross-piece at points about 14 feet apart.

If the present transmission pressures of 50,000 to 60,000 volts are to be greatly exceeded, the line structure may involve the use of a separate pole for each wire of a circuit, each wire to be mounted at the top of its pole. This construction calls for three lines of poles to carry the three wires of a three-phase transmission. Each of these poles may be of only moderate dimensions, say 30 feet long with 6- or 7-inch top. The cost of three of these poles will exceed by only a moderate percentage that of a 35- or 40-foot pole with an 8- to 10-inch top, such as would be necessary with 12-foot cross-arms. The distance between these poles at right angles to the line may be anything desired, so that leakage from wire to wire through the air will be reduced to a trifling matter at any voltage. Extra long pins and insulators at the pole tops will easily give a distance of two feet or more between the lower wet edge of each insulator and the wood of pin or pole. Such line construction would probably safely carry two or three times the maximum voltage of present practice, and might force the physical limit of electrical transmission back to the highest pressure at which transformers could be operated. With not more than 60,000 volts on the line the size of conductors is great enough in many cases to keep the loss of energy between them within moderate limits when they are six feet apart, but with a large increase of voltage the size of conductors must go up or the distances between them must increase.


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